Think carefully,friend ! not easy as u think...i been Europe since 2003 to 2009,i rather stay at my homeland than oversea ,even though the currency such attractive,but there r lot of incidents or problems beyond your control,that's truth..No risk No Gain ,remind this !作者: alexkok 时间: 2010-5-21 07:47 PM
之前我也想过,可是最后还是放弃国外淘金之梦。作者: qt_ice123 时间: 2010-5-21 08:03 PM
要想清楚,不是每个人都那么幸运能淘到金回国!有些人花了一大笔钱,结果什么金都没淘到,就回国了!如果你不认识人,要找工作,人家可能会跟你要介绍费,然后住跟吃也需要钱!还没做工就要花掉一笔了!要想清楚啊作者: Mivec酷 时间: 2010-5-25 08:53 PM
如果给我选我选日本。。。作者: 狙击手 时间: 2010-6-9 07:23 PM
最重要是生活能过得去就ok了作者: yyy1 时间: 2010-6-9 07:25 PM
新加坡咯,最简单~作者: Wins2003 时间: 2010-6-30 08:34 PM