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[多人] 高清英文页游Omens 11月28日开启虚幻之门










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发表于 2013-11-12 11:49 AM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
高清英文页游Omens  11月28日开启虚幻之门
FREE to Play Fantasy-themed MMORPG  “Omens” Sneak Peek   Closed Beta on 28 November 2013

The Voomga platform’s latest release, “Omens”, is a browser based MMORPG developed for use on an exclusive game engine developed, in partnership, with international software giant Adobe.  In this article we briefly look into some of the features players can expect to experience in this groundbreaking new model of browser based MMO.

此外,《Omens》独创出业内领先的“天眼体系”,并采用Stage 3D加速图形渲染,玩家可以随意切换视角,体验神话世界的视觉张力。同时,华丽的技能特效、灵动的法器空战、绚丽的紫羽翅膀、PK无限的洞天福地,也将带来不一样的上古洪荒传奇。
“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds.
The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios.  And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!

Welcome to Omens

Omens Fanpage: www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Omens Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/










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发表于 2013-11-12 03:21 PM |只看该作者

The scenery of “Omens” is set firmly in the traditions and history of the East, in which the consideration of your ancestors is an incredibly important part of life.

The wrath of an ancestor could be your misfortune, but so too couldthe generosity of an ancestor be the ultimate boon.

The “Appeal” system centers on the premise of the player, in their family temple or ancestral hall, devoting objects to an ancestor as a means of showing them esteem and respect. A player may for example burn a bundle of ‘Incense’ in the ‘Incense Pot’. A gesture for which a player would supernaturally - but by no means

unwelcomingly - a rather hefty quantity of silver and gold that cascades (beautifully rendered by our Adobe technology) down the screen. What a player devotes, and how muchof it,is what decides the quality of the rewards they will receive!

The “Treasure Hunting” system is the comparatively more indirect route to connecting with your ancestors. With the help of ancient maps and useful clues handed down by your ancestors, it allows the player the opportunity to search out and dig up ancestral relics and treasures (carelessly mislaid as much as carefully hidden – but don’t say that to them!).

Welcome to Omens

Omens Fanpage: www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Omens Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/


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发表于 2013-11-13 07:22 PM |只看该作者



What kind of pets are there, you ask? Well, we’ve got a great deal in the way of pet models, from wolves, monkeys, foxes, tigers, even dragons, and many more besides that. But what really sets “Omens” apart is that it provides players with a variety of paths over which their pets may develop. Few paths are ever the same; some pets will also evolve to have different appearances – some appearing holy and pristine, other grizzled and brutal.

The environment will also affect the way in which the pet evolves. A pet’s AI is also unique, some pets being intelligent enough to make decisions for itself, defending or healing you when low on health, and attackingappropriate enemies when necessary, too.

The first pet all players receive is the “Pup”. When a player has accumulated sufficient Pet Eggs they will be able to attempt pet evolution. If the evolution proves completely successful, a “Pup” will transform into a “Silver Fox”; an unsuccessful, unsmooth evolution will result in the “Pup”turning into a “Tusked Boar” (unsuccessful evolutions can be caused by delayed or staggered completions, for example).

While a‘unsmooth evolution’ still results a more powerful pet, they are not as powerful as they would have been if the evolution were smooth. Pets that have evolved smoothly also behaviorin a more intelligent way in battles.

[Pet Instances]

Our development team has been hard at work opening up Pet Instances. These special instances are unique to “Omens”allowing your pet the chance to participate in comprehensive training of its own. Your Pet’s AI alone will be sufficient enough to allow it to auto-combat through these instances, as well as being able to collect loot and perform necessary upgrades to itself.  It doesn’t matter what level your pet is at, send it for a course of training in the pet instances and you’ll have yourself a powerful companion in no time.
For more information on the fantastic features of “Omens” stay tuned to the Voomga website!

Fanpage: www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website: http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-14 05:02 PM |只看该作者
《Omens》最强职业选择 职业设定揭秘

In “Omens”, players choose a class for their character from the moment of its creation. There are In total three classes from which players may choose: the “Warrior”, the “Healer” and the “Archer”. Veterans of MMOs will probably be familiar with these archetypes, but it should be noted that all three classes are capable of pulling off some awesome DPS, though each is provided with class-unique functional and support capabilities. This will be expanded in the below passage:

The Warrior
The warrior is the master of sword and board - as capable of going in offense as they are in defense. They are said to be the keepers of the ancient arts of swordsmanship first practiced by the legendary Dark Emperor, from whom, it is also said, that all those who follow the call of the sword are directly descended from. The warrior practices his or her art in seeking peace and defending it.

In “Omens”, a warrior will be found in the thick of the action, closely combating enemies. Warriors benefit from the high survivability provided by their armor and innate robustness.

The Healer
The healer harnesses the vast powers of nature to preserve balance and protect life. With the proper training and dedication, the healer will be able to unleash the powers of nature against their enemies, damaging, ensnaring and binding them.

The healer participates in a fight from at range, firing off damaging spells, group support spells and crowd controlling spells.

The Archer
The archer is the expert marksman, capable of dropping enemies dead in their tracks with a single, well aimed shot. Even if an enemy were able to stand up against the fast, well aimed shots, he would find the archer more than capable at close range too. The arts of stealth and survival are known to all good archers, too.

The archers excels at long-range dps and has several very functional abilities that allow them to get the drop on an enemy!

For more information on the fantastic features of “Omens” stay tuned to the Voomga website!

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-15 06:53 PM |只看该作者





‘Player versus Player’ in “Omens”

[Random PvP]
Whenever a player character comes across another player character of any one of the opposing factions whose PvP flag is also turned on that player may attack the other (excepting in safe zones, such as those in cities).

[House Gladiator]
Before taking up arms to fight for the glory of your House, first you must prove yourself worthy of that cause. Random world PvP is one way to test the limits of your own skills, but to ensure you are sufficiently skilled to represent your house in the ‘House Wars’, players must prove their stuff in the ‘House Gladiator’ tournament.

Within this tournament, a player must prove themselves able to defeat a certain amount of other players within their House, and in doing so will earn their right to represent their House.

[House Wars]
The House Wars pits the champions of the House Gladiator tournaments against each other in teams representing their Houses. This is a contest in which there can only be one winner. Player participating in House Wars are automatically flagged for PvP and are far game for any other champion of the Houses. The House that acquires the most points through killing players of the Houses within the set period of the War will achieve victory (other objectives that award points include killing bosses).

There are various rewards for both participating in and winning House Wars, these include, in no particular order: experience, rare items, skills, and even access to a special event we’re working on (see below).

[Special PvP Events In Development]
As the victors of House Wars represent the very best champion the world has to offer, we’ll be offering them the opportunity to participate in an exclusive special event. The task of the champions in this event is not just to defend their House, but their whole world from a dark menace. The rewards for this event will be correspondingly epic and rare. Stay tuned for more info on this event as it becomes available!

For more exciting news regarding “Omens” stay tuned to Voomga.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple.

Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-18 05:43 PM |只看该作者
“Omens”Instances Overview




Like the rest of the game, instances in Omens draw upon the settings and stories of the rich culture of Eastern antiquity. Players may explore in instances iconic settings such as the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Other instanced content includes legendary tournaments against the famous figures of the past and special, instanced scenarios that teach a player about the glorious and bloody mythology of the ancient East.

Opportunities are abound in “Omens” instances. A variety of different objectives are available to the player depending on what they enjoy more or how powerful they are - not just a single ‘clear everything’ objective.If you’re looking for a challenge there will always be one; if you’re looking to just explore that option (and many others!) is also open to you.

Our intelligent Adobe engine also allows a player to experience and battle in an instance that is constantly changing as you play it, adapting itself in response to your character getting stronger, for example. Or adding random boss mobs. These changes can be large or small, but always add to the experience.

More detailed information on individual instances will be available in the near future. We can assure you though that“Omens” will set a new benchmark for instancing.

Fanpage: www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website: http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-19 07:38 PM |只看该作者



“Gallantry” System in “Omens”

We’ve all had the frustrating experience of having trawled through a difficult instance, dying on several occasions, and consuming stacks of meds, to eventually defeat that tricky boss only to find you cannot even use the rare gear that it dropped. No doubt the experience of having bags filled to bursting with unwanted magical gear is just as annoying.

Well, in “Omens” we’ve added a system that allows to make the most of both of these type of situations and still improve your character in the process.


Gallantry is a system in which the player is able to ‘distill’ the magic present in unwanted gear (must be of at least green quality) into a form of character boosting gallantry ‘experience’. As this experiences accumulates, characters will progress through twenty-four stages that award progressively high boosts to the character’s HP, Ward and Armor. Higher level and rarer pieces of armor naturally provide more gallantry experience per distill.

This means that even if your character cannot benefit from an awesome piece of gear by equipping it, they can still benefit greatly from it through distilling. No need to throw it away, no need to go through the process of finding someone to buy it. And, also, don’t forget none of your old armor pieces need be wasted either! As you replace old armor, you can still squeeze out that last bit of improvement it had to offer through the gallantry system!

For more exciting news regarding “Omens” stay tuned to Voomga.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-20 07:21 PM |只看该作者


Graphical Splendor in “Omens”
“Omens”, Voomga’s latest, ‘Adobe’ Flash 11 powered browser game (see: http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main) will be available for open testing on the 28th November.

According to customer surveying in recent years players are reported to be most likely (67.3%) to be attracted to a game based on the quality of its graphics, and within this sample 61.4% would also be most likely to play if the graphics were 3D. In short, there has been overwhelming trend to lean towards games that are graphically superior.

In the past, high graphical standards were achievable through client based games, but at the cost of accessibility. Nowadays,however, technology like Unity3D 3.5, Flash11, HTML5 and others have made the surge in browser basedGames all the more possible. As technology, such as those mentioned above, have been able to reconcile the demand for graphical quality with greater accessibility, more and more players have been able to turntowards (and are reveling in) the opportunity to play games in the more accessible medium of the internet browser.

Blogger and former Mozilla employee, Rob Hawkes, has predicted that 2013 would be a significant transition year for browser based games, in which higher graphical qualitygames could be made and consequently result in an exponential increases in their popularity. With the strong demand for graphical quality already having established as an important prerequisite for gamer interest, browser-based game are now very much more ‘in the game’. The revolution in browser-based game graphics is supplemented by the traditional advantages of browser-based games over the client-based: the lack of a large download or cumbersome installation process, browser-based games

”Omens”very much intends to be a pioneer in this new generation of browser-based game graphics.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-21 08:40 PM |只看该作者



PvP Strategies in “Omens”

[Understanding Your Skills]
To make the best of the skills you use, first it is important you know what they do – are they single target or multi-target? Are they crowd controlling? How often can I use them? Or against which type of enemy would they be effective or ineffective?
Placing your skills in your skills quickbar is also essential – it will allow quick, easy casting of your skills with only a single click of a keyboard key.

[Using Your Special Skills]
A player’s Stellar Skills can be the deciding factor in any battle. Using a Stellar Skill at the right moment is a surefire way to earn victory. Always be aware of how many Stellar Points (acquired from killing monsters) you character has, as they are required to use your Stellar Skills. Going into battle without Stellar Points could literally be fatal!

[Using Your Wings]
Some people say the best defense is a good offense; others that a good offense is a good defense. Of course, this depends on your personal play style. It also depends very much on the class you play. A warrior, for example, benefits from a proportionally higher defense compared with, say, the Archer, who would usually have a higher attack. But what if you were an Archer and wanted to be more tanky? Well, Wings provides players with the option to focus their characters development along the path the player desires. Want more defense? Set your Wings to develop along a defensive path. Want more evasive or stealthy attributes? Set your wings to that, then.

What’s more is that certain types of Wings also provide unique skills. For example, Wings of Triumph provide the player with ‘stealthy’ skills. This allows the players to augment skills already associated with the class, or perhaps add new skills to a character ‘s repertoire of skills.

For more exciting news regarding “Omens” stay tuned to Voomga.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-22 05:20 PM |只看该作者





The Wings System in“Omens”

With the release of Voomga 2013’s ”Omens” only eight days away now, we’ve had the opportunity to look into it’s fantastic Wings system.

[Accessory and Tool]
Wings provide players with a versatile tool of mobility. Using their Wings, players may fly, may sprint, and when they’ve found that perfect spot, say, perched high above a waterfall, or next to some tranquil lake, they may land and meditate.

[Not Just Aesthetic]
No two pairs of Wings will ever be the same. Wings provides players with the option to focus their charactersdevelopment along the path the player desires. Want more defense? Set your Wings to developalong a defensive path. Want more evasive or stealthy attributes? Then you may set your wings to that. This is of course in addition to the aesthetic changes your Wings will got through, from the spectacular Wings of Magic, to the demonic Wings of Darkness, the ethereal Wings of Rebirth, or the blazing Wings of Dawn.

[Aspect Soul]
The gift of the Gods, Wings are naturally imbued with more than just everyday power. Locked away inside your Wings are the power of the four powerful elemental aspects: Green Serpent, Red Crane, White Tiger and Black Torta. On your travels in the world of “Omens”, an adventurer might come across Aspect Shards, which when combined, can be used to unlock a small measure of the power of these Aspects. Each Aspect provides different kinds of boost, bonuses and power.

For more exciting news regarding “Omens” stay tuned to Voomga.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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