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本帖最后由 zacisme 于 2012-5-4 12:10 AM 编辑
只是在我 ...
无聊笨小孩 发表于 2012-5-3 10:36 PM 
How Anwar performed as Finance Minister
Whatever you may think of Anwar, he did manage to reduce the country’s budget deficit (as a percentage of GDP) and later even presided over surplus years.

资料来源:www.tradingeconomics.com | 马来西亚政府,财政部
Anwar was appointed Finance Minister in 1991 in the Mahathir administration and deputy PM in 1993. He was ousted from power in 1998.
Some (including me) may have reservations about what they perceive to be his neo-liberal inclinations, but it has to be said that we haven’t seen a surplus since Anwar was unceremoniously thrown out of office.
In fact, those five years of surpluses are the only years the government has achieved a surplus from 1970 until now.
No kidding – look at the figures from 1970 (figures from Bank Negara).

图表: 收入 | 支出 | 盈余/赤字(-)| 总发展开支 | 减除:贷款回收率 | 净发展开支 | 总体盈余/赤字(-)
[url= http://aliran.com/7537.html]http://aliran.com/7537.html[/url]
Towards a bankrupt Malaysia?
Subramaniam Pillay looks at the worrying rising trend of federal government debt and wonders if Malaysia will go bankrupt. At our current rate of borrowing, it won’t take long before we become another Greece.

That the budget that was tabled in the Dewan Rakyat on 7 October 2011 was an election budget is very clear. There have been numerous detailed comments on the budget by politicians and analysts (since then). In this article, we are just going to focus on one of the long term issues from the budget. It concerns the increasing debt burden of the federal government.
How big is the government debt?
The accompanying chart shows the federal government’s outstanding debt at the end of the successive years. As can be seen, the debt has been increasing since 1970. From the detailed data available form Bank Negara’s website, in 1991, it reached a temporary peak of RM99bn and then decreased to RM90bn by 1997. From then, it has been virtually doubling every five years. By the end of 2011, we can expect the figure to reach RM450bn.
In other words, since the Asian crisis of 1998, we have been growing by borrowing heavily. In the 10 years since 1999, our debt has quadrupled. If we continue on this path, by 2020, our national debt will reach RM1.6 trillion. If our population is 40 million then, each Malaysian will have a debt burden of more than RM40000 and this does not include our own personal borrowing. Assuming an interest rate of 5 per cent, paying the interest alone will cost the taxpayers RM80bn per year!
The government has been reassuring us by saying that our debt is manageable. It argues that the debt at the end of 2012 will be only 54 per cent of our GDP, which is relatively low compared to the current crisis nations like Greece and Italy. (GDP is a measure of the total value of all the goods and services produced in a year in the country.) While it may not reach the levels of Greece by 2012, at our current rate of borrowing it won’t take long before we become another Greece. Just to put this in perspective, our giant neighbour, Indonesia has a debt of only 23 per cent of GDP! Singapore has no debts.
政府一直叫我们放心说我们的这些债务是可处理的,它辩称该债务在2012年底将只会是我们生产总值的54%,也就是与现有的危机国家如希腊和意大利相对而言较低(国内生产总值(GDP)是衡量每年在全国生产的所有商品和服务的总价值。). 尽管它可能不会达到2012年的希腊水平,但从我们目前的借贷比率来看不用多久我们将会变成另一个希腊。就整体来看,我们庞大的邻国,印尼的债务只占国内生产总值的23%!新加坡则完全没有债务。
The federal government debt alone does not tell the full story. Many government-owned enterprises also have borrowings. If these figures are included, then the total debt would be much higher. It is difficult to get the complete data on these borrowings.
Why has the debt been growing so rapidly?
Since the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis, the government expenditure has consistently exceeded its revenue by a considerable margin. For example, in 2011 the spending is estimated to be RM229bn while the revenue will be only RM183bn. So the shortfall of RM46bn has to be met by borrowing.
Of course it is not expected that the government balances its books every year. Prudent economic management requires the government to balance its budget over an entire business cycle. So we can have deficits during bad years and budget surpluses during good years. Since 1998, we have had at least two business cycles; yet every year without fail we have had budget deficits!
This is evidence of fiscal irresponsibility. Here is a government which does not know the meaning of saving for a rainy day. A good example is the situation in the current year.
这就是一个财务上不负责任的证据。这就是一个不懂得什么是未雨绸缪以备不时之需的政府。今年的情况就是一个很好的例子。 |