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请问大家~可不可以分享一些narrative essay的文章或者是网站?感激不尽!!









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2012-9-26 11:53 PM |只看该作者 |正序浏览


Sample 1
Kim was nervous when the door opened. She was hoping that it would be the police. Kim prayed hard in her heart that it would be so.As she slowly lifted up her head to see, she could only see a dark figure standing at the entrance of her room door.It was the intruder who had broken into her parents house.She could see him still holding the knive in his hand. He was searching for her. The intruder stepped into the room.He moved slowly. He banged into few things in the room.The room was pitch dark. The electricity got cut off due to the heavy storm.

Sample 2
Kim was nervous when the door opened. Sweat drops trickled from her forehaed onto the carpeted floor. She bit her lips in agitation. In her heart, she prayed hard that it would be the police. Slowly but reluctantly she lifted up her head to see, she could only see a dark visage standing at the entrance of her room door.She could not see clearly who it was as the room was pitch dark.Then, to her horror, she saw his face, the face of one she prayed that she would not see again. A glimmer of light from the lightning outside gave his face away.It was the  intruder who had broken into her parents house.He was still clutching the Rambo knive in his hand.He moved slowly, breaking and showing everything that blocked his path.He had only one thing in his mind, that is to find the girl who knows his true identity, and to finish her off.

Sample 3
Kim was nervous when the door opened. The door burst open with a deafening sound, breaking the silence that Kim was enjoying for almost fifteen minutes now. The sound startled her, she almost jumped out from her hiding place screaming her head off but fear not senses kept her glued to her spot. She held her breath,her heart beat faster than ever.Sweat drops trickled onto the carpeted floor like a running tap water. She edged cautiously further into a corner fearing for the worst. She clasped her hands hard and prayed like she had never prayed before, hoping in her heart that it was the police who had come to her rescue.A dark tall visage stood at the entrance of the room door. At the same time, a glimmer of light from the lightning outside burst through the room window giving away the identity of the figure.To her horror, it was the visage of the one who had made her life a living hell for the past one hour."I will get you, pretty one!",his cold and merciless words echoed in her ears sending shivers into her spine.

I didn’t know what happiness was until the unfortunate mishap. I have never been disappointed by the beauty of mother nature. It has taught me a lot about appreciating God’s gifts.

The story began on a bright Friday morning. I packed my bags and was ready to take on the adventure of camping in the jungle. At first, I was reluctant to go but after being cajoled by my persistent friends, I finally gave in. It was a trip for sheer relaxation and nature learning. All six of us – Ainul, Dayang, Farah, Suhaila, Yus and I finally agreed to meet up at the school’s bus stop before embarking on our journey into the virgin forest.

As I was half way walking towards the school, it suddenly started raining. I hastened my steps to the school’s bus stand. Luckily for me, it started pouring when I arrived near the school. Only then, I realized that I was 10 minutes late for the meeting.

“Where have you been? We promised to be here at exactly 11 a.m.,” Ainul barked out.

“Sorry, I had to run some errands for my mom and there was a storm out there,” I explained. “Anyway, we’re all here. So, let’s not waste anymore time. Let’s go,” I quickly added so that Ainul would not dwell on the subject.

Thankfully, the rain lasted for five minutes only. We hopped onto a bus heading towards Indah Park. I was not sure if we were ready for a steep and winding climb up the hill in this wet condition. We arrived at the hillside alas and began to hike up about a mile of the Gagak trail.

It was a harsh climb as we were carrying heavy 10 kilo bag packs complete with sleeping bags, canned food and bottles of mineral water. I was the only one bringing the tent as the others did not possess one. Along the climb we stopped to rest for at least three times. At one place, we encountered a huge snake hissing at us from a bush about 10 metres away. We were lucky not to be bitten by it. We caught glimpse of the beautiful hornbills, bluebirds and a Rufous Collared Kingfisher. After approximately forty minutes of walking, we finally arrived at our destination, in the middle of an open forest quite near to the breathtaking Indah Waterfall.

“Now, let’s start pitching the tent,” Yus ordered. We loyally obeyed her command as we were the ones who chose her to be the group leader, being the oldest among us. It was already noon and we took out cans of sardines and loaves of bread for lunch before doing more exciting activities of discovering nature. Yus and Suhaila went to fetch some water, Farah and Ainul prepared the meal, Dayang laid out a mat for us to enjoy the moment of leisure in the forest. I was instructed to search for firewoods.

“Don’t go too far out,” Yus reminded.

Happily I went on my way gathering as many branches and twigs as I came across on my path. “This should be enough for at least two days,” I thought to myself as I had collected a bundle of them. As I turned around, I suddenly tripped over a branch and fell down flat on my leg. “Ouch! My ankle,” I moaned. I could not lift myself up as the pain on my twisted ankle was excruciating. I did not realize I was too far away from the tent. Moreover, I left my mobile with Yus. “How can I ask for help?” I wonder. At moment like this, all I could think of was my teacher’s advice. ‘If you are lost in the forest, you need to sit quietly at that particular spot until someone finds you. This will ease the searching work’. I did exactly that. Sit and wait.

Staring at the sky, it had grown darker. The dark grey cloud was pregnant with rain. I prayed hard that someone in my group would notice that I was missing.

Tick…tick…tick. The sound of water dropping onto the leaves. I gathered all my strength, lifted my hips and tried to move to a big tree nearby. Before I could even blink my eyes, the rain started pouring cats and dogs. I sat myself under the huge tree, holding the bundle of firewood to my chest. All kinds of thoughts came to my mind.

“I shouldn’t have come. There have been too many obstacles. It’s afternoon and it does not look like it,” I whined. Did I make the wrong decision? I questioned myself.

I must have dozed off. When I opened my eyes, the thick lianas hanging and gripping onto the hundred- foot-tall trees greeted me. I could hear the sound of the creatures of the forest. Insects chirping, the geckos in the hide calling. It was strangely soothing. I felt at peace as the symphony continued to play in my ears.

“Sheeda! Where are you?” Ainul’s call came piercing into my ears.

“Hey! I’m over here,” I shouted back in relief. I saw my friends running towards me. I told them what had happened. Dayang and Suhaila kindly helped me up while Ainul and Yus got into the motion of snapping pictures of the nature.

In the end, we spent the three-day break enjoying the beauty of mother nature. I realized that I had made the right decision.









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发表于 2012-9-27 07:11 PM |只看该作者


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发表于 2012-9-27 12:19 AM |只看该作者


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发表于 2012-9-27 12:16 AM |只看该作者


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发表于 2012-9-26 11:59 PM |只看该作者


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发表于 2012-9-26 11:55 PM |只看该作者
It was a hot summer’s day. Everything around me was slowly starting to melt: the trees, the houses, the sky and the pathway to my garage. It seemed that I was about to melt down myself, so there would only be a small puddle of glue-like substance left on the ground. I was walking very slowly. My head felt huge and heavy, and every muscle in my body was sore. My arms and legs were barely responding to the signals that my brain was sending to them. It felt like a slow-motion horror movie, only it was happening live. I finally reached the front door and touched the handle. The path that took only a second for my eyes to see, took about twenty minutes for my body to accomplish. But, I was finally at my goal.
I slowly turned the handle of the door, only to realize it had barely moved. I took all the strength that I had left in my body and pressed the handle again. No success. I turned around, leaned against the door, and slowly slid down to the ground. I felt faint. My head was spinning. I was so thirsty that I could barely think about anything else. I had to get inside; had to pull myself together and open the door. Otherwise, I would faint here, near the front entrance to my own house, which was not the scenario I’d prefer. I pulled myself from the ground and faced the door again. I closed my eyes for a second, took a deep breath, opened them, and pushed the door knob as hard as I could, at the time. It gave way grudgingly. If it wasn’t for the helpless shadow of a man that I was at that moment, I would definitely have screamed in happiness for finally winning, over this stubborn door knob. But, all I could settle for right then was a weak smile, and a deep sigh of relief.
I went inside, and had to wait for a minute before I could make out anything. It was too dark, still very hot and, somehow, very lonely inside. By the time my eyes adapted to the darkness inside, I could tell no one was around. What time was it? And where was everyone? The house was completely and scarily quiet. The silence was unnatural. There was no sound coming from the working fridge, or ticking clock; nothing. I went to the kitchen to get some water, opened the tap and put an empty glass under it. But there was no water, not even a drop! The glass remained empty. This seemed like a complete nightmare. I must be dreaming! I felt like the world had died out, everything had stopped and, somehow, I was forgotten here all alone, left to die from thirst and heat.
I was having a panic attack. With the anger and strength that came out of nowhere, I ran from one room to another, looking for anyone. Mom, Josh, dad, Charlie – no one was to be seen. The dogs were gone too. What is wrong with the place? Again, for the third or fourth time, I caught myself thinking this was just a bad dream. But, my body still felt very much sore, and I could vividly feel the pain. Having no clue of what else, except the pain, could help me distinguish between dreaming and reality, I had to accept the fact that I was living this nightmare for real.  Suddenly, I heard a sound coming from downstairs. It was a very slight, faint sound that repeated in a second, only louder. I ran downstairs, feeling a little scared, and, at the same time, hoping that it was someone, or something, that could explain to me what was going on.
The living room was empty. The sound was coming from outside the back porch, and it was increasing in loudness with every new cycle. It reminded me of when dad and I went rowing, and every time dad turned over the oars, they made the same whistling sound, cleaving the air. I ran outside the back door, and was almost brought down to the ground by the strength of the wind. It was a helicopter, right above me, coming onto me. I lay on the ground, screaming, but I couldn’t hear my own voice through the noise of the implacable vanes getting closer, and freezing me to the ground…
… “Jason, honey, wake up! It’s just a dream, babe. You look so pale. Are you okay?” My mom was standing next to my bed, trying to calm me down, as I was still screaming and flapping my arms. The air was on, and the fan above my bed was making that particular whistling sound with each turn.


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发表于 2012-9-26 11:55 PM |只看该作者
On an otherwise calm and uneventful day, I heard what sounded like an enormous train, derailed from the tracks and coming straight at me. As I put the mattress over my head, I suddenly remembered that my roommates had not made it home yet. I had to make a decision quickly.… Do I stay under the mattress and be a coward, or do I go and try to find my friends?
It is important to try to help your friends, even if it puts you in harm’s way. I learned this one spring day, when a twister tore through downtown Ft. Worth. I could have stayed in my closet with my cat, a mattress over my head and a radio, but in hindsight, I am glad I braved the storm to look for my friends.
Body Paragraphs
En route, I watched the bent anarchy of rebar, walls, glass and unidentifiable structures, gnarled and toothy, as they paraded in a watercolor swirl in the aluminum windows. Driving the route from our house to downtown that they would have traveled, the song “A Bridge Over Troubled Water” came on, which was fitting to the situation. By the time I approached downtown, the wind had ceased and an eerie stillness settled in. Puddles stretched out in front of me, threatening to engulf the whole town. What I noticed first about the water everywhere was the absence of artificial light reflecting back at me. Night had fallen and because of the tornado all of the streetlights were out. I thought to myself…        
“This is what night is supposed to look like.”
I noticed that even the marquis lights were out. All of the buildings were dark and anonymous; none bared the logo of a corporate tenant. I witnessed natural night, just as people had before humans preferred artificial sunlight. For, as far as the eye could see there was not a working conduit for electricity to pass through, nor could I hear that distinct buzzing in the air. There was only me, Simon and Garfunkel on the radio, and the glimpses of scared people hiding under disjointed facades of the less-affected buildings. Stepping out the car, I saw the moon finding its face in the stillness of the oblong puddles below me. The power lines looked like the teeth of a boxer after a brutal fight; they were going every which way in a haphazard arrangement.
I found my friend’s car, in the aftermath, trapped in debris. I was terrified! What happened to them, I wondered. I looked across the street and among a crowd of astonished and frightened expressions; I finally located my friends. I saw from the ghost-white expression on my friend Leah’s face that she was in shock. My other roommate (and friend) was talking amongst others who were injured. He was helping the bartender pour shots of whiskey to calm the people down, since the refuge they had found happened to be a bar. Leah had a piece of glass embedded in her arm and bloody knees; my other roommate had deep cuts on the palms of his hands. Leah told me that she was caught running from her car to this building to seek shelter, and when she opened the heavy-metal door to the bar, the tornado picked her up like rag doll and slammed her knees into the asphalt. They did not need an ambulance, so I ushered them to my car. I was met with reluctance when I insisted that they go to the emergency room. Arguing the whole way, I drove them to the emergency room. They were admitted to triage, and the doctor said that Leah’s gash in her arm needed stitches, and she needed a tetanus shot. They disinfected their wounds, and a few hours later, we went home.
Even though my friends might have fared okay without me, I am glad that I could help them out. Since, Leah was in shock, she was not aware of the seriousness of her injuries and probably would not have sought medical attention without my coaxing. If I am faced with a life-threatening situation again, I will come to the aid of my friends. Hopefully, this sentiment will not be challenged any time soon.


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发表于 2012-9-26 11:54 PM |只看该作者

Why is this mathematics exercise tougher than usual? It is taking me forever to finish it even though I started at eight o’clock. Now it is already 10 o’clock  and I am not even halfway through. I kept glancing at my computer at the corner of my room. It looked so inviting, making me unsure whether to continue my homework or to just stop and go online. It look me exactly two seconds to make up my mind. I am going online!
Obviously from my decision, you know that I am an internet freak. I am willing to do anything (including procrastinating my mathematics homework, even though I know very well my teacher is Mr. Fitzgerald, or more popularly known as Mr. Fitz the Bald. May God help those who dare to mess up with him!). O.K., so I am a self-confessed internet addict but at least I am computer literate! I absolutely adore computers but my greatest love has got to be the Internet Relay Chat (IRC). This is because it gave me a sense of freedom and exhilaration, unlike anything I have experienced before. You can be a supermodel, an astronaut or the local zoo keeper and no one would even know the difference.
When I sat in front of the monitor and clicked on the IRC programme, a short but unique name caught my eye. ‘Neo’. I said ‘hi’ and introduced myself. I was ecstatic when Neo answered and turned out to be a great conversationalist and we hit it off immediately. We chatted about everything and I felt as though I had known him since the dawn of time. It never occurred to me to get back to my homework and by the time I did, it was already too late. Realizing this, I dreaded the next day because that was when I had to brace myself for the impact of Mr. Fitz the Bald’s blashing. I could picture him now, nostrils flared, sweat trickling down his forehead, the gestures of his hand animating his words, eyes that shine with a wild black fire and a head shinier than usual (sometimes you can even see his veins becoming visible and that makes his complexion become a weird shade of red). God, please help me!
The next day was a living hell. Everybody was mad at me and I was mad at myself. I just wanted to shout it out to the world, “ I am a victim of modern civilization!”. Then, to relieve my stress, I went out online and Neo was there. He asked me about my day and I told him how I overslept and missed the bus to school, how Mr. Fitz the Bald punished me in front of the whole class and how the class shunned and threw a cold glaring look at me because they had to complete ten exercises which were due the following day just because I failed to complete my work. He just listened to me and was very understanding and supportive. He even sent me a bouquet of virtual flowers to cheer me up and I was touched. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
We continued to be friend for a whole month without even knowing how the other looked like but this teeny-weeny fact did not bother me at all. But then, one day Neo told me he would really like to meet me because he felt as if were friends faceless voices. I tried every trick in the book but I could not dodge his request. He noticed my effort and he demanded why I was acting that way. I could not explain why and so I finally gave in. our meeting was set, he was supposed to wear a navy blue shirt, khakis and brown leather shoes. When he described what he was going to wear, I ealized that he must be quite rich to dress so elegantly. As for me, I was just going to settle on a red blouse and my faded blue jeans. We agreed to meet in front of Starbuck’s coffee house at two o’clock, two days from now.
            Surely you must be wondering why did I not want to meet him. I was afraid that if he knew how I looked like, he would not have interest in being my friend anymore because I was not like other normal teenagers, so vibrant and full of life. When others ran, I lagged behind because my artificial leg could not stand much pressure. The truth is, I was not born handicapped but lost my leg on a mountain expedition last year. I was helping my friend up the ravine but I slipped and fell. I was alive but my right leg was severely injured and had to be amputated. That is why I now have a prosthetic leg. I have felt wonderful   it was to be normal and it makes the pain much harder to bear. My old life which full of physical activities, seemed like a passing wind, never to come again. I was not fit anymore to join my friends and that threw my confidence out of the window. I was afraid Neo would not accept me.
The next day, my mind was occupied with thoughts of him and his reaction. So, to ease my mind, I made him promise not to judge me by my appearance but by my inside me. I did not tell him the truth because I wanted to know if he was sincere in his friendship.
When the moment finally came, I was ready for anything. When I arrived, I noticed a fine looking young man that fits Neo’s description. When I said ‘fine looking’, I was not kidding. He came with his friend, so before I approached him, I studied him first. He was athletically built and tall with mocha coloured skin. His hair was neat and it looked as though it was woven from the hues of midnight sky. His eyes, brown and alert but with certain mysterious glint. It made him looked arrogant and egoistical. I could see that he was so anxious and restless that even his friend’s comforting words could not help to soothe him.
Slowly, I walked up to him and introduced myself. I smiled at him but I could see that he was shocked to see my condition and he failed to hide it. He babbled something indecipherable. He asked how I was and we chatted a little but he seemed restless, I looked at him knowingly and then he glanced at his wristwatch. He excused himself and said that he had to go. Neo’s friend looked at him in disbelief but Neo ignored his glance. Neo promised to call me later then he hurriedly left. It happened so fast and before I realized it, he was gone.
Neo had failed the test. He could not handle the truth, so it was better to let him go. There was no sense in postponing the inevitable. I knew he would never call me again. I knew that our first meeting was also our last. There would be no next time. He had broken his promise and maybe it was true that broken promise lead to broken hearts. Even though I have been through similar situations before, it still hurts. But I will still keep trying because I believe that even when the darkest moments dawns, it comes with the promise of a new day. I just have to move and live with the fact that sometimes, people are not what they seem to be. Thanks to Neo, I know it now.
So, as I sat at the corner of the table at Starbuck’s, looking out the window, I saw a group of teenage girls giggling as if laughing at a secret joke. How I envy them! I looked at them as they passed by and then I reflected on what had happened. I looked down at my coffee and saw my reflection. Then suddenly a tear trickled down my cheek and fell into the coffee, obscuring my reflection.


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2012-9-26 11:54 PM |只看该作者
Write a story that begins with 'I did not know what happiness was until...'

I did not know what happiness was until my aunt’s caring words sank into me on my graduation day. There she was sitting on the front pew, looking at me with loving eyes, proudly as I stood on the stage giving a speech. She was my angel. She protected me and cared for me since the demise of my parents.

As an orphan, it was not easy for me to get acquainted to strangers. I had built a wall over the years to protect myself from being hurt. The fatal incident of a robbery left me broken and shattered. I could vividly remember the bloody tragedy. After my tuition class on Friday night, I came home in my friend’s car. When I arrived, I felt strange as mom and dad did not lock the door and left the gate wide open. Quietly and suspiciously, I walked into the house sensing something terrible might have happened. In front of the doorstep, to my horror were my parents and twin brothers sprawling right across the carpet. I was paralyzed with fear. Blood was oozing. Mom and dad were lying on their stomachs holding each other’s hands. My twin brothers were heavily injured with slashes of knife cuts on their heads and back.

“Wh-what’s going on?” I asked with a quivering voice. “Mom, dad, Habil, Qabil …please wake up,” I pleaded but they were motionless. It was a very horrifying scene. I found myself screaming and howling hysterically. My neighbours who came to help. The ambulance and police arrived within minutes but they were too late. I was so shaken that I could not stop crying. Not even the paramedic could calm me down. I was escorted to the hospital. Somehow, they managed to contact my aunt. Her hug and consoling words relaxed me a little. I was given a sedative jab and I fell asleep instantaneously. When I woke up, she was right there by my bedside. I felt safe and secured in her presence.

The police came to interview me. My aunt was with me all the while. I was kept away from the press and television for weeks for fear of my recurring hysteria. The doctor-in-charge put me in a psychiatric ward for half a year, under close observation to help me cope with the terribly haunting tragedy.

After six months in the psychiatry unit, I was finally discharged and reported as being in a stable condition. I went back to the house where the killing took place. It was a very emotional experience. Tears kept rolling down my eyes. I could not stop it. However, I was quiet and not hysterical anymore. My aunt was there holding my hands and rubbing my back, giving me all the moral support and love she could. I packed my belongings, took the family pictures hanging on the wall and put them in my bag. I was put under my aunt’s custody.

My parents and siblings were brutally killed in a home robbery. The prime suspects were two middled aged man. My parents were shot whereas my twin brothers were stabbed to death. It was reported that about RM20,000.00 worth of money and jewellery were stolen. They were finally arrested, convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. Despite that, the life of my loved ones could not be returned.

“Hawa you must let go off the past. Don’t keep that hatred in your heart. Do not disappoint your late parents. You have a bright future ahead of you. Stay focused in your studies, pass with flying colours and live your life to the fullest. Realize your dreams of joining a forensic team. Make your parents and siblings proud of you. It’s not the end of the world. I’m still here for you,” she advised and encouraged me.

“…but I can’t forget them. Why me? Why my family?” I asked knowing that there was no answer to that.

“Who said that you must forget them? God loves them and that is why He took them in His care. You should be grateful that He still wants you to live their legacy, to care for the unfortunate. They would be sad if you keep wasting your youth away,” she rationalized with me and gave me a big hug to comfort me and take my doubts away.

Fortunately, her caring words and actions awakened me. I picked myself up from feeling worthless and hopeless. I was only fifteen then. However I strived hard and I succeeded.

Today, I am celebrating freedom. Freedom from the bondage of anger and hatred. And I am celebrating this new joy, this new me with my loving aunt. Without her support, I would not have made it.


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