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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-10 06:45 PM 编辑
The Last of Us Remastered multiplayer gets new DLC
《最后生还者 重制版》推出 PS4 专属 “特殊处决动作”
PS4 动作冒险游戏《最后生还者 重制版》推出了一系列的「特殊处决动作」,容许玩家使用多种新的风格来处决敌人,其中甚至包含「用箭刺穿对方脑袋」的激烈手段。
影片中所展示的处决动作共有 9 种,每种个别要价 1 美元,玩家可在购入之后于多人联机模式中使用。游戏制作厂商 Naughty Dog 在官方网站上表示由于新的处决动作实在过于激烈,对硬件要求极高,技术上是没有办法在 PS3 版的游戏中推出的。
除了处决动作之外,Naughty Dog 也顺势推出了多款《最后生还者 重制版》的下载内容,包含新的武器套组和手势动作(gestures),详情请见下表:
- 战术性武器套组(整组 3 美元,各要价 1 美元):散弹枪「Tactical Shotgun」、手枪「Burst Pistol」、步枪「Frontier Rifle」以及十字弓「Crossbow」。
- 风险管理生存技巧套组(整组 3 美元,各要价 1 美元):孤狼(Lone Wolf)、第二次机会(Second Chance)、万事通(Jack of All Trades)、命运转机(Lucky Break)以及致命效率(Lethal Efficiency)。
- 不相称的头饰套组(整组 3 美元,个别要价不一):维京帽(Viking Hat)、瘟疫面具(Plague Mask)、微笑面具(Smiley Mask)、法外之徒面具(Outlaw Mask)、滑雪防风镜(Ski Goggles)、坏掉的防毒面具(Broken Gas Mask)、防弹头盔(Ballistic Helmet)以及都市迷彩头盔(Urban Camo Helmet)。
- 手势动作套组 2(整组 2.5 美元,各要价 1 美元):拍拍灰尘(Dust Myself Off)、邪恶大笑(Evil Laugh)、游戏结束(Game Over)以及恐吓动作(Intimidation)。
- 手势动作套组 3(整组 2.5 美元,各要价 1 美元):你玩完了(You're Done)、战斗阵形(Combat Formation)、伸懒腰(Stretch)以及我会盯着你(I'm Watching You)。
附带一提,Naughty Dog 也针对 PS3 和 PS4 两种游戏版本发布了新的更新档,详细信息请参阅游戏官网 http://www.thelastofus.playstation.com/。
The Last of Us: Deadly New Multiplayer Add-Ons
If you were fortunate enough to attend the PlayStation Experience this past weekend you may have played The Last of Us Remastered with some of our brand new Factions mode add-ons. Or maybe you attended the panel with our multiplayer team and learned about how this was developed. If you participated in our tournament in Vegas you might be downloading this new content for free today.
For those of you who didn’t make it out to the PlayStation Experience there’s a lot of fun coming your way. Here’s a look.
Clearly our The Last of Us combat designer has a soft spot for a good takedown and has designed some very visceral, very lethal Special Executions across nine different weapon categories. These sets of animations are available for purchase for $0.99 each. We had to exclude some sets from the PS3 version of the game due to memory constraints on the hardware. Yes, it seems with our latest add-ons we’re squeezing every last ounce of memory the PS3 has to run our Factions mode.
You can purchase our new Tactical Weapons Bundle for $2.99. In the bundle you’ll get the Tactical Shotgun, Burst Pistol, Frontier Rifle, and Crossbow. Yes, a Crossbow. These items are available for $0.99 each if you prefer to pick your arms individually.
If you’re looking to avoid falling victim to some of these new executions and weapons buy the new Risk Management Survival Skills Bundle for $3.99. In the bundle you’re getting Lone Wolf, a skill that grants you temporary survival skills when you are away from your team, Second Chance, a skill that gives you a free health kit when you have none and take more than half damage, Jack of All Trades, a skill that grants you grab-bag level 1 skills at discount, Lucky Break, a skill that allows you to get more ammo and crafting ingredients when you open supply boxes, and Lethal Efficiency, a skill that allows you to perform a faster, low-to-the-ground neck snap when performing a special execution. If you just want one of these skills it’ll cost you $0.99.
Some of you just want to look your best as you’re surviving the post-pandemic life. We have you covered as the Misfit Head Item Bundle will soothe your style itch. Get the Viking Hat, Plague Mask, Smiley Mask, Outlaw Mask, Ski Goggles, Broken Gas Mask, Ballistic Helmet and Urban Camo Helmet in the Misfit Head Item Bundle for $6.99. Aside from the bundle exclusive Plague mask, you can buy these items individually for various prices.
Rounding out the content drop are our two new Gestures bundles. You’ll get Dust Myself Off, Evil Laugh, Game Over, and Intimidation in Gestures Pack 2. Gestures Pack 3 features You’re Done, Combat Formation, Stretch, and I’m Watching You. Both packs are available for $2.49 or you can buy individual gestures for $0.99.
All this fantastic content will be available when the PlayStation Store updates in your region. Fire up The Last of Us or The Last of Us Remastered and have some post-pandemic, holiday fun this December.
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