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【PS4/Xbox One/PC】Homefront: The Revolution









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-3-13 07:03 AM |只看该作者
Homefront: The Revolution Delayed to 2016

Deep Silver Unveils Its Third Studio, Deep Silver Dambuster Studios

Deep Silver unveiled the new logo and website today for its latest AAA in-house development team – Deep Silver Dambuster Studios – and set out their vision for the makers of upcoming open-world FPS, Homefront: The Revolution.

Dambuster Studios was founded in July 2014, in Nottingham, UK. Lead by Hasit Zala (also Game Director on Homefront: The Revolution) the studio currently numbers 126 staff, the vast majority of whom are veterans of Crytek UK (formerly Free Radical Design).

Development on Homefront: The Revolution continues at full speed, with the game now scheduled for release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Mac, as well as Windows and Linux PC in 2016.

“We are excited that Deep Silver’s acquisition of the Homefront IP and assets from Crytek has allowed development of Homefront: The Revolution to continue with minimum disruption,” said Hasit Zala. “The team here believes we are working on something truly special.”

“Dambuster Studios are an extraordinarily talented group,” said Dr. Klemens Kundratitz, CEO Deep Silver. “We are giving the team every opportunity to turn Homefront: The Revolution into a best-selling title, and have set a 2016 release date to provide them the time they need to achieve this. You can expect to hear more about the game later this year.”

In addition to Dambuster Studios, the publisher owns the renowned Deep Silver Volition based in Champaign, Illinois, and mobile developer Deep Silver Fishlabs in Hamburg, Germany.

For more information about Dambuster Studios, and to view career opportunities at their purpose built Nottingham studio, visit their official website at DSDambuster.com.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-5 07:27 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-7 08:31 PM 编辑


  预告片结束之后由制作团队的游戏设计师 C.J Kershner 分享了关于这款作品的新细节,在游戏的世界中,美国本土已经全面沦陷,被北韩的侵略军力击溃成为了旗下的殖民地。 而玩家在游戏中将扮演为了自由而战的反抗斗士,同时游戏也将从原先的线性故事转变为开放式世界,在展示的实际影片中可以看到游戏中具有载具以及探索的要素,并且可以与其他玩家一同组队来完成各式各样的任务。 包含了建立通讯塔、摧毁或夺取敌方的武器储藏、击溃 KPA 的据点等等。 同时游戏也展示了武器的自定义系统,玩家可以在战斗中随时随地变更自己的枪械配件,包含瞄具、枪管、下悬式轨道配件等。 而《烽火家园:革命》也预计将于 2016 年内登场!



Homefront: The Revolution Coming Spring 2016, Trailer & Screens

Homefront: The Revolution - Watch the new cinematic trailer and prepare for the fully playable public demo at the Deep Silver booth

Deep Silver today revealed a new cinematic trailer for the up-coming open-world FPS Homefront: The Revolution. Developed by Deep Silver Dambuster Studios, Homefront: The Revolution puts the player in the middle of a full-blown guerrilla war in an occupied United States. The game is scheduled for release in Spring 2016 on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4, PC, Mac and Linux and will be fully playable at gamescom 2015 at the Deep Silver booth in hall 9.

Homefront: The Revolution throws players into an alternate near future dystopia, where a humanitarian crisis has brought the USA to its knees under the brutal military control of a globally dominant Korean corporation. Surveillance drones, armoured patrols and police violence have become every-day life in Philadelphia, the once proud birthplace of American independence. However, in the ruined outskirts of the city, resistance is getting stronger…

On their path to freedom, players have to fight a seemingly un-winnable guerrilla war against a superior military force. Using hit and run tactics, ambushes and infiltration, the resistance relies on surprise attacks and an arsenal of improvised weapons to throw back the oppressors and spread the flame of revolution.

For more news on Homefront: The Revolution visit the official website at homefront-game.com


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-17 10:53 PM |只看该作者
Homefront《烽火家园》系列编剧表示:「新作将会彻底改头换面! 」

  首部《烽火家园》作品是由 THQ 在 2011 年所发行,然而当 THQ 宣布破产后,Crysis《末日之战》系列开发工作室 Crytek 便介入并以 54 万 4000 美元买下该作品,可惜 Crytek 很快又将其出售给 Deep Silver,最后由旗下新成立的 Dambuster 工作室接手,才诞生了今天的《烽火家园:革命》。

  当然,整部游戏依旧保有前作的核心构想,也就是美国人民起身反抗前来占领的韩国势力。 然而 Kershner 却表示续作将以截然不同的角度来发展这个概念。 他说到:「Dambuster 正以『烽火家园』之名重新创造属于自己的独特招牌,也因此任何关于前作的印象与认知恐怕没办法套用于新作上。 不论是从故事或玩法而言,《烽火家园:革命》都不会是一部延续前作的游戏,这就是为什么我们不叫它《烽火家园 2》。 」

  至于为何 Dambuster 仍然决定保留「烽火家园」作为系列名称,同样参与过初代作品开发的 Kershner 表示:「因为这四个字所蕴含的力量意义非凡,它所传达的理念正是身为一名游击队战士,在自己熟悉的家园起身对抗高科技与压倒性军事统治的最佳写照。 游戏标题在前作酝酿而成时就足以完整带出整部游戏的气势与氛围,不过实际上光凭标题依然无法全盘代表游戏里的种种发展。 」

  《烽火家园》首部作品卖出了超过 260 万套,也因此该系列初次登场也算是打出了一定程度的品牌知名度,前发行商 THQ 于 2011 年时就曾表示这样的销售状况「十分乐观」,然而天有不测风云,原制作团队 Kaos Studios 却在游戏推出后宣布结束工作室。

  这次《烽火家园:革命》的故事地点依旧发生在美国(确切地点是在美国费城),当地已遭到北韩军队占领四年,而玩家们将会领导一支反抗军,以游击战的方式与装备精良的正规北韩军队交战。 本作除了具有正统的单人战役模式,还加入了支持四名玩家的在线合作模式,至于初代作品所收录的传统对战模式,官方目前仍旧尚未公布是否会于新作中回归。

  《烽火家园:革命》最初预定今年发售,不过稍后官方却宣布延至 2016 年,而届时也会同步推出 Xbox One、PS4 及 PC 版本。

  对于延期原因 Deep Silver 首席执行长 Klemens Kundratitz 出面说明:「我们希望尽可能地给予制作团队机会去让《烽火家园:革命》成为一部真正的卖座游戏,也因此将发售日延至 2016 年来提供他们足够的时间去达成这样的目标。 」


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-7 07:31 AM |只看该作者
Homefront: The Revolution release date leaked by Target?


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-13 07:38 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-13 07:01 PM 编辑

Homefront: The Revolution Coming May 17, 'This is Philadelphia' Trailer

  Deep Silver今日正式宣布《烽火家园:变革》美版的发售日定为2016年5月17日,5月20日全球上市,平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。同时公布将会在Xbox One平台展开本作的Beta封测,此次测试预计在2月展开,玩家们可以官方https://www.homefront-game.com/register/ 进行申请。官方还公布了最新预告片,这段视频则向我们讲述了游戏的故事背景。


Homefront: The Revolution Occupies North America on May 17th, Sign Ups for Closed Beta Now Live

Deep Silver revealed today that the anticipated upcoming open-world first person shooter, Homefront: The Revolution, will occupy North American retail stores on May 17th, 2016 and May 20th, 2016 in all other territories. Players looking to join the revolution early can sign up now to jump into a closed beta for Homefront: The Revolution, running exclusively on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, in February of this year.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight. But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armor and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare - ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception - and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

In the 'This is Philadelphia' trailer released today, citizens get their first chilling glimpse into the world of Occupied Philadelphia in the year 2029: The birthplace of American freedom has been split into three occupied zones, each zone varying in the level of KPA police activity with each unique zone forcing players to adapt new gameplay strategies in order to further the progress of The Revolution. The 'This is Philadelphia' trailer showcases the unforgiving Yellow Zone, distinct from the war-ravaged wastelands of the Red Zone, and the highly militarized Green Zones, the Yellow Zone is a densely populated environment offering a unique challenge and gameplay experience to would-be Freedom Fighters.

Xbox One owners can sign up now to join the revolution in the exclusive Homefront: The Revolution closed beta. Places are limited, and the only way to gain access is through acquiring an Xbox One Beta Token; Deep Silver and Xbox will be running a number of promotions over the coming weeks that will offer the opportunity to claim a Token and take part. Your best chance of getting a Beta Token and staying informed of developments is by registering on the official Homefront website at Homefront-Game.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-27 07:34 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-27 07:15 PM 编辑

Homefront: The Revolution details co-op mode, Xbox One closed beta begins Feb. 11

  日前Deep Silver公开了《国土防线:变革》的新情报,主要为大家介绍了本作在线合作模式“抵抗模式(Resistance Mode)”的细节,并且公开了本作预购奖励以及内测相关的情报,下面就为大家来介绍一下。

  XBOX One版封

  官方已经确认,本作的XBOX One平台封测将于2016年2月11日至14日进行。在《国土防线》社区的注册会员也可能被邀请参加预计于1月29日至2月5日之间举行的封测压力测试,并能借此机会抢先体验本作的抵抗模式。


  本作的预购奖励包含“变革精神(Revolutionary Spirit)”包,其中将包含可在战役模式中使用的Red Skull摩托车皮肤、金色手枪皮肤,此外还包含抵抗模式角色可用的狙击步枪、狙击镜以及遥控炸药。



  Dambuster Studios的游戏总监Hasit Zala表示:“《国土防线:变革》是我们小组最雄心勃勃的项目。除了30个小时的单人战役模式外,我们希望推出抵抗模式时包含12个任务,这些内容充满了可玩性,而且我们希望在游戏第一年发布20个新任务。为了确保我们的社区都能一起玩,所有的抵抗模式任务都将免费下载。”

  《国土防线:变革》将于2016年5月17日登陆北美,5月20日则将登陆欧洲,游戏将登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。日前最新的宣传片也已经公开,下面就请玩家们来欣赏一下。


Homefront: The Revolution Calls Upon Players to Join The Resistance Online, Starting February 11 on Xbox One

Today Deep Silver revealed the online co-op "Resistance Mode" for Homefront: The Revolution with the new "Freedom Fighters" gameplay trailer.

Resistance Mode is a brand new four-player co-operative online experience. Form a Resistance Cell with your friends online and wage guerrilla warfare against the KPA military in thrilling narrative-driven missions across occupied Philadelphia. Customize your personal roster of Freedom Fighters as you and your teammates go from rookie civilians to battle hardened soldiers. Unlock new skills, earn weapon blueprints, rare equipment and combat gear to upgrade.

Xbox One owners can be the first to try it out when the Closed Beta runs February 11-14 exclusively on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft. In addition, registered members of the Homefront community may also be invited to participate in a sneak preview of Resistance Mode via one of the upcoming Closed Beta Stress Tests which will take place on Friday, January 29th and Friday, February 5th on Xbox One.

"Homefront: The Revolution is this team's most ambitious project yet," said Hasit Zala, game director at Dambuster Studios. "In addition to our epic 30-plus hour single-player campaign, we expect to launch Resistance Mode with 12 Missions, packed with re-playability, and hope to release another 20 Missions within the first year. To ensure our community can always play together, all Resistance Mode Missions will be free to download."

All pre-orders for the game will receive the "Revolutionary Spirit" pack. The "Revolutionary Spirit" pre-order offer gives players unique skins and instant unlocks of select weapons for the campaign. The Revolutionary Spirit pack available at all retailers includes: the Red Skull motorbike skin and the Golden pistol skin for campaign along with instant unlocks of the Marksman Rifle, Sniper Scope and Remote Explosives for your Resistance Mode character.

Homefront: The Revolution will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC in North American retail stores on May 17th, 2016 and May 20th, 2016 in all other territories. Players will also enjoy major free content updates as part of an extensive post-launch support program from Dambuster Studios. Native Mac and Linux versions are also in development.

For more information and to get the latest updates on both Homefront: The Revolution and the upcoming Closed Beta, follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @HomefrontGame or on Facebook at Facebook.com/HomefrontGame. To stay informed and automatically enroll for a chance of getting a Beta Token, register on the official Homefront website at https://www.homefront-game.com/


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-2 07:08 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-3 07:28 AM 编辑

Homefront: The Revolution 'Goliath Edition' Unveiled
《烽火家园:革命(Homefront: The Revolution)》限定版与预约特典内容公布

  Deep Silver正式公布了《烽火家园:革命》的限定版——这一版本名为“巨人(Goliath Edition)”,该命名源于游戏中出现的巨人载具(Goliath),这一版本将在不久之后开放预订。

Deep Silver Announces the Homefront: The Revolution 'Goliath Edition' Complete With Radio-Controlled Combat Drone

Deep Silver today unveiled the Homefront: The Revolution Goliath Edition, a strictly limited collector edition available soon for pre-order and packed with exclusive content for fans in North America. Homefront: The Revolution, developed by UK-based Dambuster Studios, throws players into an alternate near-future dystopia where a humanitarian crisis has brought the U.S. to its knees under the brutal military control of a globally dominant Korean corporation. Surveillance drones, armored patrols and police violence have become every-day life in Philadelphia, the once proud birthplace of American independence. However, in the ruined outskirts of the city, resistance is getting stronger.

Alongside a boxed copy of the game, the Goliath Edition includes:

• A radio-controlled scale replica ‘Goliath’ Drone, with working lights and six-wheel suspension. The Apex-manufactured Goliath is one of the most fearsome weapons in the KPA’s Counter-Insurgency arsenal.

• Exclusive collector’s ‘Steel Book’.

• A 32 page art book featuring Resistance-themed concept art and cutting-edge Apex technology.

• The ‘Revolutionary Spirit’ pack, including The Red Skull motorbike skin, a Golden skin for your pistol, and instant unlocks of the Marksman Rifle, Sniper Scope and Remote Explosives for your Co-Op character in Resistance Mode.

• The Homefront: The Revolution Expansion Pass, entitling access to major single player expansions – further information to be revealed at a later date.

All post-release content for Homefront’s co-operative Resistance Mode including new Missions, challenges, features and additional items and equipment will be delivered to fans for free as part of Dambuster Studios’ commitment to supporting this mode for 12 months.

“We’re planning for a dedicated team to work on additional single player content for at least a year after release” said Hasit Zala, game director at Dambuster Studios. “We have some exciting ideas that we hope to develop further post launch, but the overall goal is to add some surprising new experiences to the world of Homefront that complement our 30 hour single player campaign. All additional single player content will be covered by the Expansion Pass.”

In addition to announcing the Goliath Addition, Deep Silver confirmed a number of additional pre-order bonuses:

► RC 'Goliath' Drone
► Exclusive Steel Book
► 32-page Art Book
► Revolutionary Spirit Pack
► Expansion Pass




Pre-Order Homefront: The Revolution from any retailer to secure the Revolutionary Spirit pack, which includes:

• The Red Skull motorbike skin for campaign

• The Golden skin for your pistol for campaign

• Instant unlocks of the Marksman Rifle, Sniper Scope and Remote Explosives for your Resistance Mode character

All Digital pre-orders come with the Liberty Pack, featuring two pieces of rare combat gear unlocked and ready to personalize your Co-Op character with the Liberty Body Armour and KPA Shock Trooper Helmet.

Further pre-order bonuses are available with these North American selected retailers:

• Kickstart your Co-Op Freedom Fighter’s career with the Guerilla Care Package at GameStop: Five ‘Resistance Crates’ full of random weapon blueprints, attachments, equipment and more.

• Enhance your guerrilla skills with the Combat Stimulant Pack also at GameStop to give your Freedom Fighter a critical boost in the heat of battle.

• Wage guerrilla warfare in style with the Wing Skull Pack Pack at Amazon.com, including the Wing Skull motorbike skin and the Silver Pistol skin in the campaign.

• Pre-order to receive the limited edition Steelbook only available at Best Buy.

Homefront: The Revolution is scheduled for release on May 17th in North America, and May 20th in all other territories on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC.

Native Mac and Linux versions are also in development.

For more information and to get the latest updates on both Homefront: The Revolution and the upcoming Xbox One Closed Beta, follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @HomefrontGame or on Facebook at Facebook.com/HomefrontGame.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-25 06:57 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-25 06:53 PM 编辑

Homefront: The Revolution 'Guerrilla Warfare 101' Trailer

  Spike Chunsoft 预定于 2016 年 5 月 19 日推出,实体版售价 7,980 日币,下载版 7,200 日币的 PS4/Xbox One 版开放世界型 FPS 新作《烽火家园:革命》(HOMEFRONT the Revolution),日前公布最新宣传影片「Guerrilla Warfare 101」,收录了面对拥有人体辨识式武器、 无人机及航空机等最新武器的反抗军,手上几乎没有任何足以匹敌的高性能武器,因此他们开发了模块化的武器系统,以手枪、突击步枪、霰弹枪、十字弓及火箭发射器等 5 款武器为基础,透过交战过程中准星及枪口等零件的替换来增加符合战况要求的功能,在地图上移动时适时切换长距离狙撃与短距离攻撃提高攻击行动的效率。

  本作以因经济恶化、资源不足再加上传染病肆虐等问题导致全国性混乱的 2020 年代的美国被成功开发核子火箭而并吞邻国的北韩占领的设定为背景,玩家将扮演主角 Ethan Brady 加入反抗军为自由而战。


Homefront: The Revolution - Guerrilla Warfare 101

Against the technologically superior forces of the KPA, fighting the enemy on their terms is not an option. We fight them on our terms instead, so you better learn quickly. In our “Guerrilla Warfare 101″ training video we’ll teach you the basics of what you need to survive in the field.

Don’t just take the KPA head on. Assess your situation and prepare by modifying your weapons. Sometimes it can be better to use a silencer to take out the enemy’s guards for infiltration tactics. At other times you may want to stay as far away as possible, so add the right scope and grips to your weapon to take them out at a distance.

But sometimes things go wrong and your trusty pistol just won’t do anymore. Luckily you can convert your weapons on the fly. If things get hot, convert your pistol to a submachine gun or turn your assault rifle into a mine launcher to deal with enemy armor.

The enemy outnumbers us, so ambushes may be your best bet to take out the KPA . With the Guerrilla Toolkit you are equipped for all situations. Use explosive and incendiary devices to attack and ambush the KPA directly, hack enemy cameras and drones to turn their technology against them, or distract patrols to sneak past them. Thanks to a bit of good old American ingenuity, the items in your Guerrilla Toolkit can also be modified. Throw them, trigger them, lay a proximity trap, or put them on a Remote Control car to take direct control.

If you need to escape the KPA reinforcements after you hit them in one of the Red Zones, remember that the Resistance has motorbikes at your disposal. Live to fight another day, or even better, live to hit them elsewhere on the same day!

That’s all for now but be ready for the next part of your training. The Resistance relies on you.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-3-31 07:14 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-31 06:47 PM 编辑

Homefront: The Revolution 'Ignite' Trailer


“人民的心声与心灵”意味着整个宾州将揭竿起义,越过被占领镇压的费城黄区,且革命声浪将随着斗士们起身抵抗持续高涨,破坏K.P.A. (北韩人民军)的基础设施。




Deep Silver Reveal 'Hearts and Minds' Feature for Homefront: The Revolution With New 'Ignite' Trailer

Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios today revealed the unique ‘Hearts and Minds’ feature that powers player progression in Homefront®: The Revolution and released the latest gameplay trailer titled ‘Ignite.’

Playing as freedom fighter Ethan Brady, the ultimate goal in Homefront is to inspire the people to rise up against the brutal military occupation and ignite the revolution.

‘Hearts and Minds’ represents the state of uprising across the oppressed Yellow Zones of occupied Philadelphia, and will increase as the player performs acts of resistance, such as destroying KPA infrastructure.

The open world dynamically transforms around the player as Hearts and Minds increases – a once cowed civilian population will join the player in acts of defiance, and the entire Zone will evolve from a state of lockdown to open revolution on the streets.

Watch the latest Homefront: The Revolution trailer at youtube.com/user/HomefrontGame and read more about Hearts and Minds over the coming days as the world’s media go hands-on with the game.

For more information and to get the latest updates on both Homefront: The Revolution, visit the official website at Homefront-Game.com, follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @HomefrontGame or on Facebook at Facebook.com/HomefrontGame.

Update: You can play TimeSplitters 2's first two levels in Homefront: The Revolution - Article on Eurogamer


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-4-11 03:16 AM |只看该作者
Homefront: The Revolution trailer introduces the Apex Corporation




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