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【新闻部】Steam 专属区 2









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-2-25 07:35 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-25 07:19 PM 编辑

Valve to reveal unannounced SteamVR hardware at GDC next week
Valve 预定在 2015 游戏开发者大会中公开虚拟现实系统 SteamVR

  游戏厂商 Valve 美国时间 23 日宣布,将于 3 月 2 日 2015 游戏开发者大会(GDC) 公布虚拟现实系统 SteamVR。

  Valve 表示,在 2015 GDC 中,他们将会展示重新制作的 Steam 控制器、新的客厅装置与从未宣布过的 SteamVR 硬件系统。

  Valve 在 SteamVR 预告网页中,同时开放研发人员申请 SteamV 开发工具包展示的选项。

  另外,Valve 也宣布,目前 Steam 账号已经达到 1 亿 2 千 5 百万个,至于玩家制作 MOD 投稿的 Steam Workshop 中上传的玩家自创内容(User Created Contents)已经超过 4 亿个。

The Steam Universe is expanding

Steam is bringing the best games and user-generated content to exciting new destinations. At GDC 2015, we’ll be giving demos of the refined Steam Controller, new living room devices, and a previously-unannounced SteamVR hardware system.

With the introduction of SteamVR hardware, Valve is actively seeking VR content creators. Are you a developer or publisher interested in experiencing the new SteamVR hardware? We’ll be giving scheduled VR demos during the week of GDC, March 4th-6th, 2015, at Moscone Center in San Francisco.

store.steampowered.com/universe - twitter.com/SteamVR


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-3-2 07:12 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-2 06:39 PM 编辑

Valve partnering with HTC to make virtual reality headsets
HTC 发表与 Valve 合作的虚拟现实头戴显示器「HTC RE Vive」

  宏达电(HTC)在 3 月 1 日举办的世界行动通讯大会(MWC)展前发表会中,正式发表将与知名游戏开发商暨数字游戏平台营运商 Valve 合作推出 PC 用虚拟现实头戴显示器「HTC RE Vive」,预定 2015 年春季提供开发者版本,2015 年底节庆档期正式上市贩卖。

  HTC RE Vive 是台湾手机大厂 HTC 与以《战栗时空》系列及 Steam 数字游戏平台广为人知的游戏大厂 Valve 合作研发的 PC 专用虚拟现实头戴显示器,整合双显示面板、加速传感器、陀螺仪传感器与雷射定位系统,提供 360 度包覆与高自由度的完整虚拟现实体验。

  与先前发表的 Oculus Rift、Project Morpheus 等单显示面板左右分隔显示的产品不同,HTC RE Vive 采用两片独立的 1200 × 1080 显示面板分别来负责左右眼的视野,支持最高每秒 90 次的画面更新频率,比先前发表的其他竞争产品更高,可提供低延迟、高画质的虚拟现实显示质量。

  HTC RE Vive 整合多达 70 个能侦测玩家头部移动、倾斜与转动的加速传感器、陀螺仪传感器与雷射定位系统,提供 0.1 度的精确度。还可以透过名为「Steam VR 基地台(Base Station)」的装置,让用户能在 15 英呎见方(约 4.5 公尺见方)的空间中自由移动,以真实的身体移动来探索虚拟现实空间,搭配 HTC 研发的左右成对虚拟现实无线控制器与虚拟对象互动。

  在虚拟现实体验内容供应部分,HTC RE Vive 除了来自 Valve 旗下的「SteamVR」软件平台游戏支持之外,还会获得来自 HBO、Lion's Gate 与 Google 等合作伙伴的虚拟现实内容供应。

  更多细节预定于近日举办的游戏开发者大会(Game Developers Conference,GDC)揭露。



HTC RE Vive - HTC's VR Vision

Imagine standing on the bridge of a starship rocketing across the galaxy, or strolling through the streets of ancient Rome, or shrinking down to subatomic size and watching molecules collide. Now Re-imagine.

HTC’s Vive headset, powered by SteamVR, pulls those virtual worlds off your computer screen and into your home. You’ll experience sights and sounds vivid and lifelike enough to transport you to another place, another time—whole new realities with limitless possibilities.

HTC + Valve

The Vive headset was developed in conjunction with Valve, creators of such ground-breaking games as Portal and Half-Life. HTC manufactures some of the finest consumer electronics on the planet and Valve is an unrivaled architect of virtual worlds, so you know the collaboration is something special. Vive is powered by Valve’s SteamVR so plenty of games that take advantage of its capabilities will soon be available on the Steam service.

The Visuals

A 1,200 by 1,080 pixel screen in front of each eye, with refresh rates of a blistering 90 frames per second, displays photorealistic imagery that fills your field of vision in all directions, eliminating the jitter common to previous VR technologies and transporting you to another world.

The Audio

Plug your favorite set of headphones into a jack located on the side of the Developer Edition headset.

Tracking and Room Scale

A gyrosensor, accelerometer, and laser position sensor combine to precisely track the rotation of your head on both axes to an accuracy of 1/10th of a degree, allowing you to look around the virtual environment naturally. Couple the headset with a pair of Steam VR base stations to track your physical location (in spaces up to 15 feet by 15 feet) – get up and walk around inisde the virtual world!

Custom Game Controller

Ergonomic VR game controllers in each hand allow you to use virtual objects and interact with the virtual world. The position of each controller is tracked in space, allowing developers to simulate a wide range of activities and interactions.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2015-3-2 04:59 PM |只看该作者
[D]-KY 发表于 2015-2-10 10:54 PM
FF13, FF13-2, Valkyria Chronicles, Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky (英雄伝説:空の ...

就是有discount吧,例如ff13discount 50%~70%那样


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-3-4 06:08 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-4 06:41 PM 编辑

Valve announces Source 2, Steam Link, New Technologies
Valve 发表云端硬件主机「Steam Link」11 月进占客厅

  Valve 在昨日开幕的 GDC 2015 中正式发表,将推出针对客厅的云端硬件主机「Steam Link」,并且将会随着传闻中的「Steam 控制器」,一同在 2015 年 11 月上市。同时 Valve 也证实,届时也会有多家第三第三方推出自家开发的「Steam Machine」,同时在 11 月投入市场。

  Valve 也表示,Steam Link 将会是一台聚焦在云端串流功能的客厅家用游戏主机,藉由接续家中的 PC 或是 Steam Machine,将可以串流 Steam 上的游戏和其他数字内容,在远程空间接上屏幕或电视,来实现无延迟 1080p / 60Hz 的串流体验。装置上将备有以太网络插口、USB 插槽以及 HDMI 输出口。并对应 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 的 Steam 客户端。

  Steam Link 以及 Steam 控制器将会在 2015 年 11 月发售,售价皆为 49.99 美元。

Source 2 announced, SteamVR and more at GDC

Valve announces a number of product and technologies at this week's Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco.

"We continue to see very strong growth in PC Gaming, with Steam growing 50% in the last 12 months," said Gabe Newell, Valve's president. "With these announcements we hope that we are helping build on that momentum."

Steam Link

Steam Machines, Windows PCs, Macs, and Linux PCs will be able to take advantage of a new product announced at GDC called Steam Link. Designed to extend your Steam experience to any room in the house, Steam Link allows you to stream all your Steam content from any PC or Steam Machine on the same home network. Supporting 1080p at 60Hz with low latency, Steam Link will be available this November for $49.99, and available with a Steam Controller for an additional $49.99 in the US (worldwide pricing to be released closer to launch).

Steam Machines

Steam Machines from partners Alienware and Falcon Northwest are being shown, with Machines from a dozen other partners slated to release this November. Steam Machines will start at the same price point as game consoles, with higher performance. Customers interested in the best possible gaming experience can choose whichever components meet their needs. Epic will give a demonstration of the newly announced Unreal Tournament running on a 4K monitor driven by the Falcon Northwest Steam Machine. "We love this platform," said Tim Sweeney, founder of Epic Games. "Whether you're running incredibly detailed scenes at 4K or running 1080p at 120 FPS for an intense shooter experience, this brings world-class gaming and graphics to televisions with an open platform true to Valve's PC gaming roots."

Valve will show a virtual reality (VR) headset. Developer versions of the headset will be available this spring, and partner HTC will ship their Vive headset to consumers by the end of the year.


Two new technologies are part of the VR release - a room scale tracking system codenamed Lighthouse, and a VR input system. "In order to have a high quality VR experience, you need high resolution, high speed tracking," said Valve's Alan Yates. "Lighthouse gives us the ability to do this for an arbitrary number of targets at a low enough BOM cost that it can be incorporated into TVs, monitors, headsets, input devices, or mobile devices." Valve intends to make Lighthouse freely available to any hardware manufacturers interested in the technology.

"Now that we have Lighthouse, we have an important piece of the puzzle for tackling VR input devices," said Valve's Joe Ludwig. "The work on the Steam Controller gave us the base to build upon, so now we have touch and motion as integrated parts of the PC gaming experience."

"We've been working in VR for years and it was only until we used SteamVR's controllers and experienced the magic of absolute tracking that we were able to make the VR game we always wanted to make," said Alex Schwartz of Owlchemylabs.

VR demos being shown at GDC include work from Bossa Studios, Cloudhead Games, Dovetail Games, Fireproof Studios, Google, Owlchemylabs, Skillman & Hackett, Steel Wool Games, Vertigo Games, and Wevr.

Source 2

Valve announced the Source 2 engine, the successor to the Source engine used in Valve's games since the launch of Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life 2. "The value of a platform like the PC is how much it increases the productivity of those who use the platform. With Source 2, our focus is increasing creator productivity. Given how important user generated content is becoming, Source 2 is designed not for just the professional developer, but enabling gamers themselves to participate in the creation and development of their favorite games," said Valve's Jay Stelly. "We will be making Source 2 available for free to content developers. This combined with recent announcements by Epic and Unity will help continue the PCs dominance as the premiere content authoring platform."

Source 2 on Vulkan

Also as part of supporting PC gaming, Valve announced that it will be releasing a Vulkan-compatible version of the Source 2 engine. Vulkan is a cross-platform, cross-vendor 3D graphics API that allows game developers to get the most out of the latest graphics hardware, and ensures hardware developers that there is a consistent, low overhead method of taking advantage of products. Vulkan, previously called Next Generation OpenGL, is administered by the Khronos Group, along with other standards such as OpenCL, OpenGL, and WebGL.

GDC 2015 will mark the 13th anniversary of Valve's first public announcement of Steam, which has since become the leading platform for PC, Mac, and Linux games and software. In the last year, Steam realized the addition of many new services and features - including In-Home Streaming, Broadcasting, Music, and user-created stores - as it grew to over 125 million active accounts worldwide.


Steam Link available on the Steam Store right now


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发表于 2015-3-8 12:23 PM |只看该作者
Maybank Debit card ban 掉 steam 了, 这个月起, maybank debit card 禁止任何online gaming transaction, T^T 该怎么办!!!不能top up steam wallet了!!!!!!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-3-9 07:18 AM |只看该作者
dongdong911107 发表于 2015-3-8 12:23 PM
Maybank Debit card ban 掉 steam 了, 这个月起, maybank debit card 禁止任何online gaming transaction ...



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-3 06:46 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-3 06:25 PM 编辑

Steam now offering refunds for games purchased online
中文翻译 - http://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=2855913

Steam Refunds

You can request a refund for nearly any purchase on Steam—for any reason. Maybe your PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements; maybe you bought a game by mistake; maybe you played the title for an hour and just didn't like it.

It doesn't matter. Valve will, upon request via help.steampowered.com, issue a refund for any reason, if the request is made within fourteen days of purchase, and the title has been played for less than two hours. There are more details below, but even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look.

You will be issued a full refund of your purchase within a week of approval. You will receive the refund in Steam Wallet funds or through the same payment method you used to make the purchase. If, for any reason, Steam is unable to issue a refund via your initial payment method, your Steam Wallet will be credited the full amount. (Some payment methods available through Steam in your country may not support refunding a purchase back to the original payment method. Click here for a full list.)

Where Refunds Apply

The Steam refund offer, within two weeks of purchase and with less than two hours of playtime, applies to games and software applications on the Steam store. Here is an overview of how refunds work with other types of purchases.

• Refunds on Downloadable Content - DLC purchased from the Steam store is refundable within fourteen days of purchase, and if the underlying title has been played for less than two hours since the DLC was purchased, so long as the DLC has not been consumed, modified or transferred. Please note that in some cases, Steam will be unable to give refunds for some third party DLC (for example, if the DLC irreversibly levels up a game character). These exceptions will be clearly marked as nonrefundable on the Store page prior to purchase.

• Refunds on In-game Purchases - Steam will offer refund for in-game purchases within any Valve-developed games within forty-eight hours of purchase, so long as the in-game item has not been consumed, modified or transferred. Third-party developers will have the option to enable refunds for in-game items on these terms. Steam will tell you at the time of purchase if the game developer has opted to offer refunds on the in-game item you are buying. Otherwise, in-game purchases in non-Valve games are not refundable through Steam.

• Refunds on Pre-Purchased Titles - When you pre-purchase a title on Steam (and have paid for the title in advance), you can request a refund at any time prior to release of that title. The standard 14-day/two-hour refund period also applies, starting on the game’s release date.

• Steam Wallet Refunds - You may request a refund for Steam Wallet funds within fourteen days of purchase if they were purchased on Steam and if you have not used any of those funds.

• Refunds on Bundles - You can receive a full refund for any bundle purchased on the Steam Store, so long as none of the items in the bundle have been transferred, and if the combined usage time for all items in the bundle is less than two hours. If a bundle includes an in-game item or DLC that is not refundable, Steam will tell you if the whole bundle is refundable during check-out.

• Purchases Made Outside of Steam - Valve cannot provide refunds for purchases made outside of Steam (for example, CD keys or Steam wallet cards purchased from third parties).

• VAC Bans - If you have been banned by VAC (the Valve Anti-Cheat system) on a game, you lose the right to refund that game.

• Movies - We are unable to offer refunds for movies on Steam.

• Refunds on Gifts - We are unable to offer refunds for gifts after they have been redeemed by the recipient.

• Abuse - Refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam—not as a way to get free games. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price.

How to Request a Refund

You can request a refund or get other assistance with your Steam purchases at help.steampowered.com.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-5 12:23 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-5 12:33 PM 编辑

Steam 控制器预定 11 月问世 释出最新实机示范影片

  Steam 控制器(Steam Controller )于本月 4 日释出实机示范影片,同时也开放订购,预计于今年 11 月正式推出。

  在这次的影片中,官方以『Cities: Skylines』『The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt』『Wolfenstein: The Old Blood』等游戏示范了 Steam 控制器的各项功能,包含视角转动、文字输入、扣板机等。

  Steam Controller 预购页面:http://store.steampowered.com/universe/controller/



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-12 06:53 AM |只看该作者









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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-11 06:39 PM |只看该作者
【GC 15】Steam Machine 掌上型机种 Smach Zero 11 月开放预购 预购价 299 美元

  由 Smach Zero 开发、掌上型 Steam Machine 装置「Smach Zero」在刚落幕的欧洲游戏展 Gamescom 2015 中宣布,预定 2016 年第四季问世。

  「Smach Zero」采用 5 吋、 720P 分辨率触控屏幕,AMD embedded G-Series SoC "Steppe Eagle" with Jaguar-based 的中央处理器,与 GCN 架构 Radeon 显卡,具有 4GB 的内存与 32 GB 的容量,并支持 SD 卡,并有 HDMI 影像输出,同时支持 Wi-Fi、蓝牙与 4G 网络。

Smach Zero 此次在 Gamescom 展出(照片来源:Smach Zero 官方 Twitter)


之前初次亮相时被称为 Steamboy

  团队宣布,「Smach Zero」预定今年 11 月 10 日起开放预购,预购价格为 299 美元,并预定于明年第四季出货;他们强调,当「Smach Zero」上市首日就能够支持玩家游玩 Steam 平台上超过 1 千款游戏。



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