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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-17 07:13 PM 编辑
Boss of Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics quits after decade at Square Enix
Square Enix 及水晶动力( Crystal Dynamics)人事变动欧美产品开发负责人离职
Square Enix今年可谓是战果颇丰,《奇异人生》《正当防卫3》的大热,旗下工作室水晶动力的《古墓丽影:崛起》的好评如潮都让今年的SE有了“过个好年”的资本。不过在年关之际,SE还是决定进行一些人事变动。
在水晶动力放出的官方文章中,工作室宣布Scot Amos以及Ron Rosenberg被提升为水晶动力的全新负责人。他们两位都是在水晶动力征战了多年的老将,此番职位提升定能让工作室百尺竿头更进一步。虽然说正式的人事任命今天才公布,但是两位新负责人实际上在几个月前就已经正式接管了工作室的运营,这也让管理交接变得丝般顺滑。
除了水晶动力这边,SE也宣布公司十年老员工Darrell Gallagher正式从SE离职。Gallagher2005年进入水晶动力,并在2009年升任水晶动力的负责人,同时也负责整个SE在欧美的产品开发。此番离职或许会给SE在欧美的产品开发带来一些影响,目前SE并没有宣布谁会来接人Darrell Gallagher的职位,请关注巴士之后为您带来的报道。

New Studio Leadership
As we continue to grow our studio and portfolio, we have some exciting news to share: Ron Rosenberg and Scot Amos have been named as co-studio heads for Crystal Dynamics. Scot and Ron each bring a unique skill set and each will focus on owning different aspects of running a studio, while ultimately making all major decisions together. Both seasoned Crystal Dynamics veterans, Ron and Scot took over a few months ago, and the transition has been seamless.
At the end of this year, Darrell Gallagher will be leaving Square Enix after more than 10 years with the company. Darrell has worked as Square Enix’s Head of Product Development and Western Studios, where he shepherded this year’s successful launches of Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara Croft Go, Life is Strange and Just Cause 3, and queued up major launches for next year, including Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Hitman. Prior to that, he was Crystal Dynamics’ Studio Head, where he led many projects including the reboot of Tomb Raider. Darrell has helped create so much incredible entertainment during his time with Square Enix, and we all thank him for his incredible contribution.
Echoing this, we wanted to share the note that our western CEO Phil Rogers sent to our company:
“Today Darrell Gallagher announced that he is moving on from Square Enix at the end of this year. Darrell became head of Crystal Dynamics back in 2009, led that studio to reboot the Tomb Raider franchise, and for the last 3 years he has led our western studios. I want to thank him for his tremendous effort and contribution to Square Enix, along with the amazing entertainment he has helped create. I am sad to see him go but respect his decision and we should all celebrate the sheer blood, sweat and tears he has put into our company over the last 10 years! We are excited for him and his family on their next chapter. We wish them the best of luck in the future.”
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