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Steam Box正式确认!Valve最新主机抗衡次世代









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2013-12-12 06:37 AM |只看该作者
Valve Announces Steam Controller

A new way to play your entire Steam library from the sofa

We set out with a singular goal: bring the Steam experience, in its entirety, into the living-room. We knew how to build the user interface, we knew how to build a machine, and even an operating system. But that still left input — our biggest missing link. We realized early on that our goals required a new kind of input technology — one that could bridge the gap from the desk to the living room without compromises. So we spent a year experimenting with new approaches to input and we now believe we’ve arrived at something worth sharing and testing with you.

Complete catalog

The Steam Controller is designed to work with all the games on Steam: past, present, and future. Even the older titles in the catalog and the ones which were not built with controller support. (We’ve fooled those older games into thinking they’re being played with a keyboard and mouse, but we’ve designed a gamepad that’s nothing like either one of those devices.) We think you’ll agree that we’re onto something with the Steam Controller, and now we want your help with the design process.

Superior performance

Traditional gamepads force us to accept compromises. We’ve made it a goal to improve upon the resolution and fidelity of input that’s possible with those devices. The Steam controller offers a new and, we believe, vastly superior control scheme, all while enabling you to play from the comfort of your sofa. Built with high-precision input technologies and focused on low-latency performance, the Steam controller is just what the living-room ordered.

Dual trackpads

The most prominent elements of the Steam controller are its two circular trackpads. Driven by the player’s thumbs, each one has a high-resolution trackpad as its base. It is also clickable, allowing the entire surface to act as a button. The trackpads allow far higher fidelity input than has previously been possible with traditional handheld controllers. Steam gamers, who are used to the input associated with PCs, will appreciate that the Steam Controller’s resolution approaches that of a desktop mouse.

Whole genres of games that were previously only playable with a keyboard and mouse are now accessible from the sofa. RTS games. Casual, cursor-driven games. Strategy games. 4x space exploration games. A huge variety of indie games. Simulation titles. And of course, Euro Truck Simulator 2.

In addition, games like first-person shooters that are designed around precise aiming within a large visual field now benefit from the trackpads’ high resolution and absolute position control.


Trackpads, by their nature, are less physical than thumbsticks. By themselves, they are “light touch” devices and don’t offer the kind of visceral feedback that players get from pushing joysticks around. As we investigated trackpad-based input devices, it became clear through testing that we had to find ways to add more physicality to the experience. It also became clear that “rumble”, as it has been traditionally implemented (a lopsided weight spun around a single axis), was not going to be enough. Not even close.

The Steam Controller is built around a new generation of super-precise haptic feedback, employing dual linear resonant actuators. These small, strong, weighted electro-magnets are attached to each of the dual trackpads. They are capable of delivering a wide range of force and vibration, allowing precise control over frequency, amplitude, and direction of movement.

This haptic capability provides a vital channel of information to the player - delivering in-game information about speed, boundaries, thresholds, textures, action confirmations, or any other events about which game designers want players to be aware. It is a higher-bandwidth haptic information channel than exists in any other consumer product that we know of. As a parlour trick they can even play audio waveforms and function as speakers.

Touch Screen

In the center of the controller is another touch-enabled surface, this one backed by a high-resolution screen. This surface, too, is critical to achieving the controller’s primary goal - supporting all games in the Steam catalog. The screen allows an infinite number of discrete actions to be made available to the player, without requiring an infinite number of physical buttons.

The whole screen itself is also clickable, like a large single button. So actions are not invoked by a simple touch, they instead require a click. This allows a player to touch the screen, browse available actions, and only then commit to the one they want. Players can swipe through pages of actions in games where that’s appropriate. When programmed by game developers using our API, the touch screen can work as a scrolling menu, a radial dial, provide secondary info like a map or use other custom input modes we haven’t thought of yet.

In order to avoid forcing players to divide their attention between screens, a critical feature of the Steam Controller comes from its deep integration with Steam. When a player touches the controller screen, its display is overlayed on top of the game they’re playing, allowing the player to leave their attention squarely on the action, where it belongs.


Every button and input zone has been placed based on frequency of use, precision required and ergonomic comfort. There are a total of sixteen buttons on the Steam Controller. Half of them are accessible to the player without requiring thumbs to be lifted from the trackpads, including two on the back. All controls and buttons have been placed symmetrically, making left or right handedness switchable via a software config checkbox.

Shared configurations

In order to support the full catalog of existing Steam games (none of which were built with the Steam Controller in mind), we have built in a legacy mode that allows the controller to present itself as a keyboard and mouse. The Steam Community can use the configuration tool to create and share bindings for their favorite games. Players can choose from a list of the most popular configurations.


The Steam Controller was designed from the ground up to be hackable. Just as the Steam Community and Workshop contributors currently deliver tremendous value via additions to software products on Steam, we believe that they will meaningfully contribute to the design of the Steam Controller. We plan to make tools available that will enable users to participate in all aspects of the experience, from industrial design to electrical engineering. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Steam Controller Q&A

Q. Is this the same beta as the Steam machines one, or is it separate?

A. Same. So you only need to sign up once.

Q. How does the beta work? When will it start? How will you choose participants?

A. Please see the FAQ on Steam Machines Machines, because it covers lots of important questions.

Q. I’m a happy Steam customer happily using my happy mouse and keyboard. I don’t want a controller?

A. You can’t make a sentence into a question by just putting a question-mark at the end. But we’re happy you’re happy, and by all means keep using whatever input method makes sense for you. Rest assured, we won’t abandon you. We love mice and keyboards, too.

Q. Can I use a controller if I don’t have a Steam machine?

A. Yes. It’ll work very well with any version of Steam.

Q. I’m a developer - how can I include support for the Steam Controller in my game?

A. On the same day that our prototype controllers ship to customers later this year, the first version of our API will also be made available to game developers.

Q. How will the beta controller differ from the one that’s for sale next year?

A. There are a couple important differences: the first 300 or so beta units won’t include a touch screen, and they won’t be wireless. Instead, they’ll have four buttons in place of the touch screen, and they’ll require a USB cable.

Q. What’s next?

A. We’re done with our announcements, and we promise to switch gears now and talk specifics over here in our Steam Universe community group. Also we’ll talk soon about the design process and how we’ve arrived at our current prototype. (We’ll post detailed specs next week for our living room SteamOS prototype, too.)

We look forward to working together with you to design the future of Steam in the living room.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2013-12-12 06:37 AM |只看该作者
一個在沙發上使用您 Steam 軟體庫的全新體驗。
加入 Steam 硬體測試來幫助我們塑造下個世代的遊戲經驗。

我們從開始就只有一個目標:將 Steam 的使用體驗完整的帶入客廳。我們知道該如何建立使用介面,我們知道該如何打造主機,甚至是整個作業系統;但是仍剩下輸入操控這一項我們還不知該如何著手。我們很早就意識到我們的目標會需要一個全新的操控技術 -- 一個不做任何妥協,卻又能夠填補電腦桌與客廳兩種不同體驗之間的空缺。因此,我們花了一年的時間實驗了各種不同的操控方式;現在我們認為找到了一個值得與你們分享和一同測試的結果。

Steam 控制器是為了 Steam 上過去、現在與未來的遊戲所設計;就連商店裏頭不支援控制器的老遊戲都能使用。﹝我們騙這些老遊戲讓它們認為它被滑鼠與鍵盤操控著,但我們所設計的遊戲控制器跟這兩種裝置完全不一樣。﹞我們認為您應會同意 Steam 控制器有它的可能性,因此現階段的設計我們需要您的參與。

傳統的遊戲控制器強迫我們必須接受妥協。因使,我們目標是要提升現有控制器的解析度並盡可能地維持不失真。我們相信 Steam 控制器提供一個全新,超越現有的控制配置設計,同時卻又能讓您在舒適的沙發上控制您的遊戲。以高精準度及低延遲的控制技術打造,Steam 控制器是目前客廳體驗仍欠缺的最後一個環節。 Built with high-precision input technologies and focused on low-latency performance, the Steam controller is just what the living-room ordered.

Steam 控制器顯著的特色是它兩個圓形的觸控板。玩家透過拇指來操作這兩個觸控板,它們不但使用高解析度的觸控面板作為基底,同時可以按壓讓整個面板可被當作按鈕使用。比起傳統的控制器,觸控板所帶來的輸入更不容易失真。熟悉桌上型電腦的輸入操作的 Steam 玩家將會高興 Steam 控制器能帶來相當於滑鼠的高解析控制。

過去大多數的遊戲只能透過滑鼠與鍵盤來控制的遊戲現在可以在沙發上就能遊玩了。即時戰略。滑鼠遊標為主的小品。策略遊戲。4x 戰略遊戲。許多獨立製作的遊戲。模擬遊戲。當然啦,絕對少不了歐洲卡車模擬 2



Steam 控制器是圍繞著新一代高精準的觸感反饋所打造,運用雙線性共振發動器 (dual linear resonant actuator)。控制器的兩個觸控板均有這些小但卻強力的電磁鐵依附著。它們不但有不同力道的震動,也對頻率、振幅、方向提供了精準的控制。

這個反饋能力將能傳遞各種不同的訊息給玩家 - 遊戲內的速度、界線、極限、紋理質感、行動確認或任何其它開發者希望玩家留意的遊戲事件。這比目前市面上任何一個消費者產品都還要高階的反饋技術。此外它們還有個額外的娛樂把戲,它們提供的振幅足以能夠當作喇叭來使用。

在控制器的正中央是另一個觸控面:一個高解析度的螢幕。這個觸控面對於控制器的主要功能有很大的影響 - 支援目前 Steam 商店裡面所有的遊戲。這個螢幕將允許我們建立許多不同的動作設定,但同時卻又毋須安置許多實體的按鍵。

這個螢幕本身也可被按壓,就如同一個碩大的獨立按鈕。因此動作設定將不會因誤觸而發動,而是需要壓擊才行。 這將允許玩家觸碰銀幕,選擇可以使用的動作設定,最後只執行他想要的動作。 玩家能在遊戲中滑動瀏覽許多頁的行動指令。當遊戲開發者使用我們的開發 API 時,觸控螢幕將會是個捲動選單,一個放射狀的選項,提供次要訊息如地圖,或是任何一個我們都還未想到的客製使用方式。

但是,為了避免強迫玩家在兩個銀幕間做出選擇,分散注意力,因此 Steam 控制器一個最重要的設計就是與 Steam 的深入結合。當玩家觸碰控制器螢幕的時候所出現的訊息或選單,也將顯現電視螢幕之上,讓玩家能夠維持集中注意力在大螢幕上。

每個按鍵和輸入區域是依據使用頻率、操控精準、與人體工學配置。Steam 控制器總共有 16 個按鈕。有半數按鈕,包括有兩個在背面,將不需要玩家將拇指移開觸控面板。全部控制與按鍵都對稱地被安置在控制器上,讓無論左撇子或右撇子都可透過設定更改較為上手的配置。

為了能完整支援現有的 Steam 遊戲 (目前沒有任何一款是針對 Steam 控制器所設計的),我們在傳統模式設定讓控制器對於主機設定顯示為滑鼠與鍵盤。Steam 社群將能透過設定工具來製造並分享他們自行定義的按鍵配置。玩家將可以從一個清單上挑選出最受歡迎的配置設定。

Steam Controller 從設計之初就是可以讓玩家自行變更軟體內容。就如 Steam 社群以及工作坊的成員目前提供許多在社群上極具價值的內容,為目前 Steam 上現有的軟體提供加值。我們相信他們也會如此同樣的提高 Steam 控制器的價值。我們打算提供工具讓使用者參與各方面使用經驗的設計,從工業設計到電子工程;我們迫不急待的想要看看你們會設計出什麼。


這個跟 Steam 主機的測試是一樣的嗎?還是必須分開申請?
- 是一樣的,您只需申請一次。

- 詳情請見昨天的提問,因為它已涵蓋了許多重要問題的解答。

我是個開心使用著滑鼠鍵盤的開心 Steam 用戶。我不要控制器?
- 不是一個句子會後加上問號就會變成問句;不過我們很高興您很開心,而且您當然可以繼續使用您已習慣的輸入操控方式。請放心,我們不會遺棄您的,我們也同樣很喜歡滑鼠與鍵盤的配置。

我若沒有 Steam 主機還能使用的這個控制器嗎?
- 可以的。它適用於任何一個版本的 Steam 。

我是個遊戲開發者 - 我要如何使我的遊戲支援 Steam 控制器。
- 第一版的 API 將會我們原型控制器寄送出去給客戶的當天開發給遊戲開發者。

- 有許多不一樣的地方:第一批 300 個測試版控制器不會配有中央的觸控面板,同時目前也不是無線。因此,取代螢幕位置的是 4 個按鍵及一個 USB 傳輸線。

- 我們要宣布的訊息到這裡已告一段落,而我們答應現在起轉換跑道在 Steam 宇宙社群群組開始提供更多細節。同時,我們會提供更多控制器原型機設計過程。﹝我們同時也將在下週發表SteamOS 原型機的詳細規格等相關細節。﹞

我們期待與您一同設計 Steam 在客廳的未來。


在与Forbes的一份声明中,一名Valve高管已经证实,采用AMD显卡的Steam Machine将于明年上市。有趣的是,为什么Valve要提前这么说呢?Valve最近披露了首批300台Steam Machine原型机的硬件参数,其中最显眼的就是采用了Intel CPU + Nvidia显卡的搭配,但是有少量技术网站和大量游戏爱好者将之解读成了"Valve基于Linux的SteamOS主机平台将不会包括AMD的硬件在内"。

而随后,又有厂商公开宣布,《因过热等技术问题 Origin PC决定不再销售AMD GPU》。结合这两条新闻,难免会使人浮想联翩。

Nvidia确实有数名工程师在全力协助Valve将游戏移植到SteamOS,并改进驱动支持。鉴于这一事实,Steam Machine原型机采用Nvidia硬件也不是什么让人震惊的消息了。

Valve公共关系负责人Doug Lombardi回复称,"上周,我们发布了有关首批Steam Machine原型机的技术规格,尽管我们在这里选择了来自Nvidia的显卡,但这并不意味着Steam Machine只会采用N家的显卡。

在2014年的时候,市售的Steam Machine将有配备来自AMD、Nvidia、以及Intel的硬件的型号。在优化SteamOS上的硬件方面,我们与这三家公司都有密切的合作。在可预见的未来,我们还会继续这样下去"。

Steam Box手柄视频展示 细腻操作可代替鼠标

  Steam全新的野心在Steam Box上可以体现,而其主机的手柄在公布之后引来了玩家们的讨论,这个手柄看上去像是被扣下摇杆和按键的手柄,但其实大胆的使用双触控的设计,力图让操作更加细腻。




使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2013-12-13 07:19 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-16 07:01 AM 编辑

Valve SteamOS系统从12月13日起向个人及OEM开放

  Valve 今天在其官方博客中公布了 Beta 版 Steam Machine 和 Steam Controller 即将出货的消息,同时他们还宣布 SteamOS 会从 12 月 13 日起向个人及 OEM 开放(正好赶上 300 名原型机测试者收到产品的日子)。新系统将具备主机和电脑间的游戏、媒体串流功能,但如果你不是 Linux 达人的话,Valve 还是建议你等到明年晚些时候再下载使用。最后,他们还提到家庭串流功能很快将开始 Beta 测试,感兴趣的朋友可以多关注一下。

Valve兑现承诺发布Steam OS的beta版本下载


  这个OS beta版容量是960MB,如果你想建立属于自己的Steam Machine的话,至少要准备一部配备Intel或 AMD64-bit处理器、4GBRAM、500GB硬碟、NVIDIA显示卡、USB插口和支援UEFI boot的电脑,不幸的是AMD和Intel的显示卡要在稍后才支援。想了解更多的话,当然要去引用来源详细阅读吧。


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-3-15 07:26 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-16 08:10 AM 编辑


外媒日前公布了Steam主机手柄的拆机图片,这款神秘的手柄首次近距离的与大家接触,手柄使用了双触控板设计,配备有两个高分辨率的圆形触控板,通过玩家的大拇指来进行操作。Valve称,“习惯了电脑输入设备的Steam用户将会发现Steam操控设备的分辨率和电脑鼠标几乎一样”。Steam Controller还使用震动来提高触控板的手感,并对游戏中的内容进行响应。Steam Controller还配备有一块触控屏,和两款触控板一样可以像按钮一样点击而非进行简单的触控操作。其配备的16个物理按钮中“一半都能让玩家在拇指保持接触触控板的情况下使用,包括背后的两个按钮”。


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-3-21 06:38 PM |只看该作者
Valve Steam游戏机手柄新造型亮相开发者大会


  看到这个造型再和之前的对比发现有按键就是不一样,Valve的Scott Dalton说到目前该手柄已经通过3D打印机和手工打造出了模型,他认为这样的触感是最适合玩家们的,同时这个手柄由于其他的手柄截然不同,会让人印象深刻。不管你喜欢不喜欢这个手柄,Valve还是在努力完成它,让我们看看最后的结果会是什么样吧。



使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-5-28 12:37 PM |只看该作者

  日前Valve公司宣布他们适配Steam主机(Steam Machine)的自制无线手柄Steam Contoller将延期至2015年发布。


Valve delays Steam Controller to 2015

Steam Machines Update

We've been getting emails from the Steam community asking us how our in-development Steam Machines are coming along. It's great that you're excited about it, and we know you appreciate it when we keep you in the loop on stuff like this, so we wanted to give you all a quick update.

We’re now using wireless prototype controllers to conduct live playtests, with everyone from industry professionals to die-hard gamers to casual gamers. It's generating a ton of useful feedback, and it means we'll be able to make the controller a lot better. Of course, it's also keeping us pretty busy making all those improvements. Realistically, we're now looking at a release window of 2015, not 2014.

Obviously we're just as eager as you are to get a Steam Machine in your hands. But our number one priority is making sure that when you do, you'll be getting the best gaming experience possible. We hope you'll be patient with us while we get there. Until then, we’ll continue to post updates as we have more stories to share.

As always, we love getting feedback on the Steam Machine and Steam controller from the community. After all, you're the people we want to be happiest when we release them.

Feel free to continue posting your thoughts and suggestions to the Steam Universe discussion group.


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-12-11 06:08 PM |只看该作者

Building the Steam Controller

When we first started designing hardware at Valve, we decided we wanted to try and do the manufacturing as well. To achieve our goal of a flexible controller, we felt it was important to have a similar amount of flexibility in our manufacturing process, and that meant looking into automated assembly lines. It turns out that most consumer hardware of this kind still has humans involved in stages throughout manufacturing, but we kind of went overboard, and built one of the largest fully automated assembly lines in the US. Our film crew recently put together a video of that assembly line, showcasing exactly why robots are awesome.

Here's that showcase, where you can watch controllers being built entirely by robots. We aren't crazy though, so humans are still on hand to keep the robots from becoming sentient.

Steam Controller December 2015 Update


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