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【PS4/XO/PC】Mirror's Edge Catalyst









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-10 06:36 AM |只看该作者
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst ~ MAG Rope device detailed

The Mag Rope: Traversing the world of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

Faith needs little less than her running skills, martial arts knowledge, and determination to fight the oppression smothering the citizens of Glass. Guns are not her way - but she does use a few pieces of hi-tech hardware to traverse the city.

The most essential one of these is Faith’s glove and its Manifold Attachment Gear Rope – or MAG Rope for short.

Few people are more attached to this crucial piece of equipment than Producer Jeremy Miller, who’s now standing by to answer some questions about the MAG Rope’s role in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.

What is the MAG Rope?

The MAG Rope is a device worn on Faith’s forearm that can latch on to specific points in the world, allowing for unique traversal and interaction opportunities. When Faith first gets hold off the MAG Rope early in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, she uses it to swing over gaps that are too long to jump across.

Upon activation, the MAG Rope shoots out a carbon fiber line, attaching to certain surveillance cameras. The swing is an extension of Faith’s move set and carries her momentum from running into the swing. In the swing, you have control over the speed and direction – and when and how you want to let go.

Initially, the swing function is the only feature of the MAG Rope. There are however upgrades for the MAG Rope that Faith will acquire through the people she meets as her story progresses.

How can the MAG Rope be upgraded?

The first upgrade Faith will get for her MAG Rope is the VD Torsional Motor. With the significantly more powerful motor, Faith can pull herself up to the attachment point, scaling vertical walls to reach new areas.

Later on, you’ll get hold of a Grappling Tip. This replaces the tip of the MAG Rope with hook extensions, which can be used to pierce and grab certain objects in the city. For instance, Faith may grab and pull out a panel, then quickly jump off it, before the panel retracts again.

Why did you decide to equip Faith with the MAG Rope in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst?

One reason is the more open city this time around. Crossing a highway - or even a two-lane road – is a surprisingly far distance that just isn’t jumpable. The MAG Rope allows us to maintain a more believable and varied city without being limited by the distance she can jump.

Initially, Faith is a carefree Runner, using her tools to interact with the city purely as a Runner, taking shortcuts and getting to restricted areas in order to complete her runs. As her story progresses, she’ll find more important ways to use the tech.

It was very important to not to make Faith feel like a superhero though - the tool is an extension of her movement, and is not what make her a heroine.

How can speedrunners take advantage of the MAG Rope?

I think the swing aspect will be particularly interesting for speedrunners. Runner’s Vision will show you clean, safe swing points but there are always more advanced and faster ways to get around. For example, early playtesters discovered a way to wall run, do a quick turn, leap out across a massive urban chasm, and just catch the edge of the activation area to swing across and cut huge distances off of a route. That adds a unique depth and a wider variety of traversal possibilities. It’s pretty risky though!

What do you want players to experience and feel when trying out the MAG Rope?

I hope players will see the MAG Rope as a natural extension of Faith’s toolset. It’s not just a gadget you activate, it’s part of Faith herself and true to the traversal rules of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. There will many riveting moments for players using the MAG Rope. Leaping off a building during a run, hoping you haven’t jumped too early, only to have it catch just after a moment after you think it won’t – those vertigo moments are amazing.

Sign up for the Mirrorr's Edge Catalyst closed Beta for a chance to try out the gameplay before game launch.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-11 07:27 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-11 07:37 PM 编辑

Mirror's Edge Catalyst Developer Diary ~ Gameplay

  EA放出了新的《镜之边缘:触媒》开发者日志宣传视频,向玩家展示了本作游戏性的提升和改进。制作人员在视频中介绍了新作在游戏性和系统设计上提升和改进,还讨论了前作的独特性以及与新作的区别。开发者表示本作依然强调跑酷和自由移动,另外在对战新的敌人模型时的会有全新连招系统(Combo System)。


  游戏最初计划在2016年2月23日推出,后来宣布将延期发售。制作人Sara Jansson解释游戏发售延期是为了“确保玩家进入这个巨大的玻璃之城,并经历女主角Faith的崛起时,将是愉快的、印象深刻而且难以忘记的。”

  《镜之边缘:触媒》发售将前先在PS4、Xbox One和PC各个平台的提供封闭测试,玩家进入官方注册将可能获得参与内测的机会,游戏将于2016年5月24日正式发售。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-18 06:52 AM |只看该作者
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst ~ Story Details


A pristine city, ruled by a ruthless Conglomerate. Faith, a skilled Runner reluctantly drawn into an anti-Conglomerate struggle. (Watch Trailer)


According to the FY47 census, Glass boasts close to five million citizens, making it the third largest city in Cascadia. Prospective visitors should read up on what the central districts have to offer in terms of sights and entertainment.


The Anchor district is one of the most affluent areas in Glass, its many tall buildings standing as proud heralds of the powerful corporations based here. Full of the city’s most popular nightclubs, young citizens make frequent visits to “The Anchor” for nightlife and shopping.

One spectacular construction project within Anchor is the gigantic Bauble Mall. When finished, the Bauble will be the most opulent shopping center in Cascadia - a true monument to the success of the Conglomerate way of life.


Located in the very center of Glass, Downtown stands as the proud modernized center of the city. Among the busy and dense streets you’ll find a slew of fashionable boutiques and notable sights like the Elysium Corporation building - home to the world’s leading medical research professionals.

There have been reports of illegal activities in this area; with so called “Runners” roaming the rooftops. Citizens should not be alarmed however; the nuisance is being effectively dealt with by KrugerSec personnel.

The View

A prosperous residential area dedicated to "upwardly mobile" citizens, Ocean Glass View, or “The View”, is by many considered to be the final step before getting invited to Sky City. If you’re looking to get away from the intensity of Downtown or The Anchor, The View is well worth a visit. Here you can walk along the seaside promenade, picnic, and perhaps visit The Marina. On free days it’s not uncommon to see families enjoying the beach while their children play in the surf.


The city of Glass is ruled by the Conglomerate, which in turn is comprised of several powerful corporations, but it’s not the only faction in town. Other groups exist - those working against the oppression, those supporting it, and those in between.

The Runners

The Runners are a special group of voluntary offGrids who’ve decided not to be part of the Conglomerate machine. Living on the rooftops and grouping together in tight-knit Cabals they race across the urban landscapes, performing burglaries and courier jobs for those willing to pay. The Corporate Houses secretly depend on the Runners for their constant scheming and though KrugerSec has a standing order to neutralize any Runner on sight, some claim that they are not clamping down as hard on them as they could.

The Conglomerate

The Conglomerate consists of 13 corporations, each run by a powerful family or Corporate House, who together rule the nation of Cascadia. Locked in a constant power struggle, the Houses are prepared to go to extreme lengths to advance their positions within the Conglomerate hierarchy. Among the corporations can be found the security forces of KrugerSec, the tech specialists at Silvine Systems, and Elysium Corp., who specializes in medical research and healthcare.

Black November

Black November is a resistance movement led by Rebecca Thane, once a prominent protest leader, who turned to violent methods following the November riots almost two decades ago. Constantly hunted by KrugerSec, Black November do what they can to terrorize the authorities and incite a general revolution among the employs.

They strive to avoid civilian casualties, but lately Rebecca has been hinting that all regular employs are silent supporters of the Conglomerate and the tyranny. Therefore they too should be made targets so that they are forced to understand what their silent consent is causing.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-30 06:57 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-30 06:41 PM 编辑

Mirror's Edge Catalyst Developer Diary ~ City and Narrative



  Electronic Arts 及 EA DICE 预定于 2016 年 5 月 26 日推出,售价未定的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版《镜之边缘:触媒》,日前公布首波开发团队影像日志,除了强调未来具清爽感的艺术指导风格,同时介绍本作收录的夜景要素,当日落之后原来以白色为基底的都市景观在霓虹灯衬托下所展现的不同风情。

  《镜之边缘》为 2008 年推出的第一人称动作冒险游戏,以充满爽快感的 Free-running System 为最大特色,女主角费丝・柯纳兹身手矫健地穿梭在高楼大厦间展开冒险旅程。 本作则采用最新的「Frostbite 3」游戏引擎,费丝将在民众被强权政府高压统治的近未来都市「City of Glass」中,再度施展跑酷功力。

  本作故事描述隶属于主要潜入政府机关窃取机密文件组织「Runner」的费丝,加入由蕾贝加. 赛因所领导的反政府势力「黑色十一月」共同行动的过程。 另外,剧情也将聚焦在费丝的过去,因此在玩家角色内心刻划部份也将会有更深层的演出。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-4-15 07:32 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-20 07:00 AM 编辑

Mirror's Edge Catalyst Gameplay Videos ~ Closed Beta Between April 22-26



  此外官方还公开了本作的一段开发日志影像,主要讨论了本作中的社交游戏功能。《镜之边缘:催化剂》预定于2016年5月24日发售,游戏将登陆XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台。





Announcing the Date of the Mirror's Edge Catalyst Closed Beta

It’s an exhilarating feeling, being this close to the launch of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. The team here at DICE has made a true leap of faith, and with the upcoming Closed Beta* we intend to make the landing as smooth as possible.

Today, we want to share more details on what will be the closest look at Mirror’s Edge Catalyst so far. The Closed Beta for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will begin on April 22nd. It will last for five days, ending on April 26th.

If you have been selected for the Closed Beta and you are a Frontrunner, you will receive an email with your code on April 22nd. Others who made it into the Closed Beta will receive their code on April 23rd.

Closed Beta participants will be able to try out several of the main missions in Faith’s story, Side Missions, other optional content, and the Social Play features Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has to offer.

As with any beta, the experience will not be the same as the final product. The Closed Beta is a chance for us to gather your valuable feedback and test the Social Play and online systems before launch. We know that as community members, you will have invaluable feedback on the game and we look forward to your comments and reaction when the Closed Beta starts.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is not only about the story of Faith and her fight against oppression. We’ve also designed the city of Glass as an opportunity for you to connect with friends and compare skills with other Runners. Detailed in the developer diary video above, these Social Play features are there to make your time in Glass even more entertaining and memorable.

Thank you, and see you in Glass!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-4-22 07:07 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-22 07:27 PM 编辑

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst delayed to early June
《靚影特務:關鍵催化》再度延期 将于6月初发售


  在官方博客的一篇文章中,本作的设计总监Erik Odeldahl解释了延期原因。他表示他们这么做是为了有更多的时间从内测(4月22日开始)中获得并解决玩家反馈的问题意见,让游戏变得更加完美。

  “如你所知,我们即将为《靚影特務:關鍵催化》内测参加者打开大门。本作Beta版和完整游戏的一个关键功能是社交游戏(Social Play),这一点在我们之前的开发者日志中已经详细提到过。”



  《靚影特務:關鍵催化》是《靚影特務》系列最新作,本作将登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。

Update on the Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Launch

Hello everyone,

As you know, we’re about to open the gates to the city of Glass for participants of the Closed Beta. One of the key features of the Beta and the full game is Social Play, detailed in our latest developer diary.

Taking on Dashes designed by DICE, creating your own Time Trials, climbing the Leaderboards, and connecting with your Runner friends are some of the Social Play features we’re really excited about – and something we want to play flawlessly.

To support the Social Play features, we are using a brand new online technology. We also want to make sure we have the opportunity and time to address player feedback from the Closed Beta. That is why we will give ourselves a bit more time to perfect the game, with a new release date for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst of June 7th (NA) and June 9th (EU). We’re confident that these extra two weeks will make sure the game is as amazing as possible for you the players.

Thank you all for your continued support and excitement for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. The return of Faith is imminent.

Erik Odeldahl, Design Director



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-25 07:07 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-25 07:04 PM 编辑

Mirror's Edge Catalyst 'Why We Run' Launch Trailer

  EA 旗下工作室 DICE 今(25)日释出动作游戏《靓影特务:关键催化》上市宣传影片,带领玩家抢先跟随主角费丝(Faith)于游戏世界中奔跑。

  《靓影特务:关键催化》为《靓影特务》系列新作,故事设定在近未来的游戏舞台「city of Glass」,这里是一个具有深厚历史文化,同时拥有先进的未来式建筑的城市。 游戏主角费丝(Faith)将会在近未来城市中,以第一人称跑酷的玩法探索这个遭到巨大复合企业严重的监控的城市,并且为了夺回个人隐私和自由而战。

  本作原定于 5 月 24 日发行,日前官方宣布游戏将延至 6 月 7 日上市,而今日官方也抢先释出上市宣传影片,展示游戏面貌。

  《靓影特务:关键催化》PC、PS4、Xbox One 版本预定于 6 月 7 日抢先在北美上市,欧洲地区则计划于 6 月 9 日推出。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-26 07:04 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-26 08:08 PM 编辑

Mirror's Edge TV show is in the works
《靓影特务》将被改编成真人电视剧 主角暂未确定

  EA旗下第一人称跑酷游戏《镜之边缘》有望被改编成真人电视剧。据《Deadline》报道,《减肥达人(The Biggest Loser)》和《厨艺大师(Master Chef)》的制作公司Endemol Shine北美已经买下了《靓影特务》改编权,制作一个有剧本的真人秀。

  目前这个电视剧不确定是否和游戏一样是女主演,如果是的话Faith Connors这个角色目前也没确定谁来饰演。Endemol认为《靓影特务》品牌有很大的吸引力。

  工作室主席Sharon Hall说:“很显然《靓影特务》对全球电视观众来说是一个系列。它有一个很强大的女主角,有一个不断扩张的粉丝群,以及一个世界级的品牌,EA和EA DICE做的相当不错。”


‘Mirror’s Edge’ Video Game To Be Adapted as TV Series by Endemol Shine Studios

Endemol Shine Studios, the scripted division of Endemol Shine North America, has acquired the action-adventure video game property Mirror’s Edge to adapt for television as a female-centered action series.

Developed by EA DICE and publishedMirror's Edge Catalyst by Electronic Arts, Mirror’s Edge is set in a quasi-futuristic dystopian society in which a network of “runners” act as couriers to transmit messages while evading government surveillance. The game’s main character and heroine is Faith, a runner and skilled warrior whose sister is framed for murder. The narrative follows Faith as she is drawn into the fight against the ruling Conglomerate and becomes enveloped in a conspiracy that could bring down society itself.

“We clearly see Mirror’s Edge as a franchise for the global TV audience,” said Sharon Hall, President of Endemol Shine Studios. “It has a strong female protagonist, a wildly rabid fan base and a worldwide brand that Electronic Arts and EA DICE have done an amazing job establishing.”

Mirror’s Edge was well received when introduced in 2007. The game property is being rebooted with the upcoming Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, which will be released on June 7.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-28 07:10 AM |只看该作者
Mirror's Edge Catalyst Combat Gameplay ~ Developer Commentary



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