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【Xbox One】Halo 5:Guardian









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-16 06:45 PM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-30 06:19 PM 编辑

The Halo Journey

Any time you transition to a new platform, there is the opportunity to look at things with a new perspective. For us at 343 Industries, the launch of the Xbox One was an opportunity to think about what stories we wanted to tell, how to tell them, and how best to push the “Halo” franchise to showcase the platform. And, most importantly, combining our passion for “Halo” with the vocal and informative input from our fans.

“Halo” isn’t simply a perennial game franchise, it’s a part of the Xbox platform itself. In terms of innovation and ideation, it’s sometimes important to people who might not even play “Halo.” And of course it’s a passion and an essential experience for two generations of gamers.  So we asked ourselves, how do we begin and where do we go with “Halo” on Xbox One?

In the past, “Halo” games have pushed the Xbox forward, showcasing the console and its ecosystem in entertaining and innovative ways. Making a “Halo” game that runs at 60 frames per second, on dedicated servers, with the scope, features and scale we’ve been dreaming of for more than a decade, is non-trivial.  It’s a task that we, at 343 Industries, are taking very seriously to ensure we deliver the “Halo” game that fans deserve, and a game that is built from the ground up for Xbox One.   

I’m happy to reveal that “Halo 5: Guardians,” the next installment in the legendary saga of the Master Chief, will launch on Xbox One in fall of 2015.  In the tradition of every “Halo” game since its debut in 2001, it is a massive and exciting project.

“Halo 5: Guardians” is a bigger effort than “Halo 4.”  That applies to the content and scope of the game, as well as the technology in what’s now a brand new and more powerful engine.  Certainly there are some core elements carried over from prior games, but we’ve invested a huge effort in retooling our tech to take full advantage of the Xbox One’s hardware and ecosystem to create worlds and experiences worthy of next-gen.

It’s a game that will hopefully demonstrate the talent, learnings and abilities of the 343 Industries team. A game that will incorporate the things we learned from “Halo 4” about technology, aesthetics, performance and scale – and perhaps more importantly, understanding and embracing a community of gamers who love what lies at the heart of this game, and the limitless potential of the “Halo” universe.

And 2015 won’t simply be the year of “Halo 5: Guardians,” it will also be a year that offers us a unique opportunity. The opportunity to invite old friends and new audiences into that universe through the “Halo” television series, launched as a unique collaboration with Steven Spielberg and some of the finest creative minds in the business.  A series that will stand alone, as well as complement and enrich the game experience.  We’ll have more to share on the “Halo” television series as we near its projected fall 2015 release.

Your Journey Begins in 2014

Many fans noted that I was very deliberate with my phrasing on stage at E3 last year. I spoke about a “journey,” rather than a destination – and that journey definitely begins in 2014 with a giant leap, rather than one small step. We’ll give you much more information about our plans for this year at the Xbox E3 2014 Media Briefing on June 9, and we’re confident that “Halo” fans will be pretty excited about the special plans we have in store.

So until E3, I’d like to express my gratitude to our massive and varied Halo community, whose energy, enthusiasm, criticism and kindness are the driving force behind what we do and what we hope to achieve in “Halo 5: Guardians.”

Xbox Wire:http://news.xbox.com/2014/05/games-halo-journey-announcement

微软公布《光晕5:守护者》 2015年秋季正式发售

  微软正式公布了《光晕5》的存在,并官方公布新作名为《光晕5:守护者》。本作将于2015年秋季登陆Xbox One平台,但微软重申,“光晕之旅”今年也不会断档。

  “在专用的游戏主机上制作一款60帧的《光晕》游戏,再套上我们十几年来梦寐以求的剧本、功能和游戏规模,这些可不是毫无意义的东西。”343 Industries主管Bonnie Ross表示,“我们在343 Industries的使命就是为《光晕》玩家制作一款属于他们的游戏,属于Xbox One的游戏。”

  “《光晕5:守护者》是个比《光晕4》更大的成就。”Ross说道,“新作不但增加了游戏内容和范围,还采用了全新的技术和更强力的引擎。当然还会为前卫的玩家们准备更棒的核心要素,而我们也投入了大量的努力去改良技术,用以发挥Xbox One的硬件机能和系统,来做一款配得上称为‘次世代’的游戏。”

  《光晕5》的详细情报尚不明确。去年我们就在E3上看过一段CG预告片,不过官方到今天才公布正式的消息。Ross表示新作是“一款能完全展示343 Industries的天分、知识和能力的游戏,一款包含了我们在《光晕4》中总结的经验加强了技术、美观、运行效率和规模的游戏,更重要的是,了解并听取了忠实玩家群体的建议之后进行了改进,体现了《光晕》世界观的无限可能性”。

  《光晕4》在2012年登陆Xbox 360,是343 Industries制作的首款《光晕》游戏作品。该工作室由微软组建,取代了跑去制作《命运》的原开发商Bungie接手《光晕》系列。《光晕4》被称为“回收者三部曲”的第一步,剧情或将与《光晕5》紧密相连。


  不管是《光晕5》还是《光晕》剧集都在明年,我们今年能等到什么?《光晕2:周年纪念版》的传言传了有些日子了,别忘了343 Industries主管Bonnie Ross曾经说过《光晕》之旅“在2014会迈出一大步而非一小步”。

  不管工作室今年会弄出点什么名堂,Ross都表示将在6月9日的微软E3 2014发布会上告诉大家。









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-5-17 06:55 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-18 06:56 AM 编辑

Halo 5: Guardians Concept Art Released

  昨天,微软宣布《光环》系列最新作《光环5:守护者》将于2015年秋季在XBOX ONE上发售。制作《光环5》的343 Industries随后放出了该作的首张概念设计图,玩家们一起来欣赏一下吧。对于一年多的漫长等待,本作的制作人之一Frank O’Connor希望大家能够理解他们的开发周期,如约而至的《光环5:守护者》绝对不会让玩家们失望。

The Great Journey

As you’re probably aware, my boss and studio head for 343, Bonnie Ross, officially announced the next installment in the Halo saga: Halo 5: Guardians, coming in fall 2015 for Xbox One. I will be up front and admit that I don’t have much more detail to add, but here at Waypoint, our conversations tend to be a little more insider, a little more familiar. And this is no exception.

Last year at E3, Bonnie famously said, “Your journey begins in 2014…” Wait – hang on – you thought: “What journey is she talking about and why is Chief wearing a poncho?” Okay, some might call it a cloak, but the fact remains – you knew something more nuanced was afoot. So it’s quite likely that Bonnie’s 2015 release announcement today surprised no one in the Halo community. In fact, I suspect most of you who read the Halo Bulletin regularly anticipate there’s even more to come.

Well you might be right, but we’ll have significantly more to say about that at E3 and beyond. Suffice it to say, another shoe has yet to drop.

But getting the Halo 5: Guardians announce out of the way is a big weight off our shoulders. This audience has correctly stated and assumed that you can’t necessarily squish a full Halo game into anything less than a three year development schedule – and at least up to and including Halo 5: Guardians, that’s more or less true.

But we’re not just making a new game in that three year span, we’re also making a new engine. During the development of Halo 4, we pushed the Xbox 360 and the engine to its limits, and we were happy with the way we were able to make the Halo universe look. The Xbox 360 still has a few tricks up its sleeve, even now. We are moving to a whole new platform with the Xbox One – a new architecture, new graphics hardware and bluntly some new ways to think about gaming, period.

Bonnie also called out 60fps and dedicated servers last year – attractive, desirable, and possibly expected upgrades to the Halo experience. After all, we won’t be the first 60fps shooter out there. That said, these must-haves are not necessarily easy to achieve.

Previous Halo titles, Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 for example, strove to push the entire ecosystem forward – dual stick FPS with big open spaces in the case of Combat Evolved, and broadband matchmaking in Halo 2 – are just a couple of examples of the series innovating or amplifying ideas. So in building Halo 5: Guardians, we want to push the ecosystem as well as the universe. And we’ll have some surprises in store for new and loyal players of the series.

So that’s it for now, but E3 is just around the corner. So if you bide your time and hold your breath, you won’t have to wait too long to hear about the next steps on this Great Journey.

Frank O’Connor - Franchise Development Director, 343 Industries

Halowaypoints - https://blogs.halowaypoint.com/e ... s/the-great-journey


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-6-12 07:44 AM |只看该作者
Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Halo 5 Beta Announced for Xbox One



Halo: The Master Chief Collection Puts More Than a Decade of Halo on One Disc

Halo 5: Guardians may not be hitting until the fall of 2015, but faithful followers of Microsoft’s flagship first-person shooter can curb their Covenant-crushing appetite this November with Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Landing just in time to celebrate Halo 2’s 10-year anniversary on November 11 of this year, this fan-pleasing package contains Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4 on a single disc for $59.99.

More than a mere bundle of previously released games, however, The Master Chief Collection is a beast of an offering brimming with more bonuses, enhancements, and extras than you can shake an Energy Sword at. For starters, each title is optimized to take full advantage of the Xbox One’s power and will run at 60 frames-per-second. So, even the series’ most recent releases – Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary and Halo 4 – will benefit from the jump to Xbox One, sporting much higher fidelity, better shadowing, reflection, and lighting effects, as well as an overall level of detail that trumps the previous console generation.

While Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 3, and Halo 4 will melt your eyeballs, Halo 2 raises the bar even further... then chucks it, javelin-style, through the heart of your high expectations. Because the Master Chief’s second outing is celebrating a big anniversary, his handlers are giving it an extra coat of awesome. All of the cinematics have received a retina-searing makeover courtesy of Blur Studios; the crazy-talented team is also applying the movie-making magic to a brand-new prologue and epilogue that sheds some light on the Chief’s forthcoming journey in Halo 5: Guardians.

Those who replay Halo 2 will also be treated to new narrative elements via story-expanding Terminals, much like those found in Combat Evolved Anniversary. Also like its predecessor, Halo 2 will see the addition of game-customizing Skulls, as well as the cool ability to swap between its original visual presentation and the optimized version at the touch of a button. Finally, Halo 2’s massive multiplayer following can celebrate the big 10 by diving into six map remakes, built from scratch for the Xbox One.

Speaking of fragging friends online, The Master Chief Collection features all the multiplayer content from each of the four games, including all previously released download-only maps. While sorting through this enormous amount of solo and multiplayer content might sound like a daunting task on par with fixing a Warthog flat, 343 Industries has got your back. Thanks to what they’re calling the Master Menu, players won’t have to hop from menu to menu when navigating this epic offering. All campaign chapters are unlocked from the get-go, so fans can use this intuitive interface to play any mission, any time, at any skill level. Multiplayer will also benefit from the Master Menu, as a variety of user-friendly, streamlined features – such as maps being broken into gameplay types – are being implemented.

The final game will also leverage this seamless UI to offer curated playlists, such as ones that, say, allow you to play through each of the four games’ final missions consecutively, or let you experience every Warthog mission in one sitting. While the prospect of piloting the Chief’s slick ride for several hours straight is exciting, it’s but just one of the reasons this collection will have you up way past the wee hours.

On top of all the tweaks and enhancements to four of our all-time favorite games, The Master Chief Collection also features the debut of Halo: Nightfall, an all-new digital series executive produced by legendary director Ridley Scott and directed by Sergio Mimica-Gezzan (Battlestar Galactica, Heroes). While details on the project are protected as fiercely as UNSC secrets, we can reveal that the series – airing weekly – will tell the origin story of an all new character that is pivotal to Halo 5: Guardians.

While “Nightfall” will offer a tease of what’s to come in Halo 5: Guardians, The Master Chief Collection will give fans an actual taste of what it’s like to play it with access to the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta. Welcoming fans this December, the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta offers a taste of the new multiplayer gameplay and features coming next year with the game’s full release.

Whether you’re a new Xbox One owner wondering what the fuss is about, or a seasoned Spartan looking to revisit gaming’s signature sci-fi epic, Halo: The Master Chief Collection is a must-have that will keep you locked, loaded, and littering the landscape with Covenant corpses until Halo 5: Guardians lands next year.


【E3 2014】《最后一战:士官长合辑》将于今年11 月11 日推出

在6 月10 日微软举办的「Xbox E3 展前发表会」中发表了Xbox One 游戏《最后一战:士官长合辑(Halo: The Master Chief Collection)》,在本次的合辑中收录了《最后一战复刻版 Halo 2: Anniversary 》、《最后一战2:周年纪念版 Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary》、《最后一战3 Halo 3》和《最后一战4 Halo 4》这四款以士官长为主角的作品,合辑的作品皆为60fps / 1080p 执行,将于2014 年11 月11 日发售。

购买《最后一战:士官长合辑》可获得参与今年12 月27 日开始的《最后一战5:守护者》access to the Halo 5: Guardians Beta 多人游戏Beta 测试资格。

不仅如此,购买《最后一战:士官长合辑》还可获得《最后一战》系列原创影集《最后一战:黄昏(暂译,Halo: Nightfall)》,是叙述在《最后一战5:守护者》之前的故事。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-6-18 07:03 PM |只看该作者
《光环5:守护者》新消息 神秘新角色情报公开

  《光环5》是该系列的最新作,也是大家期待已久的一款游戏。日前在接受国外媒体Eurogamer的采访时,游戏开发商343 Industries的Bonnie Ross透露了游戏的一些新情报,其中就包括神秘新角色“Mirror Chief”的信息和其他游戏细节。

  Ross表示游戏公布时放出的艺术图中的Spartan角色是Agent Locke,而这个由Scott所打造的数字系列新企划将会讲述这位新角色的故事。


  “他是人类,他一直都是人类,但在《光环4》的最后,他真正认真思考了他到底是谁以及他为什么存在。这是非常深思熟虑的结果,因为我们希望在XBOX One上讲述的故事在他的英雄旅程中是非常重要的部分同时也是主要的一部分。这次的故事会与他所追寻的东西以及UNSC要求他做的事情有关。”




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-7-6 07:10 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-7 06:28 PM 编辑

Halo: The Master Chief Collection 'Terminal' Trailer, Halo 2 Anniversary Gameplay


  《光环:士官长合集》中收录《光环:战斗进化编年史》、《光环2:周年版》、《光环3》和《光环4》四款游戏,游戏计划于2014年11月11日登陆XBOX ONE平台。除了这段宣传片之外,官方还公布了《光环2:周年版》的游戏实机视频,玩家们请欣赏。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-7-26 06:59 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-27 07:42 AM 编辑

Halo 2: Anniversary Cinematic Trailer, Zanzibar Map is Getting Remade


  《光环:士官长合集》中收录《光环:战斗进化编年史》、《光环2:周年版》、《光环3》和《光环4》四款游戏,游戏计划于2014年11月11日登陆XBOX ONE平台。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-8-6 06:47 PM |只看该作者
英国零售商公开《光环:士官长合集(Halo: Master Chief Collection)》限定版

  《光环:士官长合集》是微软所推出的一款系列合集之作,将收录《光环:战斗进化编年史》、《光环2:周年版》、《光环3》和《光环4》四款游戏,而本作计划于2014年11月11日登陆XBOX ONE平台。日前英国零售商GAME公开了本作的两种针对预购玩家的限定版,虽然目前官方并没有确定这些版本是否会在欧美其他地区发售,不过从GAME的官方推特来看这两个版本是针对英国而特别推出的。这两个特别版收录内容如下:


  The Grunt Funeral Digital Skull DLC


  The Grunt Funeral Digital Skull DLC

  • A Collector’s Limited Edition Steel Book Case: Display your Halo: The Master Chief Collection game with pride with this stylish Steel Book.
  • A Physical Map Book: Featuring all the maps from all different iterations of Halo, the Map Book will give you the tactically knowledge needed to help Master Chief outwit his foes.
  • The Grunt Funeral Digital Skull DLC: Celebrate every headshot with the Grunt Funeral Digital Skull, which causes each of your precision kills to trigger a confetti filled explosion.
  • The Master Chief Artfx Statue: Standing nearly 12 inches tall, this statue displays Master Chief in his iconic MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armour. Complete with his trusty Battle Rifle and interchangeable arms, you can position Master Chief in any number of unique poses.

Limited Edition
  • A Collector’s Limited Edition Steel Book Case: Show off you Halo: Master Chief Collection game with the Limited Edition Collector’s Steel Book Case, perfect for keeping your game safe and stylish at the same time.
  • A Physical Map Book: Never get lost in any of the Halo games with the detailed and informative physical map book, which features every map available in all the Halo games. Learn the battlefield and get the upper hand against your opponents.
  • The Grunt Funeral Digital Skull DLC: Have a party taking down Grunt after Grunt with this DLC which will cause your foes heads to explode in a shower of confetti upon scoring a headshot.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-8-12 09:32 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-13 06:25 PM 编辑

《最后一战5》Beta 测试年底展开及「最后一战频道」发表

微软在今(12)日晚间举办的欧洲最大规模电玩展Gamescon 展前发表会中,公布将在12 月29 日至1 月18 日举行《最后一战5:守护者》多人Beta 测试。 Beta 测试将会为玩家带来7 张地图、3 种游戏模式以及60 fps 画面表现。


同时《最后一战:士官长合辑(Halo: The Master Chief Collection)》也公开了最新的游玩影像。 《最后一战:士官长合辑》内容将会收录《最后一战》4 作品,并将在11 月11 日发售。

而舞台上也曝光了《最后一战2:纪念版(Halo 2: Anniversary)》历经十年光阴,全面HD 化的游戏画面,现场也强调全面翻新的《最后一战2》HD 中,画面不仅全面升级、音效也重新编辑、动作张数也改进,但还是依然保有10 年前2 代的风味。现场也播放了由《最后一战》电竞选手带来的《最后一战2》全面刷新地图「Sanctuary」对战影片。


另外,舞台上也同时公布了全新的《最后一战(HALO)》系列新企划「最后一战频道(Halo Channel)」。在「最后一战频道」中,将可以在Xbox One 主机及PC 上观看《最后一战》系列的游玩影像、无接缝的切换游戏游玩,或是观赏其他玩家的观战,以及确认游戏的进度和成就的解除等等要素。 「最后一战频道」预定将会在2014 年11 月释出。

Xbox One《最后一战:士官长合辑》将于11 月11 日发售,并附赠《最后一战5:守护者》多人Beta 测试资格以及《最后一战》原创影集《最后一战:黄昏(Halo: Nightfall)》。



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发表于 2014-8-15 07:29 PM |只看该作者
Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta Begins December 29


343 Industries Gives a Fans a Sneak Peek at the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta

The next generation of Halo multiplayer begins on Dec. 29, 2014 with the start of the three week long Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta.

Announced during the Xbox gamescom 2014 Media Briefing, the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta will run from Dec. 29, 2014 through Jan. 18, 2015 and focus on just a portion of Halo 5: Guardians’ full multiplayer experience – arena gameplay. Featuring intense 4 vs. 4 showdowns, arena combat in Halo 5: Guardians will start players with the same loadout, ensuring matches are perfectly balanced and competitive. The Multiplayer Beta includes seven maps and three game types, as well as a variety of different armor sets to customize your Spartan with.

“It’s celebrating the legacy of competitive gameplay that’s always been at the heart of Halo’s multiplayer,” said Josh Holmes, Executive Producer on Halo 5: Guardians, in a developer video that was shown during the Media Briefing.

Throughout the Beta, players will have the opportunity provide feedback through the newly announced Halo Channel.

“Having a beta this early this early in development is crucial because it gives us as developers the opportunity to react to the feedback we get from fans and take it into account as we complete the multiplayer experience for Halo 5: Guardians,” said Holmes.

The Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta will run on dedicated servers at 60 frames-per-second to deliver the best multiplayer experience, and include unlockables which can be carried over to Halo 5: Guardians when it launches in fall in 2015.

Fans can get access to the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta as part of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which releases on Nov. 11, 2014.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-8-15 07:31 PM |只看该作者


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