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【PS4/Xbox One/PC】Dead Island 2









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-6-12 09:42 PM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-14 04:46 PM 编辑

Dead Island 2 Announced for PS4, Xbox One & PC


California Dreamin': Deep Silver Reveals Dead Island 2 at the 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo

The zombie apocalypse has hit the iconic, sunny realms of California as Deep Silver announced Dead Island 2 today. Building on the strengths of the multi-million best-selling hit Dead Island, Dead Island 2 delivers a shared survival, open-world zombie experience set in a clash of natural beauty and bloody horror and violence: paradise meets hell once again!

Developed by award-winning studio Yager, Dead Island 2 is scheduled for release in spring 2015 on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC.

Several months after the events on Banoi, the United States military has put the Golden State under full quarantine. Now a restricted zone, California has become a bloody paradise for those who refuse to leave their homes and an action-packed playground for renegades who seek adventure, glory and a fresh start. Combining the classic Dead Island elements of immersive close combat, action and role-playing, Dead Island 2 features crazy, never-before-seen handcrafted weapons and over-the-top characters in taking players from the iconic Golden Gate to the celebrated beachfront boardwalk of southern California’s Venice Beach.

Developed in Unreal Engine 4, Dead Island 2 brings back its acclaimed, seamless multiplayer for up to eight players who cooperate, compete or simply coexist in a truly social, new-gen multiplayer experience. Dedicated classes offer a variety of gameplay: From the action-oriented berserker to the stealthy hunter, every character offers a different style of play. An in-depth skill system allows the player to handcraft their own heroes and weapons.

For more information, hit up the official website at deadisland2.com

  在Sony Computer Entertainment 发表会中曝光的新作里,以奇特内容让人留下印象的就是Deep Silver 僵尸动作游戏《死亡之岛2(Dead Island 2)》(PC/PS4 /Xbox One)了。在Deep Silver 展区中也公开了实机游玩影片,同时我们也打听了些情报。

  玩家操作角色的职业除了有前作《死亡之岛:激流》的「Bersarker」「Speed​​er」「Bishop」「Hunter」这4 种之外,还有一个未发表的职业。合计 5 种。
  在E3 2014 所公开的宣传影片中,最后驾驶改造厢型车登场的人物就是名为「Max」的中年男子,还带着叫做「Rich Furry」的宠物猫咪。
  Max 本身虽然对僵尸菌没有免疫能力,但还是为了追求新生活而刻意前往被隔离的加利福尼亚州,是一个怪人。在游戏中会给予玩家各种任务,在故事中有着非常重要的地位。
  另外,这次并不是由《死亡之岛》原开发商Techland 经手,而是过去曾开发过《特种战线(Spec Ops:The Line)》等作品而闻名的「Yager Development」担任开发工作。
  游戏引擎也不是Techland的「Chrome Engine」,而是采用Epic Games 最新游戏引擎「Unreal Engine 4」。不知道是不是因为这样,使得《死亡之岛2》的图像变得非常精致并具有冲击性。僵尸腐烂的皮肤也描绘的很仔细,在终结技等画面有许多脸部出现时,景深效果的处里也让背景有着不错的感觉。
  而本作的僵尸因为采用自动生成系统的关系,所以不会看到有相同风貌的僵尸。另外,猫咪「Rich Furry」也是利用动态撷取来呈现动作的。另外,跟游戏没有直接关系的气球也透过物理模拟来忠实呈现等,给人一种开发团队在意想不到的地方也注入心力的印象。
  跟游戏游玩有关联的则是有单人游玩的战役模式以及多人连线模式,跟像是可无接缝式介入型的网路模式。虽然目前还没有详细的说明,但可得知有对战模式,Co-op 模式,或者是可以在相同世界[词语过滤-#0048]存的各种内容。关于这部分就期待之后的情报吧。









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-8-12 07:50 AM |只看该作者

Dead Island 2 'Sunshine & Slaughter' Trailer

Sunshine & Slaughter: Dead Island 2 Debuts Gameplay at Gamescom 2014

Deep Silver revealed the first gameplay trailer for Dead Island 2 today , the next installment in the multi-million-selling Dead Island franchise. In the debut gameplay trailer, sunshine meets bloody melee violence once again, this time in the sunny realms of California. Dead Island 2 developed by YAGER is coming spring 2015 for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, as well as Windows PC.

Fans at Gamescom will enjoy the Dead Island 2 zombie slaughter fest under the blue skies of Los Angeles, just below the iconic Hollywood sign in the first hands-on showcase at the Deep Silver booth in Hall 9.1, B11/C10.

Dead Island 2 picks up the Dead Island and Escape Dead Island storyline several months after the events on the Banoi islands. The United States military has put the Golden State under full quarantine which, for some, is a dream come true with a promise of a fresh start. California's newfound bloody paradise is an action-packed playground featuring the acclaimed, seamless multiplayer for up to eight players who cooperate, compete or simply coexist in a truly social, new-gen multiplayer experience.

For more information, hit up the official website at deadisland.com


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-5-1 07:20 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-1 06:13 PM 编辑

Dead Island 2 delayed to 2016
Deep Silver 僵尸动作游戏《死亡之岛2(Dead Island 2)》正式延期至2016年




Dead Island 2 has been delayed to 2016

We have always set ourselves a big goal for Dead Island 2: to create the sequel that takes Dead Island to the next level. A game that takes what our fans tell us they love about Dead Island – multiple different characters to play with, co-op, and turning a paradise setting into a zombie slaughter melee – and a game that adds a ton more content and combat options on top of that.

And we wanted to have all of that that done for release in Spring 2015.

We have been looking at the game long and hard, and we have decided we didn’t reach that goal we set out to achieve quite yet. This is why we have decided to delay Dead Island 2 to 2016.

Right now we are focusing purely on development, and we will have more info to share at a later stage.

We know that our fans will be disappointed by this news, but by giving Dead Island 2 more time we are confident that everyone will get a better game to play as a result.

- Team Dead Island 2



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-15 07:08 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-15 06:33 PM 编辑

Dead Island 2 developer Yager dropped by Deep Silver

  在《死亡岛2》此前的延期之后,发行商Deep Silver于本周二正式宣布另一个重磅消息,此前曾一直负责开发本作的Yager工作室将不再进行本作的开发。


Deep Silver's Statement

With Dead Island 2, Deep Silver has always been dedicated to delivering the sequel that Dead Island fans deserve. After careful consideration, today we announce the decision to part ways with development partner Yager. We will continue working towards bringing our vision of Dead Island 2 to life, and we will share further information at a later stage


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-16 06:28 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-17 07:26 AM 编辑

Yager comments on being dropped from Dead Island 2
《死亡之岛 2》延至明年上市 Deep Silver 宣布与负责研发的 Yager 解除合作关系

  Deep Silver 今日在官方推特宣布,针对旗下知名殭尸生存动作游戏《死亡之岛 2》,Deep Silver 与负责研发的 Yager Development 解除了合作关系,《死亡之岛 2》将延期到 2016 年上市。

  《死亡之岛》一代是由 Techland 负责研发,去年在 E3 展公开续作《死亡之岛 2》时,则是由曾开发过《特种战线》等作品的「Yager Development」担任开发工作。 但 Deep Silver 今日表示,公司一直致力希望提供给《死亡之岛》粉丝值得收藏的续作,经过慎重考虑,他们宣布了与研发伙伴 Yager Development 分道扬镳的决定。 他们将会持续努力将他们的《死亡之岛 2》版本问世,未来也将与玩家分享新的消息。

  《死亡之岛 2》的游戏舞台为加利福尼亚州,游戏从旧金山到洛杉矶、优胜美地国家公园等地区都囊括其中,而去年在 E3 展时透露,将会有五种职业;最初官方宣布预定 2015 年春天问世,但后来今年 4 月底才宣布将延期到 2016 年上市。

Yager's Statement

We're sorry to announce the termination of our joint project with Deep Silver. As of now Yager is no longer responsible for the development of Dead Island 2.

Timo Ullmann, CEO of Yager Group, elaborates: ”Our Yager team is fully committed to the development of AAA quality titles. We work closely with international publishers and partners and have at the same time always remained an independent development studio. Our team is made of the best creative minds and tech specialists who all share a common identity. The team worked with enthusiasm to take Dead Island 2 to a new level of quality. However, Yager and Deep Silver's respective visions of the project fell out of alignment, which led to the decision that has been made. We’ll focus our current efforts on Dreadnought together with Six Foot and our publisher Grey Box as well as on new projects. More details will be disclosed soon. All I can reveal at this point is that gamescom will be awesome for Dreadnought.”

Just as the many fans of Dead Island we sincerely hope that DI2 will shape up to be the great experience everyone has been waiting for.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-4 07:27 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-7 06:34 PM 编辑

Dead Island: Definitive Collection Officially Announced
《死亡岛:决定版合集》正式公开 5月31日发售

  此前国外零售商Best Buy泄露了一款名为《死亡岛:决定版合集(Dead Island Definitive Collection)》的游戏,而日前Deep Silver正式公开了该作品。本作将于2016年5月31日发售,游戏将登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。

  根据官方提供的情报,本作将收录经历了完全重制并大幅强化的《死亡岛》和《死亡岛:狂潮》两款作品,游戏将以更加高清的形式呈现给玩家。本作还将收录这两款游戏的所有DLC,并且本作的所有版本将支持四人在线合作模式。此外,本作还将额外收录一款名叫《死亡岛:复古复仇(Dead Island: Retro Revenge)》的16位风格游戏。


《死亡岛:最终版》(Dead Island: Definitive Edition)新增要素

《死亡岛:最终版》终于被正式公佈了,本作预定2016年5月31日发售、售价40欧元,终极版中包含《死亡岛》、 《死亡岛:激流》以及此前所有DLC内容。当然除了内容丰富之外,官方也在游戏画面上做足了改进。







Return to the paradisiac nightmare that started it all, with Dead Island Definitive Collection!

Deep Silver are bringing the iconic bone crunching, skull smashing, limb breaking, blood drenching fan loved Dead Island and Dead: Island Riptide to the next generation! Featuring fully remastered and greatly improved versions of both Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide set to deliver the ultimate Dead Island experience ever.

The rebuilding of both Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide on Techland‘s next gen engine brings with it a significant visual & performance overhaul, introducing many cutting edge current-generation graphical effects:

• Higher Quality Textures - Game textures have been redone in a higher resolution and the level of quality has been improved across the board

• Photorealistic new lighting system - The lighting system in the game has been vastly improved, providing a much more realistic look, enhancing the stunning tropical setting

• Physically based shading - The introduction of new physically based shading techniques due to the latest iteration of the Chrome Engine means a higher quality look to the game models and objects as they react in a more realistic way to various lighting conditions

• Image quality enhancements via anti-aliasing - The addition of more sophisticated anti-aliasing means that console players can now experience Dead Island without unsightly “jaggies“ – meaning a much cleaner look throughout

• Improved-quality game models and geometry assets - All major geometry assets (for example: NPCs and character models) highlight a marked quality increase

• HBAO and motion blur effects - The introduction of Horizon-based Ambient Occlusion adds an extra layer of depth and realism to the world. Through a better implementation of object shadows, while the all-new motion blur effects will provide a much more cinematic feel to the game experience.

• Updated game UI - Providing a more consistent look between both Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide. Increase to equal quality level for seamless game experience.

• The Current-gen Console Experience - The Dead Island Redux Collection will also of course take advantage of the latest console features such as Online 4 Player Co-op, PS Vita Remote-Play (PS4), Share-Play (PS4), streaming and recording

• Power Fists Power-up - And last but not least, The fan favourite unofficial PC mod will also now be added to both products. Punch your way through the mayhem with craziest power-up ever!

But wait there is more! Making its debut and added into the mix of flesh-rending zombie chaos is a new gem just waiting to be discovered! A classic side-scrolling/endless runner action game Dead Island Retro Revenge!

Features at a glance:

• Retro look meets melee-based combat

• Featuring leaderboards, achievements and plenty of depth

• Game mechanics include power-ups, super attacks and a combo system

Dead Island Definitive Collection is a compilation containing Dead Island Definitive Edition, Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition and also includes for free Dead Island Retro Revenge!. It will be available at retail and digital for a suggested price of $39.99.

Available at the same time, Dead Island Definitive Edition, and Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition will each be available separately and as a digital download for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and PC at suggested a price of $19.99.

All three titles, Dead Island Definitive Edition, Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition, plus the compilation Dead Island Definitive Collection are scheduled for release May 31st 2016 on Xbox One, PlayStation, and Windows PC.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-10 06:49 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-11 07:30 AM 编辑

Sumo Digital Takes Over Development of Dead Island 2
《死亡岛2》将由Sumo Digital开发商接手制作

  《死亡岛2》最初于2014年E3中公开,此前该作品经历了延期风波后,游戏发行商Deep Silver于2015年7月确认Yager工作室不再负责本作的开发。此后官方一直未透露本作将由哪家工作室接受,而日前根据最新报导,官方已经确认本作将由Sumo Digital负责继续开发。

  日前国外媒体MCV透露了这一情报,Koch Media的CEO Dr. Klemens Kundratitz表示:“Sumo Digital 展示了他们对这一品牌的充分理解,他们拥有充满创意的点子以及和我们一致的优秀愿景。”“对我们来说将这个计划交给他们非常棒。我们将会在近期内公开最新的情报给大家,不过现在我可以说我们对于和他们合作所取得的进展表示非常兴奋。”

Sumo Digital 来历

  Sumo Digital 目前曾开发过《小小大星球3》(Little Big Planet 3)和《索尼克与世嘉全明星赛车:变形》(Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed)等知名作品,而该工作室的COO Paul Porter对于接手本作开发则表示能够接手Deep Silver这款重要系列的新作可以说是一种荣誉,他表示:“我们期望利用雄心勃勃的设计制作出超过粉丝期待的东西,我们有信心将游戏带到全新的水平。”

Sumo Digital takes charge of Dead Island 2

UK studio Sumo Digital has been handed the task of developing Deep Silver's Dead Island 2, MCV can reveal.

The horror shooter was first announced at E3 2014 during PlayStation’s press conference, and was being developed by Spec Ops: The Line creators Yager.

However, publisher Deep Silver terminated its relationship with the studio in July 2015 because it ‘wanted to make no compromises’ with the franchise. Yager Productions has since filed for insolvency.

“Sumo showed so much understanding of the brand, had creative ideas and an excellent, vision that was aligned with our own,” Koch Media CEO Dr Klemens Kundratitz told MCV.

“It just made perfect sense for us to move the project to them. We will reveal more details at a later stage, but for now I’d like to say that we are obviously super excited about the progress that we are making with them.”

Sumo Digital has previously handled triple-A IP including Disney Infinity, LittleBigPlanet and Forza. The studio is also working on Microsoft’s new Crackdown game.

“It’s an honour to be charged with the evolution of such an important franchise in Deep Silver’s catalogue,” said Sumo COO Paul Porter. “We’re looking forward to exceeding fan expectation with an ambitious design that we’re confident will take bone-crunching, visceral, zombie action to a whole new level.”

This is Deep Silver’s second investment in UK development. Its upcoming shooter Homefront: The Revolution is being created at Nottingham-based Dambuster, which it owns.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-4-27 07:22 AM |只看该作者
Dead Island: Definitive Collection Screenshots


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-4 06:43 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-4 06:55 AM 编辑

Dead Island: Definitive Collection 'Dead Facts’' Trailer



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-10 07:19 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-10 06:26 PM 编辑

Dead Island: Retro Revenge Debut Trailer
《死亡之岛 决定版》高分辨率合辑登场 收录怀旧风小游戏《死亡之岛:复古还击》

  Deep Silver 宣布,将于 5 月底在 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 上推出《死亡之岛》与《死亡之岛:激流》的高分辨率移植合辑《死亡之岛 决定版(Dead Island Definitive Collection)》。

  《死亡之岛 决定版》将完整收录《死亡之岛》与《死亡之岛:激流》本篇与后续的追加下载内容,同时配合新一代硬件采用 Techland 研发的次世代绘图引擎,强化画面表现,包括:

  • 高质量材质贴图
  • 如相片般写实的新光照系统
  • 基于真实物理的着色处理
  • 透过反锯齿强化影像质量
  • 质量更为提升的游戏模型与几何数据套件
  • 符合最新世代主机的体验

  此外,合辑中还将收录以 16 bit 复古像素风制作的小游戏《死亡之岛:复古还击(Dead Island Retro Revenge)》,采横向卷轴动作玩法,包含强化、必杀技与连段系统,具备排行榜与成就。



First Awesome Trailer Released for the New Side-Scroller Dead Island Retro Revenge

Deep Silver has released today the first trailer for the all-new 16-bit side-scrolling action game Dead Island Retro Revenge.

Hell-bent on saving his cat, Max must carve a bloody path through a zombie-infested California, tearing his way through hordes of the undead, battalions of corrupt soldiers, and a slew of evil-minded ex-cons. Pull off crazy combos, collect power-ups, wield super weapons, and unleash insane magic attacks as you fight to become the amazing 16-bit side-scrolling hero you've always believed yourself to be!

Features at a glance

• Retro look meets melee-based combat.

• Featuring leader boards, achievements and a level of depth beyond the genre.

• Game mechanics include power-ups, super attacks and a cool combo system.

Dead Island: Definitive Collection is a compilation containing Dead Island: Definitive Edition, Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition, and also includes Dead Island: Retro Revenge! It will be available at retail and digital for a suggested price of £29.99

The digital pre-order on Steam will start later today and make sure to check the Steam community hub for some fabulous discounts!

At the same time, Dead Island: Definitive Edition and Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition will each be available separately and as a digital download for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and PC at suggested a price of £14.99

All three titles, Dead Island: Definitive Edition, Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition, plus the compilation Dead Island Definitive Collection are scheduled for release May 31st 2016 on Xbox One, PlayStation, and Windows PC.


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