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【PS4/Xbox One/PC】Assassin's Creed Syndicate









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-12-3 07:16 AM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-13 07:07 AM 编辑

《刺客教条》新作「枭雄」情报解禁! 解放维多利亚时代伦敦 引领劳工对抗财阀与权贵

  Ubisoft 于今(13)日正式揭露,《刺客教条》系列最新作品《刺客教条︰枭雄(Assassin's Creed Syndicate)》将引领玩家挺进 1868 年的伦敦,感受摩登年代的诞生。 官方同时确认繁体中文版将于 10 月 23 日与全球同步在 PlayStation 4 以及 Xbox One 主机发售,PC 版将于稍晚发售。

  由 Ubisoft 魁北克工作室主导并与其他 9 个 Ubisoft 工作室协力,《刺客教条︰枭雄》将带来史诗般的单人游戏剧情。 故事背景发生在工业革命巅峰时期的伦敦,这个惊奇的发明年代改变了数百万人的生活。 然而在此同时,贫富之间的差距也渐行渐远,让工人沦为名正言顺的奴隶。 低层阶级的人们为了存活,聚集在一起组成了新型态的家族 — 帮派、过着台面下不为人知的生活。

  玩家将扮演全新主角雅各布. 弗莱(Jacob Frye),一名果断、热血却又叛逆的帮派领袖;同时玩家也将得以操作伊薇(Evie),雅各布的双胞胎妹妹,身怀潜行暗杀绝技。 雅各布与伊薇两人将连手面对敌人、财阀以及圣殿骑士的挑战,试着将平民百姓从穷苦贪污中解救出来,最终夺回伦敦的控制权。

  《刺客教条︰枭雄》当中,玩家将探索《刺客教条》系列作有史以来最大规模、最近代的开放世界城市,战斗过程也变得更加暴力真实,玩家必须击败帮派死对头来逐步取得伦敦的控制权。 全新的武器装备包括了手指虎、库克力弯刀、左轮手枪都将能协助玩家有效的达成目的。 《刺客教条︰枭雄》也带来创新的导航指引方式与骑乘交通工具,绳枪发射器将让玩家能够快速攀爬高耸的维多利亚式建筑或者当作滑索快速穿梭于各个建筑物之间,当然也可以当作空中暗杀的道具。 而马车与火车将带来更多跑酷机会、追踪敌人的方法或者当作逃离追杀的工具。

  「能够率领帮派然后在如此蓬勃发展且步调快速的维多利亚伦敦使用现代武器,将让这款游戏与众不同」,创意总监 Marc-Alexis Cote 表示;「《刺客教条︰枭雄》迄今已经开发超过两年,我们相信这个全新摩登设定的开放世界将会满足系列作粉丝以及新玩家的期待。 」

  《刺客教条:枭雄》繁体中文版将于今年 10 月 23 日在 PS4、Xbox One 平台上市,PC 版稍晚另行推出;台湾将推出包含高 27 公分雅各布公仔的「查灵十字典藏版」以及特殊封面的「黑鸦帮会版」与「初回特别版」,另加赠额外游戏内容与限量预赠特典,现已开放预购、请向各游戏零售通路洽询。 欲知更多详情,请参阅中文官方网站 http://www.ubisoft.com.tw/acs 、或订阅 Ubisoft 官方中文专页 http://www.facebook.com/UbisoftSEA 取得最新信息。


英文原名:Assassin's Creed Syndicate
对应平台:PS4 / Xbox One / Windows PC
发售日期:2015 年 10 月 23 日(PC 2015 年秋季预定)
研发单位:Ubisoft 魁北克(主导)、Ubisoft 蒙特娄、Ubisoft 新加坡、Ubisoft 安锡、Ubisoft 蒙彼利埃、Reflections 工作室、Ubisoft 成都、Ubisoft 上海、Ubisoft 基辅




Liberate Victorian London From Opression in Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Today, Ubisoft announced that Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, the newest installment in the blockbuster Assassin’s Creed franchise, will be available worldwide on October 23 for PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft. The Windows PC version will be available this autumn.

Developed by Ubisoft Quebec in collaboration with eight other Ubisoft studios*, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is an epic single player experience set in London during the height of the Industrial Revolution, an incredible age of invention that transforms the lives of millions. During this time, the gap between the poor and the rich expands exponentially, making workers’ lives little more than legalised slavery. The lower classes fight for survival by forming a new kind of family – gangs – and adapting to life in the criminal underworld. Players will embody both Jacob Frye and Evie Frye, twin Assassins raised to follow the Creed. Jacob, a determined, hot-headed and rebellious leader of an underground gang, is vastly different than his sister Evie, a master of stealth and control. Together, Jacob and Evie team up to challenge rivals, plutocrats and Templars alike to free the masses from poverty and corruption, and, ultimately, wrestle back control of London.

In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, players explore the largest, most modern open-world city ever created in an Assassin’s Creed game. The fighting is more brutal than ever, as players combat rival gangs and grow their sphere of influence throughout London using new weapons, including brass knuckles, a kukri knife, a revolver and the Assassin’s gauntlet. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate also includes innovative navigation and transportation throughout the open world, including a rope launcher for scaling tall Victorian buildings, zip-lining from rooftop to rooftop or performing aerial assassinations, and horse-drawn carriages and high-speed trains for free-running, tracking down enemies or escaping after daring raids.

"The ability to lead an underground gang, commandeer any vehicle on hand and use modern tools to take on an expansive and fast-paced Victorian London sets this game apart,” said Marc-Alexis Côté, Creative Director at Ubisoft. “Assassin’s Creed Syndicate has been in development for more than two years and this new modern take on the living open world will please Assassin’s Creed fans and newcomers alike.”

For more information on Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, please visit assassinscreed.com.


About Assassin’s Creed Syndicate

London, 1868. The Industrial Revolution unleashes an incredible age of invention, transforming the lives of millions with technologies once thought impossible. Opportunities created during this period have people rushing to London to engage in this new world, a world no longer controlled by kings, emperors, politicians, or religion, but by a new common denominator: money.

Not everyone is able to enjoy the benefits of this boom, however. Despite fueling the engine of the British Empire, workers’ lives are little more than legalized slavery while the top few percent profit from their labor. Living poor and dying young, the lower class unite in protest as a new kind of family, gangs, who turn to a life in the underworld in their struggle to survive. A struggle, until watchful Assassins come to their side and re-ignite an age-old conflict involving London’s leaders that will echo throughout modern history, from the underground up.

Introducing Jacob Frye, who with the help of his twin sister Evie, will change the fate of millions in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. Rise to rally and lead the underworld to break the corrupt stranglehold on London in a visceral adventure filled with action, intrigue, and brutal combat.

Key Features

• The first Assassin at the birth of of the modern age - As the brash, rebellious Jacob Frye, put up your dukes and take enemies on with lightning-fast multikills and countermoves. Use improved stealth tactics to elude your enemies and unleash your arsenal of weapons, including the kukri knife, brass knuckles, and sword cane. Utilize new technology like the rope launcher to scale buildings in seconds and take your enemies by surprise.

• Traverse the fast-paced world of industrial London - From Buckingham Palace to Big Ben, fight and triumph across the massive open world of Victorian London. Parkour across moving vehicles to track down enemies or escape after a daring raid, hijack carriages to engage in a no-holds-barred street race, or blaze a trail of destruction aboard steamboats along the River Thames.

• Take over the London Underworld - With Jacob as the leader, gamers can establish Great Britain’s fiercest gang, the only force that can challenge the elite and defeat rival gangs to bring freedom to the oppressed masses. Enemy strongholds can be infiltrated by using an arsenal of weapons to dominate London’s underworld. From robbing trains to rescuing child laborers, players will stop at nothing to bring justice to London’s dangerous streets.

• Master the art of stealth as Evie Frye - Play as Jacob’s twin sister Evie, a relentless Assassin who has perfected the silent, swift, invisible strike. Parkour across London’s immense open world using your status in London’s leading gang to change the city for the better.









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-5-8 06:53 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-13 06:59 AM 编辑

Next year's Assassin's Creed leaked, is set in Victorian era London
2015 年系列最新作《刺客教条:胜利》情报泄漏!以 19 世纪伦敦为舞台

  在日前,完成正式贩卖的系列最新作《刺客教条:大革命》,在本作发生了极大问题的质量事故后,表示之后的作品将花费更多开发时间的 Ubisoft。却在本日在国外遭到未预期的内部泄漏,包括作品标志与游戏截图,似乎可认为这是将于明年发售的《刺客教条:胜利》,对此流出情报之细节成为了相当大的话题。

  另外,Ubisoft 对海外媒体发表的声明中,也承认了《刺客教条:胜利》是确实在进行的,但也强调目前的最优先事项是运用从《刺客教条:大革命》之中获得的经验并提升公司作品的质量。

  目前所知的,在《刺客教条》系列中,从过去就一直有内部情报泄漏的情况,例如:《刺客教条 4:黑旗》的情节、《刺客教条:叛变》的细节内容以及《刺客教条:大革命》的情节与内部开发影片等机密情报泄漏的情形。

《刺客教条:胜利》预定在 2015 年秋天发售。发售平台是 PS4、 Xbox One、PC。


本次代替蒙特娄工作室,是 Ubisoft 魁北克工作室来领导开发,与先前一样会有许多 Ubisoft 工作室参与开发。

已知魁北克工作室曾参与《刺客教条 3》的 DLC「暴君华盛顿王」以及《刺客教条 4:黑旗》的 DLC「自由吶喊」的开发。




可知道有与圣殿骑士的战斗包含有经过马车的追逐战,到达当时的查令十字车站,推开人群往站在车站广场的 Roderick Bulmer 前进的章节。在这里也确认有追逐窃贼的支线。

描绘了在车站内暗杀 Roderick Bulmer,之后乘上火车,横越泰唔士河并与众多圣殿骑士对战的刺客样子。还有镜头在移动中拍摄伦敦街道全体时,刺客主角从火车往干草堆飞降的场景,最后以《刺客教条:胜利》的标志作影片结尾。



Next Year's Big Assassin's Creed is Set in Victorian London

Next year's Assassin's Creed game will take place in London during the 19th century, Kotaku has learned. Farewell, Napoleon; hello, Jack the Ripper?

This new entry in Ubisoft's annual open-world action series, slated for release in the fall of 2015, will take us through the dirty back alleys and rattling stagecoaches of London during the Victorian era, a historical period that fans have wanted to see in an Assassin's Creed game for quite some time now. This new Assassin's Creed game is called or code-named Victory—like Victorian!—and it will be out next year for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, according to a person familiar with the game.

Victory is something of a shift for the series in a few ways. For one, this is the first Assassin's Creed game helmed by Ubisoft's Quebec studio, as opposed to their primary Montreal office, which has led development on the biggest Assassin's Creed releases since the first game in 2007. Earlier this year, the Ubisoft Blog teased that Quebec would be heading up a future game in their annualized series, but they didn't say much more about it. This is that game.

Of course, just about every major Ubisoft game is developed by teams of hundreds that work across all of their studios across the world, from Canada to China. But it's significant to see an Assassin's Creed game led by a new team. Ubisoft Quebec also developed downloadable content for Assassin's Creed III (The Tyranny of King Washington) and Assassin's Creed IV (Freedom Cry).

We also hear that this will be the only main Assassin's Creed next fall—unless something changes, we won't see two separate entries like we did this year with Unity and Rogue, according to a person familiar with goings-on at the company. Next year, Assassin's Creed is sticking to current-gen platforms and seemingly leaving the Xbox 360 and PS3 behind.

More on Kotaku

Ubisoft's statement

It is always unfortunate when internal assets, not intended for public consumption, are leaked. And, while we certainly welcome anticipation for all of our upcoming titles, we're disappointed for our fans, and our development team, that this conceptual asset is now public. The team in our Quebec studio has been hard at work on the particular game in question for the past few years, and we're excited to officially unveil what the studio has been working on at a later date. In the meantime, our number one priority is enhancing the experience of Assassin's Creed Unity for players.

Ubisoft 宣布将于 5 月 13 日凌晨揭露《刺客教条》系列最新作详情

  Ubisoft 宣布,将于 5 月 13 日凌晨 0:00 全球同步揭露《刺客教条》系列最新作详情。




  目前官方尚未公布新作的确切信息,仅公布标语为「迫害必将终结」。 一般预期应该是先前曾提前泄漏、以维多利亚时代英国伦敦为背景的《刺客教条:胜利(Assassin's Creed Victory)》。 不过虽然先前官方曾确认泄漏信息为真,但并未正式公布该新作的名称,因此仍有可能有变动。



使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-5-13 07:09 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-13 07:20 AM 编辑

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Q&A

Q. What is the backdrop of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate?

A. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate takes place in London towards the end of the Industrial Revolution, in 1868.The Industrial Revolution unleashed an incredible age of invention, transforming the lives of millions with technologies once thought impossible.

During this time the gap between the working class and the rich widened dramatically, making workers’ lives a little more than legalized slavery. Living poor and dying young, the working class unite in protest as a new kind of family, gangs, who turn to a life in the underworld in their struggle to survive.
A struggle, until watchful Assassins come to their side and re-ignite an age-old conflict that will echo throughout modern history, from the underground up.

Q. Why did you decide on the Industrial Revolution for the setting of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate? Why is it an important period in history?

A. Assassin’s Creed games are always set in pivotal moment of history and The Industrial Revolution completely changed the world. Although the new game takes place only seventy years after the French Revolution featured in Assassin’s Creed Unity, it is as though a thousand years have passed. In this short period of time, technological breakthroughs enabled humanity to evolve from a medieval society into the modern world we know today.

Technology has progressed. It’s a leap forward for mankind, and similarly for the world of Assassin’s Creed. It opens up a whole new set of dynamics and opportunities for the player.

Q. Why "Syndicate"?

A. We named the game Assassin’s Creed Syndicate because during the Industrial Revolution people would band together to defend their common interests in what we would call syndicates.

Q. Can you give us more details about the locations featured in the game?

A. From Big Ben to Saint Paul’s Cathedral or across the River Thames towards Waterloo Station, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate brings Victorian London to life as a massive open world full of activities. Players will also discover the lesser knows parts of London as Assassin’s Creed Syndicate reproduces some of the notorious slums of the city during the Victorian era.

Q. Who is the new hero?

A. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate tells the story of Jacob Frye, who with the help of his twin sister Evie, will help free the masses from oppression. Together they will rally and lead the underworld to break the corrupt stranglehold on London in a visceral adventure filled with action, intrigue, and brutal combat.

Jacob is a charismatic brawler and will become the leader of the notorious street gang, The Rooks. With the help of Evie, he will fight to give London back to the people. Jacob is a hand-to-hand combat expert. On his left-hand is the Assassin gauntlet with a poison dart that can takedown enemies from a distance, as well as the new all-new rope launcher, which is instrumental to crossing London’s wide traffic-ridden streets, or quickly getting to the top of the massive buildings. And of course, the Assassin’s trusty hidden blade. On his right-hand is a pair of brass knuckles. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will feature the return of multi-kills, as Jacob lavishly takes down groups of opponents at once.

Evie is a critical part of Syndicate’s story. While Jacob is more hot headed, brash and rebellious, Evie is a master of stealth. Players will be able to choose between playing as Jacob or Evie in the Open World but on the narrative path, some missions will require playing as either Jacob or Evie. We’re looking forward to sharing more about her in the coming months.

Q. In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate players will experience the birth of the modern age. How does gameplay reflect modernity?

A. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will take the player to the doorstep of the modern age and this modernity will reflect in core gameplay pillars. You’ll experience the advent of electricity, traffic congestion, steam-powered trains, and brawling street gangs.

Players will experience the whole new rope launcher to help them scale the tall buildings of London or zip line from rooftop to rooftop. Players can also take the reins of a horse and carriage or take the train since railways started in London in the 19th century, or even parkour on carts. Navigation has significantly improved thanks to technological advances of the era.

In London in 1868, nobody walked around narrow alleys with giant broadswords anymore. It’s the era of concealed weapons and gang fights were more common, so we altered our fight system to focus on melee weapons for close combat. We also enhanced the multi-target system to allow gamers to choose their opponent when facing a large group. The combat feels more brutal, violent and dirty.

In addition to having more crowds to blend in with, players will also have vehicles to hide in, such as carriages and trains.

Q. Which studios are involved in this new opus?

A. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is being developed by Ubisoft Quebec in collaboration with eight other Ubisoft studios: Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Singapore, Ubisoft Annecy, Ubisoft Montpellier, Reflections, a Ubisoft studio, Ubisoft Chengdu, Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Kiev.

Q. When will Assassin’s Creed Syndicate release?

A. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will be available worldwide on October 23, 2015 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The Windows PC version will be available in fall 2015.


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-5-15 06:55 AM |只看该作者


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-11 06:24 PM |只看该作者


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-13 07:11 AM |只看该作者


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-16 07:24 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-18 07:01 PM 编辑

【E3 2015】聚众斗殴、驾车追逐! 《刺客教条︰枭雄》CG宣传、游玩影片释出

  Ubisoft 在今(16)日上午的 E3 展前媒体发表会中,公开《刺客教条︰枭雄》 CG 宣传影片,展示本作主角雅各布. 弗莱带领帮派成员进攻,使用全新的刺客武器进行追击刺杀的样貌。


  官方频道更同步释出实际游玩影片展示本作注入的全新游戏元素,主角雅各布可以率领帮派成员一同进行斗殴,在混战中取得优势。 接着使用本作特有的交通载具系统,可抢夺马车并驾车追逐,利用绳标翻上火车车顶击杀目标,利落完成刺杀计划。


  《刺客教条︰枭雄》将带来发生于工业革命时代的重大变革历史,玩家将扮演「雅各布. 弗莱」领导自己的帮派,逐一收服整个伦敦,Ubisoft 更宣布游戏将在 10 月 23 日发售 PS4 、XBOX ONE 版本,PC 版将于2015 年秋季推出。

【E3 2015】Ubisoft 宣布与SCE Asia合作 于 PS4 平台带来《刺客教条:枭雄》独占游戏内容

  Ubisoft 今日与亚洲索尼计算机娱乐共同宣布,双方将在《刺客教条:枭雄》携手合作为 PS4 版本额外带来 10 个关卡的独占游玩内容;《刺客教条:枭雄》今日同时在展前发表会上公布最新游戏预告以及实机游玩展示,本作将于 10月 23 日推出繁体中文版。

  PS4 的玩家将在「恐怖犯罪」(The Dreadful Crimes)中面对展开调查的挑战,这一系列的诡异杀人事件就发生在《刺客教条:枭雄》的维多利亚时期伦敦。 这 10 个独占任务是受到 Penny Dreadful 故事所启发、Penny Dreadful 是在 19 世纪的伦敦每周发行的短篇故事连载,非常受到劳工阶级的欢迎。 这些故事描述了虚构却又轰动一时的犯罪故事;随着玩家逐渐完成调查,他们将会找出线索并质问各个目击者,其中还抱括了年轻的知名小说家阿瑟. 柯南. 道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle)。

  伊薇. 弗莱,《刺客教条:枭雄》双胞胎主角当中的姊姊是在本次 E3 电玩展 Sony 展前发表会当中的主角,伊薇以严密计算过的精准度来达成她的计划与目标,受过训练且强悍的她是名策略斗士,是一名非常谨慎的刺客、严守教条而活。 比雅各布更加低调的她能够轻而一举地潜入敌阵,以她特有的方法铲除敌人;她与雅各布即将携手将民众从穷困跟恶劣工作环境之下解救出来。

  10 个 PS4 独占任务内容将可使用雅各布或着伊薇两位角色来进行,将于《刺客教条:枭雄》上市首日开放玩家免费下载;《刺客教条:枭雄》繁体中文版将于 10 月 23 日在 PS4 平台推出,亚洲地区将推出「查灵十字版」、「黑鸦帮会版」与「初回特别版」,现正预购中。





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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-20 04:44 PM |只看该作者
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Cinematic Trailer, Gameplay Walkthrough




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-2 07:07 AM |只看该作者


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-11 06:50 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-13 06:05 PM 编辑

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Animated Short & Screens




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