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发表于 2016-8-10 03:32 PM |只看该作者
Mid-Day Review & Analysis 9 Aug

VIVOCOM settled firmer at 28.5, up half a sen after being caught in inside-day trading.

Prices ranged from 29.0 to 28.0 on a volume of 22.34 M shares.

Trades were centered at 28.5 where 22.05 M shares changed hands with buyers paying up to sellers offer on 62.1% of trades.

Today is the fourth straight-day that prices are steadily locked within the 28.0-29.0 band.

We have a situation now where sellers are not keen to sell below 28.0 sen and at the same time, buyers are also not interested to buy higher than the 29.0 sens.

This technical routine would very likely persist for a few more sessions before one side decides to give way.

Our technical guess is that the buyers would win this tussle by paying above the 29.0 sens and start an upward trend.

The daily Quantitative Algorithm ended the morning in a slight positive divergence and continues to call for more meandering actions.


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发表于 2016-8-11 06:29 PM |只看该作者
End-Day Review & Analysis 11 Aug

Vivo settled the day unchanged at 28.5 sens as prices continued to be locked in tight band trading between 28.0 and 29.0 sens.

Overall volume remained thin at 20.17 M shares.

Trades were centered at 28.5 on a volume of 13.0 M shares.

Buyers were on mild offensive, taking 53% of trades from sellers.

Today is the fifth day that prices consolidated within a one sen range on very low volume.

Technically, are prices now facing resistance and preventing it from scaling higher or is this is solid support level that would eventually climax into an upward rally?

Dwindling volume over the last five days suggests that we are in indeed in a supportive phase of the consolidation trading and prospects of values moving higher in days ahead are right.

The Quantitative Algorithm signal ended the day steady and called for more gradual upward movements.


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发表于 2016-8-13 12:02 PM |只看该作者

VIVOCOM remained in tight band-trading and firmed up towards the end the day to close half sen higher at 29.0 sens.

Volume at 19.02 M shares was the lowest for a very long time.
This showed sellers have dried up completely at levels 28.5c n lower.

If I have just returned from Mars and was shown this price-chart on VIVOCOM, this would be my technical conclusion.

Prices consolidated for 10 days at 26.0 to 28.0 sens from 18th July to 1Aug.

From 2nd to 12th August, Vivo's price attempted an upward breakout with prices again consolidating from 27.5 to 29.0 for 10 days including today.

The last 10 days consolidation trading has resulted in the formation of a VERY POWERFUL BULLISH n EXCITING chart configuration called the "ASCENDING TRIANGLE". (see chart as highlighted in white).

During the last ten days, the daily-lows are visibly getting higher  but the daily-highs are fixed at 29.0 level.

Prices are currently cornered at the apex of the ascending-triangle.

In a matter of one to two trading days, n I repeat in a matter of one to two trading days, prices are set to move higher and successfully vault the 29.0-29.5 levels and set the course for a continuation of the bullish cycle with prices trending higher on a higher volatility to establish the fifth-wave of major bullish trend.

As a die hard betting man who lives by the sword n dies by the sword, my trading intuition honed from the past 38 years of stock market experiences tells me that today's closing at 29c showed solid conviction.

As a result, Vivocom share price is set to accelerate the upward trend next week. Exciting trading days lie ahead!

The 31.5-32.5 levels appears to be the immediate price-target.

Let's us all play our part n drive the momentum up, up and up all the way by spreading n sharing the news of Vivocom next upward SURGE!

As they say, SHARING IS CARING...

The Quantitative Algorithm signal remains constructive at close and indicated much higher price fluctuations.

Volume Distribution shows that buyers were the aggressors toward late-trading and has set the bullish path for next week.


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发表于 2016-8-15 06:40 PM |只看该作者
End-Day Review & Analysis 15 Aug

VIVOCOM established new eleven-day highs at 29.5 sens in early trading, but the move was short lived as moderately active sellers emerged and caused prices to slip to 28.5 before finally firming to close at 29.0, unchanged from previously.

Total volume increased to 29.79 M shares with bulk of trades done at 29.0 sen on a volume of 23.25 M shares.
Buying and selling forces were balanced today with sellers giving 57.9 % of total trades to buyers.

Chart-wise, the immediate technical-setting remains strong with prices locked within the confines of the very narrow apex region of the ascending-triangle.

In normal circumstances like these, prices are not expected to hover around these levels for too long as the situation is ripe for an inevitable upward break out.

Timing is everything!
The market would determine and decide on the date of  the breakout! Patience is a VIRTUE!!!

The daily Quantitative Algorithm signal remains in positive divergence and calls for further gradual upward trading.


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发表于 2016-8-17 09:20 PM |只看该作者
End-Day Review & Analysis 17 Aug

VIVOCOM closed steadily higher boosted by a late wave of aggressive buying.

Prices ended at the upper-end of the daily trading range at 29.5, up one sen from previously.

Today's volume at 39.89 M shares was at its best level in nine days.

Buyers were the aggressors today, taking 72.9 % of trades from sellers.

Closing price above the upper resistance line of the ascending-triangle is a strong indication that an upward breakout has occurred and the immediate underlying strength has turned constructive.

The daily Quantitative Algorithm signal finished the day positive and suggested that the bullish momentum has returned after a prolonged sideways trend.

Technically, the trading environment has switched drastically from sideways congestion to a bullishly upward trajectory especially in view of the coming  Monday's EGM for the bonus issue. The impending 2Q results should add fuel to the already bullish setting.

The upward breakout has definitely occurred. Exciting trading days lie ahead!!

Upward breakout in a ascending-triangle occurred. Buyers blasting away towards the close.

Vivocom 0069 KLSE DARLING STOCK closed 29.5c

The BIG BULL is back!!!

Target Price 40c! Won't see 30c very soon. Or even 31c to 32c will disappear in a blink!!!

Next week will be full of PRICE MOVING ANNOUNCEMENTS!

⬆🙏⬆up⬆up⬆up🙏⬆ 45af7557-3a37-4eee-834d-221614eaec9a.jpg 4c6c804d-d61d-45cb-a0d6-5a3ec23b30fe.jpg


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发表于 2016-8-18 03:30 PM |只看该作者
Mid-Day Review & Analysis 18 Aug

VIVOCOM finally blasted-off from its upward breakout-point on strong buying-interests this morning as traders jumped into the bandwagon in a big way and lifted prices to its eight- week high of 31.0 sens.

Prices ranged from 29.5 to 31.0 and settled higher at 30.0, up half a sen from before.

Morning's volume rose sharply to 68.40 M shares with buyer's mobbing up sellers on a hefty 70.1% of total trades.

Positive expectations from this afternoon's EGM on the  one-for-four bonus-issue was cited as the catalyst for the  bullish performances this morning.

Buyers were jumping in in anticipation of further price gains and are applying the basic trading principle of 'buy-high-and-sell higher'.

Market-talks and trade guesstimates are calling for the soon to be release 2Q profits to far exceed the 1Q profit results of RM19.87 M.

I personally do not know the figure and would consider a profit figure of RM20M to RM22M or higher to have an extremely bullish impact on near-term prices.

What then is the immediate term price outlook?

The successful upward price-break from the ascend-triangle  today was accompanied by a higher than normal volume of 68.40 M shares.

This is an extremely constructive development and confirmed that VIVOCOM is now in the fifth and final wave of its five-wave bullish cycle.

The next and immediate price-target now stands at 34.5-35.5 levels.

Violation of these levels would generate fresh upward momentum and take prices upwards to re-visit its historical-highs at 37.0 sens.

Traders indeed waited patiently for sometime for the breakout from the ascending-triangle.
You have been informed too and it is happening now.

The nature of stock analysis is such that when you are right, nobody remembers.
And when you are wrong, nobody forgets! Haha!

The Quantitative Algorithm signal has turned bullish again at close this morning and is calling for an extended-move on the upside.

QA turned into bullish mode n buyers definitely the aggressors today!

Volume Distribution on 82.12 M shares. Buyers continue  to hit sellers. 3c803b33-78b7-464f-917e-d527c719685c.jpg abb287a6-e310-45f1-8717-71dd19da0057.jpg


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发表于 2016-8-18 06:28 PM |只看该作者
End-Day Review & Analysis 18 Aug

Prices are on a bullish mode after an upward breakout on high volume..... Why Sell?

VIVOCOM closed on a strong note on aggressive renewed buying-interest and settled the day at its thirteen-week high, up 1.5 sens or 3.39% higher at 31.0 sens.

Prices ranged from 29.5 to 31.0 on a sharply higher volume of 91.63 M shares, the highest volume since 19 July this year.  

Buyers took the aggressive role by mobbing up sellers on a hefty 72.1 % of total trades.

Positive expectations from the coming Monday's EGM on the  one-for-four bonus-issue was cited as the catalyst for the  bullish performances today.

Let us now look at the reality of this stock.  

A total of 91.62 M shares changed hands today.

This is a serious case of positive cash-flow at play.

It simply means that fresh funds massively bought the stock at 29.5-31.0 sens and sellers who sold were people either taking-profits or unwinding a stale-bull position.

This large volume buying suggests that smart-money are taking large long-positions in anticipation of a further upside-move and are simply applying the basic trading philosophy of buying-high-and -selling higher' on an expanding bullish rally.

Current market-talks and trade guesstimates are calling for the soon to be release 2Q profits to far exceed the 1Q profit results of RM19.87 M.

I personally do not know the figure and would consider a profit figure of RM23M to RM24M or higher to have an extremely bullish impact on near-term prices.

What then is the immediate term price outlook?

The successful upward price-break from the ascend-triangle  today was accompanied by a higher than normal volume of 91.63 M shares.

This is an extremely constructive development and confirmed that VIVOCOM is now in the fifth and final wave of its five-wave bullish cycle.

So, why sell?

Remember, there is no bull-side or bear-side to a stock.
There is only one-side, the right-side!
Get on it and ride the price trend and prosper.

The next and immediate price-target now stands at 34.5-35.5 levels.

Violation of these levels would generate fresh upward momentum and take prices higher to re-visit its historical-highs at 37.0 sens.

Traders indeed waited patiently for sometime for the breakout from the ascending-triangle.
You have been informed too and it is happening right now!

The nature of stock analysis is such that when you are right, nobody remembers.
And when you are wrong, nobody forgets! Haha!

The Quantitative Algorithm signal closed in bullish -divergence, almost a screaming-buy call is indicating the start of an extended-move on the upside.
Why fight  the trend by selling.?


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发表于 2016-8-19 01:54 PM |只看该作者
MIDF upgraded BUY call from 59c to 63c, adding to market belief Vivocom is due for a massive PE rerating soon. be50b76c-42bc-46c3-8f4a-4785f88fec77.jpg


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发表于 2016-8-19 10:51 PM |只看该作者
End-Day Review & Analysis 19 Aug

VIVOCOM closed one sen lower at 30 sens after an inside-day trading dominated by mild weekend profit- taking selling.

The moderately high volume of 59.97 M shares were well absorbed as prices fluctuated from 29.5 to 31.0 levels.

The chunk of today's trade of 55.6 M shares changed hands from 30.0 to 30.5 levels where buyers booked sellers on 54.6% of the trades.

Today's closing of 30.0 sens is at the mid-range of both yesterday's and today's trading range.
This is a good sign as it shows that the immediate underlying strength of VIVOCOM is solid.

Presently, the technical setting is constructive and is pointing to a very high possibility of a test of the immediate overhead price-target at the 31.5-32.5 levels in early-trading next week.

My strong technical hunch now is that prices would break above these mild resistance levels and surged forward to make fresh rally-highs at the 34.5-35.5 levels next week.

Putting aside my analytical pride and ego, I may end up becoming very right or very wrong!

As always in trading and investing, timing is everything.
The market would decide and we would have to wait to see what transpires next week.

The daily Quantitative Algorithm signal finished the day constructive and indicated that the general trend is still up.
http://sme.org.my/2016/08/19/sma ... r-maximize-profits/
http://www.bursamarketplace.com/ ... s_3083&ac=30394


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发表于 2016-8-20 08:19 PM |只看该作者
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