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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-6 04:26 PM |只看该作者
《奇异人生》团队新作《吸血鬼》详情 无善恶导向但存在多结局


  《吸血鬼》的叙事总监Stéphane Beauverger近日在向外媒MCV谈及了游戏中玩家自主选择的内容:“你是会尝试当一个人道主义的吸血鬼,只在被害者身上轻轻咬一口,还是选择扮演一个只想着散播混乱的铁石心肠的怪物?游戏中不存在惩罚机制,也不会提示你到底该怎么玩,但是毫无疑问游戏会出现不一样的结局。”






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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-21 07:18 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 06:30 PM 编辑

Vampyr delayed to spring 2018
《奇异人生》团队Dontnod Entertainment新作《吸血鬼》跳票 延期至明年春季发售

转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201709/958863.shtml

  由《奇异人生》《勿忘我》开发商 Dontnod Entertainment 制作的ARPG《吸血鬼》今天宣布将跳票到明年春季发售。

  今天发行商 Focus Home Interactive 宣布了《吸血鬼》即将跳票的这一遗憾的消息,以下为开发商Dontnod的公告全文:



  我们要感谢发行商 Focus Home Interactive,感谢他们提供给我们的手段和必要的时间,从而能够为玩家们带来难忘的体验...尤其是有那么多的玩家真急切地等待着这款游戏的情况下。

  《吸血鬼》原定于去年 8 月发售后来延迟至今年 12 月发售,如今再延期到了明年春季。本作已于前段时间登陆了Steam平台,感兴趣的朋友可以移步了解一下。

Vampyr, the upcoming action RPG from Dontnod Entertainment, has been delayed from its previously announced November release window to spring 2018, publisher Focus Home Interactive announced.

Here’s the full message from Dontnod Entertainment:

Delaying the release of a project you hold dear is always a tough decision. However, we believe that meeting a deadline should never compromise quality. We were still convinced just a few weeks ago that we would be able to release Vampyr this year. Unfortunately, a technical issue – now solved – has set our teams’ schedule back at the end of the development.

This delay allows us enough time for all the polishing and balancing phase, much needed for a game of Vampyr‘s scope, with its ambitious, semi-open world, its complex narrative and deep RPG mechanics that give players a real impact on the world.

We want to thank our publisher Focus Home Interactive for giving us the means and time necessary to provide players a memorable experience… especially since so many of you are eagerly waiting for it.

Vampyr will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-11-10 04:29 PM |只看该作者
《吸血鬼》首发即包括所有内容 不准备走DLC路线
  在同MCVUK交流时,Focus Home互动的老总Cédric Lagarrigue谈到新作《吸血鬼》时,表示该作品不会在发行后推出DLC内容。根据他的说法,这部游戏将是完整的单人体验,并且在发行时就提供所有内容。





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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-1-18 10:49 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-19 02:27 PM 编辑

Dontnod Announces Vampyr Webseries


Teaser released for "Dontnod Presents Vampyr", a unique four-part webseries

Focus Home Interactive and Dontnod Entertainment are excited to announce "Dontnod Presents Vampyr", an original weekly four-part webseries, which reveals the studio’s signature approach to bringing narrative-driven RPG Vampyr to life.

Watch the teaser trailer, for this unique webseries produced and realized by the video department of Focus Home Interactive. In each 5-minute episode, the French developer invites fans into the heart of their Parisian studio to unveil exclusive new gameplay footage accompanied with deep insight into their creative process, beginning with Episode I: Making Monsters on January 18.

In the first episode, Making Monsters, Dontnod delves into their signature identity and reasons behind putting players into the role of a conflicted predator. The studio will make players feel the duality that torments doctor-turned-vampire Jonathan Reid, giving them the freedom to choose who to sacrifice and who to save. Every killing has consequences, and it’s up to players to balance their need to feed and grow stronger, with the rapidly deteriorating city of London.

Four episodes are planned in total for the weekly series:

• Episode I: Making Monsters

• Episode II: Architects of the Obscure

• Episode III: Human After All

• Episode IV: Stories From the Dark

Vampyr releases Spring 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Vampyr developer diary series ‘Episode I: Making Monsters’
《吸血鬼》游戏首段开发者宣传片公开 带你深入了解主角

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201801/2838517030.html

        发行商Focus Home Interactive和开发商Dontnod Entertainment公开了旗下新作《吸血鬼》的第一段开发者日志宣传片,首段宣传片名为“制造怪物”。

        本段宣传片主要介绍了《吸血鬼》游戏的主角Jonathan Reid,他原本是一名医生,目前已经成为了吸血鬼。1918年的伦敦,在那个时候西班牙流感侵袭了整个伦敦的街区。作为一名医生,Reid在被自己身上的吸血性情所折磨的同时,也会尽自己的努力帮助被西班牙流感肆虐的伦敦,只不过为了生存Reid需要吸取一些血液,而这也是自身能力进化所必不可少的重要环节。


        《吸血鬼》原计划在2017年11月发售,不过本作目前已延期至2018年春季发售,对应平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。除了本段宣传片外,制作组表示未来3周还会公开3段新的开发者日志宣传片。


Focus Home Interacive and Dontnod Entertainment have released the first in a series of Vampyr developer diaries. Episode I is titled “Making Monsters.”

Here is an overview of the video, via its description:

Episode I: Making Monsters—get insight into the studio’s signature approach and creative process!

Dontnod Entertainment, developers of Vampyr, invites fans to their studio for a first insight into the creative process behind their upcoming action-RPG. In the first episode of this original weekly four-part webseries, produced and realized by the video department of Focus Home Interactive, Dontnod unveils exclusive gameplay footage while delving into their signature approach and reasons behind putting players in the role of a predator. The three following webseries’ episodes will release weekly every Thursday.

In Episode I: Making Monsters, Dontnod gives more information about Jonathan Reid, the doctor-turned-vampire that players will step into the shoes of in Vampyr. Freshly turned, Reid’s ‘condition’ unveils a dark new reality, thrusting him into a once-hidden society of wretched creatures like himself. Ancient Ekons plot from the shadows, terrifying Vulkods prowl the streets at night, and cursed Skals hide in the darkest places of the city.

And here is an overview of the game:

Vampyr is set in 1918 London, with the city weakened by the recent World War I and ravaged by the Spanish Flu. This setting makes up an important part of Vampyr’s identity. DONTNOD will make players feel the duality that torments Dr. Jonathan Reid, giving them the freedom to choose who to sacrifice and who to save. Every killing has consequences, and it’s up to players to balance their need to feed and grow stronger, with the rapidly deteriorating city of London.

Vampyr is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in spring 2018.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-1-25 07:02 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-26 04:32 PM 编辑

《吸血鬼》第二段开发者影像公开 专注介绍画面和音乐
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201801/2881617150.html

       发行商Focus Home Interactive和开发商Dontnod Entertainment公开了旗下新作《吸血鬼》的第二段开发者日志宣传片,本次主要围绕游戏的画面和音乐来进行详细介绍。


        《吸血鬼》将在 2018 年春季发售,对应平台包括 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC。

        故事背景设定在 1918 年的伦敦,西班牙流感侵袭了整个伦敦的街区。作为一名医生,主角Jonathan Reid在被自己身上的吸血性情所折磨的同时,也会尽自己的努力帮助被西班牙流感肆虐的伦敦,只不过为了生存 Reid 需要吸取一些血液,而这也是自身能力进化所必不可少的重要环节。


Vampyr developer diary series ‘Episode 2: Architects of the Obscure’

Focus Home Interacive and Dontnod Entertainment have released the second episode in its series of Vampyr developer diaries. Episode 2 is titled “Architects of the Obscure.”

Here is an overview of Episode 2, via its description:

Episode 2: Architects of the Obscure—discover how Dontnod coupled Vampyr‘s music and visuals to bring 1918 London to life.

Dontnod Entertainment invites fans to their studio for a second time, further revealing the creative process behind their upcoming action-RPG, Vampyr. Dontnod Presents Vampyr – Episode 2: Architects of the Obscure unveils more exclusive gameplay footage, while the creative team delves into the visuals and music that bring 1918 London to life. Two more episodes of this four-part webseries, produced and realized by the video department of Focus Home Interactive, will release weekly each Thursday.

In Episode 2: Architects of the Obscure, DONTNOD reveals the areas of London that you will explore and impact during your time in Vampyr. Each of the four districts have their own distinct style and groups of citizens, which can flourish or perish depending on your actions. Whitechapel and the Docks are ravaged by poverty and crime, while the West End benefits from a wealthier population – and is the district of choice for Ekons plotting in the shadows. Pembroke Hospital gives Dr. Reid the opportunity to put his medicinal skills to great effect, while tempting the doctor-turned-vampire with helpless citizens that hold him in a position of trust.

This latest episode also introduces the music of Vampyr, including insight from composer Olivier Deriviere. He discusses how he developed the game’s original score with consideration for its unique setting and atmosphere, as well as how the inner dilemma Jonathan faces translates into the music. Eric-Maria Couturier, of the Paris Ensemble InterContemporain, drives Vampyr‘s soundtrack as solo celloist, and here offers an exclusive performance that showcases his unique style.

And here is an overview of the game:

Vampyr is set in 1918 London, with the city weakened by the recent World War I and ravaged by the Spanish Flu. This setting makes up an important part of Vampyr’s identity. DONTNOD will make players feel the duality that torments Dr. Jonathan Reid, giving them the freedom to choose who to sacrifice and who to save. Every killing has consequences, and it’s up to players to balance their need to feed and grow stronger, with the rapidly deteriorating city of London.

Vampyr is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC this spring.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-1 11:22 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-2 05:17 PM 编辑

Vampyr developer diary series ‘Episode 3: Human After All’
《吸血鬼》第三弹开发者日志影像公开 介绍游戏中的NPC角色

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201802/3946717288.html


        本作故事设定在1918年的伦敦,《吸血鬼》将深刻探讨人性这一问题。身为一名医生,主角Jonathan Reid需要拯救这里的人们,但是他也同样无法挣脱吸血的命运。因此玩家在游戏中的选择也就变得非常重要,同时也变得那么难以抉择。

       《吸血鬼》将在 2018 年春季发售,对应平台包括 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC。

        故事背景设定在 1918 年的伦敦,西班牙流感侵袭了整个伦敦的街区。作为一名医生,主角Jonathan Reid在被自己身上的吸血性情所折磨的同时,也会尽自己的努力帮助被西班牙流感肆虐的伦敦,只不过为了生存 Reid 需要吸取一些血液,而这也是自身能力进化所必不可少的重要环节。


Focus Home Interacive and Dontnod Entertainment have released the third episode in its series of Vampyr developer diaries. Episode 3 is titled “Human After All.”

Here is an overview of Episode 3, via its description:

Episode III: Human After All—meet the citizens of Vampyr’s 1918 London, and learn how Dontnod will make you feel the death of each one you decide to feed on.

Join Dontnod Entertainment in their studio once again, for another look into the Parisian studio’s signature creative process behind their upcoming action-RPG Vampyr. Dontnod Presents Vampyr – Episode III: Human After All introduces more exclusive gameplay footage, while focusing on the citizens of London and how each individual has been hand-crafted to feel as human as possible. This is the penultimate episode of this four-part webseries, produced and realized by the video department of Focus Home Interactive, with the final episode releasing next Thursday.

In Episode III: Human After All, Dontnod reveals how integral each districts citizens are, both in terms of gameplay and narrative. Players will need to gain XP for Jonathan Reid to evolve new powers and grow stronger, but the most lucrative way to earn this is not through quests or defeating enemies in battle. Instead, the most effective way to get stronger is by killing and feeding on the various citizens living within the game’s four districts. Players are able to increase the XP from each citizen, by curing their illnesses and gaining more insight into their lives and feelings – but the price can be immense.

As explained by Stéphane Beauverger, Vampyr’s narrative director, players will hear the dying thoughts of every citizen they choose to sacrifice. This gives a bittersweet poignancy to every death, as Dontnod wants players to not consider these citizens as nameless blood bags. In addition, each dead citizen will erode the status of the district they belonged to, with too many resulting in the population evacuating districts and causing them to be overrun by Skals and worse.

And here is an overview of the game:

Vampyr is set in 1918 London, with the city weakened by the recent World War I and ravaged by the Spanish Flu. This setting makes up an important part of Vampyr’s identity. Dontnod will make players feel the duality that torments Dr. Jonathan Reid, giving them the freedom to choose who to sacrifice and who to save. Every killing has consequences, and it’s up to players to balance their need to feed and grow stronger, with the rapidly deteriorating city of London.

Vampyr is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC this spring.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-8 08:07 PM |只看该作者
Vampyr Launches June 5, Developer Diary Series 'Episode 4: Stories from the Dark'


'Dontnod Presents Vampyr' webseries reaches its finale with a long-awaited release date announcement

Dontnod Entertainment brings fans into the studio one last time for a final look at the creative process behind upcoming action-RPG, Vampyr. Dontnod Presents Vampyr - Episode IV: Stories from the Dark reveals yet more exclusive gameplay footage, plus the release date. Also, dive into the story of Vampyr and how the Parisian studio builds a narrative with the player at the center. The four-part webseries, produced and realized by the video department of Focus Home Interactive, is now complete after a month of reveals.

In Episode IV: Stories from the Dark, Dontnod explain what makes videogames unique compared to other storytelling mediums, as well as their signature approach to narrative. As Narrative Director Stéphane Beauverger explains, the player is often occupied with Vampyr's intricate gameplay systems. Because of this, the exploration, investigations, citizen encounters, combat and hard-hitting choices are all fundamentally intertwined with the game's narrative. Game Director Philippe Moreau elaborates, saying that the relationship between a player and their character, as well as the direct feeling of control, is unique to games and something he has worked to make special in Vampyr.

In doing so, Dontnod liken it to theatre, creating a close relationship between actor and spectator that’s more effective and powerful than any film or TV show. Total immersion is the goal, and this episode also highlights how the studio has used motion capture to make the cast of Vampyr that much more human. Subtleties of facial animation can be recreated and combined with the fantastic music, characters, and creatures of the game to produce a living, breathing 1918 London. It’s then up to you who survives it.

DONTNOD Presents Vampyr – Episode IV is available to watch today, with three more 5-minute episodes already available. For more information, visit the new Vampyr website.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-5 10:22 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-6 02:36 PM 编辑

Vampyr Story Trailer
《吸血鬼》剧情预告片 游走于救人与吸血之间

   Dontnod工作室和Focus Home公司公布了《吸血鬼》(Vampyr)的新宣传视频,主要介绍了本作的恐怖故事剧情。

   PAX East正式开展,《吸血鬼》的新视频“(不要害怕)死神”展示了游戏剧情的规模尺度。《吸血鬼》的剧情设定在1918年,主角Jonathan Reid变成吸血鬼以后突然看到了疯狂的超自然世界。作为新生的吸血鬼Ekon,主角必须控制自己对鲜血的疯狂渴望,同时还要做一名好医生,救死扶伤。


   《吸血鬼》预计6月5日登陆PC、PS4和Xbox One平台。


Fear the Reaper and dive into a strange new world in Vampyr's Story Trailer

Vampyr, the upcoming action-RPG from Dontnod Entertainment, will release June 5 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The game's wider narrative arcs are unveiled today in a captivating Story Trailer, brought together with an eerie cover of (Don’t Fear) the Reaper. Returning from the frontlines to a London devastated by war and disease, Dr. Jonathan Reid awakens to a once-hidden world of ungodly creatures, secret societies and vampire hunts.

In Vampyr, you play as Jonathan Reid, a doctor in 1918 London newly-turned into a vampire following his return from the Great War. His convictions blown away, Reid discovers the existence of a dark new world where supernatural creatures and secret societies live together in the shadows... and he is now part of this world.

As a newborn vampire shattered by an irrepressible thirst of blood and thrust into a strange new world, Reid attempts to interpret the supernatural in the best way he knows how: rational thinking. However, between ancient societies, mysterious murders and an imminent large-scale vampire hunt, his scientific assurances are challenged like never before. Driven by a personal desire to learn who caused his transformation and why, Jonathan Reid continues working to find a cure to the devastating disease that decimates its citizens.

But doing so, he must confront his nature as a blood-drinker and the terrible temptation to feed on those he swore to protect…

Vampyr releases June 5 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Preorders are now available at vampyr-game.com.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-3 06:02 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-4 04:35 PM 编辑

Vampyr 'Becoming the Monster' Gameplay Trailer
《雾都吸血鬼 Vampyr》曝光「化身怪物」影片 见识主角强化自我后的攻击表现

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/162172.html

  《奇妙人生》研发商 Dontnod Entertainment 新作《雾都吸血鬼(暂译,Vampyr)》今日公开最新宣传影片「化身怪物」,藉此来探索饱受折磨的主角 Jonathan Reid 在力量增强后的攻击玩法。

  《雾都吸血鬼》游戏是以 20 世纪初的雾都伦敦为背景,故事描写吸血鬼在雾都进行不为人知的行动;玩家将化身为着名外科医生 Jonathan Reid,但医生却变成了一名吸血鬼。 作为一名医生,你应该要拯救性命、照顾病人,然而作为一名吸血鬼,你被诅咒要去狩猎那些你发誓要治疗的人......

  主角在《雾都吸血鬼》游戏中要透过学习来强化吸血鬼的能力,以便面对伦敦街头充满致命危机的敌人,而游戏中要强化能力的经验值来自于伦敦市民的血液,主角可以调查市民、来决定谁值得被牺牲,或者也可以简单屈服于血的渴望、将市民当作「 血袋」,但杀死某些特定市民会对这个地区生态系统造成很大的影响,而杀死太多市民可能会使整个地区崩溃。


  PC/PS4/Xbox One《雾都吸血鬼》预定美国时间 6 月 5 日问世。


Feed and evolve in Vampyr's action-filled new gameplay trailer

Vampyr, the upcoming action-RPG from Dontnod Entertainment, explores tortured protagonist Dr. Jonathan Reid’s growth in power through savage combat gameplay in today’s Becoming a Monster gameplay trailer. By sacrificing the very citizens Reid swore to protect, players will learn and evolve powerful vampire abilities in their struggle to defeat London’s deadly foes. Vampyr releases June 5 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, with preorders now available.

In Vampyr, the greatest source of XP to learn and enhance abilities comes from the blood of London’s citizens, who Dr. Jonathan Reid has set out to save from the epidemic sweeping through the city. The question is less “Do I kill?” than “Who do I kill?” Investigating citizens’ lives will allow Reid to decide who is more ‘deserving’ of sacrifice – or he can simply give in to his hunger and treat the mortals as blood bags. Either way, killing certain citizens will have a greater impact on the local ecosystem than others, while simply killing too many may cause an entire district to collapse.

After draining the blood of his victims, Reid can learn and evolve powerful combat abilities. Close combat abilities allow Reid to close gaps quickly, pouncing from afar before slashing with deadly claws, while others such as Bloodspear allow him to deal damage from a distance. At the higher levels of power, some abilities are feared by even the vampires themselves. Abyss allows Reid to unleash the shadows from within, while Rage targets and strikes entire groups of enemies with a terrible fury. Learning and evolving these abilities will aid in the doctor’s quest to save London – but at what cost?

Vampyr releases June 5 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Preorders are now available at vampyr-game.com.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-5-18 09:01 PM |只看该作者
ARPG《吸血鬼》即将发售 游戏不可逆转选择需慎重




  《吸血鬼》游戏时长约15到20个小时,故事设定在1918年一战的伦敦,从战场归来不久的医生 Jonathan Reid 发现自己变成了吸血鬼。他正在医助城里遭受毁灭性疾病侵害的市民,还要抑制住自己的吸血冲动,设法找出变异的原因和幕后黑手。

  《吸血鬼》将于6月5日发售,登陆PC、PS4和Xbox One平台。Steam国区售价208元,支持简中。


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