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【PS4/XB1/PC】The Crew 2









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-5-17 07:18 AM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-16 06:51 PM 编辑

The Crew 2 launches early 2018, debut trailer and gameplay walkthrough
开放世界竞速游戏续作《飙酷车神 2:动力世界》即日开放测试登记

  Ubisoft 今日在 E3 展上揭露了开放世界竞速系列《飙酷车神》的最新作品《飙酷车神 2》,预定 2018 年上半年在 PlayStation 4 Pro、PlayStation 4、Xbox One X、Xbox One 和 Windows PC 平台推出。 官方同时宣布即日起开放 Beta 测试登记,玩家可前往置底官方页面登记以争取参加抢先测试的机会。

  距离《飙酷车神》上市已有两年多的时间,设于法国里昂的 Ubisoft 旗下 Ivory Tower 工作室 再次带来了全新一代的《飙酷车神 2》,让玩家来到以美国为蓝本彻底重新打造的游戏世界、体验美国动力竞速精神。 官方表示,《飙酷车神 2:动力世界》挑战了物理机制的极限,让竞速游戏迷和喜爱开放世界的玩家能独自或与好友一起考验自身本事,驾驭各式各样的车辆、机车、船只和飞机,享受无止境的竞争、无限制的探索,并且成为最伟大的动力竞速冠军。

  「现今的美国动力竞速环境是我们孵化全新计划的绝佳温床」,Ivory Tower 工作室总经理 Ahmed Boukhelifa 表示:「我们团队为《飙酷车神》系列提出了大胆且令人兴奋的全新愿景,我们期盼《飙酷车神 2》能继续挑战此类型游戏的极限,并且真正实现无边无际驾驶体验的美梦。 」

  在白雪覆盖的落基山脉上空、于云雾之中飞翔与翻滚;在纽约市的偏僻街道上高速奔驰、在水流湍急的密西西比河中奋勇突进;或将大峡谷的美丽风光尽收眼底。 驾驶豪华超跑、骑乘最具代表性的美式重机、操控最快速敏捷的特技飞机或动力船,玩家有无穷机会参与各种刺激挑战。 《飙酷车神 2》针对陆上、水上和空中的各种竞争性游戏内容,将美国重新设计成一个为竞速而存在的国度,并且带来各种全新的视觉效果,例如栩栩如生的苍翠植物、3D 容积云雾以及逼真的水流水波表现。

  在这个竞速国度内,玩家会遇到 4 个不同的竞速动力家族:街头赛车手、职业赛车手、越野探险家、自由式竞速者。 每个家族各自有独特的文化与行为准则。 每个家族也有专属的总部,方便玩家会面以及购买、收集与自定义竞速载具。 透过竞赛以及各种偶然机会,玩家将可以找到及精进自己的竞速风格、收藏及改装梦寐以求的竞速载具,然后在全美动力竞速史上写下崭新一页。

  此外,Ubisoft 还同时宣布了《飙酷车神》老玩家回馈方案:为答谢《飙酷车神》现有玩家长期以来的大力支持,拥有一代的玩家将可在《飙酷车神 2》中获得高达 18 款额外载具展开一段全新的竞速旅程。

  《飙酷车神 2》预定将于 2018 年上半年在 PlayStation 4 Pro、PlayStation 4、Xbox One X、Xbox One 和 Windows PC 平台推出。

The Crew 2 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2018, Ubisoft announced during its E3 2017 press conference.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:

Having previously created an open-world playground for four-wheeled vehicles that spanned the roadways and off-roadways of the USA, the developers at Ivory Tower set their sights on the sky and the sea. Enter The Crew 2, the next iteration of the open-world driving playground, which will introduce bikes, boats, and airplanes to a fully redesigned map of the USA. The Crew 2 is scheduled to release early next year for Xbox One, PS4, and PC, with enhancements for the PS4 Pro and Scorpio.

In order to optimize the open world for land, sea, and air vehicles, The Crew 2 will feature a completely redesigned map. Now you won’t just be able to drive across the Rocky Mountains – you’ll be able to soar through the clouds high above their majestic peaks. You won’t just off-road alongside the mighty Mississippi River, you’ll also speed down its waterways in a powerboat. The ability to switch between vehicle types on the fly opens up whole new realms of exploration, whether you’re flying through the Grand Canyon or motorbiking through the man-made canyons of New York City.

All throughout Motornation, as this land of vehicular freedom is officially called, you’ll find competitions and challenges waiting to test your skills. Furthermore, you’ll be able to capture and share your accomplishments with the press of a button, so you can throw down the gauntlet for your friends or just show off the cool stuff you’ve done.

It’s not just friends you’ll want to impress, however. There are four different motorsports families that you’ll meet and interact with, including street racers, pro racers, off-road experts, and freestylers. You’ll visit each group’s headquarters, where you’ll be able to acquire new rides and customize them. New rides and customization items can also be gained through competition or chance encounters, and you can take your time tweaking them any way you like in your own personal HQ.

Players who have spent time cruising the country in The Crew will be eligible for the Crew Rewards Program, a dedicated program to thank them for their support by offering up to 18 vehicles for their future journey in The Crew 2.

The Crew 2 is slated for release in early 2018 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC, with enhancements for the PS4 Pro and Scorpio.

Users can register now for access to an upcoming beta at the game’s official website.











K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-6-13 06:50 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-13 06:51 AM 编辑


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-6-15 07:39 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-6-17 07:00 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-8-18 02:16 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-18 06:56 PM 编辑

The Crew 2 Adds Harley-Davidson Motorcycles



  “我们很高兴能与哈雷戴维森在《飙酷车神2》这个项目上合作。哈雷戴维森一直都是一个传奇、一个全球性的品牌,并且深深植根于美国文化,” 育碧Ivory Tower工作室总经理Ahmed Boukhelifa说道。“这次的合作可谓浑然天成,因为在不羁探索以及所有发动机相关事物这方面,哈雷戴维森展现出了与我们相同的渴望,同时也激发了我们对于游戏创作的灵感。”

  哈雷戴维森摩托公司全球市场及品牌副总裁Heather Malenshek也表示:“对于公路的自由向往与热爱,哈雷戴维森所赞颂的美国精神有着悠久的历史。在115年间,哈雷爱好者们骑着摩托车走遍了美国的大街小巷。随着《飙酷车神2》的发布,我们希望能影响到更多的人,不论是年轻还是年长之人,能够一同加入到赛车运动中来。”

  在《飙酷车神》初代发售2年之后,位于里昂(法国)的育碧工作室Ivory Tower将携能让玩家们在完全重新设计的美国感受美式赛车精神的续作回归!《飙酷车神2》将带来超越驾驶本身的游戏乐趣。玩家能够在游戏中测试自己的技术,单人游戏或是与好友一同加入到永不停歇的竞速、探索之中。游戏中丰富多样的汽车、自行车、快艇以及飞机会让玩家成为所有赛车项目的竞速之王。

  《飙酷车神2》将于2018年初全球发售,并将登陆Xbox One、Xbox One X、PS4、PS4 Pro以及PC平台。

Burn Rubber in The Crew's American Open-World With Exclusive Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

Today, Ubisoft and Harley-Davidson announced that players will be able to cruise the open highways of America in The Crew 2 with several exclusive Harley-Davidson motorcycles. The collaboration joins Harley-Davidson’s legacy of speed and supremacy in American motorsports with the motorsports culture celebrated in The Crew 2, the newest iteration in the revolutionary open-world driving franchise.

First to appear in the game will be a Harley-Davidson Iron 883 motorcycle, with bare-knuckle minimalism and garage-built style. The Iron 883 is a nimble urban machine that kicks asphalt. Additional models will be integrated over time, allowing players of The Crew 2 to pick up their favourite Harley-Davidson motorcycle and shine in a near limitless world built for motorsports. Celebrated as a historic American brand, Harley-Davidson motorcycles echo The Crew 2’s vision to bring players the ultimate US motorsports experience.

“We are thrilled to partner with Harley-Davidson in The Crew 2. Harley-Davidson is a legendary, global brand, deeply rooted in American culture,” said Ahmed Boukhelifa, Studio Managing Director at Ubisoft’s Ivory Tower studio. “The partnership was a natural fit as Harley-Davidson represents the same thirst for unrestrained exploration and the American passion for all things motorised that has inspired our vision for The Crew 2.”

“Harley-Davidson has a storied past of celebrating the American spirit, freedom and love of the open road,” said Heather Malenshek, Vice President Global Marketing & Brand for Harley-Davidson Motor Company. “For almost 115 years, our customers have explored American cities and roadways with our motorcycles. With the launch of The Crew 2, we hope to inspire more people, young and older, to engage in the sport of motorcycling”

More than two years after the launch of The Crew, Ivory Tower, a Ubisoft studio based in Lyon (France), returns with a sequel that lets players experience the thrill of the American motorsports spirit inside a fully redesigned USA. The Crew 2 takes the game experience beyond driving. Fans test their skills, solo or with friends, in non-stop competition and exploration, featuring a variety of cars, bikes, boats, and planes, to become the greatest champion of all motorsports.

The Crew 2 will be released worldwide early 2018 for PlayStation 4 Pro computer entertainment system, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox One X and Windows PC.

Players can sign up right now for The Crew 2 Beta, and a chance to play early here: thecrewgame.com/beta.

For more information about The Crew 2, please visit thecrewgame.com and please follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/thecrewgame and on Twitter at twitter.com/TheCrewGame or hashtag #TheCrew2.


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-8-22 04:43 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-22 07:00 PM 编辑

The Crew 2 launches March 16, Gamescom 2017 trailer and screenshots
《飙酷车神2》2018 年 3 月 16 日正式发售

  在今年的科隆展上,育碧正式公布了《飙酷车神 2》(The Crew 2)的发售日正式定在
2018 年 3 月 16 日,同时官方还公布了游戏的新预告以及一组实机截图和游戏各版本的信息。

  《飙酷车神 2》为系列首次囊括了海陆空三大竞速玩法,玩家能够选择单人或是组队,无间断的竞速或探索,驾驶众多车辆、摩托、赛艇与飞机,成为最伟大的赛车运动冠军。与前作一样,《飙酷车神 2》中玩家也能探索整个美国,在洛基山脉的雪顶云端呼啸而过,橡胶轮胎在纽约后街擦出火花,沿着密西西比河顺流而下,探索大峡谷的每一寸土地。

  《飙酷车神 2》的各版本和预购奖励也在今天公布,凡是预购了普通版游戏的玩家,都能够获得“传奇汽车包”,其中包括奔驰C级 AMG 2016 款轿跑车,以及哈雷戴维森“883硬汉”摩托车。

  除了普通版游戏外,本作还有售价69.99美元的豪华版,以及售价99.99美元的黄金版。豪华版游戏不仅包含“传奇汽车包:,还有“豪华赛车包”、皮拉图斯PC-21特技飞机、Abarth 500 2008怪物卡车、福特F-150猛禽赛车和三套自定义赛车服装。黄金版游戏则是包含豪华版全部内容+游戏季票。

  《飙酷车神 2》将在 2018 年 3 月 16 日正式发售,登陆 PC、PS4 和 Xbox One 平台,敬请期待。



The Crew 2 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 16, 2018, Ubisoft announced.

Users who pre-order The Crew 2 will get “The Legendary Motors Pack,” which includes the following vehicles:

Mercedes-AMG C 63 Touring Car 2016
Harley-Davidson Iron 883 2017

For $69.99, players can pre-order The Crew 2 Deluxe Edition, which includes:

The Legendary Motors Pack
The Motorsports Deluxe Pack
Ford F-150 Raptor Race Truck 2017
Abarth 500 2008 Monster Truck Edition
Pilatus PC-21 aerobatics plane
Three unique racing outfits to customize your player avatar

A Gold Edition will also be available, which includes the Deluxe Edition content and the Season Pass. It will also allow users to access the game three days early on March 13. The physical version of the Gold Edition includes a SteelBook and costs $109.99, and the digital version costs $99.99.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:


The newest iteration in the revolutionary The Crew franchise, The Crew 2 captures the thrill of the American motorsports spirit in one of the most exhilarating open worlds ever created. Welcome to Motornation, a huge, varied, and action-packed playground built within an entire open world America and designed for all motorsports. From coast to coast, four motorsports families gather: Street Racing, Off-Road, Pro Racing, and Freestyle. Join them in high-octane contests and put your skills to the test in each family’s set of disciplines, featuring all kinds of cars, bikes, boats, and planes. Want the freedom to explore and dominate America any way you want? You can now seamlessly switch between ground, water, and air vehicles on the go and enjoy a completely unique game experience based on your personal style. Record and share every glorious moment. The Crew 2 gives you the chance to showcase your skills and rise as the greatest motorsports champion.

Key Features

Challenge four motorsport families on the ground, on the water, and in the air. Burn rubber in the backstreets of New York City with the street racers, go off-road to explore every inch of the Grand Canyon, take up pro racing and tame huge waves on a powerboat, or go freestyle behind the stick of an aerobatic plane, spinning through fog and clouds above the snowcapped Rocky Mountains. In each family’s HQ, you will get hooked up with new vehicles and introduced to a unique culture and set of disciplines. Find and hone your personal style, collect and customize your dream rides, and take the lead in Motornation.

Switch instantly between vehicles and enjoy a 100 percent seamless experience. The Crew 2 is about empowering you to explore America and dominate your rivals in a near limitless world built for motorsports. There are no menus or loading screens. Seamlessly shift from your favorite cars to boats or even planes with just a push of a button using the Fast Fav feature, and experience the full potential and thrill of Motornation. Cruise through LA in your dream hypercar, switch to the swiftest aerobatic plane to rise above the skyscrapers, and enjoy stunning perspectives over Hollywood. Then swap to a slick powerboat as you reach the coastline, landing smoothly on the Pacific Ocean – opportunities for fun and challenges are limitless.

Share and shine in a connected world. The world of The Crew 2 allows you to share your thrills and your craziest moments, and to brag about your skills to friends and others. Everything you achieve, competing or roaming free in the open world, drives your progression and upgrades your fame status. As you climb the ranks to become a motorsports champion, through a feature called LIVE Track, every feat of yours is saved and displayed in-game as a new record for your friends to challenge. And with LIVE Replay, your wow moments are automatically recorded into a fully staged video clip.

Key Takeaways

The newest iteration in the revolutionary franchise, The Crew 2 captures the thrill of the American motorsports spirit in one of the most exhilarating open worlds ever created. Join four different motorsports families from around the country and put your skills to the test in the widest range of disciplines featuring all kinds of cars, bikes, boats, and planes. Enjoy non-stop competition, no-limits exploration, and total freedom as you switch between vehicles and experiences on the go. Record every glorious moment and share them with the world – fame is yours to take!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-8-26 10:29 AM |只看该作者



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-12-8 07:27 AM |只看该作者
The Crew 2 Delayed, No Solid Release Date

The Crew 2 Release Date

Our vision for The Crew 2 has always been ambitious; to really surprise players by pushing the boundaries of the open-world racing genre to the limit. The feedback we’ve received so far from fans and press alike has been hugely encouraging, and we’re grateful beyond words for your continued trust and support.

In order to truly stand by our promise, we have made the difficult decision to delay the release date to between april/september 2018. While we’re excited to share the joys of Motornation with you as soon as possible, we don’t want to do so before the game is ready. This new window will allow us to deliver an experience that fulfils both our fans’ and our own quality expectations.

In this light, we will also use the extra time to continue running test phases and allow as many of you as possible to get hands-on with the game. Player feedback and its integration remain integral to attaining our vision, and the development team is excited by the prospect of working further with our amazing community.

Thank you again for your support, we couldn’t make this game without you. We hope that you will enjoy playing The Crew 2 as much as we do developing it.

The Crew 2 Dev Team


Update: Far Cry also delayed by 1 month, will now launch on March 27


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-3-16 06:32 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-16 07:52 PM 编辑

The Crew 2 launches June 29
育碧公布《飙酷车神2》新发售日期 6 月 29 日正式发售

  今天,育碧宣布革命性开放世界驾驶游戏系列《飙酷车神》的最新续作《飙酷车神2》将于2018年6月29日正式登陆PS4、Xbox One以及PC平台。同时,《飙酷车神2》还将搭载PS4 Pro额外增强特性。

  《飙酷车神2》由位于法国里昂的育碧Ivory Tower工作室研发。玩家来到完全重塑的美国感受紧张刺激的美式赛车精神。整个游戏世界推动了现实的边界,热爱赛车游戏以及开放世界的玩家们能够检验自己的技术,在单人或多人模式中不断竞技与探索。从东海岸到西海岸,玩家将探索美国全境,收集海量的赛车、摩托车、船只以及飞机,通过不断的竞技比拼成为最伟大的赛车运动冠军,称霸海陆空所有的竞速赛场!玩家将在四大赛车家族中寻找挑战以及灵感,他们是街头赛车家族、越野赛车家族、职业赛车家族以及自由式赛车家族,这些家族将为玩家提供大量可供选择的不同载具。


· 2016版梅赛德斯-AMG C 63 房车
· 2017版哈雷戴维森“883硬汉”摩托车

· 传奇动力包
· 赛车运动豪华包:

o 2017版福特 F-150 猛禽皮卡
o 阿巴斯 500 2008怪兽卡车
o 皮拉图斯PC-21特技飞机
o 三套独特自定义角色服装


· 游戏季票
· 传奇动力包
· 赛车运动豪华包


  同时,玩家仍可以前往http://thecrewgame.com/beta 注册,申请beta测试资格。

Ubisoft Announces The Crew 2 Will be Available June 29th, 2018

Today, Ubisoft announced that The Crew 2, the newest iteration in the revolutionary open world driving franchise The Crew, will launch on June 29th, 2018, for PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, the Xbox One family of devices and Windows PC. In addition, The Crew 2 has been enhanced with additional features for PS4 Pro systems.

Developed by Ubisoft Ivory Tower, a studio based in Lyon, France, The Crew 2 will let players experience the thrill of American motorsports inside a fully redesigned USA. The game’s playground pushes physical boundaries to let driving and open world fans test their skills, solo or with friends, in nonstop competition and exploration. From coast to coast, drivers will explore America and compete to become the greatest motorsports champion, by collecting a wide variety of exotic cars, bikes, boats and planes, and dominating the motorsports scene on the land, on the water and in the air. Players will find challenges and inspiration among four different motorsports families: street racing, off-road, pro racing and freestyle, and will be given a broad set of options among a wide selection of vehicle types.

Ubisoft also unveiled The Crew 2 Motor Edition, that lets players get the game three days early, allowing them to gear up before their competition on June 26th, 2018. Now available on the Ubisoft Store, this exclusive edition gives players the most advanced motorsports experience. The Motor Edition also includes:

• The Crew 2 Gold Edition and season pass, letting players enjoy new vehicles, outfits, additional content and much more

• The Motorsports Deluxe Pack, which includes unique outfits and vehicles, including the Ford F-150 Raptor Race Truck 2017, Pilstus PC-21 Air Race Edition 2002 Plane and the Abarth 500 Monster Truck Edition 2008

• A customised American The Crew 2 license plate that comes in a high-quality collector box, an exclusive Steelbook, the official Roadmap of the game and four original stickers

Players who pre-order the game will receive The Crew 2 Legendary Motors Pack, which includes exclusive vehicles such as the Mercedes-AMG C 63 Touring Car 2016 and the Harley-Davidson Iron 883TM 2017.

Players can start their in-game vehicle collection right now with The Crew Rewards Program. By completing a series of monthly challenges in the first instalment of The Crew, players can unlock up to 19 vehicles in The Crew 2, including exclusive water vehicles. For more information, please visit thecrewgame.com/rewardsprogram.

Players can also sign up now for a chance to have beta access at thecrewgame.com/beta.




使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-6 10:31 AM |只看该作者


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