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Eyeshield 21 资料全集 整修完毕 不停加新 电影版本 欢迎大家来看看









Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-12 09:09 PM |只看该作者
第1話 擁有光速之腳的男生

第2話 來玩美式足球吧!

第3話  戰勝球場吧

第4話 這隻手抓住的東西

第5話 0.5秒的貼身保鑣

第6話 猛烈擊發,長矛擒抱  

第7話 以勝利為目標的戰役

第8話 絕不放棄

第9話 接球的高手

第10話 英雄的資格  

第11話 夕陽下的誓約  

第12話 接球MAX

第13話 面對變色龍的恐懼  

第14話 熾熱的地獄之塔  

第15話 揪出光速蒙面俠吧  
第16話 再會,栗田!?

第17話 基德和鐵馬  

第18話 算不了什麼的自尊  

第19話 小市民嘲笑挑戰者  

第20話 人面獅身隊的秘密武器  

第21話 飛吧!惡魔蝙蝠  

第22話 神秘少女現身  

第23話 無重力的男人  

第24話 電擊!美日決戰  

第25話 困在獸籠裡的黑豹  

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:35 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-12 09:11 PM |只看该作者
第26話 大自然的現實

第27話 奪回塞柏拉斯  
結束與外星人隊之戰之後, 蛭魔居然強迫惡魔蝙蝠隊所有成員到美國進行特訓,想不到塞柏拉斯竟然成了走私份子的目標,原來牠被跟牠長的幾乎一模一樣的布娃娃搞混,以為牠體內藏有走私的寶石…

第28話 美式足球DOWNTOWN

第29話 新組合,惡魔大槍客隊  

第30話 走向地獄的分界線

第31話 各自的決心


第32話 哪有喪家之犬
第33話 我親愛的妹妹

第34話 GHOST的誕生

第35話 孤獨的死亡行軍

第36話 最後的考驗

第37話 遙遠的頂端

第38話 隊員的決定!?

第39話 往聖誕節大賽之路

第40話 決戰前夜!

第41話 王牌消滅!?

第42話 惡魔蝙蝠鬼影!!

第43話 傳說中60碼大口徑手槍

第44話 啊哈哈!我登場了!!

第45話 鬼影封印!?

第46話 鬼影vs長矛

第47話 熱血啊!勇士!!

第48話 努力!毅力!全力對決!

第49話 耀眼的銀・攻防線的靈魂!

第50話 逃避不了的勇氣!

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:38 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-12 10:19 PM |只看该作者
第51話 危險!最兇的變色龍

第52話 衝突!變色龍vs海神

第53話 恐怖的毒蠍子

第54話 消失的司令塔

第55話 體格差別的障礙
當小結聽到水町針對他體格矮小最好退出球隊的 "建言" 時深深受到打擊,不但離家出走,甚至萌生再也不打美式足球的念頭,惡魔蝙蝠隊所有成員分頭到處尋找小結,因為大家都相信球隊裡的每一個人都是最重要的,即使身材不夠好,但只要抱著努力的決心,再高大的對手也絕對不是問題……

第56話 拋他出去吧小結!

第57話 知道「21」的人

第58話 惡魔vs海之神


第59話 幕後有王牌的男生

第60話 球場的約定!


第61話 往勝利的執著!

第62話 戰慄!必殺擒抱

第63話 30公分的攻防

第64話 光速的男生出現了!?

第65話 泥門高校的體育慶典!

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:43 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-12 10:21 PM |只看该作者

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:45 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 03:59 PM |只看该作者
「 アイシールド21 」アフレコ取材

「 最近は試合中だけでなく試合以外のところでも精神面が強くなったところが見えていると思います。」
「 元から似てるので、今になって似てきたなと思うところはありません!(笑)」
「 関東大会に向けて新たにライバルがドンドン出てくるので、そのライバル達に負けないようにこれからも頑張っていくので、

「 一番最初のころはちょっと声を作ってやってた感じなんですけど、今はもうほとんど僕と同じ声の状態でやっているので、
「 最近マネージャーを怒鳴りつけるところが似てきたなぁと思います(笑)。」
「 もうすぐ関東大会編に突入し、ますます面白くなりますので、応援よろしくお願いします。」

「 1年半前に比べるとまもりもお姉さんらしくなってきたかなと思いますが、
「 最初から言われてたんですけど、お姉さんっぽいというイメージとはかけ離れてますが、天然っぽいところが似ていると言われます。
「 関東大会の前に原作にはないオリジナルストーリーがたくさん入ってきて、

「 (放送開始から)1年半が経ったことがいまだに信じられないくらい、毎週毎週ドキドキしながら鈴音ちゃんの声をあててます。
「 不思議と今はなんでも「まぁ、いっかー!」と笑えてしまえるようになってきているのは、鈴音ちゃんの影響だと思います。
「 これから関東大会になっていくということで、ますます盛り上がり、


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:05 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 04:14 PM |只看该作者
Koigahama Cupids

  • Logo: Cupid
  • Team colors: Crimson and Pink
  • The Cupids are a very weak team that is well known for all of their team members having girlfriends and bringing them to the games, which aren't very many, since they usually lose and get eliminated within the first or second matches. It was against this team that Eyeshield 21 made his debut by scoring a comeback touchdown victory. The quarterback's girlfriend is rather stupid, and persists in thinking that her boyfriend is a rugby player, even though he has repeatedly told her that it's American Football. Eventually he just gave up. The Cupids set the worst record in the Kanto Tournament, losing to the Seibu Wild Gunmans (10-125). But even though Koighama was practically crushed in the game, they still managed to score 10 points off them, showing Seibu's extremely weak defense. As a result, they surrendered during the 3rd quarter and never finished the game. The quarterback and his girlfriend have made appearances in the crowd at several of Deimon's games, including the match with Taiyo.

Kaoru Hatsujō
Seiyū: Iwasaki Masami

(初條薫) The captain of the Koigahama team, he is more interested in going after girls than he is even in playing football. He has an annoying habit of teasing the opposing side by stating that his team has at least ten girls cheering for them while suggesting that his opponents come from an all-boys school. Uninterested in playing against Deimon in the first game of the Spring Tournament, he isn't fired up until Hiruma creates a de-facto cheerleading squad by claiming that he knew Oujou's Haruto Sakuraba. However, because of the ineptness of the team thrown together by Hiruma, Hatsujō nearly lead Koigahama to a three-point victory until Sena was brought in to his first game, scoring the final touchdown with seconds left and forcing him to be the first witness to the speed of Deimon's running back.

By the time of the fall tournament, Hatsujō nearly becomes seduced once again by the cheerleaders of Koigahama's first opponent: the Seibu Wild Gunmen. But since his team remained inept and with the Gunmen inspired by the victories of Deimon and Oujou, his team gets annihilated and is forced to forfeit.

Although slightly a pervert, Hatsujō does actually have a girlfriend. Unfortunately, she keeps confusing football with rugby so many times that he has given up trying to explain the difference.

  • Position- Quarterback, Safety

Zokugaku (Zoku to Gaku en) Chameleons

  • Logo: Chameleon
  • Uniform: checkered squares on the shoulders
  • Team colours: Green and Blue, but different shades to Kyoshin Poseidon - closer to the former World League team Orlando Thunder
  • This team has a look-alike team at Zokugaku University. They are known as the Zokugaku Frilled Lizards, which are led by Rui's older brother.
  • This entire team consists of gang members, who are not above using dirty tactics to win. The team was disqualified from the Spring tournament when some of the players beat up the referee. Like the chameleon, Zokugaku's philosophy is to adapt in order to win. They specialize in targeting an opponent's weakness in either past strategies or team members. However, they have a problem, whenever the opposing team does something that they don't expect.
  • Their leader accepts a challenge from Deimon where 5 million yen goes to the victor of their match. The game against the Devil Bats ends in a 28-48 loss for them. When Deimon defeats Zokugaku, the team believes that Hiruma was joking about the money, until Hiruma busts out numerous guns and grenades strapped to his body in response to Rui's unsheathing of his butterfly knife. After all, Sena once said in response to an anecdote about Rui's constant possession of a butterfly knife, "We know someone who always carries firearms." The Chameleons are forced to become his slaves to pay off their debt to him. Otherwise, Hiruma would have disassembled their motorcycles, and sell the parts for money. They help the Hah Brothers to train and learn a new technique called "rascal killing" (sometimes known as "delinquent deathblow" or "scumbag scuffle"). In the English manga, it's called "The Juvenile Delinquent Murder Method". The team was later released from their debt when the Devil Bats went to America. Hiruma wanted them to train for the Fall Tournament.
  • In the anime, the Devil Bats and Chameleons have a practice scrimmage just before the second matches of the Fall Tournament. The team from Zokugaku showed a better performance than before, but they still lost 28-30, due to the addition of Deimon's new Tight End. Afterwards, they were forced to carry their motorcycles home by their manager/trainer.

Rui Habashira
Seiyū: Kouji Yusa

(葉柱 ルイ) The leader of the Zokugaku team. Basically, he is a punk's punk, leading his team like it was a street gang (which in fact it is). Not short on skill, Habashira's long arms make him a good linebacker, because he can intercept passes and stop runs, though he's not on the same level as Shin. Habashira's trash-talking of Shin is what motivates Sena in their game. However, he does show a more serious side, after his team is defeated by the Kyoshin Poseidon team. Hiruma noted that only Habashira tried his hardest to win. At this point, the Zokugaku linebacker begged Hiruma to tell him why, when the two of them were so much alike (both using force to rule their teams), his team lost heart while the Devil Bats fought on. Although seeming like (and acting like) a punk, he does have a good heart. In the anime, when Kanagushi made an imposter Eyeshield 21 to enrage the Chameleons so that they would pick a fight with Deimon Devil Bats and be disqualified, Habashira, although beat up to near exhaustion, he did not fight back so he could keep on playing and he did not take revenge or let his teammates take revenge on Kanagushi.

During the start of the 2nd half of the game between the Devil Bats and the Nagas, he and Tsuyumine both witness the onside kick, which was the start of Deimon's counterattack. Habashira leaves afterwards, saying that Deimon didn't stand a chance, but he is seen with tears in his eyes

  • 40-Yard Dash: 5.2 seconds
  • Bench Press: 80 kg
  • Jersey Number: 42
  • Position: Inside Linebacker
  • Height: 174 cm (5'8")
  • Weight: 67 kg 147lbs)
  • Blood Type: B
  • Birthday: January 25
  • 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)

  • Firecracker Kick - Also known as a Squib Kick, the ball is kicked at an extremely low angle, causing it to bounce all over the place. This causes the opposing team members to run after it during the kick return, scattering them and making them disorganized.

Megu Tsuyumine
Seiyū: Yamashita Ayaka

The team's manager/trainer. (露峰 メグ Tsuyumine Megu) She is a rough, no-nonsense woman who carries a wooden practice sword and is not above torturing the team members in order for them to train harder (she and Hiruma would probably get along). Some of her known tactics are towing the players behind her motorcycle, hitting them between the legs with her wooden practice sword, and making them carry their own motorcycles home (with herself sitting on Habashira Rui's motorcycle, as he is the leader), rather than ride them. She rules the team with an iron fist and even Habashira's afraid of her. She is also an expert of surprise attacks, and interrogates the team members severely to "strengthen them". Tsuyumine is considered as a beauty, but because of her brutal and torturous personality, she is more feared than admired. While it was left unclear by the creators if Tsuyumine and Habashira are dating, it was said that the two are good companions who share a great deal of trust and understanding. Since Tsuyumine refers to him as "Rui", his first formal name, instead of Habashira-kun (which is Japanese custom, even for close friends, and especially for women), the possibility that they are in a serious relationship is quite strong.

  • Position: Team Manager/Trainer
  • Height: 169 cm (5'6")
  • Weight: 55 kg (121lbs)
  • 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:29 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 04:27 PM |只看该作者
Seibu Wild Gunmans

  • Team Logo/Mascot: A cactus wearing a cowboy suit
  • Team colours: Brown, Gold and Dark Blue - Close match to the now defunct AFL team, Iowa Barnstormers
  • Helmet logo: cross-section of a six-shooter's bullet chamber. Helmets are copper-coloured.
  • The engrish name of Wild Gunmans has been corrected to "Wild Gunmen" in the Viz Comms translation
  • Like Deimon, Seibu is highly focused on offense, with passing being the major component, (though the run with Riku has been recently added).

This is one bizarre team, but the second best team in the Spring Kantou Tournament. Their coach is an old Japanese man who acts like a real cowboy, the cheerleaders are Japanese girls who wear sexy cowgirl outfits (they even wield real guns). Their captain is the lineman Buffalo Ushijima. The most active team ever seen in Eyeshield 21 manga. During spring break, they train in Houston, Texas. Once Tetsuma, Kid and their coach team up with Sena, Mamori, Monta, and Hiruma to become Devil Gunmen in a beach football tournament, as the Seibu coach didn't want the prize, a bull, to be eaten by anyone. He also wanted it for their ranch. The teams chant is "GUN&GUN that will do"

Shien Mushanokoji
Seiyū: Yuuya Uchida

Kid with Monta, Sena, Mamori & Doc(キッド/武者小路紫苑) aka "The Kid". His real name is "Shien", which Hiruma mentions after Deimon’s sports day. He is a quarterback, and has one of the fastest pass speeds in Japan, possibly in the world. Kid and Tetsuma make up one of the strongest quarterback-wide receiver combinations in Japan (by high school standards), like the legendary Joe Montana-Jerry Rice combination, although to a lesser extent. Kid specializes in quick-draw shooting, where he throws the ball as soon as he receives it from the center to Tetsuma, Seibu's wide receiver (this kind of quick release is more akin to Miami's Hall of Fame passer Dan Marino). His personality is very laid-back. However, whenever he gets the feeling that things go too well, he always predicts that something bad will happen, (which usually does, such as in the Spring tournament when they were ahead of the Oujou White Knights during the first half, Tetsuma drank too much water and could not participate in the second half). His quote is "Something bad has to happen after something so good." Recently the manga has shown that Kid is the son of an Olympic class pistol shooter, which might account for his inhuman accuracy. He's also known Tetsuma since they were kids, accounting for how "in sync" they appear to be. Originally Kid couldn't throw and Tetsuma couldn't catch, but they practiced all the time as kids and got better.

  • 40-yard-dash: 5.6 seconds
  • Bench Press: 70 kg
  • Height: 177 cm (5'9")
  • Weight: 66 kg (145 lbs)
  • Position: Quarterback
  • Jersey Number: 7
  • 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)
  • A great sharpshooter like Hiruma, he's half-American and half-Japanese. The name 'Kid' is derived from the name of a famous cowboy, Billy the Kid.
  • In America, he once teamed up with Hiruma in the beach football match and used a special technique named Super Quarterback Tag. Their tosses were so fast that everyone assumed that they were using the Too Tattoos' Dancing Flea technique.

  • Quick-Draw Pass - Kid is a specialist with short fast passes as soon as he gets the ball. The time it takes for him to raise and pass the ball is 0.15 seconds, as opposed to a normal quarterback's speed of 0.5 seconds. Catching him in a blitz is near-impossible. His throwing technique is odd as well - as opposed to releasing the ball from over his throwing shoulder, Kid throws the ball from in front on himself using both hands to generate an incredibly fast spiral, in a similar fashion to pass training machines that wide receivers use.
  • Shotgun - A strategy that relies totally on passing. Instead of having one or two receivers ready to catch passes, the number is increased to four or more. The receivers spread out like buckshot pellets once the ball is snapped. This increases the number of directions in which the Kid can pass the ball. Even linebackers like Shin find it difficult to cover so many receivers at once.

Jō Tetsuma
Seiyū: Eiji Takemoto

Tetsuma arrives(鉄馬丈) A fast and quiet guy, he has a habit of following orders to the letter, and that can lead to disaster. It is very important to give him specific instructions and to watch him carefully. Otherwise, he will follow any general directions to the extreme. For example, the coach once said to him, "Go run a bit!!" so he kept running for 3 days and 3 nights, until he collapsed from hunger. Another time, was when Kid told him to wake him up after 5 hours while riding on a bus, Kid got off the bus earlier, but Tetsuma still waited 5 hours, then burst out of the back window of the bus to go look for Kid so he could wake him up! Whenever Kid calls a pass route, he dashes and uses it as followed, no questions asked. This makes him perfect for his position as a Wide Receiver, since the Kid doesn't even have to look for him in order to pass. In spite of his seemingly robotic demeanor, Tetsuma is a nice person, who has been friends with Kid since they were in middle school.

One important note is that after the game with Deimon, Tetsuma invokes a penalty, by striking Monta when he was about to attack the referee for ruling in favor of Seibu. This was actually done to save Monta from destroying the Devil Bats' chances of playing for third place in the tournament. As a result, Tetsuma was banned from playing in the finals of the Fall Tournament against Oujou. Without him, the Gunmen lost out to the White Knights again, but Monta vows to meet up with Tetsuma again during the Kantou Elimination Tournament.

  • Position: Wide Receiver
  • Jersey Number: 15
  • 40-yard-dash: 5.0 seconds
  • Bench-press: 115 kg
  • 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)

His name also means Iron Horse. In America they use this nickname for the steam-engine train in the old west. This gives meaning to the pass routes he is ordered to follow, which likens him to a train that cannot be altered from the track it runs. He will bowl over anyone who gets in the way on the tracks. In the game against Deimon however, Monta does manage to upset his route and cause him to fumble.
In a match against the Oujou White Knights, he was the cause of a huge lead 20-7. But because he drank too much water during half-time, he cannot continue as he has to go to the toilet the entire time, causing his team to lose 20-21.


  • Pass Routes - Tetsuma has drilled all known pass routes into his head and can run them like a conditioned reflex. All he needs is to hear the route called out by Kid and he'll perfectly execute the movement. Nothing can disrupt him when he runs his routes, although Monta has made him fumble once.

Riku Kaitani
Seiyū: Yuuki Masuda

(甲斐谷陸) An extremely fast grey-haired boy and happens to be the one who taught Sena how to run. When Riku was in elementary school, he saw Sena being bullied and he used his speed to save him. After that Riku taught Sena that if he could run fast, he would never be bullied again. Sadly, Sena used his speed to be a gopher, (though it's ironic that being a gopher is what helped build up his speed). Riku soon left Sena's school because his family needed to move, but he and Sena met again in chapter 127. Like Shin, he was able to quickly deduce Sena's identity as Eyeshield 21. When his team went up against the White Knights, Riku proved to be no match against Shin and was unable to get by him once.

During the Kantou Tournament, Riku faced off against Gaō when he was about to beat up, possibly kill a fan who had insulted Banba, (and anyone else who was in the way). Fortunately, the incident ended without any bloodshed. After the Seibu Gunmen devastate the Misaki Wolves with a score of 82-14, they now prepare to face off against the Hakushuu Dinosaurs in the semi-finals.

Before the match between the Strong Golems and the White Knights, Shin approached Riku and asked him for the secret of the Rodeo Drive. Initially he refused, thinking that Shin had already defeated him during the Tokyo Fall Tournament and that he didn't need such a technique. However, after learning that Shin was going to use it in a method against Sena, Riku agreed to show him, thinking that Eyeshield 21 might be the one to beat him.

  • 40-yard dash record: 4.5 seconds
  • Bench Press: 60 kg
  • Position: Running Back/Safety
  • Jersey Number: 29
  • 1st Year Student (Grade 10)
  • Sena's top speed for a 40-yard-dash is 4.2 seconds, while Riku's is 4.5. However, Riku can run at his top speed for long periods of time, while Sena's normal speed during a match is 4.5 seconds, making them roughly the same in terms of speed in a real game.


  • Rodeo Drive - Riku's special running technique known as Rodeo Drive is very similar to Panther's Zero Gravity run. He uses this technique to make an immediate statement at the start of game against the Devil Bats by returning the opening kickoff for a touchdown. Sena paid him back by doing the same during Seibu's first kickoff. He also uses this technique to stop opposing runners. However, it is not effective against Shin's Spear Tackle nor Sena's Devil Bat Tornado.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:31 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 04:31 PM |只看该作者
Taiyō Sphinx

  • Logo: Sphinx
  • Team colours: sandy yellow, turquoise-blue (closest NFL match: Jacksonville Jaguars). Team uniform is striped.
  • This strong team is one of the best in the Kanagawa prefecture. The entire team is made up of idiots except for Banba. Their players act like Egyptians because their headmaster, after excavating a ruin, became obsessed with the Egyptians and opened a school that looks like a pyramid. Their philosophy is based on the importance of the line and they are reputed to have the heaviest. However, their backfield is substantially less than Deimon's.
  • Due to their philosophy of the importance of the line, Taiyō is considered more of a defensive team. They focus on stopping the advance of the opposing side and protecting the quarterback.
  • They were originally chosen to go against the Nasa Aliens, due to the fact that just about every member of Taiyo Sphinx was massively built, in which the sponsors assumed they could take the hits from the large American players. However, thanks to Hiruma's computer hacking skills, they get involved in a match against the Devil Bats for the chance to play against the Americans.
  • Their game against Deimon ends in a tie (20-20), but Banba surrenders the chance to play against the Nasa Aliens to his opponents after they had shown his team the true spirit and drive to win, despite the difference in power, size, and especially climate (the Taiyo field is an arid dustbowl). One thing to note is that all of the students look somewhat Egyptian (their skin is dark). This is explained in a small snippet: all the students are into surfing since Shonan beach is right next door, hence the tans.

The four players to take note of are:

Mamoru Banba
Seiyū: Kusunoki Daiten

(番場衛) Massive center of the team. The team captain and powerhouse. He holds the high school record for the squat. Although he is more skillful than Kurita, he does not have as much raw strength. Due to his harsh training for the Fall Tournament, Banba's face has more scars. His build also is much more powerful looking as shown in chapter 200 of the manga, so it's presumed his strength has increased as well.

Unfortunately, whatever training he had undergone was insufficient to match the Dinosaurs' powerhouse lineman Rikiya Gaō. Despite the new formation called Tutankhamun's Mask, Banba was pushed down easily at the start of the match. At the end of the game, he is seen being carried out on a stretcher, as he had sustained the most injuries in protecting Harao, Taiyou's quarterback.

  • 40-yard-dash: 5.5 seconds
  • Bench-press: Unknown as of most recent appearance (200th down), previously 140 kg
  • Position: Center/Defensive Tackle
  • Jersey Number: 50
  • 3rd Year Student (Grade 12)


  • Pyramid Line - The signature formation of the Sphinx. The Pyramid Line involves the linemen going into a V-shaped "pyramid" formation, which takes advantage of the heavier-built players. This gives high protection for the quarterback and makes a formidable obstacle when on defense. However, it can be defeated by certain tactics like the Ha-Ha Brothers' Juvenile Delinquent Murder Method, random player arrangements, and the Devil Bat Dive. Another problem is that Harao has difficulty finding a receiver if the huge line moves backward and blocks his view.
  • Tutankhamen’s Mask - The linemen arrange themselves more tightly together than normal, making the spaces between them narrower and forming closer to the quarterback. This is alluded to the Death Mask of the Pharaoh. In theory, the line was made even more secure and harder for the opposing team to break through to sack the quarterback.

Kiminari Harao
Seiyū: Takeuchi Kousuke

(原尾 君成 Harao Kiminari) The whining quarterback. He bosses everyone around and puts the blame on them until in Volume 6, Banba sets him straight. For some reason, he's popular with the ladies and has his own harem. He acts like a pharaoh. However, compared to Hiruma, his skills as a quarterback are substantially less. His over-dependence on the Pyramid Line has made him slower and less able to avoid sacks. If he can't find a receiver, then he will just stand in place, rather than try to run the ball himself. He also tends to hold the ball too high when passing, which can lead to fumbles when he's tackled.

Though he appears to be an arrogant snob, Harao is actually quite sensitive about his skills as a quarterback. He knows that others consider him as a second-rate player; even his own team members think so. Like Sakaruba was, Harao is seen as the ace of the team by his fans, though his skills do not match that of his image. He admits to Banba that since the game against Deimon, that he has been trying to improve himself, but he still has doubts, especially since every Kantou Tournament, the Sphinx participate but never win due to the other teams being like monsters. Like Banba, this will be his third and last Kantou Tournament. Banba assured him that the new Tutankhamen’s Mask formation would protect him, so all he had to do was throw the ball. However, as the formation crumbles easily under the power of the Dinosaurs' monstrous new lineman, Harao began to experience true fear.

At half-time, with the entire roster of linemen sustaining injuries, (including broken bones), and Banba out of commission, Harao was forced to forfeit the match. He was the only member who had not been seriously hurt, since Banba had tried his hardest to protect him. He was also the first QB that had faced Gaou of the Dinosaurs, that was still standing at the end of the game. However, the once-proud quarterback takes no solace in this.

  • 40-yard-dash: 5.4 seconds
  • Bench-press: 50 kg
  • Position: Quarterback
  • Jersey Number: 8
  • 3rd Year Student (Grade 12)

Niinobu Kasamatsu
Seiyū: Eiji Takemoto

(笠松新信) The second-largest lineman on the pyramid line. He talks too much and is always getting the blame from Harao and apologizing to him. He starts picking on the Ha-Ha Brothers, but is beaten by Juumonji twice, first with the Juvenile Delinquent Murder Method, then with just a normal block. He's not very bright and is easily fooled by trick plays and trap blocks.

During the game with the Dinosaurs, he is among the casualties and his team is forced to surrender at half-time.

  • 40-yard-dash: 5.9 seconds
  • Bench-press: 100 kg
  • Position: Tackle/Defensive End
  • Jersey Number: 66

Ken Kamaguruma
Seiyū: Saito Yasuo

(鎌車ケン) Kamaguruma is a large first-year who plays cornerback. He's a bit dim-witted, but a pretty good player. He gives Monta some trouble when he comes in during the second-half of the Taiyo game. He is "The Chariot" for Taiyo. His moves include "Chariot Bump" and "Chariot Attack".The bump is incredibly strong, when Ken smashed down a watch tower over 60 FEET practicing his bump. However, Monta's catching ability far outstripped his skills. It is also shown that his Bump Technique has no effect against Seibu's receiver Tetsuma.

Like his teammates, Kamaguruma is stopped at the quarter-finals at the Kantou Tournament, when the Pyramid Line's new formation fails against the brutal power of the Dinosaurs' new lineman.

His appearance is inspired by Jean Pierre Polnareff from the third segment of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders. Similarly, both Kamaguruma and Polnareff use a chariot as the major theme of their attacks. (Polnareff's Stand is "Silver Chariot")

  • 40-yard-dash: 5.3 seconds
  • Bench-press: 85 kg
  • Position: Cornerback
  • Jersey Number: 98
  • 1st Year Student (Grade 10)


  • Chariot Bump - Before the receiver can catch the ball, Kamaguruma thrusts out with both hands to knock the receiver off-balance, throwing off his timing. Technically speaking, this could be considered as pass interference.
  • Chariot Attack - Basically it's a running version of the Bump. It is done in motion and is used to knock away opposing blockers and receivers.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:32 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 04:34 PM |只看该作者
Shinryūji Naga

  • Logo: Dragon
  • Team colours: somewhere in-between the New Orleans Saints and Cincinnati Bengals - charcoal-grey or black, with two-tone gold/orange detail. The anime series titles seem to have a hint of purple in the uniform also, possibly throwing this out of whack - more like the Frankfurt Galaxy of NFL Europa.
  • Team uniform bears flames down the side of both the jerseys and pants, and across the top of the helmet. Team dress outside of games kind of resembles a Buddhist monk's robes.
  • Before the start of each game, the linemen go into a kind of meditation exercise to achieve a Zen state of mind. Supposedly, this is to get them mentally prepared for the game and nothing can disturb them when they are like this. .. that is, until Ikkyu commented on some cute girls.
  • The strongest team in the Kanagawa area by far. Known as the "Gods of Kantou", they've won the Kantou tournament for 9 years straight. Four of the players resemble the main characters from Journey to the West (or as they call it, Saiyuki). The name Shinryūji can translate to "Temple of the Dragon God".
  • The team is made up of members who are good all-rounders, with two aces, (Agon and Ikkyu). As a result, they are well-balanced in both offense and defense, which is directly opposite to Deimon's team of specialists.
  • Their coach is Sendou Dasumito, an old man who looks much like a hermit martial arts master would look like in a martial arts movie. He guides the team with seeming wisdom and tactics, though he always turns a blind eye toward Agon and his lack of discipline, due to his God-Impulse Ability.
  • Another fact about the team is that they had never allowed any opponent a two-point conversion against them. This record is destroyed along with their bid for a 10th Kantou Championship when they lose to the Devil Bats in the opening round in quite possibly the most unbelievable upset in their entire history.

Unsui Kongō
Seiyū: Takeshi Maeda

(金剛雲水) A very strong player. Not much is known about him, but in the previous year's match between the Oujou White Knights and Shinryūji Naga, both he and his brother (as first-year players) were sent out with 5 minutes to play and Oujou holding a 16-3 lead. Their entrance resulted in a 17-16 victory for Shinryūji. During their second-year Spring Tournament, the Nagas trounce the White Knights by a score of 40-3, without Agon playing at all. Unsui is passionately devoted to football, but is considered merely a "good" player. In contrast, Agon takes a casual, cynical, almost scornful approach to the sport, but is far better. Far more serious and intense than Agon, Unsui is much better liked, as opposed to feared like his brother is. He is a good player because of his wide range of vision, allowing him to know where all his players are.

Rather than Agon's talent being innate, Unsui has worked all his life to become as good as he is. His workrate seemed to have been recognized when he received a sports scholarship at Shinryūji, but it turns out it was meant for Agon - the school got the twins' names mixed up. He feels his purpose is to back Agon up as much as he can, to make his god-given talents shine even more brightly.

Unsui does recognize Deimon's offensive potential and has taken a more conservative approach to defeat them during the second half of the Kantou tournament game. However, with the Devil Bats counterattacking, he is becoming unsure of the outcome. His greatest shock comes when Eyeshield 21,ignores his brother completely and forces Unsui to fumble, followed by the unbelievable event in which Unsui's seemingly invincible sibling was toppled by Sena.

As the game winds down, Unsui and the rest of the team are taking no prisoners. Despite being pressured by Agon and Ikkuyu to let them have the ball (wanting to get revenge on Sena and Monta respectively for the upsets they've caused), the Nagas had decided to just run out the remaining five minutes and prevent Deimon from getting any more points. The formation they used was an advanced version of the Dragon Fly, their double-quarterback trademark play; the Golden Dragon Fly has a three-quarterback setup, featuring Ikkyu Hosakawa as the third passer and multiple flea-flicker-style lateral passes. Using desperate run-stuffing tactics, Deimon were able to hold all but Agon, who managed to gain a first down as a result of this ploy, but they ended up going three-and-out and were forced to punt.

Shinryūji assume that they have won after pinning the Devil Bats on their own 2-yard line with just one minute left on the clock - and 98 yards separating them. However, even that was not enough to stop the Devil Bats. Instructing the rest of the team to aim for the sidelines (in order to stop the clock when they go out of bounds) Hiruma goes into what is effectively a one-man no-huddle offense. Eyeshield 21 gets the ball and heads straight for the sideline, but the Naga are on to them - Agon chops into him with one of his most scything tackles so far, keeping both Sena in bounds and the clock running. Hiruma then spikes the ball to stop the clock and on the next play, uses a diversion to move the chains. Designating Yukimitsu as a lineman, he gets him to run a motion play route to the other side of the line before the snap, to misdirect Shinryūji into blocking the wrong way. This led Deimon to a first down on their own 13, and 45 seconds left. As time continues to tick away, Hiruma continues to use these sideline/spike tactics and the Bats make it as far as midfield. After an incredible pair of high-risk plays and a touchdown by Hiruma, the Nagas now must deal with the possibility of a Sudden Death Overtime or a loss if the Devil Bats decide on a two-point conversion and succeed. To everyone's surprise, it looks as if Deimon will try for overtime as Musashi is rushing toward the ball to kick it in. Sena is placed at the end of the scrimmage line, which convinces everyone that he is not going to try for the Devil Bat Dive. Now the game draws to a close as Shinryūji attempts to block the kick.

However, this is not to be as Hiruma fakes the kick and rushes toward the goal line with Musashi ahead of him. The two plow into the Nagas defensive line in what appears to be a last-ditch power play to score through brute force. When it appears that the Nagas had stopped them, the Deimon quarterback wheels about and laterals the ball backward to Eyeshield 21. It appears that Sena was placed at the end of the scrimmage line to deceive the Nagas and had used the faked kick as a distraction to get a running start and attempt the Devil Bat Dive. In a spectacular move, Kurita forces down four Nagas, including Agon and Ikkyu, allowing Eyeshield to fall past the goal line. The end result. .. TWO POINTS!

Final Score: Deimon Devil Bats 36, Shinryūji Nagas 35.

In the end, when Agon warns the Nagas not to slack off in their training for the next Spring Tournament, and showing his intent to defeat the Devil Bats, Unsui feels that his brother is finally beginning to see the value of working with others, rather than just depending on his own God-given talents.

  • 40-Yard Dash: 5.1 seconds
  • Bench Press: 95 kg
  • Position: Quarterback
  • Jersey Number: 13
  • Blood Type: B
  • Birthday: May 31
  • 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)


  • Dragon Fly - Using both Kongo brothers as quarterbacks, the ball is passed through multiple laterals among the team members. It is a very adaptable strategy, but its drawback is that an opponent can intercept the laterals in flight, causing a fumble (such as Eyeshield did with Agon).
  • Golden Dragon Fly - This involves three quarterbacks, normally with the Kongo brothers and Ikkyu. This is extremely difficult to stop, but it is possible with run-stuffing tactics.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:33 PM 编辑 ]


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2007-6-15 04:36 PM |只看该作者
Agon Kongō
Seiyū: Kirimoto Takuya

(金剛阿含) The Kongo twins are like chalk and cheese - not only in ability, but also in attitude and personality. Agon Kongo is lazy, arrogant, vicious, invariably turns up late to the matches - often in the second half - and never ever trains, yet his skill is incredible. He is also a chauvinist who does not take rejection well, since when Mamori rejected his advances on the bridge he threw her on the ground and advanced on her, although he made it look afterwards like an accident. Even though Unsui is a solid player, whose skill has come from constant hard work, Agon's abilities go far beyond even the best. Kumabukuro, the reporter, says that he has tremendous talent that is only seen once every 100 years. Even the Naga coach wants everybody in the team not to act the way he does, and tells them that only Agon has the leeway to act in this manner. This is because Agon's natural talent is near-superhuman, and allows him to do whatever he wants. This has made him arrogant and over-confident in his ability. He looks down on everyone else - even his own (older) brother, whom he calls "Unko-chan" as if to scorn him (effectively a tautology, as he's calling Unsui small twice - lit. "Little Unsui the Child"). Initially, he displays his agility to Sena and makes a powerful bullet pass at Torakichi (still in his wheelchair), who teases their team but luckily is saved by Sakuraba, Monta and Sena.

Unknown to any of the main characters, he has incredible strength, as he beat up the entire Zokugaku gang in an instant. Shortly after this incident, Sena and Mamori encounter Agon on their way elsewhere. Agon tries to accost Mamori to help him get to the stadium, but Sena intervenes. Agon weasels his way out of this, however, and as he leaves the pair behind, Sena feels for the first time he has encountered someone with evil intent.

While growing up with his twin brother, it was discovered early on that Agon had a talent for learning complex physical tasks within minutes, just after seeing it. This is called the God-Speed Impulse reaction. He was able to balance and ride a bicycle on his first try. His reaction time is at the human limit and is triggered by sight. As he grew up, his brother Unsui encouraged him to develop his amazing ability, while he stayed mostly in the background. Unfortunately, this also led to building Agon's ego and his tendency to regard everyone else, including his own brother as inferior. Eventually, the two began leaning toward American Football and were recruited by the Nagas. Agon's God-Speed impulse is similar to the Marvel Comics villain Taskmaster and his ability of photo-mimetic/reactive reflexes.

During the draw to decide who faces who in the Kantou Tournament, Shinryūji and Deimon are fated to meet in the first round (Gods against Devils, as it were). When the time came for Shinryūji to draw for their place in the tournament, Agon took the ball upon seeing Sena - and threw another bullet pass like the one he threw at Torakichi, this time aimed directly for Sena's right eye. Sena dodged the ball with the slightest of movements, and the pass struck a coke bottle behind him held by Maruko, the Dinosaurs' quarterback. In an interview at which Hiruma is also present, Agon is shown to have a history with the Deimon passer, and his laid-back cool attitude becomes somewhat rattled whenever he is involved. Agon's arrogance in his own natural talents cause him to look down on and want to crush those he feels are less talented (absolutely everyone else, basically - he even considers the perfect team to be "22 of myself"). These are his reasons for playing football - as opposed to Hiruma's: "Because it's fun." He does, however, recognise Hiruma's ability - though he immediately counters this by saying he doesn't consider the Deimon player a threat. Agon wants everyone, without exception, to acknowledge his superiority, and is willing to destroy anyone who doesn't do so or gets in his way. He also doesn't care for normal people who work hard, thinking that only those who are truly gifted are the ones that matter. However, Hiruma is aware of this and plans on using this attitude to cause Agon's downfall.

As the game against Deimon continues, Agon starts to lose his cool, as the Devil Bats begin to fight back from a 32-0 first half thumping. He is first upset by the Devil Bats' onside kick, then is caught completely off-guard when Yukimitsu (the weakest member of the Deimon team) scored a touchdown, despite being double-covered by both him and Ikkyu. He was able to do this by analysing the Nagas' defense patterns, and picking out option routes - third pass-route choices in the middle distance, as opposed to short passes to Taki or long-distance bombs to Monta - on the fly. This, and Yukimitsu's sheer determination to succeed at something other than studying, got Deimon's first points on the board.

Afterwards, Eyeshield 21 successfully intercepted a lateral pass meant for Agon, followed by Juumonji recovering the ball (as this is classed as a fumble) and scoring the second Deimon touchdown, despite being tackled by the arrogant dreadhead. Agon ended up being dragged into the endzone by Juumonji's sheer force of will. Eyeshield's interception of Unsui's lateral got to him, but being unable to prevent Juumonji's touchdown return truly rattles him, as linemen are not known for their speed (however, the Huh Huh Brothers are built more like linebackers, as opposed to the line build possessed by Kurita and Komusubi).

In recent chapters he witnessed the one team-mate that he does give credit to, cornerback Ikkyu Hosokawa, fail to stop Deimon from scoring. His version of Eyeshield 21's Devil Bat Ghost surprises everyone, but now he is becoming even more enraged as Sena forces yet another fumble on his brother, ignoring Agon completely when the whole Shinryūji team thought he was still marking him. This is most likely the one thing that can truly upset him. .. not even being bothered with by the ones he most wants to crush.

In the following chapter (191st Down), the red mist descends on Agon. After a lifetime of being praised for his innate skills, to be disregarded so completely is something that he is not prepared to stand for, and in a fit of fury he tries to take Sena down. .. permanently. Amazingly, he fails - as he goes to chop the ball out of his grasp, Sena motions as if he was going to stiff-arm Agon away. Agon's surprise is such that he is caught off-guard for a split-second - all the time Sena needs to whip a DevilBat Ghost on him. Even that is not enough to put off the smug Naga, however - with his lightning-reaction time, he wheels round to have another shot at Sena. Agon then receives one of the greatest upsets of the entire game as his tackle to stop Eyeshield 21 is countered, and he is ground face-first into the turf! Since he was in a fit of rage, Agon had not considered the possibility that his shorter, weaker opponent would even try to down him.

In the game's dying seconds, Agon is the only person who realises what Hiruma's up to with Deimon's final drive. The final frame of the 194th Down shows his menacing stare behind the sports goggles he wears. At 18 seconds left in their final drive, Hiruma takes the snap and makes a fake spike to catch the Nagas off-guard. Yukimitsu stayed on the line of scrimmage for this play, which allowed Monta to go in motion. Thinking the play was dead because of the fake spike, Ikkyu (who was meant to be covering Monta) switched off - all the chance Monta needed to get a head start on him. Hiruma heaved a bomb in the air for him - which Ikkyu managed to get a hand to, but all he could do was deflect it directly into Monta's clutches. Agon, the only person who could see this coming, tackled the receiver at Shinryūji's red zone with 4 seconds left. During this, Monta shouted "CATCH MAX!" again, for all he already had the ball. Agon assumes that he meant catching the ball and arrogantly retorts that it didn't matter if he did catch the ball, as long as he was brought down. With the clock ticking inexorably down to 0, and Shinryūji still a touchdown up, it looks as if he had permanently ended Deimon's dream to play in the Christmas Bowl. Agon's plan was to let Monta get so far away that the rest of the Bats wouldn't have time to get back into formation for a spike.

However, the referee ruled the play as out-of-bounds after seeing a lump of turf had been ripped up. Monta's scream of CATCH MAX! was nothing to do with the ball, as he already had hold of that - he was aiming to touch the sideline. He opened his fist and revealed the missing bit of turf. The ref has the clock reset to 4 seconds because of this. Now, with this being Deimon's final play, both Kongo brothers wonder what Hiruma is up to as the Deimon quarterback pumps Devil Bats' fans up into a frenzy.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:33 PM 编辑 ]


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