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他的十四行詩第130首(Sonnet 130)歌頌其愛人:
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head。
I have been roses damasked, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks,
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare。
紅色可象征爱情,不少情诗都用上red lips、red cheeks和red roses 这些符号。不过,莎翁別出心裁,说他的爱人的唇不及珊瑚紅,也沒有像玫瑰般泛紅的脸颊,虽然如此,比起那些受到虛假比喻赞美的女人,自己的爱人才是独一无二的。
莎翁形容爱人是头发黑、膚色黑的女子,故后人称之为the dark lady,不少文学研究者想凭这些线索找出她的身分,有人更推测她不是白人。
另一用到紅色意象的是Macbeth,Macbeth受妻子从怂恿,为篡位刺殺国王,Macbeth殺人后说:「Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather / The multitudinous seas incarnadine / Making the green one red。」
他恐怕手上的鲜血用大海也洗不清,反而会把大海由碧绿染成通紅。后來,他的妻子受到良心譴責,梦游並幻想双手染血,不停洗手。在這里,紅色象征血、谋杀和罪恶。现代英语的 caught red handed,意即在做坏事时給捉个正着。
Red也象征危险,raise a red flag over (something) 即提出警告。例如: Professor Nouriel Roubini, known as "Dr Doom", raised a red flag over the American economy before the subprime crisis。
人尴尬时会面紅,故英语以red face代表尴尬,如:After Gordon Brown's gaffe (失言) over the "bigoted woman", there were red faces in the Conservative Party。
摘自香港明报《叶刘淑仪专栏》 |