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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2012-7-1 09:08 AM |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-24 09:55 PM 编辑

Coming Soon

Xbox 360是世界最大的计算机软件公司微软所开发的第二代家用视频游戏主机,为Xbox的后继机种。Xbox 360为索尼计算机娱乐PlayStation 3和任天堂Wii的市场竞争者,同为第七世代游戏主机。Xbox 360最早于2005年5月12日,在E3游戏展前一星期首度曝光,2005年11月22日在北美地区上市,其后扩展至欧洲及日本地区,而香港及台湾也已经于2006年3月16日正式上市。

Xbox 360可与Xbox LIVE紧密结合,玩家可以通过Xbox LIVE在网络上进行连接对战,或者下载游戏、音乐、电影和电视节目。Xbox 360也可以链接计算机上的Windows Media Center,让Xbox 360分享计算机中存储的图片、音乐、视频、电影和电视节目。Xbox 360也在个别地区提供与第三方厂商合作的多媒体流服务,例如在美国提供的Netflix和ESPN服务,以及英国的Sky Player服务。在台湾则是和台中的威达云电讯合作,将Xbox 360当作数字机上盒,提供高清电视节目。

Xbox 360在开发时有着Xbox Next、Xenon、Xbox 2和Xbox FS等称呼。Xbox 360的构想在2003年初被提出。2003年2月,由微软副总裁J Allard带领的Xenon软件平台设计计划展开,同月,微软邀请了四百名游戏开发者在华盛顿州的贝尔维尤举行会议,以寻求他们对新游戏主机的支持。同样在二月时,前美国 SEGA 总裁Peter Moore加入了微软。2003年8月12日,ATI 与微软签订制造新主机显示晶片的合约,此协议并在签订的两天后公开。在Xbox 360正式上市前,多部初期开发包被发现是用苹果的Power Mac G5所改装而成。这是因为Power Mac G5的PowerPC 970处理器架构与Xbox 360所使用的IBM特制Xenon处理器相同。Xenon处理器的核心是从PlayStation 3的Cell处理器PPE架构些微修改而来。根据David Shippy和Mickie Phipps的说法,IBM的员工对索尼和东芝隐藏了这件事。

微软公司设计 Xbox 360 时的主要目标是“创造一个生动的娱乐体验”。基于这个创意,微软推出了全新的 Xbox 360 游戏平台,提供给用户独特的娱乐体验,更多的是注重他们个性化的游戏喜好和游戏风格,而不是游戏本身。将用户做为整个娱乐体验的中心,一切的设计和服务都是以他们为本。因此微软采用了象征意义的 360°作为名称。另外由于竞争对手已经进入第三代,微软不愿意采用 Xbox 2 的名字,让其产品给消费者落后的感觉。

Xbox 360于2005年11月22日在美国和加拿大上市,随后于12月2日在欧洲、12月10日在日本上市。2006年3月16日于香港和台湾上市。Xbox 360第一年就在36个国家上市,创下游戏主机第一年上市国家数的新纪录。

上市初的Xbox 360外型呈白色流线型,使用三核心IBMPowerPC架构的Xenon处理器以及ATI设计的Xenos显示晶片,主机并内置网络连接功能,亦支持DVD视频播放。


微软于2006年1月CES大会表示将于年底推出HD-DVD外接光盘驱动器。Xbox360外接式HD-DVD光盘驱动器将完全支持HD-DVD播放机所具备的基本影音规范与功能,图像解码则由GPU Xenos与中央处理器负责。该外接式光盘驱动器采用USB2.0接口与主机连接,本体并另含两组USB2.0连接端口。2006年11月微软开放了Live Marketplace的服务,美国用户可于Live卖场购买由各大好莱坞片商与电视公司提供之商业视频、电视影集下载至主机观看。片源种类涵盖了最新的电影与电视影集。

2007年1月微软于 CES 大会上宣布将于2007年末在Xbox 360上推出IPTV服务,与美国各网络服务商与频道提供商合作,以网络流技术实现随选视频之平台。Xbox 360的IPTV将不仅止于单纯地在线观看电视频道之功能,该系统将与Xbox Live完整结合,可让用户于背景录制节目,畅玩游戏与在线好友语音视频聊天。

2007年3月29日微软宣布售价 479美元的Xbox 360 Elite菁英版主机将于一个月后于美国上市。Elite版主机与手把为全黑涂装,新增HDMI原生输出端口与提升硬盘容量至 120 GB,4月29日在北美各大卖场上市。Elite初期需求量超乎业界预期。8月8日微软宣布北美即日起无硬盘之游乐版Xbox 360主机售价降至279美元、有20 GB硬盘之豪华版降至349美元、菁英版降至449美元。豪华版新增HDMI输出支持,并全面搭载 2007年夏季起用于绘图晶片的新型热导管以加强散热对流效率。2008年9月5日微软Xbox Live首席程序员Larry Major Nelson Hryb宣布北美Xbox 360游乐版售价降至199美元、有60 GB硬盘豪华版降至299美元、菁英版降至399美元。

New Xbox Experience
2008年11月19日微软在Xbox Live上推出更新,名为NXE ( New Xbox Experience ),让玩家能够如同Wii的Mii功能一样创造属于自己的虚拟人偶,并对浏览接口做大幅度更新,最重要的是,支持硬盘安装运行,可将游戏复制到Xbox 360硬盘中,加快游戏读取速度。

新型 Xbox 360 主机与 Kinect

2009年6月1日微软于E3游戏展中公布代号为Project Natal的体感设备,让玩家可以通过玩家的肢体动作或语音来进行Xbox 360接口以及游戏的操控。隔年6月,微软在E3游戏展中宣布 Project Natal 体感设备的正式名称为Kinect,并预计于11月在美国上市,售价149美金。会中并发表了新型Xbox 360主机Xbox 360 S。新的轻薄版主机改变了原先的外观、缩小尺寸并减轻重量,250GB版本主机外壳改采钢琴烤漆并大幅降低了主机运作时的噪音和耗电量,并内置Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n高速无线网络与Kinect专用连接端口。新型Xbox 360主机于发表同日在美国上市。2010年8月21日新型Xbox 360 250GB主机在台湾上市。11月4日Kinect 正式在美国上市,11月18日在香港上巿,11月20日在日本及台湾上市。

2011年1月7日,微软在CES展上宣布Xbox 360主机的全球销售量突破5000万部,Kinect体感设备则达到800万部。2011年6月,微软宣布Xbox 360全球累积销售量达到5500万部。2012年9月,微软宣布Xbox 360全球累积销售量达到7000万部。










K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-8-25 06:22 AM |只看该作者
September 2017 Games with Gold Announced


September’s Games with Gold Revealed

Summer may be ending but the great titles will keep on coming thanks to a solid collection featured in September’s Games with Gold. On Xbox One it’s the complete auto sport experience with Forza Motorsport 5: Racing Game of the Year Edition followed by the supernatural adventure of Oxenfree.

Then on Xbox 360, and Xbox One through Backward Compatibility, the arcade boat racer Hydro Thunder Hurricane splashes down and the iconic multiplayer shooter Battlefield 3 enters the fray for you to add to your ever-growing gaming library.

All games will only be available for a limited time as part of Games with Gold, so get Xbox Live Gold today to get in on the action.

• Forza Motorsport 5: Racing Game of the Year Edition ($39.99): Available September 1 to 30 on Xbox One

• Oxenfree ($19.99): Available September 16 to October 15 on Xbox One

• Hydro Thunder Hurricane ($9.99): Available September 1 to 15 on Xbox One and Xbox 360

• Battlefield 3 ($19.99): Available September 16 to 30 on Xbox One and Xbox 360

Forza Motorsport 5: Racing Game of the Year Edition

Get behind the wheel and experience the adrenaline rush of your ultimate car fantasy! Forza Motorsport 5: Racing Game of the Year Edition includes a new graphics engine with 17 tracks, and the Top Gear Car Pack with an additional 10 cars to race and customize. Play with a friend on your Xbox One, or with up to 15 opponents online, and try to keep your eyes on the track because this game is truly gorgeous.


In this award-winning teen supernatural thriller, you accidentally open a ghostly portal during an overnight party, releasing unknown paranormal forces. Using an innovative speech bubble system to control the flow of the story as you move around, you must work with the others in your group to figure out what the forces are and how to stop them. Which of the possible endings will you experience?

Hydro Thunder Hurricane

Featuring rocket-powered speedboats, dynamic water and insane scenarios, Hydro Thunder Hurricane is the impressive sequel to the classic arcade boat racer. With multiple single-player and multiplayer modes and a huge selection of boats and courses, Hydro Thunder Hurricane is packed with fun and stellar content.

Battlefield 3

Get ready for truly awesome combat in Battlefield 3. Using Dice’s amazing Frostbite 2 engine, take advantage of the destructible world around you as you battle your enemies in heart-pounding action. Dynamic audio and extremely lifelike character animation add to the realism of the single-player missions and the multiplayer online battles in locations from Europe to the Middle East and North America.

Read more about our Games with Gold program here and stay tuned to Xbox Wire for all the latest news on Xbox. Also check out the seven new great games added to Xbox Game Pass, in addition to the over 100 included in the membership. Try free for 14 days.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-10 03:56 PM |只看该作者
《神鬼预言》系列卡牌游戏《神鬼寓言:时运》将延至 7 月 25 日

  《神鬼预言》系列的卡牌游戏《神鬼寓言:时运(Fable Fortune)》原定于 7 月 11 日发布,但现在将延至 7 月 25 日。

  共同开发工作室 Mediatonic 总监 Luke Borrett,在《神鬼寓言:时运》的部落格表示,由于管理上的错误而稍微延迟。

  「由于个意外的管理问题,我们很遗憾的无法在下周推出 Xbox One 版的《神鬼寓言:时运》,而我们决定将所有平台的发售日皆延至 7 月 25 日」在声明中写道。 「这是为了确保《神鬼寓言:时运》在 PC 和 Xbox 上能同时发布,所以我们可以充分利用平台之间的跨平台游玩。

  但好消息是,封闭测试版仍运行良好。 对于那些还没有机会掌握的人,开发团队将在接下来的几个星期内释放更多的序号。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-4-22 07:36 AM |只看该作者
May 2017 Games with Gold Announced


Twisted Dreams, Egyptian Temples, and a Secret Apprentice are Coming to May’s Games with Gold

May is shaping up to feed your appetite for adventure, combat, and mystery with four community-acclaimed games — two Xbox One and two Xbox 360 games that can be played through Backward Compatibility — to add to your Xbox library.

On Xbox One, the transformative world of Giana in Giana Sisters: Twisted Dream’s – Director’s Cut will be available May 1 – 31, followed by the co-op adventure Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris on May 16 – June 15, the hit sequel to Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. Then on Xbox 360, and Xbox One through Backward Compatibility, we have a pair of great Star Wars games for you to enjoy. Starting with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II and the return of Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice on May 1 – 15, followed by LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga and the opportunity to play through all six classic Star Wars movies in LEGO!

All games will be available for a limited time only as part of Games with Gold, so get Xbox Live Gold today to get in on the action!

• Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Director’s Cut ($14.99): Available May 1 – 31 on Xbox One

• Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris ($19.99): Available May 16 – June 15 on Xbox One

• Star Wars: The Force Unleased II ($19.99): Available May 1 – 15 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

• LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga ($19.99): Available May 16 – 31 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams-Director’s Cut is a hardcore fast-paced platformer with a twist. Starting May 1, you can warp Giana’s world to transform your surroundings and abilities. With the combination of challenging levels, gigantic boss fights, and countless hazards and mysteries, you must use the skills and abilities to defeat the dangers that populate these twisted dreams!

Then on May 16, fight your way across the sands and through ancient tombs in Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, featuring up to four player co-op. With the fate of the world at stake, Lara and her companions must battle gods and monsters of myth and legend while trying to uncover the fragments of Osiris to stop the Egyptian god Set from enslaving all mankind.

On Xbox 360, and Xbox One through Backward Compatibility, return to the Dark Side in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. You’ve been betrayed by Darth Vader for the last time, and now’s your chance to fight back and claim your identity once and for all. With devastatingly strong Force powers and twin lightsabers, you’ll unleash fury and power in your search for truth.

Then on May 16, bring your bricks to a galaxy far, far away in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga! Play through the first six Star Wars movies in LEGO form, building and battling with as many characters from the series as you can collect! Customize a character and make your own mash-ups, then join a friend for some epic co-op!

Games with Gold is here to give you a mix of brand-new releases, inspiring classics, and loads of fun. To learn more, Check out the full details on our Games with Gold program and make sure you get in on the action while you can!

And don’t forget that as an Xbox Live Gold member, you’ll have exclusive access to be among the first to play over a hundred great games with Xbox Game Pass, coming later this spring. Check out xbox.com/game-pass for more details and stay tuned to Xbox Wire for additional information about Game Pass, Games with Gold, and more!



使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-4-13 07:19 AM |只看该作者
Microsoft to offer Self-Service Refunds for Xbox One & Windows 10

Microsoft to offer Self-Service Refunds.jpg

Announcement in the Insider dashboard

You’ve spoken; we’ve listened. In support of offering gamers the freedom of choice, we’re making changes to the Microsoft Store purchase experience by offering customers a simple way to instantly return digital products like games and apps through account.microsoft.com.

When a game or app leaves you wanting more, we're here to help. Self-service refunds on Xbox One and Windows 10 provide a quick, simple way of returning a digital product.

To request a self-service refund:

1. Navigate to account.microsoft.com and sign-in.
2. From the top menu bar, select Payment & billing > Order history.
3. Navigate to a purchased game or app, and select Request a refund.

Please note the below conditions for requesting a self-service refund:

• Games and apps are eligible for self-service refunds within 14 days of purchase if you have less than 2 hours of play time across all accounts.
• DLC, season passes, and add-ons are not eligible for self-service refunds.
• The game or app must be downloaded and launched before requesting a self-service refund.
• You must wait for at least 1 day after the game or app's release before requesting a self-service refund.
• Certain Windows 10 apps may not be eligible for self-service refunds.
• Microsoft reserves the right to block access for users who abuse self-service refunds.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-23 11:14 PM |只看该作者


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-2-28 11:14 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-1 07:32 AM 编辑

Microsoft announces Xbox Game Pass subscription service
Xbox 推出全新会员服务 Xbox One Game Pass 可畅玩百款大作

  微软 Xbox 分部主管 Phil Spencer 今天在官方网站上发布了一条博文,公布了即将推出的Xbox 全新的会员服务:Xbox One Game Pass。玩家仅需支付月费就可畅玩超过 100 款 Xbox One/Xbox 360 游戏,购买游戏时还能享受特殊折扣。

  据 Phil Spencer 介绍,Xbox One Game Pass 服务每月收费9.99美元,购买该服务以后,包括粉丝们喜爱的《光环5:守护者》、《灵魂能力 2 HD OL》、《NBA 2K16》在内的超过 100 款均可无限畅玩,玩家可以直接把完整的游戏下载至主机上,不用担心网络、串流等等问题。

  此外,微软每个月也会对一部分的会免游戏进行轮换。购买了 Xbox One Game Pass 的玩家还可享受特殊折扣,目录中列出的所有 Xbox One 平台游戏均能以折扣价购买。

  Xbox One Game Pass 服务将于今年春季末正式推出,在此之前微软也会选出一部分Xbox Insider 项目的成员率先进行测试,购买了 Xbox 金会员的玩家会优先抽取参与测试。

Introducing Xbox Game Pass: Unlimited Access to More Than 100 Games

At Xbox, we put gamers at the center of everything we do and remain committed to giving you the freedom to play the games you want, with the friends you want, on the devices you want. This year is shaping up to be an exciting one for gamers. As we prepare to launch Project Scorpio this holiday, bringing the most powerful console ever made to the Xbox One family of devices, we continue to make platform improvements to connect the growing community of players on Xbox Live and add to a robust and diverse portfolio of games across Xbox One and Windows 10.

Today, we’re continuing our commitment to give you more options to diversify and expand your library of games with Xbox Game Pass, a new gaming subscription service coming later this spring. Xbox Game Pass gives you unlimited access to over 100 Xbox One and backward compatible Xbox 360 games – all for $9.99 per month.

With great games from top industry publishers such as 2K, 505 Games, Bandai Namco Entertainment, Capcom, Codemasters, Deep Silver, Focus Home Interactive, SEGA, SNK Corporation, THQ Nordic, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Microsoft Studios, there’s something for everyone to enjoy and you will always find something exciting to play across a variety of genres. Some of the fan-favorite titles coming to Xbox Game Pass when it launches to the broader Xbox community later this spring include Halo 5: Guardians, Payday 2, NBA 2K16 and SoulCalibur II.

One of the best things about Xbox Game Pass is that you can discover and download the full titles directly on your Xbox One. That means continuous, full-fidelity gameplay without having to worry about streaming, bandwidth or connectivity issues. In addition, all Xbox One games in the catalog – and related add-ons – will be available to purchase at an exclusive discount for Xbox Game Pass members, so you can make the games you love part of your permanent library to play whenever you want. Every month new games will cycle into the subscription with some cycling out, giving you a constantly-updating library of games. Xbox Game Pass is your ticket to endless play.

It’s important to us that Xbox Game Pass provides an enjoyable and seamless experience. Before the program rolls out to the broader community later this spring, we’ll be testing Xbox Game Pass with select members of the Xbox Insider Program in the Alpha Preview ring starting today with a very limited number of titles. The titles that are available in Preview are just a small glimpse at the expansive catalog of games that will be available when Xbox Game Pass launches this spring. Xbox Live Gold members will also be receiving exclusive access to Xbox Game Pass prior to the program launching to the broader community. We’ll have more details on timing closer to launch.

We hope you enjoy Xbox Game Pass and all that it has to offer. We’re looking forward to hearing the feedback from the gamers in the Xbox Insider Program and then from the rest of the Xbox community when it’s broadly available later this spring. Your feedback will make this program better for all gamers.

Thank you for your continued passion and support of Xbox.

Phil Spencer - @XboxP3



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-2-23 07:18 AM |只看该作者
March Games with Gold Announced


Spring Into March’s Games with Gold Lineup

Welcome to another month of Games with Gold! We have four exciting new games for you to add to your library in March: two Xbox One and two Xbox 360 games that can be played through Backward Compatibility.

Starting off in March on Xbox One is the first-person psychedelic horror game Layers of Fear, followed by E3 2014 “Game of Show” Evolve Ultimate Edition. Then on Xbox 360, and on Xbox One through Backward Compatibility, is the classic first-person shooter Borderlands 2 and the action arcade game Heavy Weapon.

All games will be available for a limited time only as part of Games with Gold (see below for specific dates of availability), so get Xbox Live Gold now to get in on the action!

• Layers of Fear ($19.99): Available from March 1-31 on Xbox One

• Evolve Ultimate Edition ($49.99): Available from March 16-April 15 on Xbox One

• Borderlands 2 ($19.99): Available from March 1-15 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

• Heavy Weapon ($9.99): Available from March 16-31 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

Starting on March 1, play as a disturbed painter obsessed with finishing his masterpiece, haunted by his past and his own creations. Layers of Fear cleverly distorts art and architecture to make you question your own mind in this gorgeous and grotesque psychedelic horror game.

Then on March 16, come back for Evolve Ultimate Edition, an adrenaline-pumping 4v1 first-person shooter where one player controls a powerful monster and must evade and outsmart a team of four player-controlled hunters. With endless combinations of hunters, monsters, maps and game modes to choose from, no two hunts will ever be the same. It’s survival of the fittest and any side can win. Includes additional skins and character unlocks.

On Xbox 360, and Xbox One through Backward Compatibility, Borderlands 2 is free to Gold members starting on March 1 for a limited time! After being left for dead by Handsome Jack in the frozen tundra of Pandora, you must fight for revenge and survival in the critically acclaimed shooter. Play with up to three friends or conquer your enemies alone in this high-octane shoot-n-loot game.

Finally, we have Heavy Weapon that comes packed with frantic arcade shoot ’em up action. The retro style of Heavy Weapon compliments its classic shooter action and brutal, addictive gameplay. With 19 story-based missions, survival mode and online co-op, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to show off your gaming skills.

Games with Gold is here to give you a mix of brand-new releases, inspiring classics, and loads of fun. To learn more, Check out the full details on our Games with Gold program and make sure you get in on the action while you can!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-1-25 07:21 AM |只看该作者
February Games with Gold Announced


February’s Games with Gold is for Lovers, Pirates, and Force Wielders

Welcome to another month of Games with Gold! We have four exciting new games for you to add to your library in February: two Xbox One and two Xbox 360 games that can be played through Backward Compatibility.

For Xbox One, it’s the lovely co-op space shooter Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime followed by the stunning racing game Project Cars Digital Edition. On Xbox 360 it’s a pair of LucasArts classics. First up will be the iconic pirate adventure game Monkey Island 2: Special Edition, and then we’ll take a trip to the dark side of the Force with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

All games will be available for a limited time through Games with Gold, one of the great benefits of being an Xbox Live Gold member! Below is the specific availability for each of February’s games:

• Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime ($14.99): Available from February 1-28 on Xbox One

• Project Cars Digital Edition ($29.99): Available from February 16-March 15 on Xbox One

• Monkey Island 2: Special Edition ($9.99): Available from February 1-15 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

• Star Wars: The Force Unleashed ($19.99): Available from February 16-28 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

Get ready for Valentine’s Day with Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, starting on February 1, which hopes to win hearts with its bright, charming graphics and frantic, fast-paced gameplay. Scurry around your ship to man turrets, lasers, and other devices with up to three friends or a single, loyal space-pet in this fun-filled co-op space shooter.

Then it’s time to fasten your seat belt on February 16 when Project Carts Digital Edition, one of the most acclaimed and realistic racing simulators, is available to play with its countless tracks, huge range of cars, career mode, and online multiplayer. The Digital Edition also contains the Limited Edition DLC upgrade that includes five legendary cars!

For the pair of classics coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox One through Backward Compatibility, Monkey Island: Special Edition is the triumphant return of Guybrush Threepwood on February 1, who aims to prove once and for all that he’s the greatest pirate who ever lived. The only thing standing in his way is the undead pirate Lechcuk.

Finally, it’s time to wield absolute power as Darth Vader’s secret apprentice in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Use the Force to obliterate everything in your path with your devastating powers and masterful lightsaber techniques.

As always, Games with Gold is here to give you a mix of brand-new releases, inspiring classics, and loads of fun. Check out the full details on our Games with Gold program, and make sure you get in on the action while you can!



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发表于 2016-12-21 07:13 AM |只看该作者
January Games with Gold Announced


January’s Games with Gold Welcomes Fun-filled Competition and Cooperation into the New Year

Games with Gold is rolling out four titles for you to add to your game library for January 2017; two new games for Xbox One and two classics for Xbox 360.

For Xbox One it’s the highly-anticipated ID@Xbox tower defense action-RPG hybrid, World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap followed by the spectacular fighting game, Killer Instinct Season 2 Ultra Edition. On Xbox 360 (and Xbox One through Backward Compatibility) it’s a pair of critically-acclaimed adventures with The Cave and then Rayman Origins.

All games will be available for a limited time as part of the Games with Gold program, so make sure to have Xbox Live Gold to get in on the action!

• World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap ($19.99): Available from January 1-31 on Xbox One

• Killer Instinct Season 2 Ultra Edition ($39.99): Available from January 16-February 15 on Xbox One

• The Cave ($14.99): Available from January 1-15 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

• Rayman Origins ($14.99): Available from January 16-31 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

Starting on January 1, defeat your enemies with deadly weapons, spells, and your own special skills in World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap. This galore tower defense and action-RPG hybrid comes with a versus mode, a cooperative campaign, and an extensive single-player campaign that tasks you with defending the world against the horrors of the void.

Then on January 16, unlock new combatants, more stages and Killer Instinct 2 Classic, the port of the iconic arcade fighting game, with Killer Instinct Season 2 Ultra Edition. This legendary fighting franchise is a must-own for fighting game fans, with unique characters, fluid gameplay, and an open-ended combo system. Battle friends and challenging AI at home, or unleash your skills online against players around the world and in monthly ranked leagues.

On Xbox 360 (and Xbox One via backward compatibility), The Cave is back and free to Gold members on January 1! Assemble a team from an unlikely set of adventurers and plunge into The Cave, a whimsical adventure platformer by Double Fine and Ron Gilbert. Descend by yourself or bring your friends along on your hilarious quest with local co-op.

And the platforming legend returns with Rayman Origins on January 16! With over 60 levels ranging from high-definition platforming to musical ensembles to epic boss fights, Rayman will have his work cut out for him in rescuing the Teensies and saving the Glade. Luckily, he’s not alone, with a wide cast of playable characters from throughout the series.

As always, Games with Gold is here to give you a mix of brand-new releases, inspiring classics, and loads of fun. Check out the full details on our Games with Gold program, and make sure you get in on the action while you can!



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