1.机不离手 Take your LOMO with you EVERYWHERE you go 2.不分昼夜, 随时使用 Use it all the time, every time DAY AND NIGHT 3.LOMO是你生活的一部分 LOMO does not interfere with YOUR LIFE, it's part of it 4.近摄! 尽可能地接近你期望中的对象 Get as CLOSE as possible to the objects of your Lomographic desire 5.不要想 Don't think 6.快 Be quick 7.你不用完全知道你正在拍什么 You don't have to know what you're shooting 8.你也不用记起你曾拍过什么 You don't have to recognize what you've shot 9.从头顶或屁股位置拍照 hoot from the hip and over your head 10.忘记以上守则 Don't worry about rules 重点不是照片,是在精神。 感谢。下次有作品会加照。 |
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