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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-3 05:58 PM 编辑
Titanfall ~ Meet The Militia & The IMC
虽然他们在前线行星的强势行为导致了一些不满态度,但居住在核心星系的股东和客户们却对此置若罔闻 - IMC给他们提供了极大物质便利和关键产品。
The Militia
The Frontier Militia represents the military arm of the Frontier systems' territorial defense pact. The Militia is a loosely governed mishmash of homesteaders, bandits, mercenaries, and pirates, all rising up as 'citizen soldiers' when the need arises. Many homesteaders have taken on a ‘can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em’ attitude regarding working alongside different criminal groups. Naturally the people in this melting pot don’t always see eye to eye on how to deal with the IMC’s exploitation of the Frontier, but they are unified in fighting against it.
The Militia is loosely divided into Brigades. Each Brigade is responsible for fighting in an assigned section of Frontier territory, which might span as far as several planetary systems. The Marauder Corps, a.k.a. the M-COR, is a small part of a much larger Brigade tied to the Freeport System. Although some brigades are little more than vast pirate organizations, the Militia has enough resources to be a real obstacle to the IMC's ambitions on the Frontier.
The Militia often claims that direct action against the IMC is in the best interests of the homesteaders whom they allegedly represent, but not everyone on the Frontier sees it that way.
• MacAllan - A highly decorated veteran of the Titan Wars, MacAllan served as the executive officer of the IMS Odyssey, under the command of Vice Admiral Marcus Graves. The Odyssey’s mission was part of a peacekeeping operation on the Frontier for the IMC. Official IMC reports indicate that MacAllan led a mutiny aboard the Odyssey fifteen years ago, citing numerous grievances with the IMC’s treatment of Frontier citizens. However, these reports have not been proven, in the absence of the ship’s flight data recorder, which was lost when MacAllan and his people escaped with the Odyssey, and disappeared into an uncharted sector of the Frontier.
James MacAllan
是一个获得各种勋章并经历过泰坦战争的老兵,在 IMS「奥德赛号」战舰上服役的执行官,听命于副统帅 Marcus Graves。「奥德赛号」的一部分任务是为 IMC 维持前线地区的和平。IMC 官方纪录上说 MacAllan 是在 15 年前领导了一场在「奥德赛号」上发动的兵变,起因是对 IMC 前线居民政策的种种不满。但是这一直都没有被证实,因为战舰的飞行记录已经随着 MacAllan 和他的部下一起消失在前线地区那些没有开化的地区。
• Bish - The name Bish is short for Bishamon, the mythological god of warriors within the Japanese Seven Gods of Fortune. Bish is an IMC-trained electrical engineer, born and raised on Earth. After getting screwed over by the IMC on a Frontier job placement that cost him all his savings just to move out there, he ended up in the right place at the right time – the notorious ‘Bish bar brawl’ - to take the Militia’s timely offer of employment.
Bish now serves as a Combat Intel Specialist, remote hacking into IMC systems during combat on behalf of ground forces, tracking mission progress, and giving tactical guidance to Pilots on the ground.
Cheng "Bish" Lorck
他的绰号 Bish 其实是 Bishamon 的缩写,意为日本七福神之一的毗沙门。Bish 在地球长大,IMC 电子工程科班出身。仅仅就是为了 IMC 在前线地区的一个工作而定居,他耗尽了自己的全部积蓄,之后终于找到了自己的归宿,声名狼藉的 Bish bar brawl(Bish「干一架」酒吧),在那里他能收到 Militia 的各种雇佣。
Bish 现在是一个战斗情报专家,可以在战斗中远程入侵 IMC 的系统,为地面部队提供任务更新或者为机师提供战术建议。
• Sarah - As a child, Sarah lost several close members of her family to incidents in which the IMC displaced Frontier citizens by force. As a result, she vowed to take revenge on the IMC at every possible opportunity, refusing to rest until they have been removed from the Frontier. For most of her career, she served in Covert Operations for the Militia, before moving into the command ranks of the Militia’s Marauder Corps. Her long list of successful attacks on IMC installations landed her on the IMC’s High Value Target List, where she remains listed as one of the 50 most dangerous Militia operatives still at large.
在孩提时代,Sarah 就因为 IMC 武力驱赶前线地区的居民失去了很多家庭成员。之后她发誓要向 IMC 复仇,直到他们滚出前线。她的大部分生活都在 Militia 的隐秘部队 (Covert Operations) 中度过,之后调往 Militia 的掠夺者军团担任指挥官。她针对 IMC 的各种成功战斗记录让她荣登 IMC 高价值目标榜单:50 名最危险的在逃 MIlitia 战斗人员。
The Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, or IMC, started out small, in natural resource extraction industries, under the name Hammond Engineering. Fifteen years later, demand for Titan manufacturing materials, combined with Hammond’s market-cornering planetary survey technology and map database rights, contributed to explosive growth for the company. Over the course of a century, a series of acquisitions, mergers, and re-brandings lead to the transformation of Hammond Engineering into the sprawling commercial empire that is the IMC.
Despite their reputation for exploitative behavior on the Frontier, they receive little criticism from their shareholders and customers living in the Core Systems – the material conveniences and widely used products provided by the IMC generate considerable ‘consumer inertia’, to the corporation’s benefit.
With the Frontier’s valuable shipping lanes and vast planetary resources ripe for exploitation, the IMC is dedicated to maximizing profits and shareholder wealth, using the legal application of force when necessary.
• Graves - In the IMC command structure, Vice Admiral Graves is formally known as the CINCFRONT, or Commander-in-Chief, Frontier Command. Despite the elaborate title, Frontier operations are notorious for their lack of adherence to traditional protocol, allowing Graves to personally command IMC forces in the field, and to operate far more informally than commanders in the Core Systems. Graves has a reputation as a maverick within the IMC. His calls for policy change have often been deemed too risky to IMC forces, and too lenient to Frontier citizens. During the inquiry into the Odyssey scandal, Graves maintained that the ship was forcibly commandeered by MacAllan and his band of mutineers.
• Blisk - Blisk is a South African mercenary working under a new long-term contract with the IMC on the Frontier, providing Combat Intel and Counterinsurgency services. His first contract concluded with his outfit making enough money to retire to a tropical paradise, but after considering the excellent pay, and more importantly, the opportunity to lay waste to everything in sight with state-of-the-art hardware, Blisk decided that the IMC’s offer of renewal was just too good to pass up.
Blisk 是一位来自南非的雇佣兵,目前与IMC签订了长期合同,在前线行星卖命,提供战术情报和反暴动军事服务。它的第一期合同已经让他赚到了足够的退休金,可以在热带天堂安度晚年,但考虑到丰厚的待遇,以及更重要的玩弄高科技军火轰杀敌人的机会,Blisk决定与IMC续约。
• Spyglass - Spyglass is a physical manifestation of the IMC’s vast computational network identity, handling logistics, navigation, deployment, and communications between all IMC forces on the Frontier. Spyglass units are built on a modified Spectre chassis and are considered expendable in the field, often accompanying ground forces aboard dropships to provide up-to-date mission information and live surveillance.
Spyglass是IMC大规模计算机网络身份的实体形式,它负责逻辑运算,路线导航,调配部署和通讯连接,协调前线星系中各个IMC军事力量。Spyglass的众多个体全都是基于改良版“光谱”机架制造,在战场上它们是不值钱的耗材,经常与地面部队一同出仓,提供最新人物信息和即时侦察情报。 |