这次更新将和新的 DLC 一起上线。
新的更新引入黑市系统,玩家将可以买卖烧卡和购买泰坦徽章,一共有 8 个新的徽章。
日挑战也会出现,每天三个新的日挑战,一共可以有 9 个挑战激活等待解锁。
新特性(Xbox One)
增加了 Frontier's Edge DLC 的成就
更健壮的多 GPU 支持,第二个 GPU 不会出于空闲状态,在此感谢NVIDIA的帮助!
Bug 修复(所有平台)
- 修复泰坦徽章重复出现
- 在选择游戏模式后,赛前大厅之前的界面移除,现在直接进入赛前大厅
- Wi-Fi 入侵现在计入入侵幽魂机器人相关的状态统计,挑战和徽章解锁中
- 修复获取足够等级升级后会重置等级的情况
- 修复核子弹射后驾驶员被杀死,泰坦变无敌后满地图跑的情况
- 手动调整了很多带宽优化和帧数优化
- 修复骑乘时会被挤到墙里,开枪射击无效的情况
- 修复电弧炮和集束导弹打到后没有音效的问题
- 修复了服务器端导致的玩家使用 Rematch 烧卡后被卡住的情况
- 修复了 Archer 双重锁定问题
- 修复了派对聊天图标不出现问题
- 修复了派对组队会被拆散的问题
- 修复了手柄键位说明文字重叠的问题
- 修复了一些事件不计入挑战,成就或者解锁徽章的问题
Bug 修复(PC)
- 窗口模式下帧数问题
- 帧数和武器射速问题
作者: kirassss
时间: 2014-8-11 06:48 PM
作者: kirassss
时间: 2014-8-13 06:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-16 05:10 PM 编辑
在EA的科隆游戏展2014新闻发布会中,该公司带来了旗下游戏的许多新情报。而正如此前所预告的那样,他们公布了《泰坦天降》的第三弹DLC“IMC Rising”,并确认该DLC将于2014年秋季推出。不过目前并不清楚该DLC的其他详细情报,具体细节还有待公开,请玩家们耐心等待。
此外EA还放出了本作的一段宣传片“Free The Frontier”,下面也请大家一并欣赏。
《神兵泰坦》真人特效影片「解放前线」释出3 分半钟完整版
Respawn Entertainment 制作,EA 发行的PC / Xbox One / Xbox 360 第一人称射击游戏《神兵泰坦(Titanfall)》,在德国举办的2014 年Gamescom 电玩展中,释出了与知名视觉特效团队Playfight 联手打造的真人影片「神兵泰坦:解放前线(Titanfall: Free The Frontier)」更加完整的版本。
游戏商Respawn 和视觉特效团队Playfight 合作的本支真人版影片「神兵泰坦:解放前线」,曾在2014 年E3 电玩展中释出了一分半钟的版本,并且也预告将会有后续的片段。而本次在欧洲举办的全球最大电玩展中终于释出了全长3 分半钟的完整版,其特效和高完成度也让人大开眼界。有兴趣的玩家不妨点选观看充满魄力的真人版《神兵泰坦》特效影片来过过干瘾。
作者: kirassss
时间: 2014-8-20 06:33 PM
《泰坦天降》是由重生工作室所推出的新作,游戏已经先后登陆XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。此前本作的第二弹DLC“前线边缘”已经于2014年7月31日登陆XBOX One和PC平台,第五次大型更新也已经在这两个平台上线,为大家带来了全新的游戏内容。日前官方终于确认《泰坦天降》的第二大DLC及第五次大型更新于8月19日登陆XBOX 360平台。
《泰坦天降》第五次大型更新主要追加了重要元素“黑市”,玩家们可以在黑市中买卖燃烧卡。而第五次更新后玩家们还可以进行“日常挑战”,每天玩家们都可以收集3个新的日常挑战,并且最多可以拥有9个日常挑战人物,以此获得更多的金钱和奖励。“前线边缘”则DLC将收录三张新地图Dig Site、Haven和Export,其售价为9.99美元。
目前EA还在科隆游戏展中公开了本作的第三弹DLC“IMC Rising”,并确认该DLC将于2014年秋季推出。不过目前并不清楚该DLC的其他详细情报,具体细节还有待公开,请玩家们耐心等待。
作者: kirassss
时间: 2014-8-29 07:01 PM
《泰坦天降》是重生工作室倾力打造的次世代巨作,而在游戏发售后该工作室也不断推出新的补丁和DLC为玩家们带来新的游戏内容。游戏的第三弹DLC“IMC Rising”将于2014年秋季推出,而现在官方也针对XBOX One和PC平台放出了第六次大型更新(XBOX 360版需等待一段时间),增加了许多新功能,下面就为大家介绍一下。
全新特色模式“驾驶员遭遇战”:这是一种8对8模式,其中不包含AI角色和泰坦。由于使用的角色尺寸和其他模式不同,在选择Variety Pack列表时不会显示该模式。
作者: kirassss
时间: 2014-9-24 07:29 AM
Titanfall 'IMC Rising' DLC Gameplay Trailer
作者: kirassss
时间: 2014-10-22 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-23 06:18 PM 编辑
《泰坦天降》将于23 日凌晨1 点透过Twitch 直播公布大型更新消息
Respawn Entertainment 制作,Electronic Arts 发行的PC / Xbox One / Xbox 360 第一人称射击游戏《神兵泰坦(Titanfall)》,在官方Twitter 上宣布,将于美国太平洋夏令时间22 日上午10:00(台湾时间23 日凌晨1:00)在Twitch 官方频道上公布上市以来最大一波更新的资讯。
《神兵泰坦》日前才陆续释出各平台版本的第3 波追加下载内容「IMC 崛起」。目前官方尚未公布更新具体内容,预料将会包含新游玩模式、新装备与平衡性的大幅修正。
Titanfall - Game Update Eight
Brand new cooperative game mode -
Frontier Defense
Join forces with up to three other players in this cooperative game mode to defend a vital objective from increasingly intense waves of AI combatants.
• You and your team will face down familiar foes as well as the IMC's newest combat units: hordes of Grunts and Spectres, stealthy Sniper Spectres and Cloak Drones, explosive Suicide Spectres and Nuclear Titans, ranged Mortar Titans, and even melee-resistant Arc Titans!
• Supplement your firepower by earning and deploying stationary turrets around the battlefield.
• Leverage your full arsenal against the IMC without skipping a beat by using the new Loadout Crates near the objective to switch loadouts at will, while refilling ammo and ordnance.
• Pilots who fall in battle are flown back into the fray in a dropship that circles above the action before touchdown. Experienced Pilots always maximize their impact on the struggle below by firing from the side window of the dropship on approach.
• Seasoned players can challenge themselves to beat their best score. Try to earn 3 Map Stars on each map!
• Play in every corner of the Frontier, including the maps introduced in IMC Rising and every previous Titanfall expansion!
Full patch notes
《泰坦天降》第八次大更新 增加四人合作模式
《泰坦天降》制作组Respawn Entertainment公布了游戏的第八次大型内容更新,将推出”前线防御(Frontire Defense)“四人合作模式。
前线防御模式将会在第八次更新中与玩家见面。此外还有死亡战场(deadly ground)与死亡专家级(marked for death pro)模式。死亡战场(deadly ground)模式预计11月5日上线,在此模式中,战场地表将会被致命的电磁烟雾所覆盖,玩家将不得不施展自己的跑墙技巧进行快速移动。而死亡专家级(marked for death pro)模式将于11月26日更新。
作者: kirassss
时间: 2014-11-20 06:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-20 07:32 PM 编辑
Titanfall Deluxe Edition Revealed
《泰坦天降:豪华版》公布 优惠价格完整体验
《泰坦天降:豪华版》售价39.99美元,但仅有下载版,日前已经在PC平台上开放下载,下周将在XBOX ONE平台上的Xbox Games Store上开始销售,而XBOX360版何时发卖尚未公布。
三款地图DLC“Expedition” “Frontier’s Edge” 和 “IMC Rising”各包含三张对战地图,单个分别售卖9.99美元,而包含三张DLC的季票售价是24美元,怎么看都是“豪华版”更划算,只不过体验的时间晚了一些而已。希望这次新版本推出能让更多之前没体验过该作的玩家多来尝试,让游戏的网战再次热闹起来!
Join the Fight on the Edge of the Frontier with the Titanfall Deluxe Edition
Today, Respawn Entertainment revealed the Deluxe Edition for their critically acclaimed first-person shooter Titanfall. Delivering the complete Titanfall experience, the Titanfall Deluxe Edition includes the award-winning game featuring agile pilots and massive titans battling it out in fast-paced future warfare. In addition to the base game, players will also receive
all three Titanfall DLC packs including Expedition, Frontier’s Edge and IMC Rising, adding nine maps designed to allow fans to continue the fight on the edge of the frontier.
Watch the Titanfall: New Gameplay Updates and Features video
Released in March, Titanfall has quickly become the best-selling new IP for the Xbox One. Since then Respawn have added a wealth of post-release content including the introduction of new game modes including co-op play, titan customisation, the Black Market, ranked play and more. All this great content combined in one package means there has never been a better time to feel the rush of Titanfall and the thrill of dropping your first titan on the battlefield.
Upon its release, Titanfall seized the attention of gamers around the world with its exhilarating first-person action gameplay centered on the dynamic between elite assault pilots and agile, heavily-armored, 24-foot titans. Praised by Game Informer as "a brave new vision of the future of multiplayer games", the action in Titanfall is rapid and varied – featuring parkour-style wall running, massive double jumps and the ability to control titans. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.
The Titanfall Deluxe Edition is available now digitally on Origin for PC and starting next week digitally for the Xbox One, the all-in-one entertainment system from Microsoft.
For more information on Titanfall, please visit
titanfall.com. Join the conversation on Twitter at
twitter.com/titanfallgame and #Titanfall, or on Facebook at
作者: kirassss
时间: 2015-7-29 06:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-30 07:26 AM 编辑
NEXON 与美商艺电宣布将合作推出《神兵泰坦 Titanfall》新款 PC 在线游戏
NEXON 日本分公司与美商艺电今(29)日宣布,将合作开发 Respawn Entertainment 旗下《神兵泰坦 Titanfall》PC 在线游戏版本,并由 NEXON 取得亚洲发行权。
Respawn Entertainment 为位于美国加州洛杉矶的独立开发工作室,团队成员曾打造了著名射击游戏《决胜时刻》。 NEXON 总裁 Owen Mahoney 表示,《神兵泰坦》具备众多创新要素与竞争元素,是一款所有玩家都可以享受惊心动魄冒险的独特游戏,此次很高兴能够与深具才华的 Respawn Entertainment 与美商艺电团队合作,结合 NEXON 基本游玩免费制的经验,来带给亚洲市场新款迷人的在线游戏。
NEXON 表示,NEXON 已经与美商艺电多次合作,双方之前所共同合作知名单机游戏改编在线游戏《FIFA Online 3》在韩国推出后,获得优秀成绩。
新款在线游戏《神兵泰坦》尚未公开游戏内容与上市时程,从 NEXON 总裁发言中,外界推测此款新作应该为基本游玩免费制方式来营运。
EA & Nexon making f2p online version of Titanfall for Asia
Nexon and Electronic Arts to Bring PC Online Titanfall Experience to Asia
Nexon, a worldwide leader in online games, today announced its Korean subsidiary, Nexon Korea Corporation, has entered into a game development and publishing agreement with Electronic Arts (“EA”) to bring a PC online version of the critically-acclaimed, first-person shooter game, Titanfall, originally developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by EA, to players in Asia.
Respawn Entertainment – which was co-founded by Vince Zampella, one of the co-creators of the multi-billion dollar franchise Call of Duty and co-founders of its development studio, Infinity Ward – is an independent video game development studio located in Los Angeles, California.
“With its pilot vs. titan gameplay, among other innovations, Titanfall is a uniquely intense game experience. We look forward to working with the talented teams at Respawn and EA and leveraging Nexon’s free-to-play expertise to deliver a new and engaging online game based on Titanfall to the Asian market,” said Owen Mahoney, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nexon.
Today’s announcement marks the third collaboration between Nexon and EA, building on the continued success of EA Sports FIFA Online 3, currently the #1 online sports game in Korea. With this agreement, Nexon, EA and Respawn will bring an exciting new online experience to players in Asia.
Nexon is committed to providing players with high-quality, deeply creative and entertaining games. The Company develops and services its broad portfolio of titles around the world through a combination of in-house development and strategic partnerships.
作者: kirassss
时间: 2016-2-11 09:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-11 05:53 PM 编辑
McFarlane announces Titanfall 2 toys, shipping 2016 in 'conjunction with the game'
EA的CFO Blake Jorgensen 去年表示,续作将在EA 2016年财政年度内发售,也就是在2016年4月至2017年3月。而现在,时间范围已经再度缩小下来。
玩具公司McFarlane宣布其即将推出《泰坦陨落2》的相关7英寸可动手办,并且将在“2016年冬季”赶在游戏发售之时一同上市。 CEO托德·麦克法兰(Todd McFarlane)声明将和EA的伙伴关系“是一个完美的结合。麦克法兰向来创造精品,所以我很高兴能做一些跟《泰坦陨落2》似的这么酷的东西。”
McFarlane - Titanfall Action Figures
In the 2014 smash-hit Titanfall, players wage war against their rival factions as both agile pilots, and armored 20-foot mechs known as Titans. The hotly anticipated Titanfall 2 will deliver the frantic action fans have come to love, plus dramatically charged cinematic moments through all-new memorable characters.
McFarlane Toys is well known for delivering top quality figures for the gaming genre including: Halo, Assassin’s Creed and Metal Gear franchises. The
upcoming Titanfall figures will be a part of McFarlane’s bold new 2016 Collector Box Program. Each figure will stand seven inches tall, have an average of fifteen points of articulation for incredible poses and play action and feature screen accurate accessories and weapons. The figures will boast the same meticulous level of detail that McFarlane has become known for over the last two decades.
“This is a perfect fit. McFarlane Toys was created so I could make cool stuff just like this,” said Todd McFarlane, Owner and CEO of McFarlane Toys. “Without saying too much about the new game… You’re not going to believe where we can take this.”
The McFarlane Toys action figures will be released in conjunction with the highly anticipated launch of Titanfall 2! Fans can visit
mcfarlane.com and the McFarlane Toys social media channels for all the latest toy news and visit respawn.com for all the latest upcoming game announcements.
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