Blizzard Entertainment announced the “Rise of of the Necromancer” pack for Diablo III at BlizzCon 2016.
The additional content, due out in 2017, includes the Necromancer playable class, additional stash and character slots, and cosmetic bonuses.Both Diablo III and Reaper of Souls will be required to access the content.
The Basics
Q: What is the Necromancer?
A: The Necromancer will be the next fully-playable class introduced to Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. As a master of the dark arts, you draw your magic from the power of death itself, and command mighty armies of risen warriors! Oh, and you can make corpses explode. There are definitely exploding corpses.
Q: Who will be able to play the Necromancer?
A: We’re still settling on final details, but the Necromancer will be available as part of the Rise of the Necromancer pack, set to release in 2017. Players will need both Diablo III and Reaper of Souls to access this content (or, in the case of console, the Ultimate Evil Edition on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One).
Q: What will we get as part of the Rise of the Necromancer pack?
A: In addition to unlocking the Necromancer as a playable character, players will also receive an in-game pet, two additional character slots, two additional stash tabs (on PC), a portrait frame, pennant, banner, and banner sigil.
Q: When will the Necromancer be available for purchase/in-game?
A: Sometime in 2017—we’ll provide more details as we near release!
Q: How much will the pack cost?
A: We’re not ready to announce a price just yet. Stay tuned!
Q: Will the Necromancer be coming to all regions?
A: The Necromancer will be available in all regions that currently support Diablo III: Reaper of Souls or Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition. Details on accessing the new hero will be available at a later date.
Who is the Necromancer?
Q: Is this the same Necromancer from Diablo II or Xul from Heroes of the Storm?
A: No. The Necromancer playable characters will be two new nephalem heroes: one male, one female.
Q: Where is the female Necromancer?
A: The Necromancer is still in very early development. We’re hard at work on the class as a whole, and the female model just isn’t ready for us to share with you yet! Here’s some awesome concept art, though.
Q: How is the Necromancer different from the Witch Doctor?
A: The Necromancer and Witch Doctor are quite different in both theme and play style!
Witch Doctors draw their magic from their spiritual connection to a realm they call the Unformed Land. This more light-hearted take on supernatural powers allows them to command creepy crawly denizens of the jungle and summon mindless zombified pets.
Necromancers can expect darker, more controlled gameplay centered around the raw materials of life: blood and bone. Grounded in a philosophical, pragmatic approach to life and death, they’re more like a calculated conductor of the darkest arts. Deadly serious in their practice, they are the experts of curses and reanimation—and their pets obey their every command.
Q: What sort of skills or abilities can we expect from the Necromancer?
A: The Diablo III Necromancer is a reimagining of the classic Diablo II class. While not all of the Diablo II class skills will be returning, we drew a lot of inspiration from the previous version of the Necromancer and have taken the Diablo III version in a direction we hope you’ll love!
In addition to Corpse Explosion as shown above, here’s a few more of the skills we have in store:
Q: Will the Necromancer get set items and class-specific legendaries?
A: Yes! We are planning a full set of legendaries and set items for the Necromancer, including the class-specific scythe in their main hand. Additional details will follow at a later date!
Julian Love 表示,去年在暴雪嘉年华 BlizzCon 中公开了男性死灵法师的设计想法与此职业部分技能后,此次公开研发团队对女死灵法师的样貌,她定位为黑暗色彩的远程法师、宠物操控职业,希望环绕鲜血、白骨、生命与死亡等主题,她指挥不死手下、她的操作起来比较主动而非被动的,研发团队希望她拥有如同摇滚明星般的特质。
接着 Julian Love 展示女死灵法师的动态画面,女死灵法师遥控着蓝色魂能瓶,身上穿著骨头做的盔甲,手上拿着一把已经不锋利的镰刀、这把单手武器是她所偏好的武器。 Julian Love 表示,女死灵法师的表情主要想呈现的是「我太酷了、懒得理人( TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL)」风格,而她的施法动作则是采比较夸张的表现。
「偷取生命」是对敌人施放诅咒,攻击时可以将敌人生命能量转移到自己与盟友身上的技能;Travis Day 解释,他们希望藉由诅咒加强主题特性,先前有提到他们希望环绕着鲜血这个主题,偷取生命就是与鲜血相关的魔法、是种区域性诅咒,在这区域遭到诅咒的敌人被攻击时,可以慢慢恢复死灵法师自己、宠物与队友的生命, 从影片中可以看到受阻咒的怪物头上都会出现粉红色的标记。