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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-9 07:35 AM 编辑
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Unveiled
The defeat of Diablo, Lord of Terror, should have given rise to an age of hope. Instead, it has drawn out a shadowy being of immense power, whose malevolent purpose is yet to be revealed. Announced today at gamescom, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, the upcoming expansion to Diablo III, opens a dark and terrifying new chapter in the ongoing conflict over the mortal realm of Sanctuary.
Malthael, the fallen Archangel of Wisdom, vanished after the events depicted at the end of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. In Reaper of Souls, he returns as the Angel of Death and seizes the Black Soulstone, which contains the essence of the Prime Evil. It now falls to the players to track down Malthael and stop him before he unleashes irreversible havoc on the world.
Fortunately, a new hero is ready to join the cause and bring Malthael to justice—the Crusader. Driven by a centuries-long quest to cleanse the corruption blighting their beloved Zakarum faith, Crusaders are warriors of righteousness who have been hardened through relentless, brutal combat with the foul evils plaguing eastern Sanctuary. In addition to wearing immensely heavy armor and wielding a wide range of cruel and punishing weapons, this new playable class in Reaper of Souls uses battle magic to strengthen allies and weaken foes. A natural walking tank, the Crusader adds power and versatility to any party of adventurers.
“From the beginning, Diablo has always been about the struggle between good and evil, and Reaper of Souls explores the darker notes of that conflict,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “This expansion also represents a big milestone in the ongoing evolution of Diablo III, with key enhancements to the core gameplay, along with a new act to experience, a powerful new character class, tons of new loot, and even more end-game options. We think players will love playing Reaper of Souls, and we can’t wait to get it into their hands.”
In addition to taking the story of Diablo III from the legendary city of Westmarch to the unhallowed halls of the Pandemonium Fortress in Act V and introducing the incorruptible Crusader class, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls increases the game’s level cap to 70. Players continuing on with their existing Barbarian, Witch Doctor, Demon Hunter, Wizard, and Monk characters will benefit from an array of fearsome new spells and abilities as they advance in level.
The expansion also accentuates the key features of the Diablo franchise, with a greater emphasis on randomized environments to explore; epic new quests; horrific new monsters to defeat; and substantial updates to the loot experience, enabling players to further customize their characters with new and improved multilevel Legendary items, new Blacksmith and Jeweler item-crafting options, and more.
Diablo III’s Paragon progression system is also being majorly upgraded for the expansion, adding even more end-game character advancement and replayability. Two new game modes—Loot Runs and Nephalem Trials—are being added as well, providing fun and rewarding challenges for players to tackle when they’re not busy saving the world.
暴雪在今天举行的2013年科隆游戏展上正式公布了全新的《暗黑破坏神3》资料片 死神之镰,同步为我们带来了两段全新视频和数张游戏截图,以下为资料片介绍及游戏特色。
“ 死亡的羽翼终将笼罩人世 . . .”
德国科隆 –2013年8月–当恐惧之王迪亚波罗被击败,世界本该迎来充满希望的新时代,但事实上,却引出了一股更黑暗的强大神秘力量。于今天在Gamescom公布的《暗黑破坏神》系列最新资料片《暗黑破坏神III :死神之镰》将拉开庇护之地黑暗恐怖的全新篇章。
马萨伊尔 ,多年以前一度消失的已然堕落的智慧大天使,在死神之镰中即将以死亡天使的身份回归。他将带着禁锢有大魔神灵魂的黑色灵魂石重返庇护之地。一旦这股黑暗的力量被释放到了人类世界,结果将会是灾难性的。
玩家可以在Gamescom的展示层试玩《暗黑破坏神III :死神之镰》,而暴雪将在暴雪嘉年华上公布更多关于这部资料片的信息。如果您想了解更多今天所公布的关于《暗黑破坏神III :死神之镰》的最新消息,请登录http://www.diablo3.com/reaperofsouls。
“迪亚波罗,恐惧之王”的惨败本该让世界迎来一个充满希望的新时代,但事实上,却引出了一股更为黑暗的强大神秘力量。在这股力量的背后包藏着何种险恶的用心也尚不为世人所知。暴雪娱乐旗下的史诗级动作角色扮演游戏《暗黑破坏神 ®III 》 的最新资料片 —— 死神之镰™,即将在庇护之地这个冲突不断的凡间世界中拉开黑暗而又恐怖的全新篇章。
若想了解更多关于《暗黑破坏神 III :死神之镰》的内容,请访问http://www.diablo3.com/reaperofsouls。
GC 13:《暗黑破坏神3》资料片“夺魂之镰”情报
我们知道的是,圣教军和2代中的圣骑士有点类似,是一个中远距离近战职业,可以使用盾牌和连枷。游戏设计师Kevin Martens说圣教军是一个人形战争机器,具有斯巴达人一般的品格。他的招牌技能是盾击,可以让敌人暂时失明,还有天堂之拳流行之剑,召唤上天的力量造成伤害。
游戏设计师Josh Mosqueira表示,“夺魂之镰”将相应广大玩家对《暗黑破坏神3》的要求。“打宝2.0”将让物品掉落更少,但掉落的道具更好更有意义;还有“智能掉落”系统,将让地阿罗的物品更加符合你的人物。
“夺魂之镰”在科隆游戏展上提供了试玩 |