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[»î¶¯] 300 FREE Spirit Stones for Your Purchase in Time-Limited Shop










Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8

·¢±íÓÚ 2014-4-10 01:13 PM |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß |µ¹Ðòä¯ÀÀ
±¾Ìû×îºóÓÉ VoomgaGW ÓÚ 2014-4-29 05:07 PM ±à¼­

300 FREE Spirit Stones for Your Purchase in Time-Limited Shop!

Time: 10:00 April 10th, 2014 - 9:59 April 12th, 2014 (GMT + 8)
Scope: All servers

Get 50% Bonus Gold!
Description: As Mythic Saga is going global, our Mythican population is increasing day and night!
To celebrate this, for a limited time only, Get 50% More Gold when you Top-Up in Mythic Saga!

For example, when you Top-Up 100 Gold during this event you can withdraw 150 Gold instead of 100 Gold!
Please refer to the table below for details

1. If you Top-Up more than 100,000 Gold, you will only get a maximum bonus of 50,000 Gold each day.
2. When you claim the rewards in your Treasury, the Bonus Gold will be counted towards your total Top-Up amount.

Free Events:
Event 1:
Description: During this event, you can buy 100 Spirit Stones (10 Gold for each) and
a Super Discount Pack (880 Gold) at the Time-Limited Shop in Treasury only once. Anyone who buys all the 100 Spirit Stones will get an extra 300 Spirit Stone FREE and who buys a Super Discount Pack can claim a Super Elemental Orb Pack for free.

Super Discount Pack: Contains 12 Mount Orbs, 12 Feather Orbs, 12 Relic Shards and 12 Skyblades Orbs.

Super Elemental Orb Pack: Contains 99 Elemental Orbs of each type.

For more FREE events, please click HERE

Mythic Saga Official Website: http://mythic.voomga.com/
Mythic Saga Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/mythicsagasea?fref=ts
Mythic Saga Official Forum: http://forum.voomga.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=5










Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8

·¢±íÓÚ 2014-4-29 05:03 PM |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß
Get Thousands of Mount Orbs and Essences in the Large Mount Pack!  
Ó¢ÎÄÒ³ÓÎMythic Saga¹ú¼Ê°æºÃ¿µ»î¶¯¾íÍÁÖØÀ´£¡

ϲ»¶Mythic Saga¹ú¼Ê°æµÄÍæ¼ÒÃÇ¿´¹ýÀ´£¡Îª»ØÀ¡Íæ¼ÒÃÇÒ»Ö±ÒÔÀ´µÄ¶¦Á¦Ö§³Ö£¬¹Ù·½Ìرð×¼±¸ÁËһϵÁеĻ£¬ÈÃÄúÔÚÓÎÏ·ÄÚƽ²½ÇàÔÆร¡ÇëÍæ¼ÒÃÇÒ»¶¨Òª²ÎÓ룡

Time: 10:00 April 28th, 2014- 9:59 April 30th, 2014(GMT + 8)
Scope: All servers

Get 50% Bonus Gold!
Description: As Mythic Saga is going global, our Mythican population is increasing day and night!
To celebrate this, for a limited time only, Get 50% More Gold when you Top-Up in Mythic Saga!

For example, when you Top-Up 100 Gold during this event you can withdraw 150 Gold instead of 100 Gold!
Please refer to the table below for details£º

1. If you Top-Up more than 100,000 Gold, you will only get a maximum bonus of 50,000 Gold each day.
2. When you claim the rewards in Treasury, the Bonus Gold will count in your Top-Up amount.

Free Events:
Event 1:
Description: During this event, you can buy 200 Mount Orbs (15 Gold for each), 200 Skyblades Orbs (20 Gold for each) and 200 Dragon Essences (20 Gold for each) from Time-Limited Shop.

Event 2:
Description: During this event, you get this Adventurer¡¯s Pack at Treasury without any Top-Up. (Only One Reward Per Event Period)

3 Offline Exp Orbs (Bound)
2 Greater Genius Scrolls (Bound)
1 Skyblades Blessing Orb (Bound)
1 Aspect Blessing Orb (Bound)
1 Mount Blessing Orb (Bound)
1 Golden Dragon Scale (Bound)
1 Quad Glider Disguise Scroll (Bound)
1 Fire Pyre (Bound)

Quad Glider Disguise Scroll: Use it to Disguise your mount as a Quad Glider.
Greater Genius Scroll: Experience will be doubled, valid for 1 day. Not counted if offline, Can be stacked.
Aspect Blessing Orb: Available for Aspect Rank 3 or above. Increases 100 Blessedness; lasts for 1 hour.
Golden Dragon Scale: Double click to call the Mount to increase the Mount upgrade chance, can only be used once per hour. Because of the great power of its Golden Dragon Scale, only mounts above Firestorm Wheel quality can be used.
Fire Pyre: After a Crown Phoenix undergoes the rejuvenation through Fire Pyre, it will become an Inferno Phoenix! Increases Melee Atk by 80,000, Magic Atk by 40,000, HP by 50,000, Armour by 30,000 and Warding by 15,000.

For more Mythic Saga (Global) FREE EVENT, kindly visit Mythic Saga Official Website


ʹÓõÀ¾ß ¾Ù±¨









Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8

·¢±íÓÚ 2014-5-6 04:27 PM |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß
Temper Your Wings with These FREE Wings Boosters!

ÎåÔ·ÝÊǸö¸Ð¶÷µÄ¼¾½Ú£¬ÊÇÄú¶ÔÂèÂè±í´ï°®µÄ×î¼Ñʱ¿Ì¡£µ±È»£¬Ã¿¸öº¢×Óƽ³£¶¼¸Ã¶ÔÂèÂèТ˳£¬µ«ÔÚÕâ¸öÎÂÜ°µÄ¼¾½ÚÀÄúµÄ°®Óë¹Ø»³¸üÏԵò»Ò»Ñù£¬¸ü»áÈÃÂèÂèÆÚÅΣ¬ËùÒÔ¸÷λMythic SagaÍæ¼ÒÃÇǧÍò±ðÁîÂèÂèʧÍûŶ£¡

ÔÚÕâ¸öÎÂÜ°µÄĸÇ×½ÚÀMythic SagaÌرð×¼±¸ÁËÓÎÏ·Äڻ¡´Temper Your Wings with FREE Wings Boosters¡µ¡£´Ó5ÔÂ2ÈÕÆðÖÁ5ÔÂ4ÈÕ£¨ÐÇÆÚÒ»£©£¬ËùÓÐÍæ¼Ò½Ô¿É²Î¼Ó¡´Temper Your Wings with FREE Wings Boosters¡µ»î¶¯¡£

Time: 10:00 May 2nd, 2014 - 9:59 May 4th, 2014 (GMT + 8)
Scope: All servers

Get 50% Bonus Gold!
For a limited time only, Get 50% More Gold when you Top-Up in Mythic Saga!

For example, when you Top-Up 100 Gold during this event you can withdraw 150 Gold instead of 100 Gold!
Please refer to the table below for details:

1. If you Top-Up more than 100,000 Gold, you will only get a maximum bonus of 50,000 Gold each day.
2. When you claim the rewards in your Treasury, the Bonus Gold will be counted towards your total Top-Up amount.

For more FREE events details, kindly visit Mythic Saga Official Website at:


ʹÓõÀ¾ß ¾Ù±¨









Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8

·¢±íÓÚ 2014-5-6 04:55 PM |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß
Get Free Elemental Rubies and Sapphires to Upgrade Your Five Origins!


Mythic Saga GlobalÔÚ´Ë×£¸£È«ÌìÏÂĸÇ×£º¡°Ä¸Ç×½Ú¿ìÀÖ£¡¡±

Time: 10:00 May 4th, 2014 - 9:59 May 6th, 2014 (GMT + 8)
Scope: All servers

Free Events:
Event 1:
Description: During this event, you can buy 100 E Rubies (20 Gold for each),
100 Spirit Stones (10 Gold for each) and a Super Discount Pack (880 Gold) at the Time-Limited Shop in Treasury only once. Anyone who buys all the 100 Spirit Stones will get an extra 300 Spirit Stone FREE and who buys a Super Discount Pack can claim a Super Elemental Orb Pack for free.

E Ruby: Use it with E Sapphire to infuse the Elemental Balls.

Super Discount Pack: Contains 12 Mount Orbs, 12 Feather Orbs, 12 Relic Shards and 12 Skyblades Orbs.

Super Elemental Orb Pack: Contains 99 Elemental Orbs of each type.

For more FREE events details, kindly visit Mythic Saga Official website at:


ʹÓõÀ¾ß ¾Ù±¨









Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8

·¢±íÓÚ 2014-5-7 04:32 PM |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß
Get Thousands of Mount Orbs and Essences from Treasury Exchange!
Mythic Saga¹ú¼Ê°æ»ªÀö»î¶¯ºØĸÇ×½Ú

ÂíÉϾÍÊÇĸÇ×½ÚÁË£¬Mythic Saga¹ú¼Ê°æ×£¸£È«ÌåÍæ¼ÒÉú»îÐÒ¸£°²ÀÖ£¬¾«²Ê»î¶¯Ò²»áһһΪÄúÏ×ÉÏ£¡


Time: 10:00 May 6th, 2014- 9:59 May 8th, 2014(GMT + 8)
Scope: All servers

Event 1:
Description: During this event, you can buy 200 Mount Orbs (15 Gold for each), 200 Skyblades Orbs (20 Gold for each) and 200 Dragon Essences (20 Gold for each) from Time-Limited Shop.

Event 2:
Description: During this event, you get this Adventurer¡¯s Pack at Treasury without any Top-Up. (Only One Reward Per Event Period)

3 Offline Exp Orbs (Bound)
2 Greater Genius Scrolls (Bound)
1 Skyblades Blessing Orb (Bound)
1 Aspect Blessing Orb (Bound)
1 Mount Blessing Orb (Bound)
1 Golden Dragon Scale (Bound)
1 Quad Glider Disguise Scroll (Bound)
1 Fire Pyre (Bound)

For more details, kindly visit Mythic Saga Official website at:http://www.voomga.com/news_center/news_view/6643


ʹÓõÀ¾ß ¾Ù±¨









Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8

·¢±íÓÚ 2014-5-14 02:52 PM |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß
Get Free Elemental Rubies and Sapphires to Upgrade Your Five Origins!

ºìÀ¶±¦Ê¯´ó·½ËÍ£¡Mythic SagaºìÀ¶±¦Ê¯»î¶¯¾íÍÁÖØÀ´£¡Äú¿ÉÒÔÔڻÆÚ¼äÏíÓг¬ÖµÓŻݣ¡ÓÎÏ·É̳ÇÌṩ100¿ÅE Ruby (ÿ¿Å20»Æ½ð£©£¬100¿ÅÁé»êʯ£¨Spirit Stone£©£¨Ã¿¿Å10»Æ½ð£©ÒÔ¼°³¬Öµ»Æ½ð°ü£¨888»Æ½ð£©¹©Ñ¡Ôñ£¡ÁíÍ⣬ֻҪ¹ºÂò100¿ÅÁé»êʯ£¬¶îÍâËÍÄú300¿Å100¿ÅÁé»êʯ£¡£¡£¡


Time: 10:00 May 12th, 2014 - 9:59 May 14th, 2014 (GMT + 8)
Scope: All servers

During this event, you can buy 100 E Rubies (20 Gold for each),
100 Spirit Stones (10 Gold for each) and a Super Discount Pack (880 Gold) at the Time-Limited Shop in Treasury only once. Anyone who buys all the 100 Spirit Stones will get an extra 300 Spirit Stone FREE.

E Ruby: Use it with E Sapphire to infuse the Elemental Balls.
Super Discount Pack: Contains 12 Mount Orbs, 12 Feather Orbs, 12 Relic Shards and 12 Skyblades Orbs.



ʹÓõÀ¾ß ¾Ù±¨

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