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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-6 06:56 PM |只看该作者
《为战而生》上市日期延至 2016 年 5 月

  由《边缘禁地》系列开发团队 Gearbox Software 制作的射击游戏新作《为战而生》将延期至 2016 年 5 月 3 日上市。

  PC / PS4 / Xbox One《为战而生》是款融合多样战斗风格与丰富技能的第一人称射击游戏,提供多达 25 名可扮演的英雄供玩家选择,每位英雄都有专属的个性并配有独特的武器和能力。

  本作原定 2016 年 2 月上市,然而在 2K Games 近日的财报中提到,本作上市日期计划推迟至 2016 年 5 月 3 日。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-12-6 08:42 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-6 11:13 AM 编辑

Battleborn PS4 open beta players will get DLC character free, Toby


Battleborn Announcements at PlayStation Experience 2015

Today at PlayStation Experience 2015, Gearbox Software’s Randy Pitchford jumped on stage to give attendees a first look at one of the oddest, cutest and most fearsome playable heroes you’ve yet to see in a game: A penguin…in a hulking mech suit. Because Battleborn.

Here’s a wrap up of all the Battleborn announcements if you missed PlayStation’s press conference this morning:

Introducing Toby, the Destroyer!

The 16th Battleborn hero, Toby, may look like a huggable little penguin ready to march off some arctic shelf – but don’t underestimate this angry engineering genius. After being rejected by the Peacekeepers faction for being “too cute to fight,” Toby’s typical mild-mannered temperament turned to anger. He channeled that rage into constructing a grotesque and insanely powerful mechanized suit and joined the Rogue faction in the fight to save the last star.

As a bonus, you’ll get your chance to try Toby for the first time on PS4 during the Open Beta.

Open Beta Coming in 2016

Start sharpening your swords and loading those miniguns, the Battleborn Open Beta is coming next year to the PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

Don’t forget, PlayStation 4 players get early access during the upcoming Open Beta AND as a special thank you to all those PS4 players who participate in the Open Beta, we announced today that they will receive a bonus 26th Battleborn hero after the game launches on May 3, 2016. To qualify for and redeem the bonus reward, PS4 players must login to their purchased version of Battleborn using the same SHiFT account they played with during the Open Beta.

Digital Pre-order Now Available on PS4

Today we announced that Battleborn is available now for digital pre-order on PlayStation 4 and will be available for digital pre-purchase on PC starting Monday, December 7, 2015 through Steam. Battleborn will be available for digital pre-order on Xbox One in the future, so stay tuned for more info on that soon.

Adorn your heroes in golden character skins when you pre-order Battleborn and get the Firstborn Pack, which includes skins for Thorn, Reyna, Montana, Marquis, and Rath. Looking for something more tangible in addition to the character skins? Find out how to get a Battleborn figurine at select retailers.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-12-30 07:12 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-30 07:34 PM 编辑

Battleborn ~ 2 New Playable Heroes Revealed
《为战而生》两名新英雄公开 壮汉和千年女间谍








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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-2-4 06:56 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-4 07:03 PM 编辑

Battleborn introduces two new heroes ~ Attikus and Galilea
《为战而生》新宣传影像放出 介绍两位新英雄

  《为战而生》是Gearbox Software推出的新作,游戏将于2016年5月9日登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。日前2K Games和Gearbox Software放出了本作的两段新宣传片,为大家介绍了两位新英雄Attikus和Galilea,下面就请大家一起来看看这两位新角色的能力和表现吧!





Battleborn: Two More Badasses Join the Fight

Let’s recap for a second. So far, we’ve introduced you to 18 of the 25 playable heroes in Battleborn at launch: axe-wielding dwarves, mountain men with miniguns, sentient mushrooms, laser sword space vampires… oh, yeah, and a penguin-piloting a mech suit — all fighting to save the last star in the universe.

Today, we’re introducing you to two more Battleborn heroes: Attikus and Galilea. If you’ve ever wanted to play as hulking monsters on the battlefield (in more ways than one) we’ve got your new mains right here. Learn how you can get the most out of them, whether you’re playing solo, splitscreen, or 5-player co-op in Story Mode, or teaming up with buddies in the three unique competitive multiplayer modes.


Slave. Laborer. Greatest warrior among the Jennerit underclass — the Thralls. All his life, Attikus has been told what to do, shoved into the deepest mines of Tempest, and kept down. Thanks to an experimental biotech harness, this already-imposing brute was given the one thing the Jennerit didn’t expect: intelligence.

The only thing more dangerous than a huge, imposing beast with an axe to grind against his oppressors… is a smart imposing beast with an axe to grind against his oppressors.

Galilea, The Wraith of Bliss

A sacred order within the Eldrid, the Arbiters of Being were charged with undermining the Jennerit Empire’s technology, and Galilea was its most promising warrior. Entrusting her with a long undercover mission, Galilea was embedded within the Jennerit and worked her way through the recruits of the Silent Sisters.

During an attempt to sabotage their Sustainment technology, Ambra discovered and attacked Galilea, mortally wounding her. Once a close friend, Ambra attempted to use Sustainment to save Galilea’s life but it was only partially successful. Now unstable, immortal, and reeking of life-draining dark energy, Galilea is at war with herself and her new powers as she hopes to find a new purpose among the Peacekeepers.

Battleborn’s Open Beta Update

Keep your swords sharp and your spells primed, Battleborn’s Open Beta is coming later this year on PS4.

And don’t forget: PS4 players get early access during the upcoming Open Beta, and as a special thank you to all those PS4 players who participate in the Open Beta, you will receive a bonus 26th Battleborn hero after the game launches on May 3rd, 2016.

To qualify for and redeem the bonus reward, PS4 players must log in to their purchased version of Battleborn using the same Shift account they played with during the Open Beta.

Darren Gladstone - Sr. Community Content Editor



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-5 06:48 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-9 06:13 PM 编辑

Battleborn introduces final heroes Kleese and El Dragon
《为战而生》公布最后 2 名新英雄「克里希」和「暴龙」

  2K 和 Gearbox Software 8 日公布 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 英雄射击游戏《为战而生》最后 2 位会在游戏中登场的新英雄角色「克里希」和「暴龙」,总计会收录 25 名玩家可使用的英雄。

  克里希和暴龙是两个极为不同的角色,一个是坐在舒适椅子上到处飘荡的疯狂工程天才,一个则是装有神经机械手臂、能在对手身上开洞的太空摔角手。 加上这 2 名能在竞争性多人游戏和游戏故事模式(单人、5 人合作,或 2 人分割画面)里玩到的角色,凑齐了游戏的 25 名英雄角色。

  坏脾气的克里希是爪牙机器人公司的前任总监,最恨把自己的手弄脏 ,或是离开他的椅子,浪费时间去应付那些低等生物。 因此,当他被迫作战时,他想当然耳会设计一套豪华、高级又坚固耐用的「战斗家具」。

  冠军摔角手暴龙在最后一场比赛中,因为凶恶的人工智能对手而失去了双臂。 在那场比赛中,一个机器人扯下了他的双臂。 之后,他接上了替代的神经机械手臂,变得比以前更危险。

  《为战而生》的游戏软件分级为辅 15 级,预定 5 月 3 日推出 PlayStation 4版、Xbox One 版和 PC 版,三平台版本建议售价均为新台币 1790 元。 如需《为战而生》的更多信息,请透过Twitter、Twitch和Instagram关注游戏,加入Facebook粉丝团,订阅YouTube频道,以及造访http://www.Battleborn.com


  《为战而生》是累计销售超过 2500 万套的《边缘禁地》系列创作团队的最新力作。 背景设定在遥远未来的《为战而生》,是一款第一人称射击游戏,让一群英雄组成了一支不太可靠的联盟,试图拯救神秘敌人意图摧毁的宇宙中最后一颗恒星。 每位英雄都有截然不同的个性,并配备了自己专属的独特武器和能力。 透过《为战而生》的螺旋系统,玩家可以在单一故事任务或竞争性多人游戏里完整体验到每位英雄的升级过程。

Battleborn’s Latest Heroes: a Space Luchador and a Mad Scientist - Battleborn.com



kleese was once director of Minion Robotics and is never without his made-to-order Battle Throne, complete with a smooth gliding propulsion system, an assortment of the finest cannons and tasers, defensive Energy Rift shield system and a miniature black hole generator.


El Dragon

El Dragon, the champion space Luchador, recently lost his arms in a professional wrestling match against the demented robotic artificial intelligence, ISIC. Ironically enough, the LLC patched him up with robotic arms and now El Dragon is more dangerous than ever, featuring a plethora of trademark moves like the Dragon Splash, a double arm clothesline, and his finisher En Fuego. He may have lost the title fight to ISIC, but El Dragon still considers himself the Undisputed Champ, and that swagger helps him increase his robotic power with every kill he makes.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-11 07:28 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-15 07:28 PM 编辑

Battleborn Incursion Mode Gameplay Video
《天生战狂》入侵模式细节公开 演示影像放出


  日前2K Games和Gearbox Software公开了《天生战狂》入侵模式(Incursion Mode)的相关细节,同时还放出了一段长达12分钟的实际游戏影像,以非常直观的方式为大家演示了该模式的内容,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。

  本作的入侵模式是一种具有战略性的多人竞争模式,该模式下玩家们需要和己方杂兵们一同入侵地方的领域,在那里找到并摧毁敌方的哨兵机器人(Sentry Bots)。当然敌方队伍也会做同样的事情,所以玩家们需要想办法守卫己方领域并更加深入的入侵敌方区域。


  《天生战狂》将于2016年5月23日发售,游戏将登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-17 07:33 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-17 07:23 PM 编辑

Battleborn post-launch content detailed

  继此前确认《天生战狂》已经开发完成并进厂压盘后,日前2K Games和Gearbox Software又公开了本作发售后的一些计划,包括后续的免费更新、付费DLC和季票的相关情报,下面就为大家简单介绍一下。










The Vision For Battleborn Post-Launch Content

Development on Battleborn is done! Yesterday it was announced that the game is getting ready to be printed to discs and shipped to retail stores around the world in time for its release on May 3. While the development of post-launch content has not yet begun, finishing the game has allowed Gearbox to begin thinking about the future, and today we’re ready to share 2K’s vision for supporting Battleborn post-launch.

Battleborn’s all about badass heroes fighting to save the last star in the universe. At launch, you’ll have the chance to play as 25 completely different characters through a Story Mode that can be played solo, online co-op up to five players, and even two-player couch co-op, as well as three different 5v5 competitive multiplayer modes. Like the Borderlands games, Battleborn has a lot of value right out of the box, and our plan is to add even more value post-launch with both free content updates and paid add-on packs. Here’s how it’ll work…

Free Updates

Gamers can expect five more heroes hitting after launch – completely FREE – for all platforms, bringing the total roster to 30! And that’s just the beginning of many free updates we’re planning. Competitive multiplayer modes, maps, balance updates, and community features will also be free. When gamers throw down their hard earned cash they want that experience to last. This is why it’s very important to us that we deliver more than $60 worth of content at launch and continue to add more value in the form of free heroes, maps, modes, and other features post-launch.

The first of the five new free heroes to release will be Alani, a member of the Eldrid faction who was raised as a healer, but forced to be a warrior, and is all that remains of her order after Rendain’s Jennerit Imperium stole the oceans from her world. As a warrior from a planet with vast seas, Alani’s attacks and abilities revolve around her power to control water to dish out pain, or heal her fellow Battleborn. We’ll have more info on Alani, including her release date, as we get closer to launch. In the meantime, PlayStation 4 players who participate in the upcoming Open Beta will instantly-unlock Alani once she’s available after launch, saving players the time it takes to earn her through playing the game.

Paid Add-on Content

Battleborn’s universe is vast, and we’re happy to say it’ll continue expanding via five new add-on packs. Those that are familiar with Borderlands post-launch content over the years should feel right at home with Battleborn’s add-on packs, each pack will cost $4.99 and include one new Story Operation, as well as exclusive hero skins and taunts. These PvE Operations will be highly replayable solo, or co-operatively online and splitscreen with your friends, and will let you experience new side-stories during the fight to save the last star in the universe.

Concepts for the plot of these Story Operations are beginning to crystalize now that the game is complete and in certification, and we can’t wait to share more details about each Operation as we get closer to their release post-launch. In the meantime, Battleborn’s Season Pass costs $19.99 and will net you all five packs for the price of four. You can also pick up the Season Pass as part of Battleborn’s Digital Deluxe Edition, which includes the base game, the Season Pass, and some bonus cosmetic customizations for $74.99 – which saves you $10 in total if you’re already thinking of getting the game and all five add-on packs.

We know that some gamers really love to express themselves through cosmetic customizations that make their heroes stand-out. That’s why Battleborn has a huge variety of skins and taunts that come with the game at launch, and we will continue to release even more cosmetic customizations post-launch – some of which we will sell in-game. This kind of optional cosmetic content has absolutely no effect on the gameplay, and helps us keep all the additional heroes, modes, maps, and other features that extend the core gameplay experience, free for everyone. We’re committed to making sure that you have the means to make your favorite heroes truly your own.

2K couldn’t be more excited to bring you the first game in an exciting new hero-shooter genre, and we are committed to supporting Battleborn and its player community after its release. This complimentary approach of free and paid post-launch content will allow us to do just that. We’ll see you in the upcoming Open Beta on PS4, PC and Xbox One, and can’t wait to join you in the fight to save the last star when the game ships on May 3!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-24 06:38 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-24 06:06 PM 编辑

Battleborn beta begins April 8 for PS4, April 13 for Xbox One and PC
《为战而生》公布电视剧式故事模式详情 预定 4 月 9 日起展开大规模公测

  2K 和 Gearbox Software 今(24)日宣布,PS4 / Xbox One / PC英雄射击游戏《为战而生(Battleborn)》的故事模式将采取电视剧风格,让玩家和好友担任战斗英豪的指挥官并成为每个故事章节的主角。 官方表示,将把 5 月 3 日视为《为战而生》系列的首映日,因为游戏的故事模式在结构上有点类似章回式电视节目。 游戏带来的「本季」剧情,由 8 个章节串起故事主轴(再加上序章),而且每个章节都带来一则独立的故事,讲述战斗英豪如何为拯救最后孤星而战。 玩家可以透过最新的《为战而生》一起存活或孤单死去游戏故事宣传影片,来一睹这段故事。



https://battleborn.com/tw/news/v ... orns-tv-style-story

  日前 2K 在台湾举办《为战而生》媒体体验会,会中除了竞争性多人游戏模式之外,还体验了故事模式的「变节者(The Renegade)」,是以 5 人联机合作的方式游玩。 在这个章节中,玩家所扮演的战斗英豪们必须拯救卡尔达洛斯并保护「防御核心(Defence Cores)」以获取胜利。

  当战斗英豪突破险阻抵达防御核心所在地之后,紧接着就是面对一波波的敌人来袭。 因为防御核心无法移动,所以玩家必须团结固守据点,积极收集星屑来建设陷阱或炮塔等战术建筑物,活用支持型角色的支持技能,尽力阻止敌人靠近防御核心。 在每波攻击之间迅速重整做好准备。

  一开始媒体组成的团队偏攻击型,结果面对密集的大军来袭时,续战力不足而屡屡失败,后来改变组对策略,将支持型角色的比重提高,就顺利过关了。 GNN 编辑一开始选择的是之前介绍过的近战型角色「暴龙」,虽然攻击力不俗,但在缺乏后方支持的状况下,护盾跟体力很快会耗尽,后来则是改用支持型的「克里希」,没事就到处插能恢复我方护盾且持续对敌方造成伤害的「能量裂隙」,可以说是一兼二顾,虽然攻击力较低,但是靠着源源不断的护盾补给,终能顺利过关。

《为战而生》公测 4 月 9 日至 18 日登场 抢先体验游戏内容

  此外,2K 和 Gearbox Software 同时宣布,《为战而生》公开测试将于 4 月 9 日在 PS4 平台上率先展开,接着于 4 月 14 日在 PC 和 Xbox One 平台上展开。 参与公测的玩家可以游玩到两个故事章节:「算法」和「虚无边界」,体验 3 种竞争性多人游戏模式的其中 2 种:「侵袭」和「熔毁」,可以选择全部 25 位英雄,同时能取得战利品、装备并体验游戏的完整进度系统。

虚无边界(The Void’s Edge)

  战斗英豪将与头号敌人兰登一战,并得护送载有炸药的狼哨兵(Wolf Sentry)到瓦雷斯传送门处阻止传送门开启。 英豪们得使用星屑替狼哨兵购买可建造的升级,并随时注意狼哨兵的生命值好完成任务。 在任务的最后,战斗英豪们将和可怕的瓦雷斯保护者(Varelsi Conservator)激战。


https://battleborn.com/tw/news/v ... ng-you-need-to-know


The Battleborn open beta will begin April 8 for PlayStation 4 users and April 13 for Xbox One and PC users, 2K Games and Gearbox Software announced. It will run through April 18.

The beta will cost 8.5GB of space on PlayStation 4, 11GB on Xbox One, and 12GB on PC. It offers two story missions, two multiplayer modes (Incursion and Meltdown), every hero, and the loot system.

The story mode of Battleborn is presented in the form of a TV show spanning eight episodes (missions), each of which has a prologue and takes an hour on average.

Battleborn is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on May 3.

Battleborn Open Beta: Everything You Need to Know

Introducing Battleborn’s TV-Style Story


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-4-8 06:59 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-8 06:59 PM 编辑

Battleborn Bootcamp Trailer
《为战而生》Beta 公测版预载启动 释出新兵训练营宣传影片

  2K 和 Gearbox Software 今(8)日宣布,开放《为战而生》Beta 公测版预载,以及释出了由奥斯卡 ‧ 麦克和埃希克主演的全新新兵训练营宣传影片。 这部招募影片希望让玩家加入为拯救孤星而战的「战斗英豪」行列。

  《为战而生》Beta 公测将在 4 月 9 日于 PS4 平台上率先开跑,并接着于 4 月 14 日在 PC 和 Xbox One 平台上开跑。 现在所有游戏平台的玩家已经可以开始预载《为战而生》Beta 公测版。

  在 Beta 公测期间,玩家将可以体验到《为战而生》的游戏进展:包括两个故事模式章节、两种竞争性多人模式,以及 25 名英雄(某些可以立即玩到,某些会随着游戏进行而解锁)。 随着游戏的进行,将会在三种不同的进度系统里获得升级。

  现可至《为战而生》官方部落格详阅所有《为战而生》Beta 公测相关信息:https://battleborn.com/tw/news/v ... end-of-the-universe

  《为战而生》的游戏软件分级为「15+ 辅导级」,将于 2016 年 5 月 3 日推出 PlayStation 4 版、Xbox One 版和 PC 版,三平台版本建议售价均为新台币 1,790 元。


  《为战而生》是至今全球已销售 2500 万套《边缘禁地》系列创作团队的最新作品。 背景设定在遥远未来的《为战而生》,是一款第一人称射击游戏,让一群英雄组成了一支不太可靠的联盟,试图拯救神秘敌人意图摧毁的宇宙中最后一颗恒星。 每位英雄都有截然不同的个性,并配备了自己专属的独特武器和能力。 透过《为战而生》的螺旋系统,玩家可以在单一故事任务或竞争性多人游戏里完整体验到每位英雄的升级过程。



An Introduction to the End of the Universe

The end of the universe isn’t pretty. Hell, here in the Solus System, we’re looking down the barrel of extinction. The Varelsi are consuming stars – whole stars! – while we’re fighting amongst ourselves over the few remaining table scraps of existence. And if we ever catch up with Rendain, that treacherous jerk will get what’s comin’ for selling out every sentient being left.

Nihilistic robots, dwarves, space luchadores, interstellar soldiers, penguin-piloted murder machines and lots of others, all teaming up to save what’s left of the Universe… that’s Battleborn.

For a bigger breakdown on what Battleborn is all about, check out the Battleborn Bootcamp Trailer!

Join the Battleborn Open Beta, Pre-load it Now!

Still not sure what Battleborn is? Then join the Battleborn Open Beta where you’ll get to experience Battleborn’s episodic-style Story Mode (read more about Story Mode here) and crush the opposing team in Competitive Multiplayer. After all, it’s up to you to command this motley crew of 25 unique Battleborn – this messy, gun-toting, magic-wielding, sword-suspending, battlemech-driving, minion-stomping crew.

Pre-load is available now for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

• PS4: PlayStation Network
• PC: Steam
• Xbox One: Microsoft Store

The Battleborn Open Beta begins April 8th on PS4 and April 13th on PC and Xbox One. Check out this post for more information.

The fight to save the last star in the universe begins May 3, 2016.



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发表于 2016-4-14 07:21 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-14 06:41 PM 编辑

Battleborn Open Beta Available Today
《为战而生》Beta 公测即日起在 PS4、PC 和 Xbox One 三平台开跑

  2K 和 Gearbox Software 今(14)日宣布《为战而生》Beta 公测即日起在 PS4、PC 和 Xbox One 三平台上开跑。

  《为战而生》Beta 公测包含了两个完整的故事章节:「算法」和「虚无边界」,玩家可以在这些故事章节里进行 5 人合作游戏。 另外,玩家还可以玩到两种竞争性多人游戏模式:「侵袭」和「熔毁」。

  参加 Beta 公测的玩家一开始能使用七名已解锁的英雄,而其他的英雄可以透过提升等级和完成目标来解锁,这让参与公测的玩家能随着游戏的进行解锁新的英雄、外观、嘲弄表情、螺旋突变选项等等。 此外,加入拯救宇宙最后孤星之战的 Beta 公测玩家还可以设法达成团体挑战来获得独特的角色外观。

  玩家可以到《为战而生》官方部落格取得进一步信息:https://battleborn.com/tw/news/v ... s-open-beta-begins/ 。 并可至《为战而生》官方部落格了解《为战而生》Beta 公测相关须知:https://battleborn.com/tw/news/v ... nd-of-the-universe/

  上市时提供 25 名可玩英雄角色的《为战而生》的游戏软件分级为「15+ 辅导级」,将于 2016 年 5 月 3 日推出 PlayStation 4 版、Xbox One 版和 PC 版。

Battleborn Open Beta Available Today on all 3 platforms; PS4, PC and Xbox One

Today, 2K and Gearbox Software announced that the Battleborn Open Beta is available today at 18:00 BST on all 3 platforms; PS4, PC and Xbox One.

The Battleborn Open Beta includes two full story episodes, “The Algorithm,” and “Void’s Edge,” which can be played in up to 5-player co-op, as well as two Competitive Multiplayer Modes: Incursion and Meltdown.

Open Beta Players will start with seven unlocked heroes, while others will unlock with from rank advancement and completing objectives, letting participants experience the natural progression of the game while unlocking heroes, skins, taunts, titles, and more. Additionally, by joining in the fight to save the last star in the universe, Open Beta players can earn exclusive skins from achieving group challenges.

To find out additional details surrounding today’s announcement visit the official Battleborn blog.

You can find out everything you need to know about Battleborn’s Open Beta here.

With a roster of 25 playable heroes, Battleborn launches on May 3, 2016 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.


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