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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-9-20 07:12 PM |只看该作者
Gearbox is winding down work on Battleborn, shifting devs to unannounced project
《为战而生》秋季更新为最后一次更新? 创意总监:目前没有后续新内容计划

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/152770.html

  由《边缘禁地》系列开发团队 Gearbox Software 制作的射击游戏《为战而生》将于今年秋季迎来最后一次更新?

  PC / PS4 / Xbox One《为战而生》是款融合多样战斗风格与丰富技能的第一人称射击游戏,提供众多可扮演的英雄供玩家选择,每位英雄都有专属的个性并配有独特的武器和能力。

  游戏自 2016 年 5 月推出至今已一年多,近日《为战而生》创意总监 Randy Varnell 公开一段讯息,内容提到:「截至本周,《为战而生》将不再有更新计划,在秋季更新之后, 目前也还没有其他计划」,并指出,游戏不会有任何变化,在目前计划中服务器也会持续活跃着。

  此外,他透露自己将在《为战而生》的开发工作即将结束,但他很高兴自己能在这款游戏中扮演重要的角色,同时相信玩家能再次从他口中听到未来有关 Gearbox Software 游戏的消息

A Message from Randy Varnell

Hello Friends

It’s been a while since I’ve communicated with you directly, so I wanted to take the opportunity to write to you as Battleborn rounds another milestone in its life.

As of this week, there will be no more Battleplans and there is currently no planned content after the Fall Update. Details of any future changes or news will be made on our forums or through social media, so keep your radars on.

Never fear! Battleborn is here to stay. Nothing is changing with Battleborn, and the servers will be up and active for the foreseeable future. We announced the Fall Update for the game at PAX including some new skins, themed around some of your favorite Borderlands characters! That update will also include some updated title art (more full bar titles!) for the more significant challenges in the game, as well as some additional Finisher Boosts and Taunts. Also, there are minor balance changes in that patch.

If you’ve been paying attention to recent news from the Gearbox Panel at PAX West, you’ll have heard that many folks at Gearbox are working on a highly anticipated project. Although I’m sad my time on Battleborn is coming to a close, I’m happy to announce that I will play a significant role on this highly anticipated but unannounced game, and I’m sure you’ll be hearing some from me again in the future regarding Gearbox games.

I’ve been working on Battleborn nearly exclusively since 2012, and in some ways, that work stretches back to 2009 for me. It’s been a long labor of love with many of my good friends at Gearbox, and I’m proud to have shared that journey with you, our community. Your spirit and loyalty have been a constant inspiration to the team at Gearbox.

Also, I want to personally thank you for giving Battleborn a chance, and dipping down into a new universe with us. We make games for you. And many of you have shared with us how much Battleborn has meant to you personally.

It’s always a bittersweet time when transitioning from one project to another, but also offers the opportunity to step back and enjoy the game we created. Keep an eye out for me in game!

For now, Commander Jythri is signing off and taking the first transport back to a wonderful box of surprises.

You are awesome.

For Solus.



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