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【PC/PS4/Xbox One】Watch Dogs 2









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-3-29 07:37 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-29 07:13 PM 编辑

Watch Dogs 2 is getting 4 player coop, PVP and more for free
《看门狗2》新模式公开 DLC永不妥协内容曝光

  日前育碧于2017年3月29日宣布在《看门狗2》的第三部DLC “永不妥协”中将加入两大重磅的额外内容:全新的DedSec行动以及全新的多人模式!同时,游戏还将添加大量全新的游戏特性,进一步丰富湾区黑客们的冒险故事。

  全新“永不妥协”DLC将于4月18日率先登陆PS4平台,并于5月18日登陆Xbox One以及PC平台,其中将包含马可仕对抗俄罗斯黑手党的全新系列任务以及剧情故事。而原本作为DLC“永不妥协”内容的全新多人PVP模式“决斗”(Showd0wn)将以免费更新的形式于4月17日在全平台推出!




  “主要有两大原因推动我们将决斗这一PVP模式向所有玩家免费开放,”《看门狗2》制作人Kris Young说道。“第一个原因是我们想要每一位玩家都能参与并进行游玩。我们真切地希望能够尽可能多的玩家加入进来从而获得更好的多人体验,缩短匹配的时间并且促进整个玩家社区更活跃、更健康地成长。”关于另一点,Young补充表示:“从最初的计划发布开始,我们所收到的社区反馈,玩家们想要更多的多人内容,这同样也是我们决定以免费的形式向所有玩家推出决斗模式的另一个原因。同时在 ‘永不妥协’DLC中我们也加入更多单人游戏内容来代替它。”


  你还能得到一种全新的、非致命性的DedSec 3D打印武器:彩弹枪,一把可以击晕敌人,给周遭环境上色,并在多人游戏中给其他玩家的屏幕一点颜色看看的有趣武器。



  拥有《看门狗2》季票或单独购买DLC的玩家可于4月18日在PS4平台或5月18日在Xbox One以及PC平台下载“永不妥协”DLC,它将提供替代决斗推出的全新内容,除了全新的DedSec行动任务:“莫斯科布局”的多任务剧情内容外,还包括全新的单人计时赛,两种全新的非致命性武器:空气霰弹枪(能够移动车辆或是物体)以及电击狙击步枪。



  《看门狗2》现已登陆PS4、Xbox One以及PC平台。


Watch Dogs 2 Content Roadmap 2017

Watch Dogs 2 – No Compromise DLC Gets More Content, Showd0wn Now In Free Update

Two big additions for Watch Dogs 2 are looming on the near horizon, and they’re about to add a slew of new features to the Bay Area hacker adventure, including a new DedSec Operation and expansive new multiplayer modes. The No Compromise DLC will be available on PS4 on April 18, and Xbox One and PC on May 18, adding a set of story missions that pit Marcus against the Russian mob. Meanwhile, Showd0wn, the multiplayer mode that was originally part of No Compromise, will now be available on all platforms through a free update coming on April 17. As a result, we’re announcing that No Compromise will now include new ability-granting outfits and vehicles, nonlethal weapons, and single-player time trials that weren’t originally part of the package. Here’s a look at what’s on the horizon:

What’s in the Free Update?

Pitting two pairs of players against each other, Showd0wn is an endgame challenge for experienced players. Its competitive matches come in three flavors: Steal the HDD; Doomload, a King of the Hill-style match; and Erase/Protect the Servers, a Watch Dogs twist on classic domination matches. Spread out across 15 distinct locations, these modes will flow seamlessly from one to the next, pushing you to bust out every skill you’ve learned over the course of the game with dynamic hacking, shooting, driving, and puzzle-solving challenges.

“There are two main drivers behind making Showd0wn free for all of our players,” says Watch Dogs 2’s live producer, Kris Young. “The first is that we want everyone to be able to participate and play it. We really wanted to have as many people as possible playing the mode for a better challenge, better matchmaking time and quality, and a healthier, more active community.

“The other is community feedback we’ve received since we announced the original plans,” Young says. “Our community asked for more multiplayer content, and that’s also a reason why we’ve decided to make Showd0wn accessible for free for all players, while replacing it with more single-player content in No Compromise.”

Showd0wn isn’t the only new feature being added in the free update: The drone, motocross, and eKart races are also getting multiplayer functionality complete with leaderboards, letting you test your high-speed skills against the best the community has to offer. New, randomly appearing “loot truck” events challenge you to hack an armored car while fighting off its reinforcements, and smaller additions – including new clothing items and tweaks such as a quick-swap feature for weapons – are rolled into the update as well.

You also get to carry a new, nonlethal addition to DedSec’s 3D-printed arsenal: a paintball gun, which can stun enemies, splash color across the environment, and temporarily splatter a paint effect across the screens of multiplayer opponents.

“We thought it would be a fun variation on the existing weapons that we had,” says Young. “We don’t have a lot of nonlethal weapons, just the stun gun and the WTB Stun Launcher, so we wanted to add more. And being able to have the paintball splatters around the world, or on the screen of the people you’re shooting with it, fits well with the San Francisco setting, and we’re excited to see how players leave their mark on the Bay Area.”

What’s in No Compromise?

The No Compromise DLC will be available to download for Season Pass owners, or for purchase, on April 18 for PS4 and on May 18 for Xbox One and PC, and it’ll pack in new content to replace Showd0wn. In addition to its new DedSec Operation – a multi-mission storyline addition called Moscow Gambit – it includes new single-player time trials, as well two new nonlethal weapons: the Air Shotgun (which can also move cars and other objects) and the Taser Sniper Rifle.

“By adding more weapon options for nonlethal players, we’re giving them new tools and strategies they can use to replay favorite missions, push their preferred playstyle even further, and experiment more with the Ghost style,” says Young.

No Compromise also includes three new emergency services packs, with new vehicles and outfits that let Marcus dress up as a police officer, firefighter, or paramedic, all with a DedSec twist. These aren’t purely customization items, either: Each outfit and vehicle adds a new ability that lets Marcus affect NPC behavior and do previously impossible things. We’ll have more on No Compromise very soon, and you can get a first look by tuning into our Spoiler Stream at 10AM PDT on April 13.

Watch Dogs 2 is available now on all platforms.



使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-4-14 06:56 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-14 06:58 PM 编辑


  今天育碧宣布《看门狗2》1.13版本免费内容更新将于 4 月 17 日在主机及PC平台开放下载,同时,《看门狗2》的第三部DLC “永不妥协”也将于4月18日正式登陆PS4平台。


  ● 全新在线PVP模式:决斗


  ● 在线竞速


  ● “搜刮卡车”活动


  ● 彩弹枪


  ● 新服装


  ● 游戏调整
  爆炸伤害 - 我们改进了在线游戏的爆炸伤害效果。在本次更新后,对手由于爆炸所受到的伤害将取决于其所处的位置。站在中心位置的玩家将会立即死亡,而在爆炸发生时离得较远的受伤较少。
  排行榜 - 排行榜系统进行了多个小改进。

  ● 错误修正
  生化入侵 - 修复了某些玩家无法完成该任务的问题。
  重复行动 - 修复了有时在DedSec App中出现重复行动的问题。
  关键数据 - 在地图上对于关键数据的描述作了更新使其更为合理。

  《看门狗2》现已登陆PS4、Xbox One以及PC平台。


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-4-19 07:26 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-19 07:05 PM 编辑

Watch Dogs 2 'No Compromise' DLC Now Available for PS4
《看门狗 2》最新DLC“永不妥协”今日正式上线

  2017 年 4 月 19 日今天,育碧宣布《看门狗 2》的第三部DLC “永不妥协”今日正式登陆PS4平台。该DLC同时也是《看门狗 2》季票内容,Xbox One以及PC版将于5月18日解锁。





  《看门狗 2》现已登陆PS4、Xbox One以及PC平台。


Watch Dogs 2 No Compromise Add-On Content Now Available for PlayStation 4

Today, Ubisoft announced that No Compromise, the third add-on content of Watch Dogs 2, is now available on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system. No Compromise is part of the Season Pass content and will be available on Xbox One and Windows PC on May 18th 2017.

No Compromise introduces a wide variety of new content for players, including the new Moscow Gambit DedSec operation. In the multi-mission storyline, Sitara asks Marcus for a personal favour that leads him towards hacking into a hardcore adult film studio, resulting in awkward moments with industrial machinery and an explosive climax. After a famous pornographer decides to parody the group’s style in his new film, DedSexxx, the DedSec crew launches a ridiculous lesson in image control that escalates into a brutal skirmish with the director’s contacts in the Russian mafia.

The add-on content also contains a new racing time trial challenge that includes six single-player car races that will ask players to master a variety of special vehicles under a time limit. It comes with a dedicated leader board so everyone can see exactly how their skills measure up.

Lastly, No Compromise comes with two new non-lethal weapons and three new emergency services packs, with new vehicles and outfits that let Marcus dress up as a police officer, firefighter or paramedic, all with a DedSec twist. These aren’t purely customisation items, each outfit and vehicle adds a new skill that lets Marcus affect NPC behaviour and do previously impossible things. Examples include the ability to freeze NPCs while wearing the police outfit, reviving unconscious NPCs while dressed as a paramedic, and more.

No Compromise follows a massive free update released on all platforms on April 17th. This added customisation options including 13 new outfits, new online features and an endgame challenge, the new Showd0wn PvP mode, which pits two-player teams against each other in hectic 2v2 battles. These competitive matches come in three flavours: a King-of-the-Hill faceoff, Doomload; a defensive duel, Hack/Protect the Servers and a high-tech hunting race, Steal the HDD.

For further information about Watch Dogs 2, please visit watchdogs.ubisoft.com.https://watchdogs.ubisoft.com/wa ... ct=tcm:154-76770-32


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-6-30 07:22 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-30 06:36 PM 编辑

Watch Dogs 2 Gets 4 Player Party Mode via Free Update
《看门狗2》将迎来 4 人组队模式 7 月 4 日免费上线





Watch Dogs 2 – 4-Player Party Mode Coming in Latest Free Title Update on July 4

Since launch, Watch Dogs 2 has received over five major free updates in addition to three sets of DLC, bringing new missions, weapons, outfits, vehicles, map locations, and online modes. From the start, the game has encouraged playing with others, and on July 4, you’ll be able to bring even more friends along for some San Francisco hacking antics with the biggest online update yet that includes a new and long-awaited 4-Player Party mode (Patch Notes).

“It’s something we’ve been thinking about for a long time,” says Watch Dogs 2 producer Kris Young. “It’s always more fun to be in a team, and the online modes we have are great, but we really wanted to expand on them. We also pay attention to what our community is saying, and it’s something they’ve been clamo  ring for, so we’re happy to finally make it available to everyone.”

How will it work? Players can start a public or private party with room for up to four friends (or strangers, if you use matchmaking). From there, the party is free to explore San Francisco. “The cops will be there. You could try to take down the Red Zones. Everything that’s in the city of San Francisco will be there, so you can immediately have some fun exploring San Francisco with four people” Young says. “Then, at any time, you can launch the activities that support the 4-player Party – Bounties, Invasions, Loot Trucks, Races, Showd0wn, Man VS Machine Robot Fights, and the DedSec Virus events are all available for you to have fun with.”

Young also explains that the 4-Player Party mode is intended to be more about cooperation than competition, so anything that happens in this mode will not affect leaderboard standings.

In addition to the 4-Player Party mode, the latest update will also include some slight fixes and improvements to make the experience of playing with others a little smoother. “Watch Dogs 2 already has a fun world to explore, so we mostly had to do some adjustments and gameplay balances” says Young. “We introduced an option to let you skip the cinematic when you’re using the 3D printer, we know that was kind of frustrating. We also fixed the shuffler takedown move and outfit that some players weren’t able to unlock properly, with a few other stability fixes as well.”

To celebrate this new update as well as the Bay Area’s rendition of Independence Day, Watch Dogs 2 will also hold a special in-game event during the month of July that includes fireworks displays over the city of San Francisco and a festive change to the paintball gun that makes it shoot red, white, and blue pellets.

Watch Dogs 2 is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.



使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-6-30 04:01 PM |只看该作者
《看门狗2》将迎来 4 人组队模式 7 月 4 日免费上线





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