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E3 2016 - Inspiring the New World June 14-16,2016|Los Angeles









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-25 07:22 PM |只看该作者
KOEI TECMO宣布将出展E3 2016公开未发表新作

  KOEI TECMO日前宣布将出展E3 2016,现在已判明的出展作品包括《仁王》及《进击的巨人》两款,并预定将在E3展上公开现在ω-force开发中的绝密未发表作品,会是什么无双吗?


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-3 07:34 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-3 06:26 PM 编辑

【E3 16】Ubisoft 揭露《看门狗 2》《火线猎杀:野境》等展出阵容 带来中文发表会转播

  Ubisoft 今(3)日公布,2016 年美国 E3 电子娱乐展参展计划,预定展出《看门狗 2》、《火线猎杀:野境》、《猎鹰翱翔 VR》、《南方四贱客:浣熊侠联盟》等全新作品,同时官方预定于开展前一天台湾时间 6 月 14 日星期二凌晨 4 时举办展前发表会,届时将带来首次中文同步口译实况,引领玩家揭开今年 E3 序幕。


  2016 E3 即将于美国洛杉矶当地时间 6 月 14 日登场,Ubisoft 也将携多款全新作品进驻,同时官方也预定于美国洛杉矶当地时间 6 月 13 日下午 1 时(台湾时间 6 月 14 日星期二凌晨 4 时)在奥芬大剧院(Orpheum Theatre)举办 E3 2016 Ubisoft 展前发表会,在发表会开始前 30 分钟还将带来暖场活动,此外本次发表会活动全程将透过 Ubisoft 官方中文社群频道带来首次中文同步口译实况;随后完整内容则将于 E3 现场展出。

  官方透露,喜剧女演员 Aisha Tyler 今年将是第五度主持 Ubisoft E3 展前发表会,在展前发表会上,将带来即将推出新作的游戏预告片、现场实机游玩展示以及演说。 本次展前发表会将透过 Ubisoft 官方中文社群频道包括 YouTube、Twitch 与 Facebook 进行现场直播,更将提供全程中文同步口译,为台湾玩家带来最完整的 Ubisoft 游戏信息。

官方中文 YouTube 频道:https://www.youtube.com/UbisoftSEA/
官方中文 Facebook 专页:http://www.facebook.com/UbisoftSEA/
官方中文 Twitch 频道:http://www.twitch.com/UbisoftSEA/

《荣耀战魂(For Honor)》中文版

由 Ubisoft 蒙特娄工作室开发的《荣耀战魂》让玩家置身于三大派系:英勇的骑士、凶残的维京人或神秘的日本武士激战的狂暴混乱战场上。 每场战斗都可让玩家选择要化身成为哪一位独特的战士英雄,并使用他们截然不同的技能和武器为了土地、人民和荣耀而战,同时歼灭所有挡路的士兵、弓箭手和敌方英雄。


《火线猎杀:野境(Ghost Recon Wildlands)》中文版

游戏背景设定在距今几年之后,《火线猎杀:野境》将使玩家率领「魅影小队」这支美国精锐特种部队四人小组去执行一项秘密任务:铲除圣塔布兰卡(Santa Blanca)贩毒集团这个黑社会势力与日渐升温的全球威胁,透过引人入胜的非线性剧情来独自单人游玩或随时投身四人合作行动、尽情探索由 Ubisoft 所重新发想、美得惊人却又危险至极的玻利维亚。


《猎鹰翱翔 VR(Eagle Flight)》

专为虚拟现实所开发的这部作品,将让玩家化身为老鹰遨翔在巴黎的天空、体验自由飞行的快感。 玩家可在快节奏的 3 对 3 多人游戏战斗中干掉敌人,或是在单人游戏里驾驭老鹰优雅地飞越巴黎市众多著名地标来提升飞行技能。


《南方四贱客:浣熊侠联盟(South Park The Fractured but Whole)》

在《南方四贱客:真实之杖》最新续作中,以「浣熊侠联盟」最新成员的身份深入探索《南方四贱客》充满犯罪暴力的黑暗面。 在游戏中扮演「新小孩」的玩家,必须驾驭他们的超级能力来打击罪犯、并加入史上最受人敬爱的超级英雄团队。


  另外,迈入第四年的 Ubisoft Lounge 将于美国洛杉矶当地时间 6 月 14 日(二)下午 2 时开场至 6 月 15 日(三)下午 6 时结束,官方将提供超过 1,700 个名额给粉丝参与,现场不仅可以抢先体验 Ubisoft 在 E3 所展出的最新作品,还可以与 Ubisoft 开发团队成员就自己喜爱的游戏交换意见,更可参与开发者会谈讲座, 以及挑战其他粉丝来赢得奖品;在活动现场也可玩到《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》。 其中,在星期二晚上 8:30 分开始(台湾时间 6 月 15 日上午 11:30),现场更将举办「特种部队之夜」、邀请《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》、《虹彩六号:围攻行动》以及《火线猎杀:野境》的开发团队人员与现场的粉丝们一起进行 90 分钟的直播活动。

  同时,从世界各地还将有 50 位极具创意且热情奉献的粉丝将与 Ubisoft 一同全程参与今年的 E3 电玩展。 官方表示,我们将从对 Ubisoft 贡献良多的玩家社群中挑选出这些「明星玩家」。

  Ubisoft 共同创办人暨执行长 Yves Guillemot 表示:「E3 向来是个非常特别的场合,所有参展厂商无不使出浑身解数来震撼及吸引玩家。 对 Ubisoft 团队来说,这是个骄傲、紧张且充满期待的时刻,因为他们终于能展示自己投注大量热情开发出来的游戏、并能获得玩家和同业给予的意见反馈。 在过去 30 年中,游戏产业有着巨大的变化、但唯一不变的是我对开发人员及玩家们无穷热情与才干的敬爱。 电玩游戏产业依旧冲劲十足,并有性能强大的新平台引爆更丰富的创意、想象力与呈献方式。 更甚以往的是,电玩游戏已成为塑造娱乐新未来的中流砥柱。 我迫不及待地想亲临 E3 展场,瞧瞧未来娱乐的新面貌。 」


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-3 06:51 PM |只看该作者
【E3 16】任天堂将于 E3 展直播《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》与《神奇宝贝 GO》最新消息

  Pokémon 于 2 日宣布,将配合 6 月 14~16 日在美国洛杉矶举办的 E3 电玩展,在任天堂现场展出摊位进行的游戏信息直播节目「Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ E3 2016」中,介绍 N3DS 新作《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》,另外还规划了介绍智能型手机新作《神奇宝贝 GO》的特别节目。


  Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ E3 2016 直播预定于台湾时间 6 月 15 日上午 0:00 开播,打头阵的是 N3DS《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》的实机游玩介绍,紧接着是 Wii U / NX《萨尔达传说》新作全球首次的深度介绍,后续则是整天的新作游戏实机游玩介绍。 台湾时间 6 月 16 日上午 1:00 则是以《神奇宝贝 GO》的特别节目开场,将由开发人员进行现场问答解说。 为期 3 天的直播中还预定进行《魔物猎人 X》、《勇者斗恶龙 7 伊甸的战士们》、《幻影异闻录 #FE》的海外版介绍。

  相关内容将于 YouTube 及 niconico 生放送播出,详情可参考官方公布数据与活动特设网站。http://e3.nintendo.com/


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-3 07:19 PM |只看该作者
Focus Home Interactive announces E3 2016 lineup

Focus Home Interactive has announced the lineup of games it will showcase at E3 in Los Angeles from June 14 to 16.
The following titles will either be shown behind-closed doors by their developers or playable at the Focus Home Interactive booth on the E3 show floor:

Vampyr (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Official Website
This story-driven Action-RPG is developed by Dontnod, the creators of Life is Strange. Investigate the mystery of the Spanish Flu in 1918 London as a doctor and newly awakened vampire, forced to choose which citizens you must feed on to survive and improve your vampiric powers and combat skills. Every single citizen has a unique role in London’s ecosystem and each death will have dire consequences. Bound by your Hippocratic Oath will you choose power or principle?

The Surge (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Official Website
The Surge is an Action-RPG set in a near-future dystopian Earth on the verge of collapse. The Surge features a unique combat system that allows you to precisely aim your weapon strikes to hack off enemy limbs and equipment to attach to your own exoskeleton.

Farming Simulator 17 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Official Website
After seducing millions of players worldwide with its previous versions, Giants Software brings its new iteration of Farming Simulator back to the newest generation of consoles and PC. The game will offer a load of new features to be unveiled at E3 2016!

Space Hulk: Deathwing (PC) – Official Website
Bring glory to the Emperor in this new first-person shooter with tactical elements from Streum On Studios. Based on the tabletop game of the same name, the creators of E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy are bringing xeno-slaying terminator armour and the Warhammer 40,000 weaponry to Unreal Engine 4.

Styx: Shards of Darkness (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Official Website
Styx is back with a thrilling new stealth adventure full of twists and turns in the sequel to Styx: Master of Shadows. Styx creeps back in a new adventure packed with bigger production, plenty of new features and a new engine: Unreal Engine 4.

The Technomancer (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Official Website
The Technomancer is a sci-fi RPG set on Mars to be released on June 28, featuring dynamic combat and an epic story line, where your choices will affect the fate of the Red Planet. You are a Technomancer, a formidable warrior harnessing destructive electrical powers, ready to embark on a perilous journey across a planet torn apart by conflict and infested with mutant creatures.

Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom (TBA) – Official Website
The debut Action-RPG from Enigami brings you into the world of Mahera, where the power of Shi flows through each and every individual. Travel with Chado and his friends as you explore and battle your way through the Meonis Plains using fighting game mechanics like parrying, dodging, and super combos. Each character has a unique fighting mechanic and an explorative skill to solve the puzzles in Mahera’s dungeons.

Mordheim: City of the Damned (Consoles, PC) – Official Website
The video game adaptation of Games Workshop’s cult-classic tabletop game has a brand new DLC: The Witch Hunter Warband. Rogue Factor is bringing the fanatic and tenacious Holy Order to their turn-based RPG, complete with Zealots, Templar Knights, and Executioners.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-4 07:33 AM |只看该作者
Nordic Games announces E3 2016 lineup

Nordic Games has announced the lineup of games it will showcase at E3 2016 between June 14 and 16.
The following four titles will be playable at the Nordic Games booth:

ELEX (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Official Website
In this action-RPG players experience a vast, seamless game universe full of interesting characters, mutant creatures, deep moral choices and thrilling action.
  • Sci-Fi Meets Fantasy: A post-apocalyptic universe that is a stunning blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements.
  • Man vs Machine: You decide which path you take; there is no right or wrong way.
  • 100% Authentic: Handcrafted roleplaying experience by Piranha Bytes

The Guild 3 (PC) – Official Website
Players must demonstrate their skills in crafts, commerce, social occasions and finally in political intrigues as the medieval game world is constantly shifting around your own family dynasty.
  • Huge Replay-Value: AI and random global events ensure that each scenario and game look, feel and play differently.
  • Character/Dynasty Evolution: A complex tree of skills, professions, actions and bonuses waiting to be unlocked.
  • Multiplayer with up to 16 Players: Integrated Multiplayer mode that enables you to connect with other “The Guild 3” players regardless of where the game was purchased.

SpellForce 3 (PC)
SpellForce 3 is a perfect blend of RPG and RTS where players command their troops, increase the level of their hero group, equip them, assign skills to them, strengthen their armed forces and capture zones to extend their territory.
  • Real-Time Strategy/Roleplay Mix: Unique gameplay that combines RTS and top-down RPG genres.
  • Rich Universe with Plenty of Loot: Explore the world of Eo, uncover plots and secrets and collect as much booty as you can for your hero.
  • Multiplayer: Substantial multiplayer elements with different modes. Play co-op games or compete against other players.

Battle Chasers: Nightwar (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Official Website
Battle Chasers: Nightwar is an RPG inspired by the classic console greats, featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by exploration of the world.
  • Classic JRPG-Style Combat in a Tech-Infused Fantasy World: Old-school combat inspired by the console RPG greats
  • Randomly Generated Dungeons with Player Driven Difficulty: Action oriented, randomly-generated dungeons loaded with traps, puzzles and secrets
  • Craft, Barter and Prepare for the Road Ahead: Choose three heroes, fill your travel backpack, make sure you’ve chosen the best equipment and abilities for each hero… and then strike out


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-4 07:33 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-7 06:46 PM 编辑




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-7 06:44 PM |只看该作者
【E3 16】《看门狗 2》释出前导预告影片 预定 6 月 9 日零时正式揭露详情

  Ubisoft 宣布将于台湾时间 6 月 9 日凌晨 0:00 举行开发中新作《看门狗 2(Watch Dogs 2)》的全球首发揭露活动,将在《看门狗 2》中文官方网站及 YouTube Ubisoft 官方中英文频道上进行在线中文直播。 而 YouTube Ubisoft 官方频道目前也释出一段前导预告短片,替活动进行预告。

  《看门狗》是 2014 年 5 月推出、以近未来的芝加哥市为背景的开放世界动作冒险游戏,叙述重出江湖的老练黑客主角艾登‧皮尔斯为挚爱亲人复仇的经历。 本次发表的《看门狗 2》是相隔 2 年再度登场的续篇新作,目前还不清楚《看门狗 2》与前作在世界观与故事剧情上的关联,但从目前官方网站曝光的画面来看,可以确定游戏会承袭以智能型手机来骇入计算机系统的基本设定。


  有兴趣的玩家,不妨密切注意预定 6 月 9 日凌晨 0:00 播出的《看门狗 2》全球首发揭露活动中文直播,以及 6 月 14 日凌晨 4:00 E3 展 Ubisoft 展前发表会的发表与后续展出的相关报导。

中文直播报导 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZZtM9GpQxA

【E3 16】《地平线:期待黎明》释出最新宣传影片 确定 2017 年 2 月底推出

  索尼互动娱乐全球工作室(SIE WWS)旗下 Guerilla Games 团队开发、去年 E3 展首度公布的 PS4 动作角色扮演游戏《地平线:期待黎明(Horizon Zero Dawn)》,现释出最新宣传影片「亚洛伊的旅程(Aloy's Journey)」,同时确定将于 2017 年 2 月 28 日推出。

  《地平线:期待黎明》是一手打造《杀戮地带》系列的 Guerrilla Games 开发的开放世界动作角色扮演游戏,以末日浩劫后千年的世界为舞台,旧文明时代建立的辉煌都市如今都已成为被植物覆盖的废墟,整个世界被机械生物主宰,游戏中玩家将探索机器生物之所以主宰世界的谜团。

  在本次公布的宣传影片中,揭露了主角亚洛伊来自乌有之处、身为虚无之人的神秘出身背景。 自幼失怙、由受长老之命的养父一手带大的她,将在这个旧文明崩坏、人类退化回原始部落时代、由机械生物宰制的世界中,面对各式各样的威胁,追寻自己的身世,同时解开千年的谜团。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-7 06:45 PM |只看该作者
World of Final Fantasy Launches October 25, E3 2016 Trailer



World of Final Fantasy's Epic Journey Coming to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita This Fall

Welcoming a new generation of gamers, Square Enix’s World of Final Fantasy is set to release in North America for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system on October 25, 2016.

The newly released English-language trailer offers fans a fresh glimpse of the game, featuring iconic Final Fantasy monsters and adorable heroes. The trailer expands the Final Fantasy universe for a new generation of players while also providing long-time players a nostalgia-filled journey to the series’ roots.

In World of Final Fantasy, players lead a pair of twins, Reynn and Lann, through the land of Grymoire on a search to rediscover their lost memories. Throughout their adventure, players will collect, raise and battle adorable beings of classic Final Fantasy lore, including cactuar, chocobo and behemoth, to create customizable, strategic tower combinations to take on the most challenging of opponents.

Yooka-Laylee Delayed to Q1 2017, First Trailer


Yooka-Laylee Trailer & Release Update!

Playtonic Games today unveiled the E3 trailer for the highly anticipated upcoming 3D platforming adventure Yooka-Laylee and revealed it will showcase the game for the first time at E3 2016, from 14th to 16th June in Los Angeles.

Developed by Playtonic and published by Team17, Yooka-Laylee stars the charismatic new buddy duo Yooka and Laylee, who use an arsenal of special moves to explore – and expand – gorgeous 3D worlds filled with collectibles to discover, secrets to unlock and a cast of quirky characters to meet (or defeat). The game will be showcased, by appointment only, in the Concourse Hall room #8804.

Playtonic also announced today that Yooka-Laylee now has a firm release window of Q1 2017 on PC and consoles.

“We are really excited to release today the E3 trailer for Yooka-Laylee and confirm our presence in Los Angeles where we will showcase the game for the first time to the media and influencers,” said Gavin Price, Creative Director and MD of Playtonic.

“After a lot of soul searching and knowing through dialogue with our fans that they value quality and polish above all, we’ve made the difficult decision to lock the release of Yooka-Laylee to Q1 2017. While we felt confident we could ship the game in October as originally planned, the team has decided that it would like to add a few extra months’ polish to our schedule. Ultimately, this will allow us to release a better game to the thousands of fans who’ve supported us throughout development.

“We’re sure some will be disappointed by the prospect of a few extra months’ wait, however the Playtonic team is confident that we’ve made the right decision for the game and that you’ll be pleased with the results when the game arrives early next year.”

To keep up to date with all the information on Team17 and its games please visit team17.com, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-7 06:47 PM |只看该作者
Mirage: Arcane Warfare 'Behind the Banner: Blood and Gore' Video


Torn Banner Studios reveals new "Behind the Banner: Blood and Gore" trailer for Mirage: Arcane Warfare

Torn Banner Studios, creators of the popular Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Mirage: Arcane Warfare that gives a behind-the-scenes look at how the team is utilizing technology to infuse this “first-person slasher” with their trademark brutality. Featuring interviews with the Torn Banner development team, the Behind the Banner: Blood and Gore trailer reveals the bloody surprise at the core of Mirage: Arcane Warfare’s visceral appeal.

For more upcoming reveals about Mirage: Arcane Warfare, be sure to tune into the PC Gaming Show at this year’s E3 starting at 11:30 AM PDT on Monday, June 13th 2016. Steve Piggott, President of Torn Banner Studios, will appear on stage with an exclusive talk about the game, going more in depth into its deep melee combat mechanics.

Mirage: Arcane Warfare is currently slated for a 2016 release on PC through Steam.

For more information on Mirage: Arcane Warfare, or to register for the upcoming beta, please visit MirageArcaneWarfare.com. For future news and updates, like their game’s Facebook page and follow it on Twitter @MirageGame.

Saints Row Developer Announces Agents of Mayhem


Saints Row Developer Announces Agents of Mayhem – IGN First

Deep Silver Announce Agents of Mayhem from Volition, the Creators of Saints Row

Volition are back with a brand new game in their latest open-world epic - Agents of Mayhem coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in 2017.

The developers of the highly acclaimed and hugely successful Saints Row series have taken it to the next level with the creation of a new comic hero universe.

Meet the Agents of M.A.Y.H.E.M. (the Multinational Agency for Hunting Evil Masterminds) – a motley outfit of unique and diverse Super Agents recruited from around the world to thwart the destructive schemes of the evil supervillain organization L.E.G.I.O.N. (the League of Evil Gentlemen Intent on Obliterating Nations).

Featuring an original storyline, trademark over-the-top open-world gameplay, and the look-and-feel of a distinctive superhero cosmos, Agents of Mayhem is pure Volition. The title exists as a part of the Saints Row universe, sharing certain story elements, symbolism, and design inspiration with the multi-million selling franchise. Building on the skill of the AAA studio to continuously surprise, endear, and engage players, Agents of Mayhem represents the culmination of over a decade of open world experience and creativity.

In a simultaneous global assault, LEGION has taken control over the nations of the world and the only force left to stop them is MAYHEM. Led by the mysterious and no-nonsense Persephone Brimstone, MAYHEM’s elite Super Agents are called to the city of Seoul, South Korea. Led by LEGION Minister Doctor Babylon and his diabolical lieutenants, a nefarious plot is set in motion to build a world-altering device that will grant unrivaled power to the supervillain organization. In order to stop LEGION and take back the world, the Agents of Mayhem will traverse a sprawling urban battlefield from the ground to the rooftops and team up as a super-agent collective to stop LEGION at any cost.

Success is far from guaranteed and collateral damage will be substantial, but it’s all in a day’s work for the Agents…


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发表于 2016-6-7 06:47 PM |只看该作者
Persona 5 partial E3 2016 plans announced

Atlus has announced some of its plans for Persona 5 at E3 2016.

Persona 5 character designer Shigenori Soejima will appear at the Atlus booth to participate in fan Q&As and signings, as well as give a talk on the character designs in the game.

Atlus also plans to host more guests and events at its booth, with details due later this week.

If you stop by to Atlus’ booth, the company will be giving away bags featuring Persona 5 artwork and a hat featuring the game’s cat mascot, Morgana.

Each year, Atlus premieres new artwork to accompany every E3 attendee’s badge. This year’s badge is Persona 5 on both sides, pictured above.

FIFA 17 announced, uses Frostbite engine


FIFA 17 Powered by Frostbite

Electronic Arts today revealed that EA Sports FIFA 17 is powered by Frostbite. One of the industry’s leading game engines, Frostbite delivers authentic, true-to-life action, takes players to new football worlds, and introduces fans to characters full of depth and emotion. To see the full debut of FIFA 17 powered by Frostbite, fans can watch the EA PLAY livestream at 1:00pm PST on ea.com/play2016.

“Frostbite unlocks a whole new world of possibilities for the FIFA franchise and its fans,” said David Rutter, VP and Executive Producer. “We have never been as excited as we are today about the future of football and the experiences we are going to deliver in FIFA 17.”

FIFA 17 also introduced four new football ambassadors who have influenced complete innovation in the action on the pitch. James Rodriguez of Real Madrid C.F., Anthony Martial of Manchester United, Eden Hazard of Chelsea FC, and Marco Reus of Borussia Dortmund are four world-class attacking footballers who are capable of changing any game. They all worked with EA SPORTS to bring to life the gameplay innovation which will be revealed at EA Play. The ambassadors also appear in the FIFA 17 pre-order offer as loan players in FIFA 17 Ultimate Team™.

Fans who pre-order FIFA 17 Super Deluxe Edition can get up to 40 FIFA Ultimate Team Jumbo Premium Gold Packs, Team of the Week loan players, and other FUT content. Click here to read about all our available pre-order offers.


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