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E3 2016 - Inspiring the New World June 14-16,2016|Los Angeles









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 01:48 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-15 07:54 PM 编辑

Sea of Thieves E3 2016 Gameplay Reveal



Sea of Thieves Resurfaces at E3

Ushered into the daylight at E3 2015 and then bundled quickly back below decks so that work could resume with a vengeance, Sea of Thieves has had a full year to provoke speculation and anticipation. Now, with E3 2016 bearing down on us like a ship full of fellow raiders in an unscheduled steering incident, it's time for some of your rampant questions to be answered and all-new ones to be raised.

We're on stage for the big Xbox briefing and on the show floor for the first global hands-on Sea of Thieves experience. Players will be submerging themselves in the latest in a long line of gorgeous Rare game worlds, and discovering the massive variety of ways to behave – and endearingly misbehave – within it.

For everyone who couldn't make it out to the west coast for some E3 time with Sea of Thieves, there's still no shortage of spectacle to take in. We've put together two new trailers for the occasion, the first giving you a cinematic moment-in-time snapshot of some of the in-game possibilities, set to the strains of a reworked high seas classic.

Freedom to forge your own path through Sea of Thieves is paramount. Hunt for a fabled hoard, romp across undiscovered islands, rise up against rival crews, carve out lasting legends... or just crowd around a table below decks getting ruined on grog and playing musical instruments badly. All viable pirate life choices, all open to you as your crew navigates wide open seas shared with friends and foes.

Those other rough-looking sorts you pass on the tides, bawling from the crow's nest or frantically priming their cannons? They're all other players making their own spur-of-the-moment decisions. Will you spend time together sharing stories of krakens and secret coves, or send those shifty-eyed lads and lasses straight to the bottom of the sea? Every pirate's got to do it at least once. Not that we're condoning such uncouth behaviour, but it's a cutthroat world out there.

Our second E3 2016 trailer follows up on the Sea of Thieves promise with a dose of gameplay reality, bringing together our Play It First contest winners and superfans in live play sessions recorded at Rare HQ prior to E3. These are the highlights from their own seafaring stories brought to life on that day.

Sea of Thieves is locked on course to launch on Xbox One and Windows 10. More news on dates and ways to play coming soon! In the meantime, we'd love for you to check out all the great new stuff on the official website for Sea of Thieves.




“Sea of Thieves” is an immersive, shared-world adventure game filled with pirates, unexpected dangers and loot for the taking. Be the pirates you want to be, share adventures with friends and set your own rules, roles and goals in a world where every sail on the horizon is another crew of players with unknown intent.


“Sea of Thieves” is a unique co-op experience that combines the thrill of adventuring together with friends with the unpredictability of a shared landscape and its threats, both from other players and the world itself.

• Innovative co-op gameplay in a shared world – “Sea of Thieves” is designed around players working together with shared goals and rewards, where you’ll go on epic voyages in search of legendary artefacts and buried treasure, but in a world where every sail on the horizon is another crew. What flag are they flying, and what do they want?

• Be the pirates you want to be – Crew up with your friends and be the pirates you want, choosing your own roles and goals. Explore the world, take on quests, or seek out conflict. It’s your crew against the world, and how you deal with other crews is entirely up to you.

• A rich fantastical world – “Sea of Thieves” invites players into a beautiful world with a distinctive art style, ripe for exploration and with mythical creatures lurking on islands and under the inviting surface of the sea…

• An evolving experience – “Sea of Thieves” offers an experience that will evolve over time, landing in players’ hands early and growing thanks to community insights and feedback. New ways to play will be unveiled as the world expands and evolves.

State of Decay 2 Announced for Xbox One & PC
【E3 16】与其他玩家合作撑过丧尸危机! 《腐朽之都 2》影片曝光

  《腐朽之都(暂译:State of Decay》在 2013 年初次登场时,便以单人动作外加策略要素玩法吸引到了不少喜爱殭尸生存游戏的玩家,而在历经了 3 年后,微软也在 E3 展前发表会上曝光了《腐朽之都 2》,也带来了游戏宣传影片供玩家抢先看。

  不同于一代,这次的新作强调玩家单独一人将无法轻易生存,玩家除了打造自己的生存团队和据点外,也能和其他玩家合作,挑战更加艰难的困境,并透过协同合作来打造一段独特的丧尸生存故事。 《腐朽之都 2》预计于 2017 年推出,将会在 Xbox One 和 Windows 10 平台上登场。



The next installment in the critically acclaimed “State of Decay” franchise immerses you in an all-new, multiplayer zombie survival fantasy.* Build a lasting community, working with other players or solo to overcome challenges while exploring your own unique story in a world that remembers the choices you make. Coming to Xbox One and Windows 10 as an Xbox Play Anywhere game.


Play as a Community of Individuals in an Open-World Adventure

• There is no singular hero character. Play as an entire community — each survivor in the game is their own person, with a unique mix of background traits, skills, and attitudes that determine what they can do, what they want, and what they are willing to do to get it.

• Use your community’s unique array of individuals to forge a path through the game that is personal to you. Your choices shape the identity of your community, ensuring that no two stories are alike.

• Explore an open, simulated world filled with dynamic zombie and human enemies, friendly survivors to recruit into your community, and valuable resources and gear necessary to keep your people alive.

RPG Progression Systems for Individuals, Base, and Community

• Develop each survivor’s traits and skills to improve their capabilities and strengthen your community.

• Collect resources to build and fortify your base, unlocking crucial new facilities and valuable community options along the way.

• Elevate your favorite survivors to leadership roles in your community by heeding their advice and completing their goals, and unlock new community benefits and objectives that suit your leader’s ideals.

• Manage the relationships and goals of your survivors to build a strong community that has a lasting impact on the future of your world.

Four-player Co-op Multiplayer

• Play solo, or for the first time ever in the “State of Decay” franchise, with up to three of your friends.

• Invite friends to join your game, or drop into theirs. Work together as you explore the deadly post-apocalyptic environment, watching each other’s backs and sharing the rewards of your accomplishments.

• Each player maintains command of their own personal community and roster of characters.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 01:56 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-14 06:41 PM 编辑

Halo Wars 2 Launches February 21, CG Trailer




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 01:56 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-14 06:45 PM 编辑





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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 02:03 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-15 07:53 PM 编辑

【E3 16】《巫师》系列衍生游戏《昆特牌》Beta 测试招募中

  今(14)日微软于 E3 展前举行的 Xbox E3 2016 Briefing 活动中,公开了衍生自《巫师》系列中的小游戏「昆特牌(Gwent)」所独立出的同名游戏。

  《昆特牌(Gwent: The Witcher Card Game)》是衍生自《巫师》的卡牌游戏。 而在今日的展前发表会上,官方释出了首支宣传影片。

  《昆特牌》预定于 Xbox One 以及 Windows 平台发售,并于 9 月释出 Beta 版,而官方也于释出宣传影片的同时,公开了 Beta 版的测试招募网址,对于游戏有兴趣的玩家可至招募网址观看更多详细信息。


【E3 16】挑战特工的应变能力及智能! 《全境封锁》数据片动画释出

  《全境封锁》也在 E3 2016 展期间释出了不少的消息,先是在微软的展前发表会上曝光了新数据片「地下世界」的宣传影片,在「地下世界」数据片中,特工将要对抗潜藏在纽约危险又幽闭的地铁中逐渐攀升的威胁。 玩家最多可以和三名好友一同在无尽的隧道迷宫和地铁中猎捕致命的敌人。


  「袭击」— 龙之巢穴:位于地狱厨房地区,是游戏中目前最大型的袭击任务。 净化者毫无间断地用烈火对抗病毒并且造成无序与混乱,如果不加以阻止将会影响作战基地。

  地下模式:探索由地下铁、隧道和下水道所组成的随机产生地城,并且对抗致命的敌人。 玩家将面对极端的威胁与环境污染,并且深入全新的挑战,获得全新的奖励与取得强力的战利品。

在 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 与 PC 平台上,玩家也将获得以下的免费内容:
- 挑战任务:「哈德森调车场」与「皇后区隧道」将可以使用挑战模式。
- 英雄难度等级:玩家将可以在「猎隼殒落」与「净空天际」袭击任务、以及所有已经可以使用挑战模式的主线故事任务中,选择全新的英雄难度等级设定。

  而第二个新的数据片「求生」的宣传影片,也在 Ubisoft 展前发表会上释出,玩家将会闯入极为险峻的环境,除了恶劣的天气外还有许多潜在危机,挑战玩家的智能和应变能力。 「地下世界」将会在 6 月 28 于 Xbox One 平台登场,PC 以及 PS4 平台则是 8 月 2 号,「求生」数据片则是预计于 9 月推出。

  除了两部数据片的影片释出外,同时为了欢庆 Ubisoft 30 周年纪念,官方也在发表会上宣布「汤姆克兰西」系列品牌的爱好者将获得三套源自「汤姆克兰西」系列作品中的服装,包括《火线猎杀:野境》、《虹彩六号:围攻行动》以及《纵横谍海》, 玩家将可在 6 月 28 日后透过 Ubisoft Club 网站进行兑换,有兴趣的玩家可别错过了。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 06:09 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-14 06:44 PM 编辑

Gears of War 4 Coming to PC, Gameplay Demo & B-Roll Footage


Gears of War 4-branded Xbox One Elite wireless controller


Gears of War 4 E3 Demo Includes Explosive Combat and a Huge Surprise

In less than four months, a new Gears of War saga will kick off with the launch of Gears of War 4 on Oct. 11. Today, we’re thrilled to return to the Xbox E3 stage with the first look at co-op gameplay in a new section of the campaign. The demo features JD Fenix and his friends Kait and Del as they fight for survival against ferocious new enemies amidst violent wind flares that bring new dynamic gameplay as they rip through the lands of Sera and alter the battlefield.

Tip: Make sure you watch until the end.

Gears of War 4 takes place in the course of one night as JD, Kait and Del embark on a desperate mission to rescue the ones they love and discover a monstrous new threat. It’s a game that’s more intimate, but at the same time more epic and intense than any previous Gears game.

For co-op fans, we’re also excited to confirm that Horde mode is back and it’s leveled up! With new classes, skills and abilities tied to cards and more, we are confident this will be the Horde mode that everyone is dying to play with friends. Additionally, Gears of War 4 will feature cross-play on Xbox One and Windows 10 for all co-op modes (campaign, Horde and Co-op Versus), and 4K support for Windows 10. As an Xbox Play Anywhere title, you’ll receive both versions of the game with a single purchase, and be able to switch seamlessly between them through our shared progression system (enabled through cloud saves).

In addition to these features, Gears of War 4 will include split-screen and online co-op, an awesome new arsenal of customizable weapons and characters, 60 frames-per-second Versus multiplayer on dedicated servers, all-new maps and game types, deadly close-cover combat moves, stunning visuals powered by Unreal Engine 4 and more!

Our studio team of passionate Gears fans has been working for years to craft the absolute best and most feature-rich Gears game we can imagine. Today’s demo is just a glimpse of what’s in store, and we can’t wait to see to hear your feedback and cross Lancers with everyone on Xbox Live when the game launches this October.

Thanks for all your support and enthusiasm! Stay tuned to Xbox Wire and @GearsofWar for more updates throughout the week.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 06:33 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-14 06:44 PM 编辑

Tekken 7 for Consoles & PC Launches Early 2017


Bandai Namco Entertainment Takes Tekken 7 Unbridled Fighting Game Action to Xbox One, PS4 and Steam

Leading interactive entertainment media publisher and developer Bandai Namco Entertainment America today announces that Tekken 7 will be coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Steam for PCs in early 2017 for the Americas. Tekken 7 returns the storied fighting game franchise to its purest form with bone-crushing head-to-head bouts, new developments in the game’s canon storyline centered on the struggle for power amongst the members of the Mishima clan, and technical prowess that will take the eSports fighting game circuit by storm.

Tekken 7 is currently in development at Bandai Namco Entertainment’s Tokyo, Japan studio under the leadership of famed franchise director, Katsuhiro Harada. Powered by Unreal Engine 4 for the first time ever, Tekken 7 takes the graphics quality of the series to new heights; featuring highly detailed characters and dynamic environments. When it debuts on home consoles and PCs, Tekken 7 will deliver numerous modes and enhancements beyond its arcade counterpart, including an epic Story Mode that enables players to fully experience Tekken’s canon storyline. Players will also be able to play as new fighters such as Kazumi Mishima, Claudio, Josie, Shaheen, Katarina, Lucky Chloe, Gigas, and Akuma from the Street Fighter franchise amongst an impressive stable of fighters for the first-time-ever outside of arcades.

“We’re excited to bring one of the most celebrated and hardcore competitive fighting games to the Xbox One and PC gaming audiences.” said Eric Hartness, Vice President of Marketing at Bandai Namco Entertainment America. “Tekken 7 is poised to heat up the eSports scene and taking it to Xbox One and PC audiences will further expand the pool of talented competitive tournament players nationwide. With Tekken 7 we’re focused on electrifying the competitive fighting game tournament circuit with the hardest hitting Tekken game yet.”

In celebration of Tekken 7’s announcement for Xbox One, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will be free to download for a limited time for Xbox Live Gold members starting June 13, 2016 at 11:00AM PDT and ending on June 21, 2016 at 3:00AM PDT.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 06:43 PM |只看该作者
Microsoft Announces Project Scorpio


Gaming Without Boundaries: Our Vision for the Future of Xbox - Xbox Wire

A message from Phil Spencer

The next step-change for gamers and developers must deliver true 4K gaming and high-fidelity VR experiences to the console. To that end, we were happy to announce the next addition to the Xbox One family: Project Scorpio.

When it ships next year, Project Scorpio will be our most powerful console ever built, specifically to lead the industry into a future in which true 4K gaming and high-fidelity VR are the standard, not an exception.

Project Scorpio will be the first console with 6 teraflops of power, which will empower the world’s greatest game creators to fully embrace true 4K gaming without sacrificing quality, generate premier VR experiences, without sacrificing performance, and putting greater graphic fidelity in the hands of the world’s best game creators.

Best of all, Xbox One, Xbox One S and Project Scorpio will all be compatible. All Xbox One games and accessories will play on each device. It’s very important to us that no one gets left behind, which is a big part of why we view Project Scorpio as a new way of thinking about consoles and generations.

The reason that we announced Project Scorpio today is to give our developers and partners the ability to embrace its capability early, in order to start realizing their visions for the future and deliver even more great games for you.

Today marks the beginning of gaming beyond generations. It’s a future full of choice, and one in which we can all play together without boundaries.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 06:47 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-16 06:19 PM 编辑


【E3 16】你能接受真相吗? 独立游戏《We Happy Few》新展示影片释出

  《We Happy Few》是一款由 Compulsion Games 所打造的独立游戏,玩家将踏入一个英伦 1964 年风格的世界,在一个运用药物所打造的虚假社会里生存,并设法逃离充满药物控制的环境。 该作在去年于 Kickstarter 上展开募资,也释出了初期开发版本供玩家体验,今年则是登上微软的展前发表会,释出了新的游戏展示影片,让玩家更加理解游戏世界的惊悚环境。

  从新的影片可看出,市民都是靠着服用药剂来保持社会所要求的「正常」状态,但只要停止服药,便会发现整个社会其实是个极为惊悚的骗局。 除了带来新的游戏展示影片外,开发团队也宣告《We Happy Few》将会于 7 月 26 号以付费测试的方式登上 Steam 平台,让玩家抢先体验该惊悚动作游戏的内容。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 07:57 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-15 07:07 AM |只看该作者
【E3 16】《食人巨鹰 TRICO》释出新一波展示影片 游戏预定将于 10 月问世

  SIE 于今日的 E3 发表会上,公开了《食人巨鹰 TRICO(The Last Guardian)》新一波展示影片,并且正式确定了游戏的发售日期。

  《食人巨鹰 TRICO》是一手打造《迷雾古城》、《汪达与巨像》等独特风格游戏而广受全球好评的游戏创作者上田文人领军制作的第 3 款作品,类型是与前两作相同的动作冒险。 游戏中玩家将扮演被神秘势力绑架到古老遗迹的小男孩,在遗迹中他遇到了神秘的巨大生物 TRICO(游戏中小男孩呼喊 TRICO 的发音近似 “土里库”),一人一兽将合作闯荡遗迹对抗敌人。

  在今日的发表会上,也正式确定了游戏将于 2016 年 10 月 25 日发售的消息。 日文版已公布售价为 6,900 日圆(不含税),并于即日起开放实体与数字预购。



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