标题: 【PS4/PS3/PSV】受赞颂者 两人之白皇 [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-28 06:40 PM
标题: 【PS4/PS3/PSV】受赞颂者 两人之白皇
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-28 06:41 PM 编辑

《受赞颂者》系列最终章《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》公开概念网站和电视广告影片

  由 AQUAPLUS 所制作、并预计在 2016 年 9 月 21 日所推出的《受赞颂者》系列的最新作《受赞颂者 两人之白皇》,就在本 ( 26 ) 日电视动画《受赞颂者 虚伪的假面》播完最后一话后公开了游戏的概念网站,并释出了主视觉图和两支的电视广告影片。

  游戏方面,这次的游戏平台依然为PlayStation 4、PlayStation 3 和PlayStation Vita 等三平台。 价格方面,一般版为 6,800 日圆、下载版为 6,000 日圆、附有「特制外盒」、「设定文件夹」、「迷你原声带」和「特制插绘屏风」等内容物的豪华版为 9,800 日圆(以上价格均未含税)。

《受赞颂者 两人之白皇》发售告知第一弹 TVCM

《受赞颂者 两人之白皇》发售告知第二弹 TVCM


游戏名称:《受赞颂者 两人之白皇》
发售日: 2016 年 9 月 21 日
售价:豪华版 9,800日圆/一般版 6,800日圆/下载版 6,000日圆(以上价格均未含税)
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-2 07:27 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-14 07:13 PM
《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》物语角色舞台等介绍

  于2015年11月28、29日举办的粉丝感谢祭“大AQUAPLUS祭”上发表的《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》新情报终于公开,本作紧接前作开始,描写了决意作为亲友奥修特尔而活的哈克的活跃,以及同伙伴的交流。游戏将登陆PS4/PS3/PSV平台,预定于2016年9月21日发售。







新角色 弗米璐璐(フミルィル/CV:儀武ゆう子):图斯库尔国出身有着温和性格的女性,久远的侧侍、理解者同时像是姐姐一般的存在。其极具魅力的容貌还引发过什么问题。




  -脚本师还想写图斯库尔婆婆年轻时活跃的样子,也就是“传颂之物 Zero”这样的构想。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-15 06:44 PM
三部曲最终作《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》公开故事大纲和登场角色等情报

  AQUAPLUS 在本 ( 14 )日,公开了预计在 2016 年 9 月 21 日所推出的《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / PlayStation Vita)的最新情报。 通常版的价格为 6,800 日圆、下载版为 6,000日圆。 附有设定数据集、迷你原声带CD、特制插绘屏风以及特制绘制外盒等内容物的「豪华版」为 9,800 日圆(以上价格均未含税)。



  本作是曾在 2015 年11 月所举办的「大AQUAPLUS祭」活动中,以「受赞颂者」三部曲中最终作的名义来对外发表。 在这次的报导中,也将介绍玩家们所在意的故事大纲、发表活动中所公开的新角色「芙米璐露(暂译,フミルィル)」(CV:仪武ゆう子。 相关报导)以及登场角色等相关情报。 先前所公开的第三支的电视广告也是不容错过。


《受赞颂者 虚伪的假面》发售告知 第三弹TVCM

《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》游戏官网


■ 商品情报

游戏名称:受赞颂者 两人的白皇
发售日: 2016 年 9 月 21 日
对应平台:PlayStation 4/PlayStation 3/PlayStation Vita
售价:豪华版 9,800 日圆+消费税
通常版 6,800 日圆+消费税
下载版 6,000 日圆+消费税




■ 豪华版 豪华4大特典

○ 全新绘制特制外盒

○《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》设定数据集

○《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》迷你原声带CD

○《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》特制插绘屏风

■ 故事大纲

「… 公主殿下... 就拜托你了... 聂可涅... 妳要幸福喔...」



■ 人物

○ 奥修托尔(哈库)



○ 芙米璐露


出身托斯克鲁。 是个性格稳重、拥有美貌外表的女性。

○ 聂可涅


○ 璐璐缇叶

是边境之国 九重里的国王「奥杰」的女儿。

○ 阿图依

是海洋国 夏霍洛的国王「索洋凯库尔」的爱女。
她所养的宠物 克菈琳总是坐在她的头上。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-1 06:21 PM
《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》公开豪华版特典图与继承要素等情报!

  AQUAPLUS 就在本 ( 30 ) 日,公开了预计在 2016 年 9 月 21 日所推出的《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / PlayStation Vita)豪华版里头所同捆的特典相关图案。
豪华版的特典有全新绘制的特制收藏盒、设定数据集、迷你原声带和特制压克力板等四样。 不管是哪一样,都可说是不容错过的至上美品呢。

  此外,像是于前作中《受赞颂者 虚伪的假面》(PS4 / PS3 / PS Vita)里所登场的角色杏树(CV:赤﨑千夏),这次也将亲自参战并可直接操控、藉由特定角色们的搭配所使出来的合体技「协击必杀技」与继承前作记录档等相关情报也一并公开,大家赶紧来看下面的报导吧。

《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》
PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / PlayStation Vita



豪华版 PS4版的展开图与全新绘制的特制收藏盒




PS Vita版















赋予敌人的伤害量除了比平常更多外,也会有专属的 cut in 画面。
虽然这次所公开的搭配为「鵟」与「扇」,但也是会有其他各种不同的搭配。 其中



■继承来自《受赞颂者 虚伪的假面》的记录档

本作将可继承保存在主机里有关前作《受赞颂者 虚伪的假面》的记录档、或者是
藉由 Cross-Save 的功能所保存的前作的记录档,这么一来便可在继承一部分的
装备品的状态下来游玩游戏。 所继承的装备品,各种类的数量都只有一个而已。

※也可以藉由 Cross-Save 的功能,在其他主机平台上来继承游戏的记录档。


※下方各特典数量最多为 1 个。

需要一名等级达 50 的角色。

需要一名 BP 达 MAX 的角色。
※BP 无须去刻意分配完。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-6 07:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-8 07:31 AM 编辑

《受赞颂者》最终章《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》宣传影片公开

  AQUAPLUS 在昨(6)日,公开了预计在 2016 年 9 月 21 日所推出的《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / PlayStation Vita)的宣传影片。

  在这次所公开长达三分钟的影片中,可以看到如故事大纲、新系统「协击必杀技」(相关报导)、作为战斗单位可使用的杏树、动画与实际的游戏画面等。 可说是一支能让粉丝们看了之后也跟着兴奋起来的影片。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-8-4 06:49 PM
《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》伙伴角色及系统介绍

  PS4/PS3/PSV平台游戏《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》本周公开新情报,这次介绍了将成为伙伴的新角色与游戏系统相关内容。游戏预定于2016年9月21日发售。









  连击段数增加,最终单位将可习得固有强力必杀技,在气力全开状态下可以让连击成功到最终段就会发动带有角色CUT IN的必杀技,发动后气力全开状态结束,但效果极大。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-8-25 06:22 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-26 07:15 AM 编辑

《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》公开游戏片头影片 由 Suara 演唱主题曲「星灯」

  AQUAPLUS 就在本 ( 25 ) 日,公开了预计在 2016 年 9 月 21 日所推出的《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / PlayStation Vita)游戏的片头影片。 在影片里头的歌曲正是这次游戏的主题曲「星灯」,主唱依然是由 Suara 来担任。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-15 07:30 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-9 03:56 PM
Utawarerumono remake teaser trailer, first details and screenshots

Aquaplus has released the teaser trailer and opened the official Japanese website for its newly announced remake of the original Utawarerumono, Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriuta, providing the first official information about the visual novel and RPG hybrid.

Get the details below.

■ About

The starting point is now, to a new beginning.

The starting point of the Utawarerumono series, and the first title before leading into Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth, Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriuta has been significantly enhanced for its appearance on PlayStation 4 and PS Vita.

The maps, characters, etc. during the simulation parts have been completely changed from 2D to 3D. Consecutive attacks, special moves, and cooperative attack scenes have all been upgraded and changed to the same systems used in Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth, making gameplay more comfortable. Event scenes have also been upgraded.

Event CGs, bust shots, etc. have all been made high-resolution and refined. 2D backgrounds have all been newly drawn, and the opening movie has also been made high-resolution.

All of the original background music has been rearranged. The opening theme, “Kimi dake no Tabiji,” and ending theme, “Kimigatame,” have been rearranged for this remake, and songs have also been newly recorded. A “Special Extended Mode,” which chooses and uses the best background music from the Utawarerumono series, has also been added to liven up the drama with new interpretations.

■ Story

A certain world, a certain continent. There were various races, which had ears and tails like beasts. They built villages, lived a simple life, and eventually even formed a country.

Yamayura, a village on the northeast frontier of the continent. A dying young man was brought in by a girl named Eruruu. Although he suffered serious injuries, she nursed him back to health, but he had lost all memory about himself.

The young man was named Hakuoro. His wounds healed and grew accustomed to living in the village. While bearing the burden that is the mystery of himself, Hakuoro lent a hand to the village’s development.

Everyone in the village soon comes to rely on Hakuoro, who has a naturally calm and dilligent personality. Harvest season eventually arrives. The villagers’ efforts bore fruit and their harvest was unexpectedly abundant. However, the gossip reached the ears of the feudal lord. In order to seize them of their harvest, he sends his troops to Yamayura.

And the matter of the frontier itself became the catalyst to a war that will shake the world…

■ Characters

Hakuoro (voiced by Rikiya Koyama)

A young man who suffered a serious injury and collapsed on the road. He was saved by a girl named Eruruu and was nursed to health in the village of Yamayura. He has a calm demeanor, is intelligent, and is hard on himself. He wears a mask that he never removes, but since he lost his memories, the details are unknown. After his recovery, he is given the name “Hakuoro” and lends his assistance to the village’s development. And his doing so will significantly change the world.

Eruruu (voiced by Ryouka Yuzuki)

A girl who saved the fallen protagonist and brought him back to the village of Yamayura. She has beast-like ears and a tail. A doctor in the making, she is good at taking care of others and doing household chores. She has a kind and cheerful personality, and is loved by the villagers, but is flawed only in that she can get jealous. She cherishes her little sister Aruruu.

Aruruu (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro)

Eruruu’s little sister. Unlike her older sister, she is shy and quiet. She seems blunt at first glance, but has a childlike cuteness about her. She establishes emotional bonds with animals.

Yuzuha (voiced by Mai Nakahara)

Oboro’s younger sister. She was born with a weak constitution and has not been able to see since childhood. She was raised with the support of those around her, but because of her older brother’s extremely excessive care, she is unfamiliar with the ways of the world. She is a pure, innocent, and kind girl.

Oboro (voiced by Daisuke Kirii)

A young man and chivalrous thief. He is straightforward at his core, and has a heated and violent personality. He dotes on his little sister Yuzuha and is hostile to anyone that gets near her.

■ Product

Standard Edition

Retail – 6,800 yen
Download – 6,000 yen

Premium Edition (9,800 yen)

• A copy of Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriuta
• Special-illustrated packaging – Wonderful packaging with a design illustrated specifically for the Premium Edition.
• Original anime Blu-ray disc “Splendid Days of the Tuskuru Imperial Princess” – A Blu-ray disc of an original animation that depicts Kuon’s childhood. It is produced by WhiteFox, the same studio that produced the Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception anime. The cast is as follows: • Kuon (Risa Taneda), Eruruu (Ryouka Yuzuki), Aruruu (Miyuki Sawashiro), Oboro (Daisuke Kirii), Kamyu (Rie Kugimiya), and Dori and Gura (Akeno Watanabe).
• Original SOundtrack – A music CD composed of tracks from the game, including the full versions of the opening and ending themes.
• Visual Book – A collection of illustrations and the like including full portraits of each character newly drawn for the remake.

Trilogy Box (12,000 yen)

• A copy of Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriuta
• A copy of Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
• A copy of Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
• Original anime Blu-ray disc “Splendid Days of the Tuskuru Imperial Princess” – A Blu-ray disc of an original animation that depicts Kuon’s childhood. It is produced by WhiteFox, the same studio that produced the Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception anime. The cast is as follows: • Kuon (Risa Taneda), Eruruu (Ryouka Yuzuki), Aruruu (Miyuki Sawashiro), Oboro (Daisuke Kirii), Kamyu (Rie Kugimiya), and Dori and Gura (Akeno Watanabe).
• Original Soundtrack – A music CD composed of tracks from the game, including the full versions of the opening and ending themes.
• Visual Book – A collection of illustrations and the like including full portraits of each character newly drawn for the remake.

Aquaplus Limited Box (Aquaplus Online Shop-exclusive) (29,800 yen)

• Everything in the Premium Edition
• Special-make folding fan set made by a long-standing folding fan shop in Kyoto (design by • Tatsuki Amazuyu, handwriting by Rikiya Koyama) – Includes folding fans with special illustrations, a folding fan stand, and a special-make storage case.
• Ryouka Yuzuki-signed autograph card (actually signed by the person, not mass produced)
• Special-illustrated B2 cloth tapestry
• An original B2 cloth tapestry
• Mukkuru plush key holder
• Original teacup
• Special-make hand towel

Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriuta is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on April 26, 2018 in Japan.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-9 03:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-9 07:01 PM 编辑

《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》宣传视频与详细情报

  AQUAPLUS预定于2018年4月26日发售的《传颂之物》初代的PS2重制版的现时代主机重制版《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》公开了详细情报与首个宣传视频。





• 游戏本身
• 特制包装盒
• 原创动画BD“图斯库尔皇女华丽的每日”,描写久远小时候故事的原创动画,由制作过TV动画版《传颂之物》的WHITE FOX负责。
• 《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》OST
• 《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》艺术图册
• 限定版全部内容
• 特制扇子一套(插图:甘露树、文字:小山力也),含扇子、支架、收纳盒。
• 柚木凉香签名纸板。
• B2挂画两种
• 穆库鲁玩偶挂饰
• 原创茶杯
• 特制手巾
• 《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》游戏
• 《传颂之物 虚伪假面》游戏
• 《传颂之物 二人白皇》游戏
• (仅实体版有)《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》限定版特典(含动画BD、OST以及艺术图册)

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-26 01:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-26 04:14 PM 编辑

Utawarerumono remake debut trailer; Kamyu, Urutorii, Karura, and Touka character details
《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》首部新宣传片公开

  AQUAPLUS预定于2018年4月26日发售的《传颂之物》初代的PS2重制版的现时代主机重制版《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》公开了最新宣传片。





• 游戏本身
• 特制包装盒
• 原创动画BD“图斯库尔皇女华丽的每日”,描写久远小时候故事的原创动画,由制作过TV动画版《传颂之物》的WHITE FOX负责。
• 《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》OST
• 《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》艺术图册
• 限定版全部内容
• 特制扇子一套(插图:甘露树、文字:小山力也),含扇子、支架、收纳盒。
• 柚木凉香签名纸板。
• B2挂画两种
• 穆库鲁玩偶挂饰
• 原创茶杯
• 特制手巾
• 《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》游戏
• 《传颂之物 虚伪假面》游戏
• 《传颂之物 二人白皇》游戏
• (仅实体版有)《传颂之物 致逝者的摇篮曲》限定版特典(含动画BD、OST以及艺术图册)

Aquaplus has released the first full-length trailer for Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriuta, as well as details on characters Kamyu, Urutorii, Karura, and Touka.

Get the details below.

Kamyu (voiced by Rie Kugimiya)

The second princess in the line of succession of Onkamiyamukai, the religious country. She has black wings on her back, and tends to attract awe from the people with her sister Urutorii. She is a sociable girl who can befriend anyone.

Urutorii (voiced by Sayaka Ohara)

The crown princess of Onkamiyamukai, the religious country. Unlike her younger sister Kamyu, she has white wings on her back. She is graceful and kind-hearted, and is admired as a maiden among maidens. She worries about Kamyu, who tends to get lonely in her position.

Karura (voiced by Atsuko Tanaka)

A Giriyagina woman who excels in combat. She wields her heavy sword with ease with her superhuman strength. She has an aloof personality, and while a woman of taste, has a bad habit of teasing the serious-minded.

Touka (voiced by Kaya Miyake)

An Evenkuruga warrior who respects justice. As a mercenary, she travels from place to place. She is skilled in the martial arts, and has a tendency to be overly serious.

Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriuta is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on April 26, 2018 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-27 01:44 PM
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/158390.html

  SEGA 今(27)日在 2018 台北国际电玩展举办的合作厂商舞台活动中,宣布来自日本一 Software、Marvelous、AQUA STYLE、AQUAPLUS 等合作厂商的多款新作都将推出中文版。


在今天上午的舞台活动中,SEGA Games 日本亚洲事业部事业部长野本章亲自引介合作厂商伙伴上台,发表今后预定在亚洲展开的计划,确认多款日本新作游戏都将推出中文版,包括:

日本一 Software
《project Nightmare》(未定)


《闪乱神乐 Burst Re:Newal》(PS4,2018 年 5 月 17 日)
《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》(PS4 / PS Vita,预定 2018 年)



《东方计划 不可思议的幻想乡 TOD -RELOADED-》(PS4,预定 2018 年)


《受赞颂者 给逝者的摇篮曲》(PS4,预定 2018 年)
《受赞颂者 虚伪的假面》(PS4,未定)
《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》(PS4,未定)



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-27 03:46 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-27 06:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-27 07:01 PM 编辑

Action game Utawarerumono Zan announced for PS4
《传颂之物 》系列公布动作游戏新作将于年内登陆PS4

  AQUAPLUS在新一期的《周刊Fami通》透露称将推出《传颂之物》系列的全新作品《传颂之物 斩》,类型为动作游戏,预定于2018年内登陆 PS4 平台。

  《传颂之物 斩》将包含完整主线剧情,久远、哈克、猫音、扇确认将登陆本作,并包含前两作“虚伪的假面”“二人的白皇”中的角色(初代“致逝者的摇篮”的角色也或将登场)。

  本作的主题曲仍由演唱《梦想歌》的 Suara 担任,游戏内角色为等身 3D 建模,期待官方后续情报更新。

The latest issues of Weekly Famitsu reveals action game Utawarerumono Zan for PlayStation 4. It will launch in Japan in 2018.

The first in a series of new Utawarerumono projects, Utawarerumono Zan will have a story mode with a main theme song sung by Japanese singer Suara, and use non-chibi character models.

Currently confirmed characters include Kuon, Haku, Nekone, and Ougi.

Here are some additional details:

The interview also has some tidbits on Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono he no Komoriuta. If you have the “Sasara” and “Tamaki” downloadable content from Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception, you can use them in the game. There are also plans to release downloadable content for characters that can be used in both Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-30 12:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-30 04:48 PM 编辑

Utawarerumono Zan first screenshot, teaser website opened
「受赞颂者」系列最新作《受赞颂者 斩》发表,概念网站与撷图公开

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=3937126

  AQUAPLUS 就在本日(2018 年 3 月 29 日)发表了《受赞颂者 斩》,并公开概念网站。

  预计在 2018 年 4 月 26 日于 PS4/PS Vita 平台上所推出的「受赞颂者」系列第一作的重制版《受赞颂者 给逝者的摇篮曲》。 在会认为是同系列的最新作的本作的概念网站上,可以看到作品名与对应平台是 PlayStation 4 的标识。

 搭配这项发表,也释出了一张于《受赞颂者 虚伪的假面(PS4 / PS3 / PS Vita),《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》(PS4 / PS3 / PS Vita)中所登场的久远的游戏撷图,游戏详细内容仍不明。 有关游戏的最新消息,就有待官方的后续报导。

Aquaplus has launched the released the first screenshot and opened the teaser website for Utawarerumono Zan, its newly announced action game entry in the Utawarerumono series.

Utawarerumono Zan will be released for PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2018.http://aquaplus.jp/uta/zan/

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-15 04:34 PM
「受赞颂者」系列最新作《受赞颂者 斩》特别宣传片将于 5 月 18 日凌晨公布

  AQUAPLUS 在今日社长下川直哉在其推特宣布《受赞颂者 斩》特别 PV 将于 5 月 18 日凌晨公布。

  《受赞颂者 斩》作为该系列的最新作品暂未公布发售日期,本次宣布将放出的PV或许将会公布这款游戏的大量情报以及发售时间。

  预计在 2018 年 4 月 26 日于 PS4/PS Vita 平台上所推出的「受赞颂者」系列第一作的重制版《受赞颂者 给逝者的摇篮曲》。 在会认为是同系列的最新作的本作的概念网站上,可以看到作品名与对应平台是 PlayStation 4 的标识。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-18 06:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-18 08:23 PM 编辑

Utawarerumono Zan launches September 27 in Japan
PS4《受赞颂者 斩》释出特报影片 宣布将于 9 月 27 日发售

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/162763.html)

  推出「受赞颂者」系列的 AQUAPLUS,在前阵子释出于 PlayStation 4 平台上推出的系列最新作《受赞颂者 斩》的消息(报导)。 官方在 18 日正式告知游戏的发售日期为 2018 年 9 月 27 日,并释出游戏的特报影片。

  从这次所公开的特报影片中可以看到游戏画面、发售日期等相关情报。 这次游戏类型为连击动作。 价格方面,附有原声带、特制视觉书和特制压克力角色立牌等特典内容的豪华版为 10,800 日圆、一般版为 6,800 日圆、数字下载版为 6,000 日圆(上述价格均未含税)。

游戏名称:受赞颂者 斩
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2018 年 9 月 27 日
  豪华版 10,800 日圆(未税)
  一般版 6,800 日圆(未税)
  数字下载版 6,000 日圆(未税)


Utawarerumono Zan will launch for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan, publisher Aquaplus announced. Pre-orders will open on May 18.

The release date announcement came alongside the release of a special trailer featuring the first gameplay footage of the Utawarerumono action game and confirming Tamsoft (Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online, Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, etc.) as the developer.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-22 07:42 PM
Utawarerumono Zan adds Haku, Kuon, Ukon, Nekone, Ougi, and Nosuri

The first round of playable characters in Utawarerumono Zan, the upcoming Utawarerumono action game developed by Tamsoft, are Haku, Kuon, Ukon, Nekone, Ougi, and Nosuri, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals.

Mozunu, Boro-Gigiri, and so on will appear as dedicated cut-ins at the ends of stages.

Utawarerumono Zan is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.

Utawarerumono Zan is also featured in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu, which has gone up with an online preview of its coverage. Here is a look at the scan:

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-24 03:31 PM
PS4《受赞颂者 斩》公开6名可操作角色详情

  推出「受赞颂者」系列的 AQUAPLUS,在前阵子释出于 PlayStation 4 平台上推出的系列最新作《受赞颂者 斩》今日电击杂志公开了最新情报,详细展示了哈克、久远、右近、猫音、扇以及诺斯莉的战斗风格及画面。
















本作将还原《受赞颂者 虚伪的假面》及《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》的关卡场景



  本次的《受赞颂者 斩》是由AQUAPLUS与曾开发过《闪乱神乐》及《银魂乱舞》的TAMSOFT共同开发,游戏预计于2018年9月27日登陆于PS4平台,普通版售价为7800日元+税,下载版7000日元+税,豪华版10800日元+税。其中豪华版将附送特制角色塑料板、画册和原声CD。

游戏名称:受赞颂者 斩
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2018 年 9 月 27 日
  豪华版 10,800 日圆(未税)
  一般版 6,800 日圆(未税)
  数字下载版 6,000 日圆(未税)
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-25 02:04 PM
Utawarerumono Zan details Haku, Kuon, Nekone, Ougi, Nosuri, and Ukon

Aquaplus has released the first screenshots and opened the official Japanese website for Utawarerumono Zan, its upcoming action game entry in the traditionally visual novel / strategy RPG series developed by Tamsoft, providing information on the first six confirmed playable characters.

Get the details below.

■ Screenshots

■ Characters

Haku (voiced by Keiji Fujiwara)

The protagonist. Kuon saved him when he collapsed, and gave him his name. His memories are gone for the most part, and he is unsure about what kind of person he is. He is a young man who is neither diligent or serious. He is quick-witted and incredibly insightful, however lacks physical strength and fears he would be as good as dead if he was abandoned by Kuon.

Kuon (voiced by Risa Taneda)

The beautiful and spirited young girl who saved the protagonist and named him “Haku.” She has the ears and tail of a bewitchingly fine beast. She is lively and clever, but somewhat aloof. She acts as a medic and though she is young, she is confident in her skills. She has left her home town and appears to be on her own personal journey.

Nekone (voiced by Inori Minase)

Ukon’s younger sister. Her features still have an immature charm, and though she is intelligent, she overdoes it speaking in honorifics. She is a talented girl, the youngest ever to pass the difficult court exam. Her favorite food is sweet pastries and her hobby is researching ancient matters. She is a fairly older brother-ish girl.

Ougi (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai)

Nosuri’s younger brother and his older sister’s supporter. He is still young, but he has a polite demeanor and the looks of someone sharp and able.

Nosuri (voiced by Nozomi Yamamoto)

A chivalrous thief who heads a crew named after herself. She is an exuberant, straightforward girl with an orderly appearance and abundant chest you would never imagine of an enemy. Her younger brother Ougi is constantly by her side.

Ukon (voiced by Kentarou Tone)

A heroic man that Haku and Kuon become acquainted with at an inn. He is a hearty man with large stature and ample beard, accompanied by subordinate young men. It appears they have come along as guards transporting a tribute to the capital.

Utawarerumono Zan is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-25 02:05 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-26 05:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-26 06:49 PM 编辑

Utawarerumono Zan adds Rulutieh & Kokopo, Jachdwalt
《受赞颂者 斩》露露缇耶等人参战 游戏可在线4人联机合作

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201806/0586919556.html

  PS4新作《传颂之物 斩》在本周电击PS杂志中公布露露缇耶&可可啵、以及雅克托瓦尔特将会参战。

  本作目前预定于 9 月 27 日发售,根据文字速报消息,游戏在系统方面玩家可编成最大4人的队伍出击,在战斗中能够切替使用角色,而可用角色会随游戏进程增加。另外本作支持最大4人的在线合作游玩,玩家间可以通过表情图标交流。最后,由白组制作的OP动画会在 6 月 28 日公开。

  本次的《受赞颂者 斩》是由AQUAPLUS与曾开发过《闪乱神乐》及《银魂乱舞》的TAMSOFT共同开发,游戏预计于2018年9月27日登陆于PS4平台,普通版售价为7800日元+税,下载版7000日元+税,豪华版10800日元+税。其中豪华版将附送特制角色塑料板、画册和原声CD。

Rulutieh & Kokopo and Jachdwalt will be playable in Utawarerumono Zan, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals.

It should be noted that Rulutieh & Kokopo (pictured in Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception) are a single character. With today’s confirmations, eight playable characters have been revealed so far. The other six characters were previously detailed.

The magazine also reveals a few details about gameplay. Players can form a party of up to four characters (excluding some stages) and switch between the controlled character. As you progress through the game, the amount of characters you can play as will increase. The game also supports online co-op play with up to four players. Stamps can be used to communicate with other players.

An opening movie featuring various characters and produced by animation house Shirogumi will be released on June 28.

Utawarerumono Zan is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-28 11:11 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-28 05:09 PM 编辑


《受赞颂者 斩》露露缇耶等详细情报
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201806/5389419584.html

  PS4新作《传颂之物 斩》今日公开了新情报,露露缇耶、亚库托瓦尔特参战,并公开了部分游戏玩法、OP及限定版特典。













· 游戏本体
· 限定盒绘
· 原声集
· 设定集
· 人气角色的亚克力立牌
· 久远的新衣装


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-28 06:40 PM
Utawarerumono Zan opening movie; systems, Rulutieh, and Jachdwalt detailed

Aquaplus has updated the official Japanese website for Utawarerumono Zan with the game’s opening movie, as well as new information and screenshots of the game’s systems and recently announced playable characters Rulutieh and Jackdwalt.

Get the details below.

■ System

Game Flow

In Utawarerumono Zan, the story progresses as you clear stages.

Playable Characters

As you progress through the game, the amount of characters you can play as will increase. You can form a party of up to four characters to take into battle. During battle, the characters not controlled by the player will fight on their own. You can also switch between characters.

(Depending on the stage, there may be restrictions on the amount of characters you can have in your party.)

Co-Op Play

Using the Internet, up to four players can play cooperatively online. (A PlayStation Plus membership is required.)

—Room Creation

• The host creates the room.
• Choose from a preset room name and set a password (optional).
• After choosing a stage, wait for the other players joining your room, then prepare to head into battle.
• If there are less than four players, an NPC may take the place of one of the four party members.

—Room Participation

• Guests join the room created by the host.
• Guests can search for rooms by inputting level difference or room name / password.
• Upon entering the room, guests will head into battle after the other players’ preparations are complete.


Stamps are a communication system used exclusively for online multiplayer that you can use at any time. By swiping up, down, left, or right on the touchpad, you can send out a stamp above the playable character’s head. There are various stamps for each character.

■ Characters

Rulutieh (voiced by Ai Kakuma)

The youngest princess of Kujyuri, a vassal state of the great empire of Yamato. A lovely noble girl, she is seemingly delicate. In order to deliver a tribute to the Mikado, she will head to the Imperial capital as a messenger. She has a pet hororon bird named Cocopo.

Jachdwalt (voiced by Takuya Eguchi)

A man widely renown as a master swordsman. His use of the long sword, which is so lightning-quick that it leaves an afterimage of each stroke, has earned him the nickname “Shimmering Jachdwalt.” Jachdwalt serves no master and wanders from country to country utilizing his skills with the sword.

Utawarerumono Zan is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-24 06:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-24 06:37 PM 编辑

Utawarerumono Zan adds Atuy and Uruuru & Saraana
《受赞颂者 斩》阿图依/乌露露/萨拉娜三名角色确定参战

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201807/2456420046.html

  根据本周Fami通杂志预览情报,PS4新作《受赞颂者 斩》中阿图依、乌露露、萨拉娜三名角色确定登场参战。本作将是一款3D动作类的游戏,目前预定于 9 月 27 日发售。了这三名角色外,这期杂志还会介绍有关战斗系统的新情报。

  本次的《受赞颂者 斩》是由AQUAPLUS与曾开发过《闪乱神乐》及《银魂乱舞》的TAMSOFT共同开发,游戏预计于2018年9月27日登陆于PS4平台,普通版售价为7800日元+税,下载版7000日元+税,豪华版10800日元+税。其中豪华版将附送特制角色塑料板、画册和原声CD。

Atuy and Uruuru & Saraana will be playable in the upcoming Utawarerumono action game Utawarerumono Zan, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.

Atuy is a romantic whose personality completely changes on the battlefield, while Uruuru & Saraana are twin girls who follow around Haku.

Utawarerumono Zan is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-26 04:04 PM
《受赞颂者 斩》战斗系统进一步公开 特殊技/人物特性等
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201807/8341720084.html

  根据本周Fami通杂志预览情报,PS4新作《受赞颂者 斩》公开了三名新参战人物——阿图依、乌露露/萨拉娜,其中双子巫女乌露露/萨拉娜是作为一个战斗单位出现。另外本次还公开了副目标、通常技、特殊技、连击、人物特性、阵等新战斗系统情报。






· 副目标:战斗任务中除了主目标外,也存在有副目标即战场中的支线任务目标,完成后会追加额外经验值及道具。
· 通常技:即普通的连续攻击技,可以以此积攒“气力”槽。
· 特殊技:即通常技的组合派生技能,可参考无双。
· 人物特性:与《传颂之物》本篇相同,每个角色都有自己的特色被动技能,比如图片中哈克,技能效果是减轻10%的伤害。
· 连击:完成特定任务后即可发动,消耗“气力”可强化攻击范围及能力。
· 阵:装备后可提升全体己方部队能力。

  另外本作中的剧情模式并不是像之前一样是由立绘图片演出,而是采用了3D建模。《受赞颂者 斩》将于2018年9月27日发售在PS4平台。

  本次的《受赞颂者 斩》是由AQUAPLUS与曾开发过《闪乱神乐》及《银魂乱舞》的TAMSOFT共同开发,游戏预计于2018年9月27日登陆于PS4平台,普通版售价为7800日元+税,下载版7000日元+税,豪华版10800日元+税。其中豪华版将附送特制角色塑料板、画册和原声CD。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-26 08:54 PM
Utawarerumono Zan details more systems, Atuy and Uruuru & Saraana

Aquaplus has updated the official Japanese website for Utawarerumono Zan with information and screenshots of various systems and newly confirmed playable characters Atuy and Uruuru & Saraana.

■ System


When you start a mission, your “main objective” will be displayed. In situations where there are multiple main objectives, your next objective will be displayed once you clear the one before it. By clearing every main objective, you will complete the mission. Missions also have “side objectives” that you can clear to get additional experience points and items.


Main Objectives
Gather Four Medical Herbs! – A collection-based objective. Clear this objective by finding four medical herbs on the map.
Defeat One Uzurusha Chiliarch! – A combat-based objective. Clear this objective by defeating one of the Uzurusha Chiliarchs on the map.
Side Objectives
Defeat 30 Gigiri! – A combat-based objective. Clear this objective by defeating 30 of the Gigiri on the map.
Defeat 10 Iara Orke! – A combat-based objective. Clear this objective by defeating 10 of the Iara Orke on the map.

Unit Traits

“Unit Traits” are the unique special effects possessed by each unit. There are passive effects that are always active during missions, as well as effects that are only activated under specific conditions. By raising your stats, you can strengthen the effects of traits.


Haku’s Unit Trait – With Haku’s “Lord of Truth” Unit Trait, the amount of damage he takes is lessened. By leveling up his trait level, his damage lessening rate will significantly increase.
Kuon’s Unit Trait – With Kuon’s “Indomitable” Unit Trait, her attack power will rise upon taking a certain amount of damage. By leveling up to her trait level, the amount her attack power rises will increase.

Formation Effect

“Formation Effect” is an effect that strengthens the entire troop and is activated based on morale level. The contents of a Formation Effect change depending on the codex equipped.


Formation of Fire – Boosts the basic attack power of the entire troop. Attack power further increases during overzeal. By increasing morale level, even more effects can be boosted.
Formation of Water – Extends the length of strengthening effects, and boosts the defense power of the entire troop. By increasing morale level, even more effects can be boosted.

Basic Moves

“Basic Moves” are combo attacks with little breaks in between. While they have little strength in comparison to “Combination Attacks,” they are perfect as actions for starting a combo and restoring zeal.

Combination Attacks

Combination attacks are moves unique to each unit in which new moves are added by completing specific missions. Activating a combination attack consumes zeal, but thanks to its high attack power and buff effects, it has various benefits such as being able to attack at a wider range than normal and temporarily strengthening yourself.

Special Moves

Activating a “Special Move” at the start of a combo becomes a unit-unique loop combo attack, an if connected from a basic move, it becomes a one-shot derivation attack. Unlike basic moves, special moves enable strong, unit-unique attacks such as long-range attacks, but since zeal recovery rate is low, it should be used in conjunction with evasions, combination attacks, and basic moves.


Haku’s Special Move – Wielding an iron fan, Haku swallows up numerous nearby enemies before ending it by blowing them back.
Kuon’s Special Move – A piercing attack in which Kuon throws her kunai to pierce even faraway enemies.

Deadly Arts

“Deadly Arts” are learned when a character reaches a certain level. Deadly Arts can be used by defeating enemies to build up “Zeal”* to its capacity, and depending on the character, can either deal major damage to the enemy or heal your comrades (yourself included).

*Zeal is the light blue gauge displayed to the right of the character icon on the lower left of the screen, right under the (yellow) HP gauge.

■ Characters

Atuy (voiced by Yumi Hara)

A girl with a warm and snug atmosphere. She has an outgoing and cheerful personality, and a refined manner of speech. Although a woman of romance, she is a master of the spear with a completely different personality on the battlefield. Her pet Kurarin always rides atop her head.

Uruuru & Saraana (voiced by Ayane Sakura)

Elusive twin girls who follow Haku around. While they appear identical, Uruuru has light skin while her sister Saraana has tanned skin. They tail Haku’s party in secret, but their intentions are unknown.

Utawarerumono Zan is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-26 08:55 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-23 08:06 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-26 04:29 PM
Utawarerumono Zan details Free Missions, Kiwru, Maroro, more

Aquaplus has updated the official Japanese website for Utawarerumono Zan with information and screenshots of the latest systems, including Equipment Training, Free Missions, and Military Merits, and newly confirmed playable characters Kiwru and Maroro.

■ System

Equipment Training

Using the sen obtained playing the game, you can acquire various equipment like scrolls, costumes, and strategy books. Equipment Training has low grade, intermediate, and high grade levels, and you can obtain a variety of equipment from each level. You can train for just one piece of equipment, or train for 10 pieces of equipment all at once at a reduced cost.

Free Missions

A free mode where you can play missions with no connection to the story. There are lots of missions where you can acquire many bonus points that can strengthen your unit’s stats, as well as the sen required for Equipment Training. A greater variety of Free Missions will become available as you progress through the story.

Military Merits

By achieving certain conditions set during the game, you can acquire different color character costumes, items to change the in-game background music, and more.

■ Characters

Kiwru (voiced by Ayumu Murase)

An amiable young prince of Ennakamuy, another nation within Yamato. Though meek, small in stature, and often painfully naïve, he applies himself tirelessly to his combat practice and aspirations of greatness. Shares an oath of sworn brotherhood with Oshtor.

Maroro (voiced by Ooki Sugiyama)

A scholar versed in magecraft who accompanies Ukon. He wears flashy clothing and old-fashioned nobleman’s makeup, and speaks in a distinctly classical fashion.

Utawarerumono Zan is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-26 04:29 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-30 06:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-30 07:44 PM 编辑

Utawarerumono Zan four-minute trailer
游戏《受赞颂者 斩》释出最新宣传影片,「奥修托尔」和「宗近」作为 DLC 角色参战

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=4112702

  AQUAPLUS 预计在 9 月 27 日于 PS4 平台上所推出的游戏《受赞颂者 斩》,官方就在 30 日这天释出游戏的最新宣传影片。

  这次所公开的宣传影片中,可以看见有游戏概要、登场角色介绍、事件剧情以及动作剧情公开。 此外,影片中所登场的「奥修托尔」和「宗近」等两名角色,将作为追加下载内容来参战。


Aquaplus has released a new, four-minute trailer for Utawarerumono Zan.

The trailer introduces the game’s 3D action, playable characters Kuon, Ukon, Nekone, and Jachdwalt, story scenes involving various unique characters, equipment training and ability customization, online co-op play, and more. It also confirms that Oshtor and Munechika will join the game’s playable roster as downloadable content.

Utawarerumono Zan is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-7 08:03 PM
《受讚颂者 给逝者的摇篮曲》中文版发售日确定 限定版公布

  SEGA 宣布由 AQUAPLUS 推出的PS4游戏《受讚颂者 给逝者的摇篮曲》繁体中文版将于11 月 22 日发售。此外《虚伪的假面》、《二人的白皇》繁体中文版预定 2019 年推出。


  SEGA Games预定在 PlayStation®4 推出AQUAPLUS大受玩家喜爱的作品『受讚颂者』系列,现在公布第1弹『受讚颂者 给逝者的摇篮曲』即将于2018年11月22日(四)在香港.台湾.东南亚.韩国地区发售。

  此外,SEGA Games一并宣布将同时发售「豪华限定版」,限定版不仅使用全新插图製作专用BOX,更附有内容丰富的美术书、原声带CD。

  谜之青年哈克奥罗及少女艾露露、阿露露等充满魅力的角色们,再加上以大自然为舞台编织而成的世界,『受讚颂者』系列从 2002 年发售 PC 版开始,便享有绝大的人气,是一款称作AQUAPLUS人气代表作也不为过的冒险+策略角色扮演游戏。

  『受讚颂者 给逝者的摇篮曲』从2002年发售 PC 版后,接着于2006年发售 PlayStation®2版,2009年则推出了 PSP®版。而今年春天,AQUAPLUS在日本发行了大幅进化的PlayStation®4版。这次经由SEGA 之手将本作翻译为繁体中文‧韩文版本,终于将在亚洲地区发售。


  此外,亚洲版原创的「豪华限定版」附有特制「原声带 CD」、亚洲版限定「美术书」。原声带 CD 包含主题曲等,共收录29 首游戏音乐,「美术书」除了日本版塬有的内容外,更是大幅增加页面,添加数十张本作塬画担当甘露树的全新插图。

  另外,系列作第2作『受讚颂者 虚伪的假面』、系列作第3作同时也是完结篇的『受讚颂者 二人的白皇』,也预计于明年发售。敬请期待『受讚颂者』系列壮阔的故事内容。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-20 06:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-26 06:52 PM 编辑

Utawarerumono Zan free DLC ‘Shibuya Stage’ announced
《受赞颂者 斩》追加 DLC 涉谷 Suara 演唱主题曲 MV 公开

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201809/1608321152.html
《受讚頌者 給逝者的搖籃曲》總監鷲見努專訪 壯闊三部曲將中文化登陸亞洲

  今日 Aquaplus 公开了《受赞颂者 斩》的一个免费DLC,该DLC追加了新场景涉谷,玩家可以操作角色在此场景中移动或战斗,据悉此DLC是与涉谷东急百货店東横店展开的合作活动有关。另外《受赞颂者 斩》主题曲《理燃-コトワリ-》的MV(Short ver.)也已公开,依旧由Suara演唱。



Aquaplus will release a free “Shibuya Stage” for Utawarerumono Zan day-and-date with the game’s release in Japan, the company announced.

The stage is linked to Aquaplus’ collaboration campaign with Shibuya’s Tokyu Department Store. Players will be able to run around a Shibuya covered in Utawarerumono Zan advertisements.

Utawarerumono Zan is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.

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