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【TBA】Star Wars 3rd person action adventure









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-5-5 06:56 AM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-5 06:14 PM 编辑

Respawn is working on new 3rd person action adventure Star Wars game with EA
《神兵泰坦》开发团队加入 EA 旗下工作室行列 开发《星际大战》系列新作

  Electronic Arts(EA)于 5 月 4 日星战日宣布,与《神兵泰坦》开发团队 Respawn Entertainment 扩大合作,目前正进行全新第三人称动作游戏《星际大战》系列作品的开发作业。

  EA Studios 副总裁 Patrick Söderlund 今日在 EA 官网发布公告,内文指出与《神兵泰坦》开发团队 Respawn Entertainment 扩大合作关系 Respawn 加入了 EA 旗下 Visceral Games、DICE、Capital Games、BioWare、Motive 等工作室行列,目前正在进行《星际大战》 新企划的开发工作。

  他指出:「过去几年,我们有很多时间和机会与 Respawn Entertainment 执行长兼共同创办人 Vince Zampella 及其团队合作;而这次的全新团队将由《战神》系列催生者 Stig Asmussen 率领,我们期待他们将会为《星际大战》带来极好的表现。 」

The Force is Strong with EA

At EA right now, we have multiple studios building a variety of great Star Wars games spanning different genres. We are all united by our teams’ passion for Star Wars stories, characters, and adventures.

Today, I’m thrilled to be able to announce that EA and the talented team at Respawn Entertainment have expanded our relationship to include the development of an all-new 3rd person action adventure game set in the Star Wars universe. They join our other great studios – Visceral Games, DICE, Capital Games, BioWare, Motive and more – who are currently working on Star Wars projects. If you’re interested in joining us on this adventure, you can visit our Careers page – we have openings at Visceral and Motive and will be sharing more on these experiences soon.

Over the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Vince Zampella and his group. Their obsession with making games that feel amazing has helped make Titanfall one of the most successful new game launches of this generation. And now, with a new team led by Stig Asmussen , we get to see what they can do when you combine that great attention to gameplay with the power of Star Wars.

There’s never been a better time to be a Star Wars fan. The passion we’re seeing for Star Wars from gamers – whether they’ve been along for the ride since Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope, or were introduced to the magic of Star Wars with Star Wars: The Force Awakens – is fueling our development teams and our partners to create unique interactive extensions of this deep, meaningful universe. As a game maker, nothing is more exciting.

Thank you and May the Fourth be with you,

Patrick Soderlund, Executive Vice President of EA Studios










K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-6-4 07:18 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-4 07:07 PM 编辑

Jade Raymond's team begins work on Star Wars title
EA Motive新的《星战》 正式开始开发制作 目前已有65名员工

  去年前育碧《刺客信条》制作人Jade Raymond加盟了EA,成立了EA Motive工作室。今日Raymond更新了她们工作室的状态,表示现在已经有65名员工了,确认目前正在开发一个新的《星球大战》游戏,同时她希望更多人才能加盟她们。


  Raymond还确认EA Visceral工作室当前正在开发一个新的以故事为重心的星战游戏。Visceral就是之前《死亡空间》系列的开发商,后来前顽皮狗《神秘海域》系列三部曲编剧Amy Hennig加盟了Visceral,担任工作室的创意总监。

  由此看来,EA Motive工作室开发的《星战》和Visceral的不一样。之前我们原以为Motive工作室是辅助开发Visceral的《星战》,而从今天的表态来看,看来Motive正在开发一个属于自己的《星球大战》游戏。



Making Great Games at Motive Studios and Visceral Games

It’s been a busy year.

With EA Play right around the corner, I thought it would be a good time to update everyone on the world of Motive Studios and Visceral Games. Let’s get right to the point: we have awesome projects underway at both Motive and Visceral, and we are looking for some more amazing people to join our teams.

Last year, I wrote that the only limitation we have as game developers is the team’s imagination. I have always believed that to be true. But what’s really hit me since launching Motive last July and growing our team with so many talented people from across the world, is just how exciting and fun working with new people is. There truly is no limit to what’s possible.

Motive Studios is now 65 industry veterans strong, adding more each week, and driven by unbridled creativity to make unforgettable action games. We are well on our way, beginning our journey with a Star Wars game, and exploring ideas for our original IP. It’s really quite amazing to be a part of, and I can’t wait to be able to share more details about Motive’s projects.

Meanwhile, the team at Visceral Games is forging ahead into an exciting phase of development. Seeing Amy Hennig lead this team through the creative process has been incredible. She is a rare breed of storyteller, and she’s collaborating with the creative leaders at Lucasfilm to tell a new, authentic Star Wars story. Backed by the talented Visceral team, Amy and studio GM Scott Probst are taking this project in groundbreaking directions.

Of course, there’s a lot more to the story with each of these projects in our EA Star Wars portfolio, and we’ll be super excited to share more updates in the months ahead.

But first, if you’re interested in joining us, let’s talk! Two great studios, and a lot of great opportunities from the Motive team in Montreal to Visceral Games in Redwood Shores. We are looking for passionate developers in all areas who want to help create EA’s next great Star Wars games. Visit our Careers website for more information. We’d love to hear from you.

See you in a couple weeks!

Jade Raymond - Group General Manager Motive Studios and Visceral Games



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-6-13 06:38 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-13 06:44 PM 编辑

EA Star Wars Behind-the-Scenes Trailer, Lineup Through 2018 and Beyond Outlined

  在E3 2016 EA发布会期间EA分享了更多《星球大战》新作的信息,新作将在接下来的几年陆续发布。明年我们将能玩到DICE的全新《星球大战:前线》作品由Jade Raymond加入项目制作。Respawn将制作一款全新动作冒险游戏,设定在全新的星球大战领域。

EA副总裁Jade Raymore:


  另外在视频中由《秘境探险 》创意总监领衔开发的Visceral工作室《星球大战》概念图和首个游戏画面曝光。

EA PLAY发布会上出现过的星球大战相关内容:
DICE :和Motive合作,开发《星球大战:前线》新作
Respawn: 第三人称星战动作冒险游戏
Visceral Games :全新的星战动作游戏,预计2018年和我们见面
BioWare :继续开发《星球大战:旧共和国》
Capital Games :持续开发《星球大战:银河英雄》Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes
Motive - 和DICE合作,开发《星球大战:前线》新作


The Future of EA Star Wars Games

Today at EA PLAY, we gave our players a special look at what’s going on with some of the amazing Star Wars projects our studios are working on right now. These experiences will explore different Star Wars eras in different gaming genres on different platforms.

Here’s a look at what’s ahead for EA Star Wars in the next few years and beyond:


The team at DICE are continuing to add more of the content players want to Star Wars Battlefront, with free content and three more digital expansion packs coming by the end of the year – Star Wars Battlefront Bespin, Star Wars Battlefront Death Star and a final pack in December we’re all especially excited about. And for VR fans, DICE is also working with Criterion on an exclusive Star Wars Battlefront VR mission for PlayStation VR this year.

With Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, the team at Capital Games has already delivered a deep Star Wars mobile experience featuring iconic characters and locations from every corner of the Star Wars universe. With new features like guilds, raids and chat added this spring, and more new updates planned for the year, players will have a ton of new content to experience for a long time to come.

This December, BioWare will celebrate the 5th anniversary of Star Wars: The Old Republic and the game keeps getting better. You can expect more of BioWare’s high quality, story-driven content and new game features throughout the year.


A new installment of Star Wars Battlefront is currently in development at DICE, in collaboration with Motive Studios in Montreal. Our team at Motive team is growing quickly, and making great progress in building out a significant new addition to the game. While we’re not ready to get into specifics right now, we have started development of this game by listening to all of the feedback we received, while also innovating in new areas I think you’re all going to be excited about.


A brand new Star Wars story will debut in a new action adventure game from Visceral Games. I’ve been blown away by the level of collaboration between the Story Team at Lucasfilm and Amy Hennig and the team at Visceral as they create an original, authentic narrative in the Star Wars universe. It is an amazing example of how we’re taking an already strong partnership to another level.


That’s not all we have in production right now. Our partners at Respawn Entertainment are making their own 3rd person action adventure game, one that features a different style of gameplay and takes place in a different timeline we have yet to explore with our EA Star Wars titles. And we’re early in pre-production on some other projects we think you’re going to be excited about as well.

No matter the genre you play or the platform you play on, we will have a great Star Wars game for you. Join us, and together we can rule the galaxy.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-6-21 07:15 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-21 04:38 PM 编辑

Rumor: Information on the main character and plot of Visceral's Star Wars

  在 EA 拿到了《星球大战》系列作品的制作权之后,上马了数个不同的“星战”相关的游戏项目。除了广受 FPS 爱好者欢迎的《星球大战:战争前线》系列之外,《秘境探险》系列创意总监 Amy Hennig 加盟的 Visceral 工作室也制作了一款相关的作品,其开发代号为“Project Ragtag”。今天有一些关于本作的情报被泄露了出来。

  根据爆料者的描述,他在最近听到了这款游戏主人公的相关情报。这款新作Project Ragtag的剧情发生在 EP4 “新希望”和 EP5 “帝国反击战”之间,其剧本十分的优秀,和电影版相比也不遑多让,而本作的主人公也和电影正传的联系也非常的紧密。

  本作的主人公名为“Dodger”,由曾经参演《十二猴子》、《哥谭》等影视作品的 Todd Stashwick 扮演。当然 Dodger 并不是他的真名,他为了逃避帝国的征召而踏入了地下世界,这也导致他变成了帝国的通缉犯。当义军将死星毁掉之后,帝国开始在外围星环有所动作,这给了Dodger挣钱的机会。同时,帝国的动作也给当地的地下世界带来了震动,Dodger开始帮助义军。在游戏中,Dodger接受了贾巴的任务,这个任务的报酬足够让他从帝国的通缉犯名单中消失。在这个过程中,Dodger发现了一些令人恐惧的事实。



Rumor: The Main Character of Visceral’s Star Wars Game, plot and more!

I recently heard a few interesting things about the main hero of “Project Ragtag” aka Amy Hennig’s Visceral Star Wars game. The story for the game as I’ve heard it sounds very complex and practically film quality in totality. The hero’s connection to the main story is strong and the structure is pretty tight overall. The story takes place after A New Hope and just before The Empire Strikes Back.

We’ve been told that Todd Stashwick (12 Monkeys, The Riches, the Originals, Supernatural, Gotham and writer of Visceral’s Star Wars game) is playing “Dodger.” Dodger isn’t his real name. He was forced into the criminal underworld when he “dodged” the draft into Imperial service, leaving home on very bad terms. When he decided to run he became wanted by the Empire and basically went into hiding in the seedy underbelly of the galaxy. He learned to be charming and how to talk fast. However, his life got a lot worse after the destruction of his home world of Alderaan and he found himself on a wanted “survivors list” held by the Empire (a story idea which popped up in Marvel’s Leia comic series).

When the Rebels blew up the Death Star, the Empire focused its retribution towards the outer rim where the “terrorists” that blew up the battle station originated from. This is bad for Dodger but also gives him opportunities to make money. The Empire’s new involvement with the outer rim shakes up the criminal underworld in interesting and threatening ways to Dodger and his compatriots. Friends begin to turn on one another and criminals become heroes willing to aid the rebels for the first time.

Dodger is thrust into the story when he has the opportunity to work for Jabba the Hutt (more on that in a future update). The job will give Dodger the money he needs to buy himself off the list of Alderaanian survivors via corrupt Imperials. In the process Dodger finds something terrifying about what the Empire wants to do with the weapon that hits close to home and forces him to confront his past and the destruction of his home-world head on.

Dodger is completely cable of taking care of himself and his foes. He’s armed with a light whip/grapple stick and a blaster. His signature move is to activate the light whip/grapple stick and ensnare his enemies with his left hand and then blast them into oblivion with the the pistol in his right hand. There are a lot of variants on these weapons which might mean they just conceptualized a lot of these things or there will be DLC and variants to obtain in game. Either way, he uses his “magic lasso” and his pistol to stop his enemies cold.

Dodger and his crew feel really unique overall and I’m happy that we don’t have a Dash Render situation where Dodger is just Han Solo with variations. His backstory and his drive to stop a catastrophe and solve the murder of his mentor makes him a good Star Wars hero. More soon!

Note: All of this information appears to be accurate at the time of this writing. However, due to the nature of games and such minor details could change before release.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-10-18 06:42 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-18 10:03 AM 编辑

EA shuts down Visceral, moves Star Wars game to EA Vancouver/others
EA关闭Visceral工作室 星战新作移交EA温哥华开发

  EA全球工作室副总裁Patrick Söderlund宣布,他们将会关闭旗下Visceral Games工作室并将尽可能多的员工转移至公司内的其他小组。原计划由Visceral工作室开发的《星球大战》新作将会移交EA温哥华工作室开发,游戏类型从基于故事叙述的线性冒险改为“更加宽阔的游戏体验”。


  为了达到这一点,EA温哥华团队已经开始接手这一新作的开发,而Visceral工作室则会关闭。EA正在将尽可能多的员工转移至公司内的其他小组。根据国外媒体Kotaku的消息,新的团队负责人是Steve Anthony,而之前负责本作的原《神秘海域》总监Amy Hennig的未来尚不明了,EA正在与她商议下一步的计划。



An Update on the Visceral Star Wars Project

Our industry is evolving faster and more dramatically than ever before. The games we want to play and spend time with, the experiences we want to have in those games, and the way we play…all those things are continually changing. So is the way games are made. In this fast-moving space, we are always focused on creating experiences that our players want to play…and today, that means we’re making a significant change with one of our upcoming titles.

Our Visceral studio has been developing an action-adventure title set in the Star Wars universe. In its current form, it was shaping up to be a story-based, linear adventure game. Throughout the development process, we have been testing the game concept with players, listening to the feedback about what and how they want to play, and closely tracking fundamental shifts in the marketplace. It has become clear that to deliver an experience that players will want to come back to and enjoy for a long time to come, we needed to pivot the design. We will maintain the stunning visuals, authenticity in the Star Wars universe, and focus on bringing a Star Wars story to life. Importantly, we are shifting the game to be a broader experience that allows for more variety and player agency, leaning into the capabilities of our Frostbite engine and reimagining central elements of the game to give players a Star Wars adventure of greater depth and breadth to explore.

This move leads to a few other changes:

A development team from across EA Worldwide Studios will take over development of this game, led by a team from EA Vancouver that has already been working on the project. Our Visceral studio will be ramping down and closing, and we’re in the midst of shifting as many of the team as possible to other projects and teams at EA.

Lastly, while we had originally expected this game to launch late in our fiscal year 2019, we’re now looking at a new timeframe that we will announce in the future.

Bringing new Star Wars games to life for every passionate fan out there is what drives us as creators. It’s what has inspired us to deliver the massive new Star Wars Battlefront II experience launching in just a few weeks. It fuels our live service in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Making games in the extraordinary Star Wars universe is truly a dream for so many of us at EA, and we have so many more experiences to come for players on every platform. We want to take the time to get each game right, to make it unique, to make it amazing.

We look forward to answering more of your questions, and sharing more on our plans and timeline for this new Star Wars experience, in the months to come.


In an e-mail to employees obtained by Kotaku, Soderlund said:

A development team from across Worldwide Studios will take over development of Ragtag, led by the EA Vancouver team that has already been working on the project. Steve Anthony will lead this team, and we will use much of the work that has been done to date by Visceral – the assets of Ragtag that have already been built will be the foundation of this new game.

Kotaku got in touch with Electronic Arts regarding the status of Uncharted director Amy Hennig, who joined Visceral Games in 2014 as creative director of the Star Wars project. In an e-mail, an Electronic Arts spokesperson said, “We are in discussions with Amy about her next move.”


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-10-30 03:19 PM |只看该作者
外媒透露Visceral Games解散原因《星球大战》新作面临众多问题

  关于《死亡空间》工作室Visceral Games被关闭以及《星球大战》新作由单人游戏转向多人游戏的消息就像导火索一样,引起了业内和玩家对于EA的炮轰和对单人游戏支持的呼声。近日Kotaku公布了一篇关于工作室解散原因的文章,表示这个代号为“Ragtag”的《星球大战》作品本身就给开发带来了重重困难,因此才导致了工作室的关闭。

  文中提到Visceral Games的关闭是由多种原因引起的,首先针对《星球大战》新作的野心让其远远超越了游戏的预算;同时游戏缺少一定的资源;且新作在寒霜引擎上开发面临着许多问题。

  对于EA取缔单人游戏的说法,EA否认了这一说法,副总裁Patrick Soderlund强调事实的真相并非关于单人游戏在EA的死亡。他非常喜欢单人游戏,也就是大家所说的线性人物和剧情推动的游戏作品。EA一直都认为单人游戏是他们开发的重要部分,单人游戏内容也会在EA游戏中持续存在。

  在《秘境探险》系列制作人Amy Hennig来到EA后,由于她在单人剧情游戏方面的声望,公司开始对于新作报以激动和乐观的态度,但是随后团队就面临了诸多问题,而关闭工作室和将新作转向新的方向也并非是一时突然的决定。


  目前EA温哥华已经接手了《星球大战》新作的相关开发工作,当然也希望Visceral Games的前工作人员能尽快找到他们未来合适的工作岗位。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-10 08:13 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-10 08:42 AM 编辑

Respawn Entertainment Star Wars game titled Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, launches holiday 2019
开发中作品《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩序》正式揭晓 透露《战场前线 II》新内容

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/163816.html

  来自 Respawn Entertainment 游戏程序设计师 Vince Zampella 今日现身美商艺电(Electronics Arts,EA)E3 展前发表会现场,宣布最新开发中作品《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩序(暂译, 原名:Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order)》。 另外,官方也透露《星际大战:战场前线 II》下一个 Season 内容重点。

  2016 年 EA 曾透露《神兵泰坦》开发团队 Respawn Entertainment 正进行《星际大战》系列新企划的开发工作,如今游戏程序设计师 Vince Zampella 正式发表新作消息,游戏名称为《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩 序》。 据了解,这将是一款全新的动作冒险游戏,讲述一段原创的《星际大战》故事,时间设定在《星际大战 三部曲:西斯大帝的复仇((Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith))》事件后。 《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩序》预计在 2019 年内发售。

  另外,官方日前才公布《星际大战:战场前线 II》新内容「韩索罗 Season」,今日紧接着透露下一个 Season 的内容将着重在「复制人之战(Clone Wars)》」,届时将开放新地图 Geonosis,并新增可玩英雄 欧比王肯诺比、安纳金天行者、杜库伯爵以及格里弗斯将军。

The Star Wars game currently in development at Titanfall studio Respawn Entertainment, which was first announced in May 2016, will be titled Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order and launch in holiday 2019, studio boss Vince Zampella announced during the EA Play 2018 press conference.

According to Zampella, the story will take place between Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, described as “dark times” when Jedi are being hunted.

Further information was not announced.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-29 07:04 PM |只看该作者
Amy Hennig 正式从EA离职 将开办独立工作室
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/951724.jhtml

  在近日于巴塞罗那举办的 Gamelab 大会上,知名游戏人 Amy Hennig 向外媒记者透露:在今年1月的时候,她已经与 EA 分道扬镳,而由她参与制作的《星球大战》新作亦被 EA 束之高阁。

  Amy Hennig 的离开似乎与去年10月EA关闭 Visceral Games 工作室有关。此前 Hennig 在开发《神秘海域4》途中,从顽皮狗来到 Visceral Games 参与《星球大战》题材游戏的开发,而随着工作室的关闭,EA将项目转移到了 EA Vancouver。

  Hennig 表示这让她在 EA 的职责变得很不稳定,并且她也没有从公司那里得到一个明确的答复。

  虽然离开了 EA,不过 Amy Hennig 并没有闲着。她表示在咨询了一部分人后,她创办了自己的独立工作室,同时她希望今后能够招到6~8人的团队去尝试开发 VR 项目。

  Amy Hennig 出生于1964年,毕业于加州大学伯克利分校英国文学系,后进入旧金山州立大学电影学院学习。在校期间,她以设计师的身份参与了《ElectroCop》(雅达利7800平台游戏)的制作,使她对游戏制作产生了浓厚的兴趣,随即退学加入EA参与了多款 FC 游戏的制作。

  90年代末,Hennig 入职知名开发商水晶动力,参与了与硅骑士共同开发《凯恩的遗产》(Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain)的制作,后又作为制作人、总监、脚本制作了《凯恩的遗产:勾魂使者》(Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver)。

  离开晶体动力后,Henning 加入了顽皮狗。在完成《杰克与达斯特》开发后,她作为创意总监、脚本负责“神秘海域”系列,全面参与了1~3代的开发。2014年,在开发《神秘海域4》的过程中,Henning 离开顽皮狗,加入了以开发“死亡空间”系列而著名的 Visceral Games 工作室。


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