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【PS4/XB1/PC】Code Vein









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-23 03:46 PM |只看该作者
Code Vein details more story, Karen and Cruz Silva, partner character traits, more

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein introducing more of the game’s story, new characters Karen and Cruz Silva, partner characters Mia, Yakumo, and Louis’ unique traits, and more.

Get the details below.

■ Operation Queenslayer

“Operation Queenslayer” is the name of the battle to defeat the rampaging Q.U.E.E.N., where many Revenants participated as soldiers. The protagonist was one of those soldiers. After regenerating many times over, the protagonist partners with Jack, who highly values his fighting style.

Field: Military Research Facility – The Outskirts

With Q.U.E.E.N.’s attack, all of the Revenants were defeated. Piercing white thorns were the remains of that attack. And the building’s function as a facility fell with Q.U.E.E.N.’s rampage. Flames and black smoke built up around the facility, and the fierce battle with the intermittent Lost continued on.

The facility and its surrounding area took a devastating blow from the “Thorns of Judgment” that led to the world’s collapse and Q.U.E.E.N.’s attack. Both inside and outside of the building, the Lost that serve Q.U.E.E.N. roam about.

—The Lost, otherwise known as Q.U.E.E.N.’s vanguard. There are both one-handed sword-use types and halberd-use types. They are the strongest of the strong, and can also use Gifts.

And then there is the “Queen’s Knight,” which will confront you as a boss battle.

The Deathmatch Against Q.U.E.E.N.

Jack and the protagonist confront Q.U.E.E.N., but face a hard fight against her mighty power. During that battle, Gregorio Silva comes running to help. He uses a Gift to put up a barrier that protects the two and defends against Q.U.E.E.N.’s attacks.

Jack and the protagonist move on the offensive thanks to Silva’s support, but during that battle, the protagonist’s mask is removed and miasma enters his system.

Although they somehow succeed in defeating Q.U.E.E.N., the protagonist progresses towards becoming a Lost. At the hands of Jack, who determines that there is no means to save the protagonist from the transformation, the protagonist is dropped down to the bottom of a ravine…

■ Characters

Karen (voiced by Yumi Hara)

One of the researchers who worked on the Q.U.E.E.N. Project, and Louis’ older sister. She died during Q.U.E.E.N.’s rampage, but was immediately revived as a Revenant. She also participates in Operation Queenslayer, serves as a protective observeror of Revenants returning to death, and supports their fight.

Revenants, which are are immortal, died and regenerated many times over in the battle against Q.U.E.E.N. Karen’s role is the welcoming, care, and maintenance for the Revenants that are regenerated, as well as battle support.

Cruz Silva

The girl that became the test subject of the Q.U.E.E.N. Project. She was a schoolmate of Louis, and is Gregorio Silva’s daughter. She withstood painful experiments in hopes of saving mankind, but became a destruction incarnate under the pressure of an unsuccessful experiment.

■ Misama and Mistletoes

Revenants who inhale the miasma that occurs around Q.U.E.E.N. are hit with a violent thirst for blood and are in danger of becoming Lost. For that reason, it is necessary for Revenants to always wear a miasma-purifying mask in battle.

Activated “Misletoes” purify the miasma around them, and have the ability to connect and regenerate the flesh of the Revenants that have vanished from this world. It can be called a lifeline for Revenants.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-23 03:46 PM |只看该作者
■ Each Character’s Partner Traits

◆ Mia’s Partner Traits

While Mia mainly fights using a bayonet and keeps her distance from enemies, she supports the player by strengthening their Drain and Gift performance. She is somewhat weak compared to other partners, but is good for players who want to utilize her support capabilities to actively defeat enemies. In boss battles, she also has an attack-type Gift called “Guard of Honor” that can deal big damage.

—While the player approaches the enemy, Mia will provide support from the rear with long distance attacks that utilize her bayonet.

Co-Op Gift: Trance Time

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Mia is your partner. It trades off melee attack power in order to reduce the amount of Ichor Stock consumed when using Gifts for a fixed period of time.

Some of the Gifts that Mia Can Use

Blood-Eating Long Sword – Increases the Drain performance of both herself and her partner’s weapon attacks for a fixed period of time.
Guard of Honor – Generates several ice pillars in spaced segments that shoot at her target.
—By reducing the Ichor Stock consumed by Gifts through the use of Mia’s Co-Op Gift “Trance Time,” you can make efficient use of high-power Gifts that would normally consume a lot of Ichor Stock.

◆ Yakumo’s Partner Traits

Yakumo is an attacker who actively approaches the enemy, and damages and pushes them back with his two-handed sword. He follows the breaks between the player’s attacks with his two-handed sword, making for a more efficient battle. His physical strength is high compared to other partners, and he can easily withstand an enemy’s powerful attack. He supports the player by using Gifts that increase attack and defense performance. Players can also utilize Yakumo’s traits to fight from the rear.

—While Yakumo’s Co-Op Gift “Lupine Live” is activated, guard performance increases. You will not be pushed back by enemy attacks, and can maintain intervals of attack.

Co-Op Gift: Lupine Live

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Yakumo is your partner. It trades off evasion speed in order to reduce the amount of stamina consumed when guarding, as well as increase the amount of damage you can deal after going from a guard to an attack.

Some of the Gifts that Yakumo Can Use

Mudblood Protection – Condenses Ichor Stock to the limit to generate a barrier around himself and his partner that significantly reduces the amount of damage taken only once.
Flash Fang – Increases attack power only for the blow that follows the Gift.
—Yakumo’s “Mudblood Protection” Gift significantly reduces the amount of damage received. It is especially effective in battles against enemies with powerful attacks.

◆ Louis’ Partner Traits

Louis is a balanced type that even uses Gifts while fighting at close range. His attacks have moderate breaks between them, and his ability to survive is high as he makes use of hit-and-away tactics that utilize his attack speed. Since his “Blade Dance” Gift strengthens himself by increasing his attack performance during combos, players can better manifest those effects by using attacks that easily push back the enemy.

Additionally, when Louis is Focused, his own attacks inflict the enemy with the “Slow” status ailment. By increasing Louis’ number of attacks, you can weaken the enemy and fight at an advantage.

—A combination attack that utilizes Louis’ quick attack speed and balance. The synergy between the player and Louis manifests by creating breaks for Louis to attack with co-op attacks.

Co-Op Gift: Phantom Gain

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Louis is your partner. It trades off defense power to increase attack power for a fixed period of time, and also changes your evasion action.

One of the Gifts that Louis Can Use

Blade Dance – Increases damage dealt for each time damage is dealt to an enemy for a fixed period of time.
—The Co-Op Gift “Phantom Gain” reduces defense power, but increases attack power and evasion performance. By making skillful use of step evasions, deal damage to the enemy with hit-and-away tactics.

■ Multiplayer

In the prison of fog where miasma spreads and many Lost run rampant, it is recommended you call upon the aid of a fellow Revenant.

—Explore the world with another player. The help of other Revenants is essential to clearing dungeons with high difficulty.

—By sending out a distress signal in areas where you need help, you can get help from another player that has met certain conditions.

—Only the other player’s player character will come to help. Your own partner will also remain alongside you. The Gifts used by your partner will also effect the player that has come to help.

Communicating with Other Players

In Code Vein, you can freely combine gestures, stamps, and voices to create your own emotes and communicate with other players.

There are several types of emotes you can create, which you can save to a palette for immediate use on the field and in battle.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-23 04:04 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-26 07:47 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/159501.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年发售的《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One),今(22)日公开了多项新情报。

  本作以崩坏的近未来世界「VEIN」为舞台,描写「吸血鬼(复生者)」们求生奋斗的动作 RPG。 玩家要与伙伴「搭档」一同挑战充满强敌与危险的广大迷宫。


新迷宫「军事研究设施 外部」

  女王的攻击不仅在此地葬送了众多复生者,随处可见的白色荆棘也在这刻下了深深的爪痕。 由于女王失控,现在已经失去设施应有的功能,长久下来与堕鬼时有时无的激烈战斗,在周遭窜起火舌和黑烟。

  受到导致世界崩坏的「审判之棘」以及女王的攻击摧残,设施和其周遭历经毁灭性的打击,建筑内外挤满女王的奴仆堕鬼。 其中有些还被称为「女王的尖兵」,有的使用单手剑,有的使用斧枪,而且各各都是能够驱使炼血的强敌。



  为击败失控的女王,投入众多「吸血鬼(复生者)」战士的「女王讨伐战」,主角也是参战的其中一名战士。 之后,历经数次再生,主角的战功受到高度评价,也因此和杰克组队一同行动。

  为了抑止女王的攻势,主角和杰克一同前往军事研究设施,和女王对峙,却在强大的力量面前陷入苦战。 就在此时,格雷戈里奥. 西尔瓦赶来用炼血产生防壁挡住女王的攻击,掩护二人。


  虽然辛苦击败了女王,主角却也逐渐转变为堕鬼。 杰克眼看已经没有任何方法可以逆转堕鬼化,便刺穿主角的心脏,让其摔落谷底......




  在女王周围产生的「瘴气」,吸血鬼们一旦吸入就会瞬间感受到强烈的噬血欲望,面临堕鬼化的危险。 因此吸血鬼在战斗时,必须时常戴上能够净化瘴气的面罩。


  活性化之后的槲寄生,不但能净化周围的瘴气,还能留住雾散的吸血鬼肉体,使其再生于这个世界上。 对吸血鬼们就有如生命线。



  曾协助 Q.U.E.E.N. 计划的其中一名研究者,路易的姊姊。 女王失控时曾一度丧命,也马上就复活成为吸血鬼。 也曾参加过讨伐战,负责安置并监管死后复生的吸血鬼,在后勤支持战事。

  不死的吸血鬼(复生者)们,在女王讨伐战中倒下了无数次,也复活了无数次。 而华怜的工作,就是要迎接复活的复生者们,为他们进行精神和物资上的保养,支持战斗。

女王 克鲁兹. 西尔瓦(クルス・シルヴァ)

  Q.U.E.E.N. 计划的实验体少女。 是路易的同窗,也是格雷戈里奥. 西尔瓦的女儿。 为了拯救众人,咬牙忍受实验的煎熬,却在屡次失败的重担下,因小小的误解而失控,成为破坏的化身。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-26 07:48 PM |只看该作者


  弥雅战斗时会与敌人保持距离,以鎗剑射击为主,并强化玩家吸血及炼血的性能进行支持。 和其他搭档比起来相对不禁打,善用她的支持能力积极上前击倒敌人才是上策。 到了头目战,弥雅除了支持玩家还会抓准空隙使用攻击系炼血「荣耀侍卫」给予敌人大伤害。

  和弥雅同行时可使用的共炼血。 一定时间内牺牲近距离攻击力,减少炼血使用时需要消耗的冥血量。 如此一来,就能有效率运用原本需要消耗大量冥血的高威力炼血。

  • 噬血太刀(血喰いの太刀)
  • 一定时间内,强化自身与同行者武器攻击的吸血性能
  • 荣耀侍卫(ガードオブオナー)
  • 产生复数冰柱依序射向目标


  八云是标准近战攻击手,会积极靠近敌人用双手剑重击使敌人硬直。 看好双手剑攻击的空档补位支持才能打得更顺畅。 在搭档中体力相对偏高,比较能扛下敌人强力的攻击,还会使用强化攻击或防御性能的炼血支持玩家。 善用这些特性,玩家也可以和八云一前一后夹击敌人,施展攻击特化型的战术。

  和八云同行时可使用的共炼血。 一定时间内牺牲回避速度,减轻格挡时耗损的精力量,并增加格挡后下一次攻击的伤害。 如此一来,玩家不但格挡性能上升,对攻击也有霸体,可以有效维持攻击的节奏。

  • 秽血的守护(秽血の护り)
  • 将冥血凝聚到极限,在自身和同行者周围生成仅能让伤害大幅减轻一次的护盾。 在和单发攻击强大的敌人战斗时,这项链血能更显它的价值
  • 獠牙一闪(フラッシュファング)
  • 炼血发动后仅限一击,能增加攻击力


  路易是以接近战为主,同时也会使用炼血攻击的均衡型。 会和敌人保持适当距离,活用自身攻击速度实行打带跑战术,生存能力相当高。 会使用连击时使攻击能力上升的炼血「剑舞」强化自身,建议玩家可以使用容易使敌人硬直的攻击,让路易发挥所长。 另外,路易进入集中状态时,攻击还会附加状态异常效果「迟缓(スロウ)」,若能让路易的攻击次数上升,就能一口气大幅削弱敌人,确保战斗优势。

  和路易同行时可使用的共炼血。 一定时间内牺牲防御力增加攻击力,回避动作也会有变化。

  • 剑舞(ブレードダンス)
  • 一定时间内,攻击力会随着击中敌人的次数增加



  在想要别人救援的地区发送救难信号,就能让符合条件的玩家前来救助。 前来救援的只会有玩家角色,呼叫救援的玩家搭档依然会留在队上,搭档使用的炼血效果也当然会涵盖到前来救援的玩家。





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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-3-11 07:00 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-11 07:22 PM 编辑

《噬血代码》现场演示 本次演示有大量的战斗场景!

  万代南梦宫娱乐在电击感谢祭 2018 上《噬血代码》公布了最新试玩演示,主要展示了“崩坏都市”地下区域的战斗场景。



  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。

  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-3-29 07:44 PM |只看该作者




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-3-30 11:15 AM |只看该作者
Code Vein ‘Cathedral of the Sacred Blood,’ Eva and Jack screenhsots

Bandai Namco has released new screenshots of Code Vein focused on a new location, “Cathedral of the Sacred Blood,” and the boss that awaits inside, as well as two of player’s AI-controlled partners that will accompany them on their journey, Eva and Jack.

Here is an overview, via Bandai Namco:

Cathedral of the Sacred Blood – A huge cathedral that calls out to lost lambs who end up wandering its halls forever. The Successor of the Ribcage, a huge wolf-like creature, blocks the player’s path within the cathedral.

Code Vein is a third-person action RPG that finds players assuming the role of a Revenant. After stumbling into Vein, players are tasked to embark into the world with a companion picked from the various residents of Vein to uncover lost memories and an exit out of this new demented reality. The world of Code Vein is dangerous, full of vicious enemies and monstrous bosses to put players’ combat skills to the test.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-5 10:37 PM |只看该作者
Code Vein details early story, Cathedral of the Sacred Blood, and Jack and Eva partner traits

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein introducing the game’s early story, the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood field and the boss that awaits inside, and Jack and Eva’s partner traits.

Get the details below.

■ Early Story


After the battle with Q.U.E.E.N., the protagonist wakes up in an unknown location. Io is there, but… The protagonist lost the majority of his memory from the damage to his heart. Io also seemed to have lost her memory.

The Protagonist and Io

Led by Io, they head towards the collapsed city before reaching the withered Blood Tear Springs, but… While Io lost the memories concerning herself, she still has knowledge of the Blood Tears in this world, and seems to know of the protagonist’s ability to reactivate withered Blood Tear Springs…

With the protagonist’s power, he reactivates the Springs, and by absorbing the ripened Blood Tears, the two restore their energy. There surfaces a Revenant group going around urban areas searching for Blood Tears, who captures the protagonist and Io as Blood Tear-collecting slaves.

Looking for Blood Tears

Due to a heavy taxation of Blood Tears, as well as the powerful among the Revenant society, a hierarchical relationship was established where weak Revenants are treated as slaves to collect Blood Tears. Both the captured protagonist and Io are taken prisoner, and together with the Revenants in the same situation, they head underground in search of Blood Tears.

The Disaster

The protagonist obtains Blood Tears and returns to ground level. He finds Io lying on the ground with Revenants that continue to get annihilated and vanish, but… It was the work of Revenants that came into contact with the miasma, and whose thirst for blood ran wild. The Revenants—who already started to lose their sense of self, whose heads mutated, and who become Lost—also attack the protagonist.

Louis Appears

Louis appears to help the protagonist, who was caught off guard and in a dilemma. After that, the protagonist fights alongside Louis against the Revenants assailants.

The Protagonist and Louis

With the help of Louis, the protagonist and company do away with the Revenants who became Lost. Louis, who witnesses the protagonist reactivate a Blood Tear Spring, finds a means of escape and guides the protagonist to his base in order to use that power for his own objective.

■ Field: Cathedral of the Sacred Blood

Floating above the hollowed-out land is an odd-looking church. Its complex and mysterious structure turns away those from stepping inside, inviting them on a never-ending journey.

In its depths is a grand cathedral. White corridors are spread out around it as if turning away those who approach the cathedral.

Inside the corridors. On the floor and pillars are complex passageways and staircases engraved with beautiful embossments.

The corridors are dotted with and connected by cylinder-shaped rooms. These rooms have several entrances and exits, so it is easy to lose your sense of direction.

There are passageways with differences in elevation. Falling is an ever-present danger.

In the circular plazas, passageways, and the like, there will be Lost lurking to protect those places.

Masked female-type Lost will protect various places in the cathedral. They wear beautiful white veils, but the eyes of their iron mask are an empty darkness and they attack intruders like automatons.

A passageway where white vegetation grows in large numbers. They resemble Blood Tear Springs, but do not produce any Blood Tears.

The cathedral stands before the protagonist and company upon exiting the corridors. A giant seal seems to have been placed on the entrance of the cathedral. And nearby seems to be a girl that resembles Io…?

What awaits inside the walls of the cathedral…?


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-4-5 10:37 PM |只看该作者
■ The “Successor” Who Inherits Q.U.E.E.N.’s Body

As a result of trying every possible measure to disable the infinite regeneration of Q.U.E.E.N., the only method arrived at was “fusion with the body of another person.”

The God Shell

The name given to the partitioned body of Q.U.E.E.N. Similar to a Lost, it is fully assimilated with parasites and thus cannot be incinerated, and as a last resort, measures were taken to “transplant the body inside another body.”

Guardian of the God Shell

Jack is feared as a “Revenant Hunter.” He guards the God Shell, but his true mission make a new Revenant inherit the God Shell as a successor when signs of losing one’s self start to appear. In order to achieve that mission, he has laid many Revenants to rest.

Successor of the God Shell

Only Revenants whose compatibility level with the God Shell surpasses a certain amount will be deemed a candidate to become successor. Nevertheless, it will cause transformation to a body unable to endure erosion.

In order to control the erosion of the God Shell, a “strong will” is required in addition to the high compatibility level. Selection of the successor that possesses the nature to take over the God Shell is one of Jack’s duties.

Jack and Eva’s Mission

Successors unable to endure the erosion of the God Shell, and who show signs of losing one’s self, will die at the hands of Jack, and the God Shell will be inherited by a new successor…

Eva kneels to pray to the Revenants who have perished. She has a special power to calm the God Shell running wild with her singing voice. With that power, she stays by Jack’s side, supporting him on his mission.

■ Boss: The Successor of the Ribcage

The successor that awaits in the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood. While it already lost its human consciousness, it stands before the protagonist and company as if to block the door to the cathedral.

A giant creature with a wolf-like head, the Successor of the Ribcage has four arms and two legs. Since it has inherited the power of Q.U.E.E.N., it is a mighty foe whose strength cannot be compared to other Lost.

Chains can be seen on the Lost’s hands and feet.

Its four arms are engraved with marks that enable it to unleash Gifts of various attribute, including thunder, ice, and fire. Both their range and power are tremendous, so you will not be able to win without a counter-plan.

■ Jack’s Partner Traits

Jack actively approaches the enemy to fight at close range. Given his high mobility and evasion performance, he is difficult to damage. Using his “Bloodshot” Gift, which can attack from a long distance, and his “Active Record” Gift, which increases his maximum stamina value, he can strengthen both his attack and defense.

Jack is characterized by step evasion only possible with lightweight equipment. He will proactively attack the enemy while dodging its attacks.

Some Gifts that Jack Can Use

Active Record – Increases the maximum stamina of both himself and his allies, and fully recovers stamina, for a fixed period of time.
Bloodshot – Transforms blood power into a large bullet that is then fired.

Co-Op Gift: Fatal Day

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Jack is your partner. It trades off the use of regeneration power to increase attack power and decrease the amount of stamina consumed.

—With the Co-Op Gift “Fatal Day,” although physical strength cannot be recovered for a fixed time due to the regeneration power trade-off, you can actively use Drain attacks with a higher number of attacks and less stamina consumption to deal big damage.

■ Eva’s Partner Traits

Eva provides cover while mainly shooting with her bayonet to fight from a distance. She can deal big damage from long distances with her attack-type Gifts such as “Bloodshot” and “Bleed Roar.”

When she uses up her Ichor Stock, Eva can fight at close range, but since her physical strength is low, she must be careful as not to get killed.

Some Gifts that Eva Can Use

Authority – Increases her and her allies’ Gift use speed for a fixed period of time.
Bleed Roar – Creates a blade of polluted blood that fires at the enemy.
—“Bleed Roar” is a gift that can deal big damage from a distance. By combining it with “Authority,” you can put the enemy in a dangerous situation, easily unleashing powerful gifts to defeat them.

Co-Op Gift: Limited Song

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Eva is your partner. It increases Ichor Stock consumption as a trade-off to increase Drain performance and Gift performance for a fixed period of time.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in 2018.


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发表于 2018-4-5 10:40 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-9 11:20 PM 编辑

《噬血代码》公开「杰克」与「伊娃」的能力 以及全新地图和拥有特殊力量的「神骸」
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/161106.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于近(5)日,公开预定在 2018 年内发售的「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)最新游戏情报。

  本作以近未来的世界作为游戏舞台,描写被称为吸血鬼(レヴナント)之人的故事。 这次将会公开游戏故事的序章部份,成为以制造出完美战士为目标的「Q.U.E.E.N. 计划」实验品,最后因此失控的少女「女王(クイーン)」,主角一行人将会参加对抗她的战斗。 而在战败之后,遇见失去记忆的女吸血鬼「伊奥(イオ)」(相关报导),之后就和她一起行动。

  另外还一并公开主角一行人需要探索的全新场地「白血圣堂(白い血の圣堂)」,以及强悍的女王身躯「神骸」继承方法。 这次也将一起公开,过去报导中也有登场的吸血鬼猎人「杰克(ジャック)」与「伊娃(エヴァ)」的搭档特性。 杰克是身负选择要由谁来继续拥有强悍力量之女王身体「神骸」,如此重责大任的选定者,而伊娃则是负责从旁协助。


  杰克作为搭档,是个会活用自身机动力的接近攻击类型角色,伊娃则是擅长使用鎗剑从远距离发动攻击。 有关他们所能使用的特殊力量「炼血」等情报,详情请参阅以下公开新闻。







主角发挥力量,让血泪之泉再生,两人摄取凝结好的血泪后稍作休事。 在这时出现了为了寻找血泪,而在都市里徘徊的吸血鬼团体,于是主角便和伊奥一起被囚禁,当作是用来收集血泪的奴隶。





  主角在取得血泪后回到地上,却看到全灭已雾散的吸血鬼们,和倒在一旁的伊奥...... 那是因为接触到瘴气,使吸血渴望失控的吸血鬼所干的好事。 已经失去自我,连头部都开始突变化成堕鬼的吸血鬼,对主角发动攻击。


  主角因为毫无防备而陷入危机,这时路易(ルイ)出手相助。 面对持续发动攻击的吸血鬼,就必须要和路易一起连手对抗。


  主角一行人借用路易的力量,终于击退化为堕鬼的吸血鬼。 路易目击到主角让血泪之泉再生的场面,认为他的力量对自己的目的有所帮助,于是带领他到活动据点。


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