标题: 【PS4】七大罪 大不列颠的旅人 [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-12 07:06 PM
标题: 【PS4】七大罪 大不列颠的旅人
The Seven Deadly Sins: The Britannian Traveler official website opened
官方网站开张《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人》登上 PS4 施展大罪动作

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 今(28)日开设新作游戏官方网站,透露将改编知名漫画作品《七大罪》于 PlayStation 4 主机推出全新动作游戏《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》。

  原著为漫画的《七大罪》并非第一次改编成游戏,已经在 2015 年在 3DS 和智能型手机上推出过游戏作品。 而本次登上 PS4,将会以更高画质的游戏画面,以「大罪动作」来重现原作中主角们的战斗场景。

  《七大罪》故事设定中,有着曾经试图颠覆王国的传说中的逆贼「七大罪」,而王国的中枢「圣骑士」们至今依然不断在追捕他们。 一个看似个小鬼头的酒馆老板,加上一只会说话的猪 ‧ 霍克与他的移动店面,开始了酒吧兼情报收集站的生活,却因缘际会遇到穿著盔甲的美少女 ‧ 伊莉萨白。 一段足以改变世界样貌的惊心动魄冒险,无比痛快的英雄科幻冒险故事就此开幕。


标题:七大罪 大不列颠的旅人
原名:七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人
游玩人数:1 ~ 2 人

Bandai Namco has opened the official website for its newly announced PlayStation 4 action game The Seven Deadly Sins: The Britannian Traveler.http://ps47ds.bn-ent.net/

The website provides the first two direct-feed screenshots of the game.

A release date and price for The Seven Deadly Sins: The Britannian Traveler have yet to be announced.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-12 07:07 PM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia Coming West Early 2018
《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人》明年 2018年年初欧美英文 PS4 版 首部宣传片公开

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 今(2)日透露将改编知名漫画作品《七大罪》于 PlayStation 4 主机推出全新动作游戏《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》公开了首部宣传片,其中有不少游戏实际演示的内容。

  原著为漫画的《七大罪》并非第一次改编成游戏,已经在 2015 年在 3DS 和智能型手机上推出过游戏作品。 而本次登上 PS4,将会以更高画质的游戏画面,以「大罪动作」来重现原作中主角们的战斗场景。

  《七大罪》故事设定中,有着曾经试图颠覆王国的传说中的逆贼「七大罪」,而王国的中枢「圣骑士」们至今依然不断在追捕他们。 一个看似个小鬼头的酒馆老板,加上一只会说话的猪 ‧ 霍克与他的移动店面,开始了酒吧兼情报收集站的生活,却因缘际会遇到穿著盔甲的美少女 ‧ 伊莉萨白。 一段足以改变世界样貌的惊心动魄冒险,无比痛快的英雄科幻冒险故事就此开幕。



• Platform: PlayStation 4
• Genre: Action Adventure
• Release Date: Coming Soon
• Developer: Natsume Atari
• Players: 1-2 (Offline and Online)
• Ratings: RP (Rating Pending)
• Localization: Subtitles (English, French, Italian, Spanish, German)

Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins!

Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins and fight to save the Kingdom of Liones in The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, coming to PlayStation 4! Based on the hit manga, The Seven Deadly Sins by Nabaka Suzuki, enjoy stories of adventure and experience all of the action and excitement from the anime. Play through memorable fights with famous characters such as Meliodas, Elizabeth, Hawk, and others in all of their unique fighting styles.

Key Features

• Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins -The popular hit anime The Seven Deadly Sins comes to console for the very first time.

• Action Oriented – A high-tension and fast-paced action fighting style that is expected of the popular anime series.

• Lush Environments – The world of Britannia comes to life in a scenic 3D environment, made possible by the power of the PlayStation 4.

• Adventurous Storyline – Experience an enticing story line and plenty of places in Britannia to explore.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-12 07:08 PM
《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人》首度释出影片 确认「大罪动作」样貌

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,改编知名漫画作品《七大罪(七つの大罪)》于 PlayStation 4 主机推出的全新动作游戏《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》,今(3)日首度释出宣传影片,并曝光了实际的游戏画面。

  铃木央原著,目前正在周刊少年 Magazine 连载中的漫画《七大罪》也曾推出改编电视动画,并曾经在 2015 年在 3DS 和智能型手机上推出过游戏作品。 本次登上 PS4,将会带来更高画质的游戏画面以及更具魄力的「大罪动作」,重现原作中主角们的冒险旅程。

  PlayStation 4《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》发售日和售价皆尚未公布。



《七大罪 布里塔尼亞的旅人》PS4 繁体中文版正式确定推出 宣传片公开

  台湾 Namco Bandai Entertainment 万代南梦宫娱乐今日宣布,对战动作冒险游戏《七大罪 布里塔尼亞的旅人》将登陆PS4平台并推出繁体中文版。

  《七大罪 布里塔尼亞的旅人》是以铃木央老师的同名原著漫画《七大罪》为故事舞台,展开一连串试炼与冒险的游戏作品。游戏中「梅里奥达斯」、「伊莉萨白」、「霍克」以及其他伙伴们也将一一登场,玩家将可以体验每个角色独特的战斗招式,享受气势磅礡的对战。


游戏名称:《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PlayStation 4
©Nakaba Suzuki,KODANSHA/The Seven Deadly Sins Project,MBS. All Rights Reserved.
©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-12 07:12 PM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia details battlefield destruction, special moves

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, detailing the action game’s battlefield destruction and special moves.

Get the details below.

■ “Super” Battlefield Destruction

Extremely flashy battles will unfold in fights against the enemies that stand in your way. The story will develop as rumors circulate throughout the people of Britannia. By making full use of special moves, you can enjoy battles full of intensity.

—Destroy the battlefield while fighting! “Good things” may even occur the more you destroy the battlefield.

—By obtaining “Magic Crystals,” you can strengthen the character’s skills to your liking.

■ Extremely Flashy Action

Super special moves called “Deadly Sin Shots,” which are ultimate magic moves that fill the screen, are being prepared for each character.

—Meliodas’ Deadly Sin Shot

—Ban’s Deadly Sin Shot

Other than Deadly Sin Shots, there are a variety of big techniques.

—King / Harlequin’s Special Move

—Ban’s Special Move

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is due out for PlayStation 4 in North America and Europe in early 2018. Its release window has yet to be announced for Japan.

《七大罪 布里塔尼亞的旅人》全新游戏截图 展示技能树、炫酷战斗场景

  Namco Bandai Entertainment 万代南梦宫娱乐今日公布了改编知名漫画作品《七大罪》于 PlayStation 4 主机推出全新动作游戏《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》一批新的游戏截图,展示了游戏中角色的成长系统以及梅利奥达斯、金等人的战斗场景。


  《七大罪 布里塔尼亞的旅人》是以铃木央老师的同名原著漫画《七大罪》为故事舞台,展开一连串试炼与冒险的游戏作品。游戏中「梅里奥达斯」、「伊莉萨白」、「霍克」以及其他伙伴们也将一一登场,玩家将可以体验每个角色独特的战斗招式,享受气势磅礡的对战。

  《七大罪》故事设定中,有着曾经试图颠覆王国的传说中的逆贼「七大罪」,而王国的中枢「圣骑士」们至今依然不断在追捕他们。 一个看似个小鬼头的酒馆老板,加上一只会说话的猪 ‧ 霍克与他的移动店面,开始了酒吧兼情报收集站的生活,却因缘际会遇到穿著盔甲的美少女 ‧ 伊莉萨白。 一段足以改变世界样貌的惊心动魄冒险,无比痛快的英雄科幻冒险故事就此开幕。

  《七大罪 布里塔尼亞的旅人》将会于2018 年年初发售,PS4 平台独占,本作会推出繁体中文,敬请期待。

游戏名称:《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PlayStation 4
©Nakaba Suzuki,KODANSHA/The Seven Deadly Sins Project,MBS. All Rights Reserved.
©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-12 07:15 PM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia details Story Mode

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, detailing the action game’s gossip-spreading Story Mode.

Get the details below.

■ Story Mode

Field Map

The world of The Seven Deadly Sins manga and anime comes to life on PlayStation 4.

Gossip of the “Seven Deadly Sins” Will Open the Path Forward

Control Hawk’s Mother to travel all over a vast map, clear quests, and advance the story. As gossip spreads among villagers through your flashy battles, new destinations will appear. By doing the quests at these locations, the story will progress.

—The battle results screen.

—Plenty of gossip will spread as you fight super flashy battles.

—New destinations will become available as a result of the gossip.

—Arrive at your next destination.

—A new quest appears.

Quest Flow

The character drama of quests, which appear by spreading gossip, are a must-see.

—Dialogue between characters and famous scenes.

—Win battles to spread gossip even further and to make the next quest appear.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is due out for PlayStation 4 in North America and Europe in early 2018. Its release window has yet to be announced for Japan.

《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》介绍藉由散播 “传闻” 展开剧情的「故事模式」
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/152362.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于近(8)日公布 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》最新情报。

  本作是以铃木央所绘制的漫画《七大罪(七つの大罪)》为题材的游戏。 该作目前正于周刊少年 Magazine 上连载,并已决定推出新一季电视动画及剧场版动画。





在 PS4 重现漫画及动画里令人熟悉的世界,展开大冒险!!

操纵霍克妈妈解决遍布于广大地图各地的任务,使故事向前推进。 华丽战斗将于村民之间口耳相传,使全新目的地出现。



战斗后的结算画面。 展现出华丽战斗将使传闻广为流传







※ 图片为开发中画面。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-21 03:37 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 06:44 PM 编辑

Four minutes of The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia gameplay
《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》首曝演示竟然是款格斗游戏

转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201709/958996.shtml

  IGN 今天公开了一段四分钟的《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》的实机演示,从视频上来看这款游戏的风格似乎是格斗游戏,和我们预想的是否有点不同呢?

  从演示上来看,这款《七大罪》漫改游戏实际上更近似于一个固定场景内的 3D 格斗游戏,游戏中也加入了目标锁定等等ACT游戏常用的系统。结合之前的说明来看,这款游戏也会包含技能树、任务等等系统,视频中也出现了为人物选择技能的界面。

  随着更多演示的公开,相信我们也会对这款游戏的玩法有更全面的认识。本作将于 2018
年年初发售,PS4 平台独占,此前万代南梦宫宣布本作会推出繁体中文。


IGN has published a four-minute gameplay video of The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia from Tokyo Game Show 2017.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:

Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins!

Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins and fight to save the Kingdom of Liones in The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, coming to PlayStation 4! Based on the hit manga, The Seven Deadly Sins by Nabaka Suzuki, enjoy stories of adventure and experience all of the action and excitement from the anime. Play through memorable fights with famous characters such as Meliodas, Elizabeth, Hawk, and others in all of their unique fighting styles.

Key Features

Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins – The popular hit anime The Seven Deadly Sins comes to console for the very first time.
Action Oriented – A high-tension and fast-paced action fighting style that is expected of the popular anime series.
Lush Environments – The world of Britannia comes to life in a scenic 3D environment, made possible by the power of the PlayStation 4.
Adventurous Storyline – Experience an enticing story line and plenty of places in Britannia to explore.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is due out for PlayStation 4 in early 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-31 04:54 PM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia details Guila, Jericho, Howzer, Griamore, Gilthunder, Arthur, and Slader

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia introducing playable characters Guila, Jericho, Howzer, Griamore, Gilthunder, Arthur, and Slader.

Get the details below.

■ Playable Character Introductions


A balanced-type equipped with long-range attacks that mainly use fire, including “Explosion.”


As a New Generation who uses her agility for hit-and-aways, she unleashes a number of awakened magic attacks.


The power of a “Silver” rank Holy Knight is not only for show! He can freely control winds and tornadoes, and overwhelms his opponent with powerful techniques.


He is equipped with both attack techniques and defense techniques, and is characterized by his powerful fighting strength brought about by his large build.


Since he can both control thunder and has speed, he can use multiple attacks where distance is not an issue.


He fights the enemy with quick movements while wielding the one-handed sword “Sequence.”


He wields a saw-shaped great sword and can unleash various tricky techniques. His superhuman movement can be quite troublesome.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is due out for PlayStation 4 in early 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-31 05:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-2 06:17 PM 编辑

《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》公布吉拉及茱莉柯等七位全新玩家操纵角色及游戏截图
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/154713.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于近日公布 PlayStation 4 专用动作游戏《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》新情报。



「这点程度的攻击,休想阻止我「爆炎」的魔力! 」


「我是为了在你的心脏上刻下我的名字而来。 」

圣骑士位阶「白金」的强大并非是虚有其表! 能够自由操控风及龙卷,施展出强力的技能。

「可不能在这里示弱呢! 」



「...... 不能再让你往前一步了。 」


「现在的我比起<七大罪>的任何人都还要更强。 」



「这边也差不多该要分个高下了! 」

手持锯齿状大剑,施展各种狡猾技巧。 其超越人体极限的动作相当棘手!

「这个小子是<七大罪>? 」
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-6 02:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-6 02:58 PM 编辑

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia launches January 25 in Japan, opening movie
《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》公布 1 月 25 日发售日 开场动画公开

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于近日公布 PlayStation 4 专用动作游戏《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》发售日预定在 2018 年 1 月 25 日发售对应平台为 PS4,售价为 7600 日元。同时也公开了开场动画宣传片。此外本作此前已经确认将推出繁体中文版。

  《七大罪 布里塔尼亞的旅人》是以铃木央老师的同名原著漫画《七大罪》为故事舞台,展开一连串试炼与冒险的游戏作品。游戏中「梅里奥达斯」、「伊莉萨白」、「霍克」以及其他伙伴们也将一一登场,玩家将可以体验每个角色独特的战斗招式,享受气势磅礡的对战。

  《七大罪》故事设定中,有着曾经试图颠覆王国的传说中的逆贼「七大罪」,而王国的中枢「圣骑士」们至今依然不断在追捕他们。 一个看似个小鬼头的酒馆老板,加上一只会说话的猪 ‧ 霍克与他的移动店面,开始了酒吧兼情报收集站的生活,却因缘际会遇到穿著盔甲的美少女 ‧ 伊莉萨白。 一段足以改变世界样貌的惊心动魄冒险,无比痛快的英雄科幻冒险故事就此开幕。



The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan on January 25, 2018 for 7,600 yen at retail or via download, Bandai Namco announced.

In the Americas and Europe, The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is slated for release in early 2018.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:

Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins!

Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins and fight to save the Kingdom of Liones in The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, coming to PlayStation 4! Based on the hit manga, The Seven Deadly Sins by Nabaka Suzuki, enjoy stories of adventure and experience all of the action and excitement from the anime. Play through memorable fights with famous characters such as Meliodas, Elizabeth, Hawk, and others in all of their unique fighting styles.

Key Features

Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins – The popular hit anime The Seven Deadly Sins comes to console for the very first time.

Action Oriented – A high-tension and fast-paced action fighting style that is expected of the popular anime series.

Lush Environments – The world of Britannia comes to life in a scenic 3D environment, made possible by the power of the PlayStation 4.

Adventurous Storyline – Experience an enticing story line and plenty of places in Britannia to explore.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-6 10:54 PM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia launches February 9 in the Americas and Europe


The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia will launch physically and digitally for PlayStation 4 on February 9, 2018 in the Americas and Europe, Bandai Namco announced. It will support English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish subtitles.

In Japan, the game was dated yesterday for January 25.

Users who pre-order The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia will receive a set of formal wear costumes for Meliodas, Ban, King, Hawk, Diane (human-sized), Escanor, Gowther, and Merlin.

Bandai Namco also shared the following new details about the game:

With the pre-order announcement new information about the game has been unveiled. Escanor, the Lion’s Sin of Pride featured in the upcoming season, will be playable into the main game. He is renowned for gaining immense power during the day, and gradually becoming weaker with the setting of the sun. His Sacred Treasure is the Divine Axe Rhitta and his power is named Sunshine. The brand new season – The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments – on air later this year in Japan, will be available as well next Spring 2018 as additional free content for all the players.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-21 07:22 AM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia 'Wrath of the Dragon’s Sin' Trailer


The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath Collector's Edition Announced

Bandai Namco Entertainment unveils today the Physical Collector’s Edition content for The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, set to be released on 9th February, 2018.

Along with the classic Standard Edition of the game, The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath Collector’s Edition features some of the most exclusive collectible items that fans of the saga have always desired:

• The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia Full Game

• Genuine Official Laser Cell Art, designed exclusively by the anime studio

• 12cm (4.7 inches) figurine of Meliodas by Banpresto

• Collector’s Box

With the announcement of the Collector’s Edition new info about the game has also been unleashed.

Adventure mode

Relive the story of the anime with free story updates as the next seasons airs. Roam around the land in Hawk Mama following ‘rumours’ to find out where the other Sins are and do side-quests to increase ‘rumours’ to progress in the main story. Players will also be able to perform the characters special attack called ‘Sin Action’.

Duel mode

Duel modes will allow players to face off in traditional versus or participate in challenging online fights set in iconic locations of the anime. Fight 1vs1 or 2vs2 with 20 customisable playable characters with magic crystals.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia will be available 9th February, 2018 exclusively on PlayStation 4 both digitally and boxed.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-21 06:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-21 06:48 PM 编辑


PS4《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》繁体中文版预定 2018 年 1 月 25 日与日本同步发售
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/155520.html

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(21)日宣布,PS4 大罪动作游戏《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》繁体中文版预定将于 2018 年 1 月 25 日与日本同步发售,并公开限定版及首批特典内容。



  以辽阔的布里塔尼亚为故事舞台,与传说中的骑士团「七大罪」一行人及女王伊莉萨白的精采冒险将在 PS4 平台再度展开! 绚丽的游戏画面、魄力十足的打斗动作、因战斗而被「超」破坏的战场都能亲身体验,成为众人口中的传说。




明年 1 月起播映的新一季电视动画中登场的「傲慢之罪」艾斯卡诺也将参战!


在对战模式中,单机时可双人游玩,联机时最多可同时 4 人共斗,自由享受 1vs1 或 2vs2 对战乐趣!


《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》繁体中文限定版内容包含:


特制彩绘外盒及《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》繁体中文版游戏本体
动画制作团队特别绘制的 3D 版画


凡购买首批《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》繁体中文版一般版及限定版的玩家将可获得以下特典:

繁体中文版独家实体首批特典! 「猪的帽子亭」木制餐具组







※ 发售后日后开放下载





※ 首批特典数量有限,请洽询购买店家。
※ 万代南梦宫娱乐保留变更、修改特典样式及内容的权利。


  配合新一季电视动画开播,《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》繁体中文版发售后将陆续推出免费追加下载内容,「十戒」的角色将逐一登场。


游戏名称:七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人
发售日:2018 年 1 月 25 日
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PlayStation 4
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-14 07:05 PM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia details Adventure Mode, Duel Mode, eight characters

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, its upcoming Seven Deadly Sins action game developed by Natsume Atari, introducing the game’s Adventure Mode and Duel Mode, and eight of more than 20 playable characters.

Get the details below.

■ Adventure Mode

Go on a grand adventure across the vast land of Britannia atop with the moving bar-restaurant the “Boar Hat” as your base. Clear the various “quests” that appear as you adventure to advance the story.

By proceeding with a quest, a battle will occur. By taking part in these flashy battles, “gossip” will circulate among the people, and as more gossip circulates, new quests will manifest and you will move to new destinations. Travel around the land of Britannia and seek out the scattered members of The Seven Deadly Sins.

The game includes various episodes, from Meliodas and Elizabeth’s first meeting to the recapture of the royal capital, as well as original episodes that run parallel to the story of Seven Deadly Sins television anime. Quests featuring the “Ten Commandments” that debut in the January 2018 season of the television anime will also released via free updates.

During quest battles, the “Gossip Gauge” will gradually increase the more you destroy the battlefield and the flashier you fight like the rumored Seven Deadly Sins. By destroying the battlefield and leveling up, you can also obtain “materials.”

By consuming Magic, you can unleash powerful “magic techniques.” These techniques differ for each character, allowing players to enjoy unique battles.

In partner battles, you can request a cooperative attack from your partner to unleash powerful attacks. Depending on the combination of characters, the banter between characters will change. A successful cooperative attack will result in major damage dealt to the opponent.

By synthesizing the “magic crystals” and “materials” you obtain by clearing quest battles and the like, you can create “magic tools.”

You can equip characters with the magic tools you create in order to strengthen their abilities. Customize your favorite characters, then head into battle against formidable foes.

If you are lacking in magic crystals and materials, you can obtain them during quests and on the field. There are also materials that can only be obtained during “Errand” quests where the player controls Elizabeth and explores the battlefield.

■ Duel Mode

Enjoy maximum two-player offline and maximum four-player online battles.

The characters you can use in Duel Mode will be unlocked in order based on your progress in Adventure Mode.

You can freely set things such as the stage and rules. You can also change settings such as whether to use a battlefield with a narrow terrain or one with different levels of elevation, the enemy’s strength, and the length of the battle.

You can also customize your equipment. Customize your character to your liking and fight against rivals all over the world.

Each character has various characteristics and all sorts of unique techniques. Use them properly based on your style and battle in flashy fashion.

■ Over 20 Characters Appear in Duel Mode

Over 20 characters will be available for use in Duel Mode. Here we will look at eight of them.

Meliodas (voiced by Yuuki Kaiji)

All all-rounder that can fight at both short and long distances with fast, consecutive attacks. His “Full Counter” technique, which can reflect the opponent’s attack, is particularly effective against opponents with long distance attacks.

Ban (voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki)

Player skill is required to master his many extremely quick, consecutive-hit attacks. Ban dominates with his “Physical Hunt” technique, which drains the opponent’s magic and recovers his own, to unleash attacks one after the other. However, caution is advised as he cannot move properly following a technique.

Diane (Giant Size) (voiced by Aoi Yuuki)

Giant Size Diane is playable during a specific quest in Adventure Mode. She can mow down countless enemies with various powerful attacks thanks to her large build. In Duel Mode, the human size Diane that appeared during the Vaizel Fighting Festival is playable.

King (voiced by Jun Fukuyama)

King attacks using the Spirit Spear “Chastiefol.” He is strong in that he can accurately target his opponent from long distances, but weak in that he has no means of attack when his magic is depleted, so gauge control is essential. He can move freely around the sky, but has to be careful not to let his opponent mirage step to get behind him.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-14 07:05 PM
Gowther (voiced by Yuuhei Takagi)

A character with the special ability to use long distance attacks that reduce the opponent’s magic and techniques that are impossible to guard against. Gowether specializes in a hit-and-away strategy that reduces the opponent’s magic from a distance, lessening the amount of techniques available to them, and follows up with close combat attacks. Since he can reduce the opponent’s abilities, he especially shines in partner battles.

Merlin (voiced by Maaya Sakamoto)

Merlin can strike with powerful magic attacks regardless of distance. However, caution is advised as she loses her means of attack when her magic is depleted. Her sacred treasure, the “Morning Star Aldan,” can be moved separately from her body. While guarding, use Aldan to hit the enemy and interrupt their attacks, or use it to make up for post-attack pursuits and when Merlin can’t move.

Hawk (voiced by Misaki Kuno)

A character that can easily use quick, consecutive attacks. Since he has many attacks that charge and ram at the opponent, caution is advised given that the enemy can easily counter. While Hawk is mainly a short distance fighter, he also has techniques to attack his opponent regardless of distance.

Elizabeth (voiced by Sora Amamiya)

The third princess of the Liones Kingdom. She sought out The Seven Deadly Sins that were scattered all over and saved the Kingdom from crisis. She is a blubberer, but she is a cute and has a heart full of strong conviction and kindness.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is due out for PlayStation 4 on January 25 in Japan, and February 9 in the Americas and Europe.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-14 07:08 PM
《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人》公开两大游戏模式新情报

  万代南梦宫今天公开了旗下预定 2018 年 1 月 25 日发售的根据日本人气漫画《七大罪》改编的动作游戏 PS4《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人》的最新情报,2 大主要游戏模式公开。

·《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人》为万代的最新动作大作,其角色以及游戏背景都来自人气漫画《七大罪》,主角梅利奥达斯与性感的伊丽莎白女王以及其他角色纷纷亮相,实际游戏画面如同动画片般的渲染色彩非常舒服。





作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-28 05:00 PM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia details Diane (Human Size), Arthur Pendragon, Twigo, Gilthunder, Jericho, and Guila

Bandai Namco has released a new set of information and screenshots of The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia introducing playable characters Diane (Human Size), Arthur Pendragon, Twigo, Gilthunder, Jericho, and Guila.

Get the details below.

Diane (Human Size) (voiced by Aoi Yuuki)

She has easy-to-use standard attacks whose movement is rather slow, but can be recommend to any player. There is a one-tempo pause when using her “Double Hammer” technique, but because it is not hindered by distance and obstacles, it is effective when it catches the enemy off guard.

Arthur Pendragon (voiced by Sachi Kokuryu)

An easy-to-use character with a standard attack set and the ability to counter direct attacks. When using counters, be sure to aim for the proper timing, such as during rush-style attacks and attacks with big preliminary actions, or when the opponent runs out of magical power and can only use direct attacks.

Twigo (voiced by Kenta Miyake)

A character with long-reaching attacks. Particularly, the “Whirlwind” technique is his main strength since it has a wide range both frontward and horizontally. His aerial sword attack is also powerful. He is a recommended character as he is easy for anyone to fight with.

Gilthunder (voiced by Mamoru Miyano)

An all-rounder with steady strength who can fight regardless of distance. His long distance attacks like the “Raiju no Tsuiso” and “Raiteni no Tettsui” techniques can easily target opponents, and his easy to connect “Raimeizan” technique is effective as an additional blow after a standard attack.

Jericho (voiced by Marina Inoue)

She has a high number of attacks and is recommended for combo lovers. With her long distance shots, and magical techniques that follow approaching and consecutively attacking the opponent (and further pursuing with a mirage step), you can get an unmatched sense of exhilaration if you know how to fight using the basics.

Guila (voiced by Mariya Ise)

Since her handy shot attacks are easy to use, she is particularly recommended for players early on. When it comes to long range combat, you will want to always remain conscious of fighting the opponent from a distance. Use her “Killer Mine” trap-set technique to try to restrain the approaching opponent.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is due out for PlayStation 4 on January 25 in Japan, and February 9 in the Americas and Europe.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-28 05:05 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-11 11:34 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-13 03:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-15 03:57 PM 编辑

《七大罪 布里塔尼亞的旅人》第三弹繁体中文版宣传片

  万代南梦宫今天公开了旗下预定 2018 年 1 月 25 日发售的根据日本人气漫画《七大罪》改编的动作游戏 PS4《七大罪 大不列颠的旅人》公开第三弹繁体中文版宣传片,内容以介绍游戏的故事冒险模式为主。


  本作将在 1 月 25 日发售,繁体中文版同步推出。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-17 02:43 PM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia details 12 more characters

Bandai Namco has released information and game models of 12 more characters playable in the “Duel Mode” of the upcoming The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia.

Get the details below.

Griamore (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai)

Specializes in Wall powers. The bullets of his Arrange Wall slowly follow their target for a long time. Use this floating wall in combination with normal wall shots to keep opponents in check.

Howzer (voiced by Ryouhei Kimura)

A character with both nimble movements and nimble attacks. Rising Tornado is an easy move to use—throw it into a chain, or deploy it just as your opponent is about to get up. Also, you can use Quick Wind to draw opponents in for a hit.

Aldrich Form Helbram (voiced by Ryoutarou Okiayu)

He is a smart fighter who uses shots with high homing ability to chip away at opponents or attack guarding opponents from the behind. Keep an eye on the magic gauge as you use both offense and defense to greatly strengthen his direct attacks and defense.

Fairy Helbram (voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya)

His Link ability works different from Aldrich-Form Helbram. His shots, vine attacks, and levitating sword are boosted, as is his defense. But since he attacks slowly, the key is how well you can get your offense in.

Slader (voiced by Shinichiro Miki)

He is the only character with a multi-hit attack, and can deal as much damage as a magic technique with his regular attacks. Using his Overpower Gaze to stop enemies in their tracks and attacking is a great strategy.

Dreyfus (voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi)

Take advantage of his power-type perks and do not worry about a little bit of damage—just keep pushing. Each of his attacks are strong. Going from Kantotsu to Rakan is a powerful chain. It may use a lot of magic, but it is worth trying for.

Hendrickson (voiced by Yuuya Uchida)

Enchantment: Hellblaze is a useful technique that powers up his sword attacks. It consumes magic continuously, so you need to fight skillfully if you do not want to waste it, but there are all different sword strikes, so the number of hits you can get in is alluring.

Blood-Red Form Hendrickson (voiced by Yuuya Uchida)

Acid Garden allows him to, like Gowther, cause opponents to lose magic. It is technical, but seal off opponents’ magic techniques to invite direct attacks. He may move slowly, but he has powerful shots as well as quick chain attacks that are easy to inflict damage with.

Ash-Gray Form Hendrikson (voiced by Yuuya Uchida)

He has strong attacks for both close-quarters and ranged fighting, such as Dark Nebula and Dark Hail. But he is a magic type, so unless you can manage the magic gauge as well as the other Hendrikson forms, you will not be able to use his full power. Be careful.

Demon Mark Meliodas (voiced by Yuuki Kaji)

Basically all of his attacks are powerful and have good range, so he is a stable, strong, character. There are, however, two things to watch out for. He is a magic type, so if you attack recklessly, you’ll use up his magic in no time. Also, he has lots of techniques that take a while to perform, so if his opponents dodge, he will be a sitting duck. Watch out!

Meliodas (Liz’s Sword) (voiced by Yuuki Kaji)

He is the same as normal Melodias except Shining Slash changes to Kami Chigiri. In exchange for dealing greater damage, Kami Chigiri takes a little bit more prep motion, so use it as you like.

Zeldris (voiced by Yuuki Kaji)

All of his techniques are strong, and his attacks and skills are all standards, so they are easy to use, but as with many characters, you need to be careful of magic consumption. His unique power is that when his magic techniques are ultimate level, he can use normal magic techniques in some levels to cause major destruction.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is due out for PlayStation 4 on January 25 in Japan, and February 9 in the Americas and Europe.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-17 02:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-17 06:58 PM 编辑

《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》公开 12 只可用角色 「十戒」赛多里斯也可使用
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/157903.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于近(16)日,公开预定在 1 月 25 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》部份玩家可用角色。

  这次公开的情报,是可供玩家在享受一对一或二对二的「DUEL」模式中使用的一共十二名角色。 除了有古利亚摩尔、豪瑟等在原作漫画或电视动画第一季当中,大家耳熟能详的角色以外,还有在目前正于日本播映的电视动画《七大罪 戒律的复活(七つの大罪 戒めの复活)》当中登场的「十戒」赛多里斯,也有登场供玩家使用。

  另外本作将会附赠可以在 DUEL 模式中使用的「七大罪」和霍克可用服装下载码作为抢先购买赠品。 而且还会配合前面提到的电视动画全新系列剧情发展,在游戏发售后释出有「十戒」角色登场的任务供玩家免费下载。

《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》

预定在 2018 年 1 月 25 日发售的 PlayStation 4《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》,于近(16)日在游戏官方网站,公开部份在本作当中会登场的角色! 「DUEL」模式可使用的角色高达二十名以上! 未来也会陆续公开更多角色情报,敬请大家密切注意。



擅长障壁系招式,以「配置障壁」产生出的子弹,会在极长时间中以缓慢速度追踪对手。 要靠这个会浮游的障壁,以及通常障壁射击的组合来牵制对手。


攻击、动作都十分轻快的角色。 「暴风升起(ライジングトルネード)」可以在连携攻击后施展,也能够拿来在对手起身时追击,是很好用的招式。 而且还可以先用「快捷之风(クイックウィンド)」吸引对手后再发动攻击。


擅长活用高追踪力射击攻击一步步压制对手,或者是在对手注重防御时从背后发动攻击等等,从战术上克制对手的战法。 要在注意魔力计量表剩余量的前提下,活用能强化直接攻击或是大幅提升防御力的魔力技,进行攻击或是防守。


「同调」的性能和枢机卿海尔布莱姆并不相同,射击、藤蔓攻击和飞剑会获得强化,防御力也会有所提升。 只不过因为攻击出招速度缓慢,作战时重点就是要怎么出招才不会被对手打断。


所有角色中唯一攻击(强)是连续攻击的角色,光靠通常攻击就能够制造出和魔力技匹敌的庞大伤害。 以威压的眼光制止对手行动后,再施展攻击的战术也非常强悍。


要活用每一发攻击都十分强悍的威力型战士特征,无视敌人造成的伤害,不断发动猛攻。 从「贯突」连到「罗贯」是很强悍的连续攻击,虽然消秏魔力也高,但有机会一定要积极使用。


「付咒:狱炎」是一招能让使剑攻击威力提升的技能。 因为会持续消秏魔力,所以在施展时必须要尽可能免费浪费,但也因为有众多切斩系攻击招式,进攻手段众多是最大的魅力。


「腐蚀之园」和哥塞尔(ゴウセル)一样,拥有可以让对手魔力失效的效果。 虽然有技术门坎,但可以封印对手魔力技,引诱他们使用直接攻击。 移动速度不快,不过拥有动作轻巧容易命中的连续攻击,以及十分强悍的射击攻击。


拥有「暗黑之环」、「暗黑之雹」等,在远、近距离都十分强悍的攻击。 只不过因为是魔力型角色,所以要注意和其他状态的韩德利克森一样,如果没办法好好管理魔力计量表,就无法发挥出充份的实力。


基本上不管是哪一招都很强悍,攻击范围也广,是个非常安定的强悍角色。 但因为是魔力型角色,如果没头没脑随便攻击,魔力马上就会秏尽,同时也要注意有很多招式攻击动作颇长,如果被人闪过会露出极大破绽。


除了魔力技「剑闪」变成「神千斩」以外,都和普通梅利奥达斯一样。 「神千斩」能带给敌人的伤害提升,但出招时的准备动作也变长,玩家可以照自己的喜好来选择要用哪个版本。


所有招式都很强悍,攻击等招式性质大多很普通,是个容易操作的角色,但应该也是要注意魔力的消秏程度。 魔力技是究极技等级,是唯一可以用通常魔力技来破坏部份舞台的角色!

今后也预定会陆续公开情报! 请密切注意后续报导!!


能下载到可以在 DUEL 模式中使用的「七大罪」以及霍克可用服装的下载码。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-23 04:04 PM
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia 11 character trailers, screenshots

Bandai Namco has released 11 new gameplay trailers for The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia introducing Griamore, Howzer, Helbram (Aldrich Form and Fairy), Slader, Dreyfus, Hendrickson (Normal, Blood-Red Form, and Ash-Gray Form), and Meliodas (Demon Mark Form and with Liz’s Sword).

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is due out for PlayStation 4 on January 25 in Japan, and February 9 in the Americas and Europe.












作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-25 03:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-25 04:37 PM 编辑

《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人》今天正式发售 宣传片公开

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于近(25)日预定在 1 月 25 日正式发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《七大罪 布里塔尼亚的旅人(七つの大罪 ブリタニアの旅人)》公开了最新情报。









作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-29 04:52 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-6 04:48 PM

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