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【新闻部】Nintendo 任天堂 -









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-13 06:35 PM |只看该作者
任天堂宣布即将推出免费下载软件《迷你玛利欧与好友的 amiibo 挑战》

  任天堂于 2014 年 12 月 6 日正式发售内藏感应芯片的玩偶「amiibo」以来,至今已推出了 60 种以上的 amiibo 角色,对应软件也达到了 20 款以上。


  就在今日,任天堂正式发表了对应 amiibo 的免费下载新软件《迷你玛利欧与好友的 amiibo 挑战(ミニマリオ&フレンズ amiiboチャレンジ)》,玩法类似《玛利欧 vs. 大金刚》系列,只要读取 amiibo 即可召唤出角色。 这些角色会在关卡中自动向前行走,玩家必须以触控笔制作出道路引导角色到达终点。


amiibo 活动宣传影片(《迷你玛利欧与好友的 amiibo 挑战》部份于 47 秒开始)


  本作对应所有的 amiibo,不过只有「玛利欧」、「路易吉」、「碧姬」、「奇诺比奥」、「森喜刚」、「迪迪金刚」、「库巴」、「小库巴」、「耀西」、「萝洁塔」等 amiibo 会召唤出具有特殊能力的角色,其余 amiibo 则是会召唤出基本泛用角色。





  特殊角色的特殊能力包括:可跳墙壁(玛利欧)、跳得特别高(路易吉)、可漂浮(碧姬)... 等等,还有对应角色能力的特别关卡,总关卡数达 60 关以上。


  在 1 月 28 日之后,只要在日本购买玩偶型的 amiibo,店家就会赠送写有 Wii U、3DS 下载序号(一张写有两个序号)的《迷你玛利欧与好友的 amiibo 挑战》下载卡片,玩家可凭序号至 Nintendo eShop 免费下载软件,序号送完为止。


在海外的玩家也不用担心,官方已宣布会在日后于 Nintendo eShop 开放免费下载,只是尚未公布是什么时候,虽然会晚日本一步,总也有机会玩到的。

※ 即使是在日本,也有部份店家或网络商店并未实施本次活动,需与店家确认。

  • 支持 amiibo:玩偶型的所有 amiibo(※不含 amiibo 卡片)
  • 活动实施期间:2016年1月28日(四)以后,序号送完为止(日后会开放免费下载)


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-14 06:30 PM |只看该作者
系列迎接 20 周年纪念《神奇宝贝》美国官方开设特设网站并释出宣传影片与多项计划

  自 1996 年 2 月发售《神奇宝贝 赤版 / 绿版》的《神奇宝贝》系列将在今年迈入 20 周年,美国神奇宝贝官方近日于 YouTube 频道上释出了一段 20 周年的纪念影像,率先公布了美国一系列的计划,同时也开设了「Pokémon 20th Anniversary」特设网站。


神奇宝贝 20 周年纪念 LOGO


  首先将预计于今年 2 月起,展开以「梦幻」为首的幻之神奇宝贝配布活动,至 12 月每个月将会更换不同的幻之神奇宝贝登场,对应版本为美版《神奇宝贝 X / Y》与《神奇宝贝 终极红宝石 / 神奇宝贝 始源蓝宝石》。

  另外 3 月至 12 月所配布的神奇宝贝依序分别为「雪拉比」、「基拉祈」、「达克莱伊」、「玛纳霏」、「洁咪」、「阿尔宙斯」、「比克提尼」、「凯路迪欧」、「盖诺赛克特」、「美洛耶塔」,各别的详细信息与领取方式可至官网查阅。

・New Nintendo 3DS 同捆版发售(VC《神奇宝贝 赤版 / 青版》)

  预计于 2 月 27 日推出的 3DS 虚拟平台版《神奇宝贝 赤 / 绿 / 青 / 皮卡丘》,除了将在日本和欧洲发售 2DS 同捆版之外,美国任天堂也公布了将发售同捆 New Nintendo 3DS 主机的《神奇宝贝 赤版》与《神奇宝贝 青版》的消息。

・20 周年相关《神奇宝贝》卡牌包贩卖

  除了将在 2 月贩卖卡片游戏的特别扩充包「Pokémon TCG: Generations」之外,另外至 12 月每个月也会陆续贩卖收录各种幻之神奇宝贝的收藏包「Pokémon TCG: Mythical Pokemon Collections」,详细信息可至官网查阅。


  自 1 月 19 日起,将会在美国 Apple Store、Google Play、Amazon 等数字平台推出官方网站列举的 12 部剧场版,其中初期的剧场版《超梦的逆袭》《洛奇亚爆诞》《结晶塔的帝王》等 3 部作品将会以重制版推出。

・「黏土人 Red 冠军 Ver.」发售决定

  《神奇宝贝 火焰红版 / 树叶绿版》中的训练家「Red」黏土人将以冠军版本再次登场并于「PokemonCenter.com」上架贩卖。 本商品于上一版本所附属的神奇宝贝为初始御三家妙蛙种子、小火龙、杰尼龟,而此次则附属神奇宝贝为妙蛙花、喷火龙、水箭龟等。

・神奇宝贝 20 周年纪念关连商品登场

  在迎接《神奇宝贝》20 周年之际,官方也将会在「PokemonCenter.com」推出一系列 T 恤、 TCG 周边、帽子、挂件、马克杯、等多项以 20 周年 LOGO 设计的关连周边商品。

・2016 年相关游戏新作《神宝拳》《神奇宝贝 GO》等

  最后,在今年预定推出的《神奇宝贝》相关游戏新作中,除了将发售 Wii U 专用软件《神宝拳(前译:Poke 拳)》之外,备受玩家瞩目的 iOS / Android 平台新作《神奇宝贝 GO》也将在今年内问世。

  另外,官方也透漏了在今年 2 月 7 日于美国登场的「超级杯(Super Bowl)」中,将会砸下重金首次在该时段放送一段 30 秒的《神奇宝贝》广告宣传影像,至于内容为何还请玩家拭目以待。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-15 07:36 AM |只看该作者
Wolf Link amiibo unlocks new dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

Wolf Link amiibo Unlocks New Dungeon in Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

It has been some time since Nintendo shared any new information about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, which had been announced in November’s Nintendo Direct.

That’s now changed, with Amazon France having updated their product listing for the Wii U exclusive, inadvertently leaking unknown details about how amiibo have been implemented.

That will see Link, Toon Link, Zelda and Sheik amiibo lend their aid, helping to replenish the player’s hearts or arrows. But, more significantly, the Wolf Link amiibo will unlock a new dungeon called “La Cave du Crépuscule,” which roughly translates to The Cave of Twilight.

The listing also reveals that a Hero Mode has been added, and that the Wii U GamePad will be used for inventory management without requiring gameplay to be paused.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD will release exclusively for Wii U in Europe and North America on March 4th, and in Japan on March 10th.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-17 07:56 AM |只看该作者
Nintendo President Publishes Plans for 2016 in Japan Newspaper

Info from NeoGAF - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/show ... 019&postcount=1
Japan Newpaper - http://mainichi.jp/articles/20160115/ddn/008/020/012000c

1) Nintendo president Kimishima just published his plans for 2016 in news paper Mainichi Shimbun (http://mainichi.jp/articles/20160115...08/020/012000c). Here's the gist:

2) Kimishima says Nintendo wants to surprise fans with new ideas - not build on old ones. Nintendo will in 2016 release “details” on the NX.

3) Kimishima claims the expansion to smartphones and theme parks, but also to movies and TV animes (via character licensing) is progressing.

4) He says it’s vital for Nintendo to experiment with new business models. He confirms the first smartphone app will be rolled out in March.

5) Kimishima promises smartphone apps with Nintendo’s famous characters in 2016. He wants to bring the company’s financials to a new level.

6) The plan is to bring profits to 100 billion yen ($855 million) in “several years”. [Note: that would be 4x of last year's profit.] //end


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-19 06:38 PM |只看该作者
任天堂状告刻录卡业者 最高法院判决出炉获完全胜诉确立求偿判例

  任天堂于官方网站发布公告,针对贩卖可以在 Nintendo DS 主机上运行的储存装置「刻录卡(マジコン)」的业者提起妨碍公平竞争行为之控诉,法院第一审判决裁定刻录卡业者必须赔偿任天堂 9562 万日圆。

  本起诉讼是任天堂自 2009 年起针对刻录卡输入业者提起的告诉,2013 年东京地方法院裁定业者必须支付 9562 万日圆的损害赔偿金。 而针对一审判决,虽然部分业者提出了抗告,在 2014 年 6 月知识产权高等法院判决抗告无效。 今(2016)年 1 月 12 日最高法院也宣告驳回上诉。 根据以上判决数据,确立了一审判决的成立。



  任天堂也发言表示「未来针对刻录卡等不当侵权装置,将采取不论民事、刑事上的手段,持续严正的透过法律途径来与之对抗。 」


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-20 06:05 PM |只看该作者
Nintendo Provides New Details about Upcoming RPGs for Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo Provides New Details about Upcoming RPGs for Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo provided new details about several of its upcoming role-playing games for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. This included the announcement of a special Fire Emblem Fates Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL system launching Feb. 19 and the reveal of a Collector’s Edition for Bravely Second: End Layer, which includes the upcoming sequel to the acclaimed Bravely Default game that launches on April 15.

“Fans of role-playing games have just received a boost to their excitement stat,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “Nintendo platforms have always been home to high-quality RPGs, and with even more games launching in 2016, this trend is set to continue in a big way.”

The Fire Emblem Fates Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL system (game sold separately) launches on Feb. 19 at a suggested retail price of $199.99 and features gorgeous art inspired by the game on the front of the hardware. Players can choose to purchase one of two versions when the Fire Emblem Fates games launch on Feb. 19 at a suggested retail price of $39.99 each. In Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright, players battle a corrupted king. And in Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, a misguided kingdom must be changed from within. Each path is a complete story and a complete game. Playing both will show players two different sides of one brutal conflict. After completing Chapter 6, players will have the option to download the other version of the game and experience a new adventure for only $19.99. In addition, a third story, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, which finds the game’s main character choosing neither the “Conquest” nor “Birthright” path in the story, launches as DLC on March 10 for $19.99 for players that already own the “Conquest” or “Birthright” version of the game. A special edition will also be available that includes all three games on a single game card, an artbook and a Nintendo 3DS XL pouch at a suggested retail price of $79.99. When the game launches, further downloadable content in the form of new maps will also be released on a regular basis, with the first map launching on Feb. 19. Players can choose to buy each of these maps individually, or purchase Map Pack 1 for $17.99 to get access to them all at a discount once they are released. For more information about Fire Emblem Fates, visit http://fireemblemfates.nintendo.com/

When Bravely Second: End Layer launches exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems on April 15, a Collector’s Edition will also launch alongside it at a suggested retail price of $69.99. The Collector’s Edition includes the massive game, a 10-song original soundtrack and gorgeous 250-page deluxe art book. A demo version of the game, Bravely Second: End Layer – The Ballad of the Three Cavaliers, will launch in the Nintendo eShop prior to the full game’s launch. This demo includes a unique story different than the one found in Bravely Second: End Layer, as well as new jobs and areas to explore. StreetPass tags and bonuses from the demo will also carry over to the main game.

In addition to Fire Emblem Fates and Bravely Second: End Layer, role-playing fans are in for an absolute treat in the first part of the year, as a wide variety of RPGs will soon launch for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. These games include FINAL FANTASY Fantasy Explorers from Square Enix on Jan. 26, Project X Zone 2 from Bandai Namco Entertainment America, Inc. on Feb. 16 and the original Pokémon games (Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Blue Version, as well as Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition) in the Nintendo eShop on Feb. 27. Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past will launch this summer, with Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King launching later this year.

Remember that Nintendo 3DS features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other features, visit http://www.nintendo.com/3ds


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-22 07:33 AM |只看该作者
Star Fox Zero has Amiibo compatibility

Nintendo Brings New amiibo Figures and Functionality to Games in Early 2016

The Nintendo games launching in the first part of the year are going to include some fun amiibo functionality. Games like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for the Wii U console and Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, both launching in March, use a wide variety of different compatible amiibo figures. Some new amiibo figures will also launch in March, including the legendary Wolf Link amiibo that is included in every physical version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, as well as three new figures in the Animal Crossing amiibo series, featuring fan-favorite characters like Timmy & Tommy, Kapp’n and Rover. The previously announced Ryu, Roy and R.O.B. (Famicom Colors) amiibo figures will also launch in March.

“New amiibo figures and functionality will keep surprising fans in 2016,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “All the upcoming amiibo prove that the must-have figures are continuing to evolve in unexpected and fun ways.”

When the physical version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD launches on March 4 at a suggested retail price of $59.99, it will include a beautiful Wolf Link amiibo figure based on the same character from the classic game. Purchasing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and Wolf Link amiibo bundle will currently be the only way to get this amiibo figure. When tapped to the Wii U GamePad controller, this legendary lupine opens the Cave of Shadows, a challenging new bonus dungeon in the game. After completing the Cave of Shadows, players can save their remaining hearts to the Wolf Link amiibo, and then use those hearts inside the Cave of Shadows to replenish life energy. After conquering the cave, players can save a record of their remaining hearts to the Wolf Link amiibo and attempt to beat their score at any time. Some of the data stored on the Wolf Link amiibo figure can also be used with The Legend of Zelda game for Wii U, which launches this year. More details about this functionality will be revealed in the future.

In addition to the Wolf Link amiibo, other amiibo figures in the Super Smash Bros. series like Link, Toon Link, Zelda, Sheik and Ganondorf will work with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. By tapping the Link or Toon Link amiibo, players can replenish their arrows. Tapping Zelda or Sheik will refill the player’s hearts, while, in a devious twist, tapping the Ganondorf figure will actually make Link take double the damage!

On March 18, new amiibo figures in the Animal Crossing series will launch in stores, including characters like Timmy & Tommy, Kapp’n and Rover. Digby will also be made available as a stand-alone amiibo. The next series of Animal Crossing amiibo cards also launches in March, bringing the grand total of available amiibo cards to be used in games like Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival for Wii U and Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer for Nintendo 3DS to a whopping 300. Let the collecting begin!

Fans who are ready to compete in Rio de Janeiro with Mario, Sonic and the gang in Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games will also have to warm up their amiibo-tapping fingers. When the action-filled game launches for Nintendo 3DS on March 18 at a suggested retail price of $39.99, both Mario and Sonic amiibo figures will be compatible. By tapping the Mario or Sonic amiibo figures to the New Nintendo 3DS system (or on a Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL or Nintendo 2DS system using the NFC Reader/Writer accessory), players can boost Mario and Sonic’s outfits with that character’s power for the day.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Pokémon, some of the Pokémon amiibo will be made available again at select retailers. Fans should be on the lookout for Charizard, Jigglypuff, Greninja and Lucario to once again return to shelves right next to Pikachu.

Finally, Star Fox Zero delivers a new beginning for the classic shooter series. With a unique control scheme that uses both the TV screen and the screen on the GamePad, players pilot multiple vehicles through intergalactic levels with Fox and his classic crew. The game launches exclusively for Wii U on April 22 and will feature amiibo compatibility. More details will be revealed at a later time.

For more information about amiibo, visit http://www.nintendo.com/amiibo


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-22 07:35 AM |只看该作者
New 3DS XL Hyrule Edition bundle Announced for Europe

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, Hyrule Warriors: Legends and New New 3DS XL Hyrule Edition Provide a Triforce of Releases to Start 2016

March will be a blockbuster month for The Legend of Zelda fans thanks to a trio of new releases, beginning with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for Wii U on 4th March 2016, and followed by the release of the New Nintendo 3DS XL Hyrule Edition system and Hyrule Warriors: Legends for Nintendo 3DS family systems on 24th March.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD is an HD remake of one of the most critically-acclaimed entries in the series, first released on Nintendo GameCube and Wii in 2006. Link’s battle to save Hyrule from the corruption of the Twilight Realm comes to Wii U with high definition visuals and can be enhanced with the power of amiibo.

The new Wolf Link amiibo allows players to open the exclusive Cave of Shadows bonus challenge, a brand new area where skilled players can use the powers of Wolf Link and Midna to take on increasingly tougher enemies on each floor. The Wolf Link amiibo can store hearts earned in the game for the player to use while taking on the Cave of Shadows. After conquering the cave, you can save a record of your remaining hearts to the Wolf Link amiibo, and attempt to beat your score whenever you want.

The game will also be compatible with five other The Legend of Zelda amiibo from the Super Smash Bros. Collection. Both the Link and Toon Link amiibo will refill your arrows, while the Zelda and Sheik amiibo will refill the heart gauge. In a devious twist, the Ganondorf amiibo will cause enemy attacks to inflict twice as much damage until the play session ends. The new The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD amiibo Trailer on Nintendo UK’s YouTube channel shows the game’s amiibo functionality in action.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD will be available at launch on 4th March as a Limited Edition bundle including the Wolf Link amiibo and an audio CD with a selection of the game’s official soundtrack.

For Zelda fans who prefer gaming on the go, the portable New Nintendo 3DS XL Hyrule Edition launching on 24th March is a striking, gold-coloured console featuring an intricate Hylian Crest design on the front. Like other New Nintendo 3DS XL systems, it offers better controls, enhanced processing power, amiibo support, as well as access to a wealth of gaming experiences.

From the NES original to The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, the lineup of games available for the system already features a selection of no less than nine games from The Legend of Zelda series’ thirty years of history, and with Hyrule Warriors: Legends also launching on 24th March, the tenth one is just around the corner.

Hyrule Warriors: Legends for Nintendo 3DS offers players the chance to experience the action-packed Hyrule Warriors game, originally released on Wii U, but with additional new maps and characters from The Legend of Zelda series. This time, Tetra, Toon Link and the King of Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD join the Skull Kid from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D on the battlefield. In addition, the new character Linkle joins the large cast of playable characters. Players will be able to command multiple characters on the battlefield for strategic moves and immediately switch between any of them to be in the thick of battle at all times.

The game will also be compatible with amiibo of The Legend of Zelda series characters, including the Wolf Link amiibo. By tapping the Wolf Link amiibo onto the NFC area of a New Nintendo 3DS or New Nintendo 3DS XL system, or by using the Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer accessory with Nintendo 2DS, Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo 3DS XL systems, players will be able to unlock enhanced weapons for Midna. Other The Legend of Zelda amiibo from the Super Smash Bros. Collection will also unlock enhanced weapons for their respective characters in the game.

Hyrule Warriors: Legends will be available as standalone software or as part of a Limited Edition bundle, featuring a watch that’s a replica of Linkle's signature compass, and a physical copy of the game.

Get set for a blockbuster month for fans of The Legend of Zelda series, with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for Wii U on 4th March, followed by the release of the New Nintendo 3DS XL Hyrule Edition and Hyrule Warriors: Legends for Nintendo 3DS family systems on 24th March.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-26 07:29 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-26 06:39 PM 编辑

Pokémon's 20th Anniversary Super Bowl Commercial
《神奇宝贝》纪念 20 周年 将于美国超级杯播放真人拍摄广告影片

  知名电玩系列作《神奇宝贝》将于 2016 年 2 月 27 日正式迈入 20 周年(※),官方宣布将在职业美式足球联赛「超级杯(Super Bowl)」时段播放真人版的广告影片,并抢先于网络上公开。

※《神奇宝贝 红版/绿版》日版发售日为 1996 年 2 月 27 日。

  「超级杯」是美国国家美式足球联盟(National Football League,NFL)的年度冠军赛,第 50 届超级杯预定于 2016 年 2 月 7 日在加州开战。 超级杯多年来都是全美收视率最高的电视节目,因此在超级杯的广告时段也成为兵家必争之地。



Pokémon Debuts Its First-Ever Super Bowl TV Commercial

The Pokémon Company International today unveiled a new TV commercial that will air during Super Bowl 50 on Sunday, February 7. The ad, shot in Rio de Janeiro, celebrates the millions of Pokémon fans around the world, encourages them to enjoy the Pokémon references hidden in the ad and Train On. A 30-second version of the ad will be aired at the beginning of the third quarter of Super Bowl 50. An extended version can be viewed here.

“For 20 years, the Pokémon world has inspired fans to train hard and have fun,” said J.C. Smith, senior director of Consumer Marketing at The Pokémon Company International. “This ad is reflective of that passion, and I can’t think of a bigger stage to share this story than the Super Bowl.”

The ad is part of a yearlong campaign celebrating 20 years of Pokémon. First introduced in Japan in 1996 with the video games Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green for the Nintendo Game Boy system, Pokémon has delighted fans of all ages around the world for two decades. With more than 275 million video games sold worldwide, 21.5 billion TCG cards shipped to 74 countries, and an animated series spanning 18 seasons, Pokémon is one of the most successful entertainment brands in the world.

Be sure to visit Pokemon.co.uk/20 for more information about Pokémon 20, Train On projects and join the conversation using #Pokemon20.

Pokémon. Twenty Years. Train On.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-1-26 06:46 PM |只看该作者
《萨尔达传说:黄昏公主 HD》导入 amiibo 连动功能 提供隐藏挑战与回血等功能

  美国任天堂日前在官方 YouTube 频道公布了 Wii U 动作冒险游戏《萨尔达传说:黄昏公主 HD(The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD)》的新影片,揭露 amiibo 连动功能的详情。



  《萨尔达传说:黄昏公主 HD》是将 2006 年 12 月在 NGC / Wii 主机上推出的《萨尔达传说:黄昏公主》加以高分辨率化推出的作品,除了画面提升为高分辨率外,还支持 amiibo 功能。

  本次的影片中,确认了新导入的 amiibo 功能的作用。 当玩家读取预定与游戏同步推出的狼化林克 amiibo 时,就能开启「暗影洞窟(Cave of Shadows)」挑战关卡,让玩家操作米特娜与狼化林克的特殊能力来扫荡敌人,闯关的成绩可以记录到 amiibo 中,随时叫出继续挑战。 当读取主角林克的 amiibo 时,可以补充游戏中林克的箭矢。 当读取魔王加侬多夫的 amiibo 时,游戏中当林克遭受攻击时的伤害会加大。 当读取萨尔达公主的 amiibo 时,则是可以恢复游戏中林克的体力。


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