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【新闻部】Nintendo 任天堂 -









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-10-22 07:36 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-10-22 11:10 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-10-23 07:26 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-10-24 07:45 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-10-29 07:09 PM |只看该作者
任天堂发表跨平台新账号制度「Nintendo Account」 发挥 IP 强项扩大游戏人口

  任天堂在今(29)日举办的经营方针说明会中发表,为了进一步扩大游戏人口,发挥任天堂在 IP 上的强项,将推出跨平台整合的新账号制度「Nintendo Account」来提供全新的会员服务。


  任天堂表示,为了在智能型装置提供活用任天堂 IP 的新应用,需要一个能跨平台整合任天堂体验的新账号,藉以提供全球化营运的新会员服务,因此规划了全新的「Nintendo Account」。





  有鉴于以往的账号制度在注册或登入时的繁琐步骤让许多用户为之却步,因此这次的新账号除了以既有的「Nintendo Network ID」登入之外,还可以让用户以自己的 Facebook、Twitter、Google 等社群服务账号登入。 单一账号即可同时在智能型手机、PC 与游乐器主机上通行。



  在导入 Nintendo Account 之后,用户可以直接在任天堂官方网站登入账号,购买 Wii U 与 N3DS 的下载游戏。 当玩家以 PC 或智能型手机观看过游戏介绍感兴趣时,就可以现场购买。 购买后游戏会自动下载到对应装置上供用户游玩。 任天堂会透过追踪用户的个人档案、购买状况与游玩状况来发送对应的通知讯息与虚拟赠品,像是新追加内容的推出、生日购物优惠讯息等。



  此外,任天堂还预定导入新的点数制度,该制度将不只针对任天堂游乐器主机的游戏,还包括智能型手机的游戏在内。 除了承接日前结束的「任天堂俱乐部」服务,在购买游戏时给予点数回馈之外,现在连游玩游戏都可以获得点数。 获得的点数可以自由在游乐器主机与智能型手机上运用,用户可以使用点数来兑换游戏的追加内容、原创周边商品,或者是欲购买游戏的折价券等。




此外,任天堂还预定导入在主题乐园、电影院、店头等日常生活周遭的实体店面设施提供用户特典的新会员服务「My Nintendo」,该服务将成为游乐器主机与智能型手机之间的桥梁。



  任天堂预定伴随 My Nintendo 服务同步推出智能型手机 App《Miitomo》,用户可以在 App 中制作自己的 Mii 分身,之后 Mii 分身会透过提问来了解用户的个人特质,自动与朋友的 Mii 进行交流。 透过此一间接自动的讯息扩散交流方式,让不常在网络上发言的用户亦能参与互动。






  包含 Nintendo Account 与 My Nintendo 等新服务,皆预定于 2016 年 3 月开始提供。

任天堂經營方針說明會簡報資料 -


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-11-9 06:25 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-11 07:24 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-11 07:30 AM 编辑

Nintendo Direct returns on November 12
睽违多日! 任天堂宣布将于 11 月 12 日再度举办「Nintendo Direct」在线直播发表会

  美国任天堂方才在官方网站以及 Twitter 与 Facebook 等社群网络宣布,将于美国太平洋时间 11 月 12 日下午 2:00(马来西亚时间 11 月 13 日清晨 6:00)举办睽违 5 个多月的在线直播发表会「Nintendo Direct 11.12.2015」,发表 Wii U 与 N3DS 近期预定推出之新作游戏的最新消息。

  「Nintendo Direct」是任天堂自 2011 年 10 月起不定期举办的在线直播发表会。 除了少数单独针对特定游戏的场次之外,几乎都是由前任天堂社长岩田聪亲自主持,直到今年 4 月 2 日的场次才正式宣布交棒给新人的任天堂广报室森本主持。 但森本于今年 5 月 31 日仅初次单挑大梁主持一场之后,就因为岩田聪于 7 月 11 日罹癌病逝之故而暂时中断,至今已经有 5 个多月没有举办。

※ 编按:期间还有 6 月 16 日举办的 E3 展在线直播发表会,但并未冠以「Nintendo Direct」之名

  如今美国任天堂与欧洲任天堂宣布,将于 11 月 12 日同一时间(跨时区同步)举办睽违数月的 Nintendo Direct,日本任天堂目前还未宣布。 这次发表会中将发表 Wii U 与 N3DS 近期预定推出之新作游戏的最新消息,但是不会发表任何关于新主机「NX」以及智能型手机游戏的消息。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-12 07:20 AM |只看该作者
All Nintendo DeNA x Smartphone games in development are free-to-play

First Nintendo Smartphone Games Will Be Free

All the smartphone games DeNA is now developing with Nintendo will be free to download, DeNA said, suggesting the joint project’s first few games will rely on revenue from in-app microtransactions.

“Games currently in the pipeline are all free to play,” said DeNA Chief Executive Isao Moriyasu said at an earnings briefing Wednesday. The smartphone-game and platform provider announced that April-September net profit was up 50% from a year earlier, to ¥16.2 billion ($132 million).

DeNA and Nintendo, which reached their smartphone-games agreement earlier this year, plan to release five titles by March 2017. Mr. Moriyasu declined to say how many of the five are currently in development.

Nintendo long resisted making its famous game characters available for smartphone apps—costing it as that sector of the videogame market took off—while DeNA has suffered in overseas game markets, especially the U.S., from its lack of blockbuster titles.

The first release from the joint project, Nintendo said last month, will be “Miitomo,” an entertainment app built around communication functions. Both companies’ share prices fell substantially afterward—partly, analysts said, because the announcement also pushed back the launch to March from the initial goal of by year-end, and partly because “Miitomo” doesn’t seem to qualify as a game. Analysts and fans described it is a WeChat -like conversation tool, using Nintendo’s Mii avatar franchise.

Mr. Moriyasu shied away Wednesday from clearly calling “Miitomo” a game, but repeatedly said its rich entertainment features, which will continue to be added to via updates after the official product launch, make it more than just a chat or communication tool.

The Wall Street Journal


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-13 07:40 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-14 04:24 PM 编辑



完整直播官方 - http://www.nintendo.co.jp/nintendo_direct/20151113/index.html

N3DS 版《怪物彈珠》公開遊戲初期故事以及主角「焰蓮」的資料

Nintendo Direct Highlights Strong Holiday and Early 2016 for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo debuted a new Nintendo Direct presentation today, revealing details about several new and upcoming Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games. Some of the exciting news included the reveal that iconic video game character Cloud from Final Fantasy VII will be added as a playable DLC fighter in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Other notable announcements included the reveal of an HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii U console, a new Wii U bundle featuring Splatoon and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and news that the Pokémon games that started it all – Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Blue Version and Pokémon Yellow Version – will launch with new wireless communication functionality in the Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo 3DS system on Feb. 27.

“There’s never been a better time to join in on the fun with Nintendo,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “From new experiences like Xenoblade Chronicles X that you can enjoy this year to re-imagined favorites like The Legend of Zelda and Pokémon coming in 2016, we have you covered with games you’re sure to love.”

Some of the highlights revealed in the video include:

Wii U and Nintendo 3DS

• A New Challenger Approaches!: Cloud Strife, the legendary protagonist from the classic RPG game Final Fantasy VII, will enter the battlefield as a playable fighter in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS in the future. A special video presentation will be released in December, which will share more updates about the hit fighting games. More information is available at smashbros.com/us/dlc.

Wii U

• The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD: Originally released for Wii and Nintendo GameCube systems in 2006, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD is a visually remastered remake of one of the most critically acclaimed games in The Legend of Zelda series. The new game launches on March 4 in a bundle with a detailed new amiibo figure modeled after the Wolf Link and Midna characters in the game. The game will also be compatible with five other The Legend of Zelda amiibo from the Super Smash Bros. series. The game’s iconic soundtrack will be offered as a bonus for fans who pre-order the game from select retailers.

• The Legend of Zelda for Wii U (name not final): Next year marks the 30th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda series. And with that comes The Legend of Zelda for Wii U, the next entry in the storied franchise. During the Nintendo Direct presentation, it was revealed that certain saved data from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD on the Wolf Link amiibo can be carried over to this new game.

• New Wii U Bundle: A new Wii U Deluxe Set that includes the Wii U console and pre-installed versions of hit games Splatoon and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U launches this holiday season.

• Pokkén Tournament: A collaboration between The Pokémon Company and Bandai Namco Entertainment, Pokkén Tournament is a new fighting game for Wii U that lets players use their favorite Pokémon characters to battle it out in fighting arenas. Fans who purchase a first-run version of the game at retail stores will receive a limited-edition Shadow Mewtwo amiibo card that immediately unlocks the character in the game after tapping it to the GamePad. Pokkén Tournament launches exclusively for Wii U in spring 2016 at a suggested retail price of $59.99.

• Star Fox Zero: Star Fox Zero delivers a new beginning for the classic shooter series. With a unique control scheme that uses both the TV screen and the screen on the GamePad, players pilot multiple vehicles through intergalactic levels with Fox and his classic crew. The game launches exclusively for Wii U on April 22.

• An Ink-redible Splatoon Update: Today at 5 p.m. PT, a free new update for Splatoon adds more than 40 pieces of new gear, including more winter items and some slick bandanas. And on Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. PT, another free new update adds a new stage called Museum d’Alfonsino. Further stages and features will be added in future updates through January. A Nintendo Treehouse Splatoon Tournament will happen in December, featuring competitive game play as well as tips for players about setting up their own tournaments. The tournament will be live streamed at youtube.com/nintendo, twitch.tv/nintendo and live.nintendo.com.

• Super Mario Maker Powers Up Once Again: In December, a new Web portal will offer a more robust search function to find and filter levels in Super Mario Maker across a variety of Web-enabled devices!

• Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival: By tapping any of the Animal Crossing amiibo figures, players can play as that character in the game’s main mode, a dynamic board game. Players can also tap in their Animal Crossing amiibo cards to play other modes like an Animal Crossing quiz. The Wii U game that includes the Isabelle and Digby amiibo figures and three amiibo cards launches on Nov. 13 at a suggested retail price of $59.99, the same day as the standalone Animal Crossing amiibo figures.

• Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash: On Nov. 20, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash launches exclusively for Wii U at a suggested price of $49.99. The game includes a fun New Super Mario Bros. power-up, the Mega Mushroom, which is featured in the over-the-top “Mega Battle Mode.” Players can also select “Classic Mode” to enjoy a more traditional game of tennis. Players can compete online or together via local play, and the game is compatible with amiibo in select modes, including online matches.

• Xenoblade Chronicles X: Massive RPG Xenoblade Chronicles X launches exclusively for Wii U on Dec. 4 at a suggested retail price of $59.99. For people who purchase the physical version of the game, four free high-speed data loading packs are available to download from the Nintendo eShop starting today. The data packs greatly increase the speed of loading times in the game, but are not required to play.

Nintendo 3DS

• Where it all Began: The original Pokémon games – Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Blue Version and Pokémon Yellow Version – are coming to the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS on Feb. 27, the same day that the original games first released in Japan in 1996. And there’s no need to pull out those old Game Boy Game Link cables while playing. Using the wireless communication on Nintendo 3DS, players can trade Pokémon with other players.

• Hyrule Warriors: Legends: Take the epic Hyrule Warriors experience on the go! Hyrule Warriors: Legends offers players the entire Hyrule Warriors game on Nintendo 3DS … but with even more content! This time, Tetra, Toon Link and the King of Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker join the Skull Kid from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask on the battlefield. In addition, new character Linkle, a girl who lives in a small village filled with Cuccos and wields two crossbows, joins the large cast of playable characters. Players will be able to command multiple characters, taking direct control of them at any time, leading to new strategic options on the battlefield. Hyrule Warriors: Legends launches for Nintendo 3DS on March 25 at a suggested retail price of $39.99.

• Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam: The hilarious Mario & Luigi series meets the charming Paper Mario series in the Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam game, launching exclusively for Nintendo 3DS on Jan. 22 at a suggested retail price of $39.99. Using compatible amiibo, players can create a corresponding character card in the game, which has powerful effects during battle.

• Fire Emblem Fates: There are multiple adventures waiting to be experienced in Fire Emblem Fates for Nintendo 3DS. By purchasing one of the two main games at a suggested retail price of $39.99 – Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright or Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest – either at retail locations or in the Nintendo eShop starting Feb. 19, players choose to embark on a unique quest with a different story and different experiences. The decision that the player makes early in the game will dictate the game’s story and difficulty. After purchasing one game, the downloadable version of the other is only $19.99 via an in-game purchase. There will even be a third downloadable version in the near future, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, for players who own either Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright or Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest and want to take on a new challenge and experience an alternative version of the game. For fans of the series, a special edition will be available that includes all three games, an artbook and a Nintendo 3DS XL pouch at a suggested retail price of $79.99.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-13 07:44 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-14 04:26 PM 编辑

• The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes DLC: New free DLC is coming on Dec. 2, adding Linebeck’s Uniform and Fierce Deity Armor outfits, each with unique powers, as well as the new Den of Trials with more than 30 stages to conquer. The upcoming software update also makes it more convenient to get Friendly Tokens by purchasing them from the Street Merchant once the princess’ curse has been lifted. Additionally, two adjustments will ensure a more comfortable online experience: By answering a question before matchmaking, you will be matched with other players who gave similar answers, plus players who leave a game in progress through the Pause menu can be added to the blacklist.

• Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon: Players can become one of 20 Pokémon in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, launching for Nintendo 3DS on Nov. 20 at a suggested retail price of $39.99. With turn-based battles and ever-changing dungeons, players can encounter every single known Pokémon in the game – all 720 of them!

• Nintendo Badge Arcade: Now available in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Badge Arcade is a free-to-start game that lets players control a classic arcade-style crane machine to earn badges from popular titles to customize their Nintendo 3DS HOME menus. The game is constantly being updated with new badges, so it’s always great to keep checking back!

• Two Dragon Quest Games are Better Than One: The lineup of RPGs on Nintendo 3DS continues to grow with classic games Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past and Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King, both remastered for Nintendo 3DS and coming in 2016.

• Pokémon Picross: The popular Picross series meets the lovable world of Pokémon when free-to-start game Pokémon Picross launches exclusively in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS in early December.


Jan. 22 sees the release of Lucas in the Super Smash Bros. series, amiibo figures for Resetti, Blathers, Celeste and Kicks in the Animal Crossing series, and Series 2 of the Animal Crossing amiibo cards.


• Final Fantasy Explorers from Square Enix, Inc. (Nintendo 3DS): In the first Final Fantasy action-RPG on Nintendo 3DS, players journey to an island filled with mystical crystals protected by powerful eidolons. More than 20 jobs can be learned, each with its own set of special skills. When Final Fantasy Exploreres launches exclusively for Nintendo 3DS on Jan. 26, it will include all the DLC that was previously released in Japan. Multiplayer functionality for up to four players is enabled through Nintendo 3DS local wireless communication.

• Mega Man Legacy Collection from Capcom (Nintendo 3DS): Capcom’s iconic Blue Bomber has been a classic part of Nintendo history since the NES days. Mega Man Legacy Collection launches for Nintendo 3DS on Feb. 23 and features faithful reproductions of the first six NES Mega Man games (Mega Man 1-6), plus new ways to experience these classics with Challenge Mode’s remix stages and Museum Mode’s repository of original production art. In addition, the game comes with exclusive new challenges that can be unlocked using the Mega Man amiibo. But that’s not the only amiibo that can unlock these bonus challenges! A new gold-colored Mega Man amiibo figure also launches as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection Collector’s Edition.

• Hive Jump from Graphite Lab (Wii U): Players shoot their way through dangerous alien infestations in Hive Jump, a frenetic run ’n’ gun platformer for one to four players. Hive Jump launches in the Nintendo eShop with exclusive Wii U features in early 2016.

• Kerbal Space Program from Squad (Wii U): By using the Wii U GamePad, players can take part in the complete space agency experience, from building a spaceship part by part, to mission control by flying their creation and conquering the planets and moons of the solar system. Kerbal Space Program launches in Nintendo eShop for Wii U in early 2016.

• SteamWorld Heist from Image & Form (Nintendo 3DS): For a limited time, players who purchase side-scrolling, turn-based strategy shooter SteamWorld Heist in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS when it launches this holiday season will receive an exclusive Nintendo 3DS HOME Menu theme.

• FAST Racing Neo from Shin’en (Wii U): It’s almost here! FAST Racing Neo, the high-octane racing game with up to eight-player online multiplayer, launches exclusively in the Nintendo eShop on Wii U in early December.

• Typoman from Headup Games and Brainseed Factory (Wii U): Typoman is a puzzling platformer that tells a dark tale of heroes and monsters, where words can either be a blessing ... or a curse! Using the GamePad in a unique way, players set out on an adventure to explore the incredible power of words and how they can be used to survive the environmental hazards and overcome vicious enemies. The game launches exclusively in the Nintendo eShop on Wii U on Nov. 19.

• Mighty No. 9 from Deep Silver (Wii U / Nintendo 3DS): From Keiji Inafune, the creator of the Mega Man series, comes Mighty No. 9. This action side-scroller can be played solo or with two players in online co-op and competitive modes. The Wii U version of the game launches on Feb. 9, with a Nintendo 3DS version following shortly thereafter.

• LEGO Marvel’s Avengers from Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (Wii U / Nintendo 3DS): With an extensive roster of new characters to play, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers features storylines and locations from six different films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as classic Avengers content seen in Marvel Comics, all retold with a unique splash of LEGO humor. The game launches for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS on Jan. 26.

• Project X Zone 2 from Bandai Namco Entertainment America (Nintendo 3DS): Everyone’s favorite Capcom, SEGA and Bandai Namco characters are crossing over once again in Project X Zone 2. But this time Nintendo is also joining the fun by adding Chrom and Lucina from Fire Emblem Awakening and Fiora from Xenoblade Chronicles to the game. Project X Zone 2 launches exclusively for Nintendo 3DS on Feb. 16.

• Terraria from 505 Games (Wii U / Nintendo 3DS): In Terraria, players explore vast fantasy worlds and wage war on hundreds of enemies and giant bosses using weapons and armor they craft themselves. They can even use the touch-screen interface on the Nintendo 3DS system or the Wii U GamePad to reach directly into the world of Terraria, fashioning elaborate and amazing structures with their fingertips. It’s also possible to share the adventure with friends, with online and split-screen multiplayer for Wii U and local play for Nintendo 3DS. Hundreds of hours of entertainment await in Terraria, launching in the Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in early 2016.

For more information about Nintendo, visit nintendo.com.

Wii U《星战火狐 零》宣布将于 2016 年 4 月 21 日发售 同时公布最新宣传影片

  任天堂于本日(11 / 13)上午举办的在线直播发表会「Nintendo Direct 2015.11.13」中,公布 Wii U 专用游戏软件《星战火狐 零(スターフォックス ゼロ)将决定于 2016 年 4 月 21 日发售。 实体版本与下载版本的价格相同皆为 5700 日圆(未税)。






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