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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-19 06:07 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-19 06:51 PM 编辑

Japanese PS4 ‘Boost Your Play’ lineup promo
结合多部游戏宣传影片 SONY 推出「Boost Your Play」饶舌音乐影像动感全场

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/152723.html

  今日于日本举行的 PlayStation 东京电玩展展前发表会上,作为活动的热身影像,官方于开场时释出了一部结合了许多游戏宣传影片的音乐影片「Boost Your Play」。

  「Boost Your Play」这部影片,是由 SONY 所推出,结合 KenKen、Aina The End、镇座 DOPENESS 3 位音乐家所推出的宣传影片。 影片在短短 3 分钟的影片中,以饶舌歌曲的方式快速带过即将发售的《魔物猎人 世界》、《决胜时刻:二战》、《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》等...... 20 部游戏宣传影片,并且用各种带有巧思的方式,将游戏介绍台词,甚至是「画面为游戏实机影片」等结合进歌词之中。


Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia debuted a new PlayStation 4 lineup musical promotion featuring KenKen, Aina The End (BiSH), and Chinza Dopeness titled “Boost Your Play” during its 2017 PlayStation Press Conference in Japan.

The promotion highlights Monster Hunter: World, Call of Duty: WWII, Gran Turismo Sport, FIFA 18, Destiny 2, Taiko Drum Master: Drum Session!, Dynasty Warriors 9, Star Wars Battlefront II, Yakuza: Kiwami 2, Itadaki Street Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary, Knack II, and more.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-19 07:52 PM |只看该作者
《直到黎明》开发商曝光犯罪惊悚 PS4 新作《绝命陷阱》宣传影片
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/152709.html

  由《直到黎明》开发商 Supermassive Games 制作、PS4 犯罪惊悚游戏《绝命陷阱(暂译, Hidden Agenda)》预计年内发售,今日官方在 2017 东京电玩展 PlayStation 展前发表会中释出宣传影片。

  于今年 E3 首次亮相的《绝命陷阱》是款可让 1 至 6 个人游玩的 PS4 犯罪惊悚游戏,透过 SONY PlayLink 新功能,让玩家可以利用 iOS 或是 Android 系统手机就可以来进行游戏,可以拉拢平常较少玩游戏的玩家一起同乐。 在影片中可以看到多名玩家一起拿着手机、去决定指令,然后控制游戏剧情的走向。

  在《绝命陷阱》中一名嫌犯被认定是连续杀人案件的凶手,而在执行死刑前,嫌犯开始说出真相......。 玩家在游戏中的决定很重要,除了要共同解决故事中的问题之外,还加入争夺模式,互相竞争的同时故事也将持续进行。 你能揭露真相吗?


  《绝命陷阱》预计 2017 年内发售。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-20 07:36 AM |只看该作者
PlayStation Awards 2017 dated for November 30

PlayStation Awards 2017 will be held on November 30 at 17:00 JST at the Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa in Tokyo, Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia announced. It will be live streamed to YouTube.

The awards show, which has been held annually since 1995, honors the top-selling games across the Japan and Asia regions.

The following award categories are planned:

• Platinum Prize: Software titles (DL) with an accumulated shipment quantity (including download quantity) of over one million copies
• Gold Prize: Software titles (DL) with an accumulated shipment quantity (including download quantity) of over 500,000 copies
• PlayStation Network Award: Top three network sales titles will be awarded (period: From October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017)
• Users’ Choice Award: Top 10 titles voted by Japan and Asia users. (Released in October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017)
• PlayStation VR Award: 3 titles that contributed to the sales of PlayStation VR (period: From October 13, 2016 to September 30, 2017) * Excluding last year’s winning titles
• Indies & Developer Award: 3 titles that contributed to the expansion of PlayStation (period: From October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017) * Excluding last year’s winning titles

Voting for the Users’ Choice Award is open now and will run until October 9. You can submit your votes here https://asia.playstation.com/en- ... tation-awards/vote/


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-26 11:39 PM |只看该作者
索尼互动娱乐日本亚洲总裁盛田厚独家专访 带领游戏迈入文化艺术的殿堂
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/153072.html

  掌管 PlayStation 日本与亚洲业务的索尼互动娱乐日本亚洲(SIEJA)总裁盛田厚,在这次 TGS 首度接受巴哈姆特 GNN 独家专访,分享对亚洲市场的观点与长远的目标,供玩家参考。


  盛田厚是 Sony 创办人盛田昭夫之甥,1982 年进入索尼,2006 年就任索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)经营管理本部经营管理部长,2012 年就任 SCE 董事与 SCE 经营管理 EVP,2014 年 8 月就任 SCEJA 总裁。 2016 年 4 月 SCE 改制为索尼互动娱乐(SIE)后担任 SIEJA 总裁至今。

  担任 SIEJA 总裁后,盛田厚曾多次来台视察电玩展等活动,但未公开现身或接受媒体访问,都是由负责亚洲业务的副总裁织田博之代表发言,这次是他首度接受巴哈姆特 GNN 专访。


2014 年 SCEJA 总裁盛田厚(左)与 SCE 总裁安德鲁‧豪斯(右)亲自出席 PlayStation 亚洲发表会


2017 年盛田厚参加香港动漫电玩节 PlayStation 摊位开幕仪式

GNN:盛田先生自 2014 年上任至今也已经有 3 年多的时间了,这些年来您所观察到的日本与亚洲市场有什么样的变化呢?

盛田:在 PS4 上市前,PlayStation 平台游戏软件在日本与亚洲市场的销售状况其实并不是很好,不过在 PS4 上市之后,游戏软件的销售有着大幅的提升,以气势来说完全不输给欧美市场。


盛田:我在台北国际电玩展中,充分感受到台湾玩家的年轻活力与热爱游戏的心。 就我自己的感觉来说,我觉得台湾的市场跟日本很像,像是手机游戏相当热门,以及 PS4 软硬件的高人气,是个让 SIEJA 很想尝试一些新想法新做法的地方,如果在台湾行得通,那么就可以往其他地方推广。 总的来说,是个很有潜力与朝气的市场。


2017 年台北国际电玩展 PlayStation 摊位开幕仪式

GNN:那么,您对于织田先生与江口先生 ※ 上任后,一连串的革新与尝试有什么看法呢?
※ SIEJA 副总裁织田博之与 SIET 总经理江口达雄

盛田:这些变革与其说是个人的政策,不如说是整个 SIEJA 阶段性变革的成果展现。 原本 SIEJA 就有循序渐进在进行改革,不过这些改革都需要时间来逐步达成,像是商品的通路与销售等,都是千丝万缕非一蹴可及。 在亚洲与台湾市场的新局面,就是这个阶段性变革的成过的具体呈现。



GNN:近年来 PlayStation 在亚洲大力推广中文化游戏,不只是本家还包含第三方的作品,许多以往被认为不太可能推出中文版的游戏都出乎大家意料顺利推出中文版了,市场销售亦大有斩获。 其中 SIEJA 中文化中心的存在可以说是一大关键。 想请问盛田先生,今后 SIEJA 是否会延续此一成功模式,继续扩大中文化中心的规模与功能,同时将此模式推广到其他亚洲新兴市场呢?

盛田:是的,如您所说,亚洲市场的成功与中文化游戏以及中文化中心有着深刻的关系。 亚洲市场包含许多语言文化相异的国家 / 地区,必须针对不同国家 / 地区拟订不同的经营策略,无法以一套策略来统括。 而在策略的拟定上有两大重点,其一就是语言的在地化,其二则是通路的整合。


SIEJA 中文化中心总监陈云云

盛田:亚洲市场的华语市场,在多年大力推广在地化中文版游戏的策略下已获得丰硕的成果。 今后 SIEJA 会依循这两大重点朝亚洲其他重点新兴市场发展,举例来说,先前的 PS4 5.00 版系统软件更新中,已经加入印度尼西亚文、泰文与越南文等东南亚诸国语言的支持,虽然游戏软件的在地化脚步还没跟上, 不过已经从主机系统的支持上踏出在地化的第一步,今后将此以为基础持续努力。

GNN:那么,面对亚洲地区如此广布分离的众多国家 / 地区市场,在服务推广部分是否有什么具体的解决之道呢? 像是 PlayStation Now 随选游戏服务,到目前就还没有在亚洲地区提供...

盛田:那么,以您的看法来说,您觉得 SIEJA 应该在亚洲地区推行 PlayStation Now 服务吗?

GNN:就我所知,目前 PlayStation Now 在日本的推广也相当辛苦,目前大多数玩家还没有办法将游乐器游戏视为单纯的 “服务”,不论是套装版或是数字下载版,都还是以 “拥有” 游戏为出发点,所以对于 PlayStation Now 这样付费租用游戏的随选游戏服务接受度有限。 不过我认为如果不踏出第一步的话,就没有机会改变玩家的认知。 基于这个想法,我很希望 SIEJA 能踏出这一步。

盛田:如您所说,PlayStation Now 对 PlayStation 的发展来说是很重要的一环,它摆脱实体主机的限制,让玩家可以在包含 PC 在内各种平台装置上实时畅游 PlayStation 平台的游戏。 因此服务的推广是很重要的。 所以目前率先在欧美日等地率先起步,之后再慢慢计划朝其他地区推广。

GNN:在前几天的发表会中,盛田先生与辻本先生共同发表了《魔物猎人 世界》的特制 PS4 Pro主机,消息公布后,许多台湾玩家非常期待这台主机能在台湾推出,不知道目前是否有计划呢?

盛田:很高兴这台特制 PS4 Pro 主机能受到大家欢迎(笑),对于是否会在台湾推出这点我目前没办法做出任何评论,不过回头我会跟江口讨论。 (GNN:当时报导出来之后,底下玩家的留言满满都是「很帅气」「想要购入」的意见)听到这个消息我真的很高兴,非常感谢大家捧场。


盛田厚与辻本良三共同发表《魔物猎人 世界》特制限定版 PS4 Pro 主机


盛田:首先要感谢所有热情支持 PlayStation 的玩家,没有玩家支持的话,PlayStation 主机不过就只是个 “盒子” 罢了。 PlayStation 平台可以说是现今最为进化的 “娱乐”,如今电子游戏在日本已经发展为一种文化,不过在台湾还差那么一点。 希望大家能一起努力让游戏迈入文化的殿堂。

古往今来的许多娱乐创作,如今都已经成为人类文化的一部分,如同小说是透过文字来感受的娱乐,漫画是透过图像来感受的娱乐,电影则是透过动态影像来感受的娱乐。 不过电影娱乐仍是个被动感受故事情节的娱乐,观众无法干预故事情节的发展。 但电子游戏不然,玩家可以主动参与与改变内容的发展,从而获得不同的感动与想法。 我希望透过 PlayStation 将电子游戏推到与小说、电影相同的高度,让电子游戏跻身文化艺术的领域,让更多人体会它所带来的感动与想法。





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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-10-2 10:46 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-3 07:00 PM 编辑

PlayStation Blog: "Big new game announcements" for the Paris Games Week
巴黎游戏周索尼发布会直播信息公布 将有重大宣布

  PlayStation Blog 宣布,他们将于时间 10 月 30 日晚 11 点起开始进行巴黎游戏周索尼发布会直播,并将会进行重大新作宣布。

  届时PlayStation Live直播将会先进行一些新消息的公布,随后进入巴黎游戏周索尼发布会的直播现场,并且展示PS4和PSVR游戏的新消息。

PlayStation Live From Paris Games Week is coming – here’s where to watch it

Tune in on 30th October for big new game announcements and updates

Bonjour tout le monde! PlayStation has some big plans for Paris Games Week next month, and it’s time to start talking specifics.

On 30th October, starting at 3.00pm GMT/4.00pm CET, PlayStation Live From Paris Games Week will kick off with a slew of updates and announcements before moving straight into the Paris Games Week 2017 Media Showcase, where you’ll get a look at some spectacular new games coming to PS4 and PS VR.

And stick around after the Showcase – we’ll have further details and info to share in our post-show debrief.

Here’s the best part: you can watch all the fun from the comfort of your home, office or... home office, via live.playstation.com, Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook.

So mark your calendars — and we’ll see you in 27 days.

Fred Dutton - SIEE, Editorial & Content Senior Manager



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-10-3 04:21 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-3 06:29 PM 编辑

Sony Interactive Entertainment’s Andrew House steps down, John Kodera appointed president and CEO
小寺刚出任SIE社长兼CEO 安德鲁豪斯出任会长






John “Tsuyoshi” Kodera, the current deputy president of Sony Interactive Entertainment, has been appointed president and chief executive officer of Sony Interactive Entertainment with immediate effect, the company announced.

Andrew House (pictured), the current president and global chief executive officer of Sony Interactive Entertainment, will transition from operational management of the company, but will remain with Sony Interactive Entertainment as chairman through the year to ensure a smooth transition.

Kodera has also been appointed representative director and president of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc., the company’s Japan-based legal entity, with immediate effect, while House has become director and chairman.

In his new role, Kodera will assume overall operational responsibility for Sony Interactive Entertainment, including its game and network services businesses globally, and report director to Sony Corporation president and CEO Kazuo Hirai.

Find comments from Hirai, House, and Kodera below.

Kazuo Hirai – President and CEO, Sony Corporation

“When I passed the baton of leadership for Sony Computer Entertainment to Andrew House in 2011, I was confident that I was leaving the PlayStation business in the best possible hands, and so it has proved. I’m extremely grateful to Andy for the great contribution he has made to evolving the PlayStation business, and firmly positioning it as one of the drivers of our future growth. Andy and I go back more than 20 years and spent much of this time together, dedicating ourselves to ensuring the success of the PlayStation business. I would like to thank Andy for his contribution over many years, and wish him every success in the future. John Kodera has led Sony’s network service business since 2013 and played a pivotal role in its growth. He is a truly global executive, possessing strategic understanding, strength of conviction and outstanding leadership capabilities. Since his appointment as Deputy President of SIE last year, alongside Andy he has also been responsible for the company’s overall business strategy and product planning. With the significance of network services increasing across the entire Sony Group, I believe that John is ideally equipped to build on the foundations Andy has left in place, and drive Sony’s game and network services business to further growth and excitement going forward.”

Andrew House – Chairman, Sony Interactive Entertainment

“I’m tremendously proud of what we’ve built with PlayStation and Sony Interactive Entertainment: entertaining millions globally with the best in games and creating a fully fledged digital entertainment company. PlayStation has been a huge part of my life for more than 20 years, but with the business having achieved record-breaking success, now seemed to be the right time for me to pursue new challenges. I shall always treasure the friendships and people that have made SIE such a wonderful place to work. I’m also grateful to PlayStation fans and gamers around the world for their loyalty and support. John and the team at SIE are world-class and I know the future of PlayStation is very bright.”

John Kodera – President and CEO, Sony Interactive Entertainment

“It’s a great honor to take on the role of President and CEO, SIE, and I’m very grateful to Kaz and Andy for the trust and faith they have shown in me. I intend to build on the amazing progress Andy has made enhancing the PlayStation brand and expanding the game and network services business, and will strive to further strengthen the unique value proposition we are able to offer via the PlayStation platform. I look forward to working together with the SIE team, and everyone across the Sony Group, to continue to strengthen relations with our business partners, and provide the best possible interactive entertainment experiences, that only PlayStation can deliver.”

And here are profiles for both House and Kodera:

Andrew House

Mr. House began his 27-year career at Sony in 1990, where he first served in corporate communications at Sony headquarters. In 1995, he moved to marketing and communications at Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (“SCE”), where he contributed to the launch of the first PlayStation. After performing several key roles at both Sony Corporation and SCE, including Chief Marketing Officer of Sony Corporation, and President and CEO of SCE Europe Limited, in 2011 Mr. House was appointed President and Group CEO of SCE, assuming overall responsibility for the PlayStation business worldwide. Mr. House led the PlayStation business for six years, driving the strategy and launch of PlayStation 4, which has since become the fastest-growing platform in PlayStation history, and is set to reach cumulative sales of 78 million units this fiscal year. Mr. House redefined Sony’s network services strategy, centering it around a strengthened PlayStation Network (PSN) – currently with more than 70 million monthly active users and a suite of recurring revenue services, including PlayStation Plus. He oversaw the launch of the world’s first console streaming game service with PlayStation Now and the interactive live TV service, PlayStation Vue. In 2016 Mr. House established Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC – bringing together SCE and Sony Network Entertainment International LLC (SNEI). Mr. House also oversaw the development and launch of PlayStation VR (PS VR). He has grown the Game and Network Services segment into one of the key profit drivers for the Sony Group.

John Kodera

Mr. Kodera joined Sony Corporation in 1992, where he was first assigned to planning and control within Sony’s portable audio business. In 1998 he was transferred to Sony Electronics Inc. in the U.S., where he was initially responsible for planning and control of various portable and mobile products, before subsequently being appointed VP of product management for IT products such as PCs. In 2010 he assumed the role of SVP, Corporate Strategy, at the newly established Sony Network Entertainment International LLC (SNEI), and in 2013 was appointed President, SNEI. Since then, Mr. Kodera has engaged in the launch and the enhancement of an array of network services via the PSN platform. These have included PlayStation Store, which sells the latest game titles, movies and TV shows; the PlayStation Plus subscription service offering members exclusive benefits and content; and the PlayStation Now online game streaming service. Mr. Kodera has also been integral to the launch of several other ground-breaking network services that have greatly enriched the PlayStation experience, including the PlayStation Vue cloud-based TV service, PlayStation Video content distribution service, and PlayStation Music, which leverages a global strategic partnership with Spotify to deliver a best-in-class digital music experience on PSN. Mr. Kodera has contributed significantly to growing this recurring revenue business. Furthermore, since his appointment as Deputy President of SIE last year, he has worked closely with Mr. House on the overall management of the game and network services business including product development, business strategy and system and network engineering.

索尼互动娱乐副总裁小寺刚升任总裁兼执行长 原执行长安德鲁‧豪斯将转任董事长
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/153377.html

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)今(3)日宣布,原 SIE 副总裁小寺刚(Tsuyoshi Kodera)将自即(3)日起就任 SIE 总裁与执行长,原 SIE 总裁兼全球执行长安德鲁‧豪斯(Andrew House)将转任 SIE 董事长, 预定在今年内平顺地将经营体制交接转移给新任总裁。 未来小寺刚将负责 Sony 集团旗下 SIE 全球游戏与网络服务业务,直接对 Sony 总裁兼执行长平井一夫汇报。

  小寺刚于 1992 年进入 Sony 任职,从事携带式音乐业务。 后于 1998 年调任 Sony 电子美国分公司,担任可携 / 行动消费产品的企划管理业务,后以副总裁身分领导 PC 等信息产品事业。 2010 年担任新设立的索尼网络娱乐国际(SNEI)资深副总裁,2013 年担任总裁。 期间主导推出 PlayStation Store、PlayStation Plus、PlayStation Now 等游戏网络服务,以及 PlayStation Vue、PlayStation Video、PlayStation Music 等在线影音服务,对网络服务业务的扩大贡献良多。

  小寺刚于去(2016)年就任 SIE 副总裁,负责游戏与网络服务业务的所有商品、事业战略、系统网络工程等业务,与安德鲁‧豪斯共同负责 Sony 集团游戏与网络服务业务的整体营运。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-10-20 04:38 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-25 06:15 PM 编辑

PlayStation Japan YouTube channel teases ‘True End of Century RPG’ for PS4, PS Vita
日本 PS 频道释出「真 世纪末 RPG」神秘游戏预告影片 疑似《坦克战记》系列新作?

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  日本 PlayStation 官方 YouTube 频道今(20)日公布了一段神秘预告影片,以「真・世纪末RPG、诞生」为题,揭露以浩劫后世界为背景、驾驶战车作战的 PS4 / PS Vita 新作游戏。

  影片中展现了一台赤红色的战车,在浩劫后化为断垣残壁沙漠的舞台中战斗的场面,搭配女性旁白台词叙述的片段故事,还出现中弹身亡的女性画面。 之后又陆续出现火神炮怪兽卡车、多足步行战车等奇特的改造战斗车辆。 最后则是身背双剑、疑似赤红色战车驾驶的男性主角现身。

  官方预告将于 10 月 26 日揭晓真相。 由于影片标题与内容透露的游戏类型以及世界观设定与角川 Games 发行的《坦克战记(Metal Max)》系列相当吻合,预料很可能是该系列睽违 4 年的 PS4 / PS Vita 家用主机新作即将发表。 喜爱此一系列的玩家不妨多多留意后续的消息公布。

The official PlayStation Japan YouTube channel has posted a teaser video for a new “True End of Century RPG” project for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita.

The description of the video reads: “The world has ended. As for what remains…? A True End of Century RPG is born. All will be revealed on October 26, 2017.”

The video itself depicts a red tank driving through a ruined city turned into a desert. A woman begins to narrate, “Several decades ago, when it was destroyed… at the hands of a nameless hunter… a cry of death… was sent all over the world using all possible lines of communication. Kill all of humanity.” Then, a bloodstained and fallen girl (pictured) appears. After that, two tank-like vehicles appear. Then man cries out, “Just run away, hide, and wait to be killed. That life is over now! From now on, I’ll hunt you all!” A young man carrying two swords then appears, followed by a tank firing a final blast before the trailer ends.

The video does not contain any company logos, therefore the publisher and developer of the game are unknown. The fact that it is hosted on the PlayStation Japan YouTube channel does not mean it is a Sony Interactive Entertainment title, as the channel has previously hosted teaser videos for third-parties, such as the teaser video for Experience’s Death Mark in December 2016.


Metal Max Xeno announced for PS4, PS Vita
《重装机兵XENO》公开详情 织田non人设剧情有点厉害





The “True End of Century RPG” teased for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita last week is Metal Max Xeno, Kadokawa Games announced in the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation. The game is described as a “love story between the protagonist and mankind’s last maiden.”

Here’s a list of the staff:

Overall Direction: Yoshimi Yasuda
Director: Hiroshi Miyaoka
Producer: Juntarou Kouno
Music: Satoshi Kadokura
Character Design: Oda Non
Monster Design, etc.: Atsuji Yamamoto

Game Content

The game is set in the year 209X in a country called Nippon (Japan—it’s spelled out in Katakana).
The protagonist is named Thalys. Half of his body is mechanized, and he has the power to take on powerful monsters on his own.
The heroine is named Toni. Her father was killed, but she was saved by Thalys and sticks beside him.
There is a mechanic named Yokki, who spends his days indulging in alcohol. His weapon is a huge wrench even bigger than himself.
The tank is called “Crimson Avenger R-Wolf” and is designed by Atsuji Yamamoto.
The enemy is “SoNs,” monsters whose aim is to eradicate all human life.
On the field, you an launch a preemptive strike at enemies by firing from your tank.
Developer Interview Tidbits

This is a tank and human RPG return to roots.
While Metal Max 4 cannot be called a sales success, Metal Max Xeno is a return to roots and a rebirth, in a series different from the numbered titles, that sweeps the slate clean.
The setup where Noah caused the great destruction and the Blood Corporation exists has not changed, but the time period is different.
The setting is built to give off the feeling of Tokyo.
The beginning of the game is “a journey where you will long see the destruction of mankind.”
There are bounties and tank customization. This will be the fullest entry in the series yet.
There are new elements such as a “Firing Mode” and an “Iron Base where the protagonist and company are set up.”
Your first playthrough is a huge tutorial. Your second playthrough is the real Metal Max.
Toni is “mankind’s last virgin.” The game may depict the “love between mankind’s last male virgin and female virgin. (Laughs.)”
You’ll be able to listen to the “WANTED” music track. There are also plenty of new songs, but a sufficient amount of old songs are also in the game.
Metal Max Xeno is the successor to the cancelled Metal Max: Wild Eyes.
They’re trying to make an entirely new series that uses the distinctive characteristics of previous Metal Max games.

A few more details have come in, via an official preview from Dengeki Online. Metal Max Xeno is set in a ruined and desertified world, in which a story will unfold where mankind became an endangered species after being dominated by a mysterious mechanical force. The metropolis that is the setting of your journey is called “Death Tokyo.”

Development is being handled by Kadokawa Games, Cattle Call, and 24Frame.

《坦克战记 Xeno》系列 PS4 / PS Vita 新作正式曝光 展开浩劫后世界的生存之战

  根据日本 FAMITSU 与电击 PlayStation 最新出刊杂志预报,确认日前在日本 PlayStation 官方 YouTube 频道公布的神秘游戏预告影片(相关报导)是角川 Games 开发中的《坦克战记》系列 PS4 / PS Vita 最新作《坦克战记 Xeno(METAL MAX Xeno)》,预定 2018 年推出。

  《坦克战记 Xeno》是驾驶战车在荒芜的世界狩猎罪犯或讨伐怪物的老牌角色扮演游戏《坦克战记》系列最新作,这次的舞台设定在浩劫后化为断垣残壁沙漠的世界,描写被神秘机械势力支配而陷入生存危机的人类的故事。 玩家将扮演拥有机器化身体的青年「塔利斯」与他所拯救的少女「托妮」,在荒废沙漠化的大都会「迪斯特基欧」对抗企图灭绝人类的异形「SoNs」。




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-10-20 04:50 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-20 04:54 PM 编辑

Japanese ‘The PS4 Between Us’ concept movie



Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia has released a new “concept movie” promoting PlayStation 4 titled, “The PS4 Between Us.”

The concept movie depicts children getting out of school and students finished with their club activities meeting at their friends house to play PlayStation 4 games together, as well as families gathering to play together.

Games featured in the video include Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition, Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary, Knack 2, Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, Everybody’s Golf, Monster Hunter: World, Gran Turismo Sport, PaRappa the Rapper Remastered, Taiko Drum Master: Drum Session, LocoRoco Remastered, and more.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-10-24 02:33 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-10-25 07:29 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-25 07:31 AM 编辑




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