Square Enix has withdrawn from Hitman developer and internal studio IO Interactiv, and has begun negotiations with potential new investors to keep the studio alive, the company announced.
Here is the full statement from Square Enix:
To maximize player satisfaction as well as market potential going forward, we are focusing our resources and energies on key franchises and studios. As a result, [Square Enix] has regrettably decided to withdraw from the business of IO Interactive A/S, a wholly‐owned subsidiary and a Danish corporation, as of March 31, 2017.
This decision has resulted in booking of the extraordinary loss amounting to 4,898 million yen, including disposition of the content production account related to the business and impairment loss of intangible assets, in the financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017.
As a result of this [Square Enix] started discussions with potential new investors and is currently in negotiations to secure this investment. Whilst there can be no guarantees that the negotiations will be concluded successfully, they are being explored since this is in the best interests of our shareholders, the studio and the industry as a whole.
Thief is an action epic poised to be the next great multi-platform franchise.
Originally released in 1998 by Eidos Interactive (Deus Ex) and distributed by Square Enix (Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy), the Thief series has spanned over fifteen years and four sequels continually retaining loyal audiences and attracting new fans with each iteration. Widely considered to be one of the greatest games ever created, a fifth sequel is currently in development to be released in step with this motion picture adaptation.
Steeped in the steam-punk world created by the video game, the film will tell a new chapter in the storied world of the series’ hero.
• Feature Film - Action Adventure
• Writers: Adam Mason & Simon Boyes
• Producers: Marisa Polvino, Kate Cohen and Roy Lee
从主要负责游戏业务的数字娱乐部分的状况来看,该财年内《Final Fantasy XV》和《古墓丽影:崛起》两款 3A 级大作的成功,是部门收入相对上财年大幅上涨的主要原因。Square Enix 旗下多款多人游戏的营业额和利润均有所下滑,但这部分业务所贡献的收入非常稳定。《Final Fantasy Brave Exvius》、《星之勇者斗恶龙》、《勇者斗恶龙怪兽篇:超级光芒》三款手游的强劲表现,再加上《王国之心 Union X》和《Final Fantasy Brave Exvius》两款游戏在日本以外地区的上市,令移动游戏的收入与上一个财年相比有了相当大幅度的增长。
Children of Zodiarcs will launch for PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam on July 18, developer Cardboard Utopia announced.
The game, a “deck-and-dice tactical RPG,” combines the classic grid and turn-based combat system with deck-building and dice-crafting mechanics. Here’s an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Deck & Dice Tactical RPG Children of Zodiarcs Launch Date Revealed
Square Enix Collective is thrilled to reveal that, after raising more than five times its target on Kickstarter at the start of 2016, Cardboard Utopia will launch the tactical RPG Children of Zodiarcs on 18th July 2017.
The game, which developer Cardboard Utopia says looks to both recapture and build upon the spirit of the tactical RPGs that so captivated gamers during the 16-bit and 32-bit eras, will make its debut on PlayStation 4 and PC in just less than 2 months.
“Having built a community of loyal fans thanks to our Kickstarter campaign, it feels really exciting to lift the lid on just when gamers will be able to get their hands on Children of Zodiarcs,” offered Jason Kim, Creative Director at Cardboard Utopia.
“It’s also a nervy time, too. We’ve put everything into delivering an experience that recaptures the joy people felt playing those tactical RPGs all those years ago, and because we’re a small studio, you can see the influence of each and every one of us in the game.”
It’s the indie nature of Children of Zodiarcs that drew the attention of Square Enix Collective, which is proud to serve as the game’s publisher. Cardboard Utopia’s vision has been to take the tactical RPG model and bring a fresh approach to it, combining the genre with elements from some of the studio’s favourite board games.
“We’ve brought together deck-building and dice-crafting with grid-based combat arenas,” continued Samuel Daher, Design Director at Cardboard Utopia. “It’s a mechanic we think combines strategy with controlled risk to build tension, anticipation, and excitement. Add to that some big characters and a big story, and what you end up with is a tactical RPG that’s larger than life.”
Telling the story of a gang of thieves who take on an empire suffocating its people with fear and cruelty by stealing a priceless, and mysterious relic, the game brings together tactical action with card decks and dice that unlock special powers aplenty. It’s a combination designed to ensure the battles in play are as varied as they are exciting.
“Children of Zodiarcs is a project that’s very close to our hearts here at Collective,” said Phil Elliott, Director of Community & Indie Development at Square Enix London.
“Since we first featured the game on the Collective feedback platform, and went on to support the Kickstarter campaign, it’s always been clear that the same is true for the wider Square Enix community too. To watch the way the studio has connected with its Kickstarter backers since it passed its target has been great to watch.”
Square Enix and People Can Fly announce partnership for AAA console and PC title
《子弹风暴》开发团队和Square Enix 合作开发3A级大作
世界上最有名的游戏制作商和发行商之一 Square Enix 近日宣布,将和位于波兰华沙的People Can Fly工作室合作,制作面向主机和PC的3A级别大作。
Square Enix 伦敦工作室的负责人Lee Singleton表示,他们非常开心能够和People Can Fly工作室合作。来自People Can Fly工作室的Sebastian Wojciechowski同样表达了自己的兴奋之情。
Square Enix 相信已经不用过多介绍,那么这个People Can Fly工作室到底是何方神圣?事实上,这个工作室真的是来头不小,该工作室曾经协助开发过《战争机器》、《战争机器2》、《战争机器:审判》、《子弹风暴》等一系列重量级作品。在2007年时,曾被Epic Games受够了多数股份,在2013年更名为Epic Games Poland。但在2015年,People Can Fly成功赎身,宣布独立并恢复使用旧名称和旧标志,但在此之后,他们也再也没有太多的建树。
关于这个新的作品,合作的双方没有公布太多的细节。但规模应该确实不小,目前People Can Fly工作室已经开始扩充团队,在该工作室的招聘网站上,列出了程序员、视觉特效等一系列职位。
Square Enix and People Can Fly announce new external development partnership
Square Enix, one of the most influential providers of videogame entertainment in the world with award-winning and best-selling franchises such as Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider, today revealed a new, external development partnership with People Can Fly, the Warsaw-based studio which developed Bulletstorm and co-developed Gears of War: Judgment. The partnership will see the companies work together to develop a new high-end original title for console and PC.
“We’re massively excited to be working with the talented team at PCF in Warsaw, a studio filled with people who really know their craft,” said Lee Singleton, Head of Studio at Square Enix London Studios. “We’re building a game we all want to play which will be the perfect addition to our portfolio.”
“It’s an exciting time,” said Sebastian Wojciechowski, Studio Head at People Can Fly. “We’ve got a great and experienced team in place, and it’s incredible to be working with Square Enix, a world-class publisher who shares our passion and excitement for the project.”
People Can Fly is expanding its team and looking to hire Gameplay Programmers, an AI Programmer, and a VFX Artist. To find out more and view all available positions go here: http://peoplecanfly.com/career/.
Square Enix has announced Antique Carnevale, a “completely new game” for unannounced platform(s).
Here’s an overview of the prologue and first character:
Have you thought about the differences between “things” and “living things”?
Or the differences between “dolls” and “people”?
If you ask, people will easily answer as such: dolls are “not able to move on their own,” right?
However, that is an invitation to the labyrinth.
Is a person unable to move by their own will not a “doll”?
Is a doll able to move by its own will not a “person”?
The explorers who wander around in search of an exit will find themselves deeply lost…
And then, one boy visits that labyrinth by himself…
He will listen. To the cries left behind by the “people” that have decayed in the labyrinth.
He will understand. The desires of the “dolls” captured in the labyrinth.
To that young man who stands in the space between people and dolls… I pray.
May the blessings of the people of origin be with him.
Bernhard (voiced by Natsuki Hanae)
The personification of the summons beast Wyvern. He regularly guards the town as the young commanding knight of the Valamion. He has a strong sense of justice, but hates rushing to conclusions, and is often censured by those around him. Under the orders of the president, he is currently searching for the strongest masters of the next generation.
Square Enix released a trailer highlighting Bernhard, and will release trailers for four more characters on July 7, July 10, July 12, and July 14, respectively. Further news is teased for July 18.
Elena (voiced by Yukari Tamura) is the personification of the summons beast Ifrit. She leads the fire people as a summoner who protects the fire mountains of “Ignicia.” She passion in her heart, and it is said that once you earn her trust, she will protect you until the end. To the fascination of many, her appearance imitates that of a beast in order to understand both herself and the fire people.
Platform(s) for Antique Carnevale have yet to be announced. Further information will be announced on July 18.
Antique Carnevale ‘Thomas’ character trailer
The third trailer for Square Enix’s newly announced game Antique Carnevale introduces Thomas.
Thomas, voiced by Yuuki Kaji, is the personification of the summons beast Fenrir. He leads the ice people as a summoner who protects the ice coast of “Eliva.” He takes on the form of the fairy “Selkie” and was once feared as a cruel guardian who never smiled. He now lives in a village far from the ice temple, and is popular among the ice people due to his boy-like appearance.
Platform(s) for Antique Carnevale have yet to be announced. Further information will be announced on July 18.
Antique Carnevale ‘May’ character trailer
The fourth trailer for Square Enix’s newly announced game Antique Carnevale introduces May.
May, voiced by Yui Ogura, is the personification of the summons beast Sylphid. She leads the wind people as a summoner who protects the forest region of “Sylphania.” She takes on the form of a fairy-tale girl, and people like her because she is true to herself. She is unhappy about the pollution caused by the current exploitation of the Avalon Company, which are stagnating the winds of Sylphania.
If you missed it, previous trailers introduced Thomas, Elena and Bernhard.
Platform(s) for Antique Carnevale have yet to be announced. Further information will be announced on July 18.
Antique Carnevale now available on Yahoo! Japan’s Game Plus platform
SQUARE ENIX 发表完全新作《古董狂欢节》详情公开是一款网页游戏 SE 社新作《古董狂歡節》以 HTML5 跨平台形式推出 主打短時間內分出勝負
SQUARE ENIX 于今(18)日发表完全新作游戏《古董狂欢节(暂译,日文原名:アンティーク カルネヴァーレ)》正式揭晓了答案,这款作品是一款网页游戏。
这是一款登陆 Yahoo 日本游戏(Yahoo! Japan’s Games Plus)的免费网页游戏,内含微交易。游戏融合了棋类和 RPG 元素,控制角色移动,与敌人相遇时发生战斗,最终目的是战胜敌人的国王。
Following a week of character introduction teaser trailers, Square Enix has revealed Antique Carnevale to be a tactical board game RPG available now on Yahoo! Japan’s Games Plus browser games platform as a free-to-play title with microtransactions.
Here’s a brief introduction:
Board Game RPG
A completely new tactical board battle game that fuses familiar board games such as chess and reversi with a fantasy RPG.
Rich scenario quests themed after “humans” and “puppets.” Popular voice actors such as Ayane Sakura, Natsuki Hanae, Yukari Tamura, Yuuki Kaiji, and Yui Ogura voice the summoners.
Move pieces and capture territory (squares). A command-based battle occurs when you land on the same square as the enemy. Use the MP of the squares in your control to launch your attack. The rules are simple. Defeat the enemy’s king to win.
Turn the tides of battle by freely using the power of summons.
Live Stream
Enjoy live streaming while interacting with users using the comments feature.
Black The Fall Launched by Square Enix Collective on PS4, Xbox One and PC
Black The Fall a Dystopian Puzzle-Platformer Launched by Square Enix Collective on PS4, Xbox One and PC
Surviving in a totalitarian state might not seem like the most welcoming environment for a puzzle-platformer, but Black The Fall’s ode to oppression has been capturing gamers’ attention ever since it was first unveiled in 2014. It’s with great excitement that today Square Enix Collective launches Sand Sailor Studio’s debut title on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Black The Fall plunges players into a deeply atmospheric communist dystopia, in which they must solve a series of puzzles to survive in a world determined to keep them trapped in the system. Played out in a striking environment, the game’s lead ‘Black’ intends to escape; sneaking through numerous stages past cameras trained on his every step as he tries to escape the system that is keeping him and his fellow citizens enslaved.
“With Black The Fall we really want to capture the feeling of what it was like to live in the communist state, and have been inspired by the first-hand experiences of our families. The world Black lives in might be fictional, but the system trying to beat him down is as bleak and oppressive as it has been in many countries around the world,” reveals Cristian Diaconescu, Creative Director at the Bucharest-based Sand Sailor Studio.
“Romania only broke free of the shackles of the Soviet bloc less than 30 years ago, so for many people living in the country today the memories are still fresh. We decided to take those stories and illustrate just what it was like to live within a restrictive regime in a game.
“That means players have to make use of the kind of tactics people who survived that era mastered – manipulation and stealth. The intentionally melancholic atmosphere also has a role to play here, and that’s something we’ve rendered in detail through image and sound. We’ve put no text or dialogue into the game at all – the story is told through experiences in play.”
“Black The Fall was one of the first games that featured on the Collective feedback platform back in 2014, and was among the first Kickstarter campaigns we supported too,” explains Phil Elliott, Director of Community & Indie Development at Square Enix Collective. “So it’s with great delight we’re working with the team at Sand Sailor Studio on releasing the game as well – both the game, and the team behind it, have come a very long way in that time, and we’re really looking forward to seeing people enjoy the experience they’ve created.”
Black The Fall is available now on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Co-op monster-raising RPG Reegend coming to Kickstarter on July 26
Magnus Games is bringing its co-op monster-raising RPG Reegend to Kickstarter on July 26, the developer announced. The game recently finished its Square Enix Collective campaign at 99-percent in-favor votes.
Described as an “all-encompassing RPG-simulator hybrid with strong monster raising and multiplayer features,” Reegend is a co-op adventure that began development almost two years ago. Magnus Games intends to release a Windows PC version of the game, with stretch goals for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch support.
Here’s an overview of the game, via Magnus Games:
Your first few days in Reegend might consist of planting a few crops to subsist on, trading part of your harvest with the villagers, and eventually gaining enough resources to build a comfortable home. But as you go about your business, you will discover what makes Vokka Island unique: the presence of numerous monster-like creatures called Magnus. By taming and befriending wild Magnus like the adorable Momochi and Draconewt, this new world will truly open up to you. From helping you in a wealth of activities to carrying you across the island, loyal Magnus are the key to a prosperous life.
Key Features
Magnus taming and raising – All Magnus on Vokka Island are tameable and the way you raise them will determine how they grow.
Extensive life skills and activities – Farming, fishing, mining, and crafting are just a few of the ways you can fund the development of your village.
Co-operative local and online multiplayer – Join with up to three friends to speed up your domestic tasks or set out on a journey across the island together with your Magnus.
Expansion and exploration – Build upgrades for your village and recruit NPCs to further develop Vokka Island.
Character customization – A new life calls for a new you!