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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-15 01:11 PM |只看该作者
Co-op monster-raising RPG Reegend coming to Kickstarter on July 26

Magnus Games is bringing its co-op monster-raising RPG Reegend to Kickstarter on July 26, the developer announced. The game recently finished its Square Enix Collective campaign at 99-percent in-favor votes.

Described as an “all-encompassing RPG-simulator hybrid with strong monster raising and multiplayer features,” Reegend is a co-op adventure that began development almost two years ago. Magnus Games intends to release a Windows PC version of the game, with stretch goals for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch support.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Magnus Games:


Your first few days in Reegend might consist of planting a few crops to subsist on, trading part of your harvest with the villagers, and eventually gaining enough resources to build a comfortable home. But as you go about your business, you will discover what makes Vokka Island unique: the presence of numerous monster-like creatures called Magnus. By taming and befriending wild Magnus like the adorable Momochi and Draconewt, this new world will truly open up to you. From helping you in a wealth of activities to carrying you across the island, loyal Magnus are the key to a prosperous life.

Key Features

Magnus taming and raising – All Magnus on Vokka Island are tameable and the way you raise them will determine how they grow.

Extensive life skills and activities – Farming, fishing, mining, and crafting are just a few of the ways you can fund the development of your village.

Co-operative local and online multiplayer – Join with up to three friends to speed up your domestic tasks or set out on a journey across the island together with your Magnus.

Expansion and exploration – Build upgrades for your village and recruit NPCs to further develop Vokka Island.

Character customization – A new life calls for a new you!

Watch a trailer below.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-21 12:56 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-8-14 06:09 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-15 04:02 PM 编辑

Re: Legend coming to PS4, Xbox One, and Switch
《Re: Legend》将登陆家用机平台

  《Re: Legend》是一款怪物养成合作类RPG游戏,兼备农场、钓鱼、建造、经营类的游戏,既然是合作类游戏,多人模式当然必不可少啦!

  目前这款游戏正在Kickstarter网站上进行众筹,目前已经筹集到337556美元,本作除了原定的Steam版本外,目前以达到推出Switch、PS4、Xbox One版本的众筹目标,这款游戏将在Switch、PS4、Xbox One三款家用机上亮相。

  《Re: Legend》的游戏主题将始终围绕着驯服和培养怪物。游戏的开始,玩家来到一座名为Vokka的岛屿上,在岛屿周边的区域内,有着一群被称为Magnus的神秘的生物。玩家可以通过培养不同类型的怪物,获取它们的信任后,就可以使用他们身上的能力。这些怪物的能力将会在日后的游戏中起到很大的作用。



  《Re: Legend》将在2018年6月发放给参与众筹的玩家们。


The Kickstarter campaign for Re: Legend, the co-op monster-raising RPG from independent developer Magnus Games, has been fully funded and reached all of its console support stretch goals, meaning the game will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch in addition to the initially planned PC version.

The campaign has also reached funding goals for a live orchestra recording, new player shop, advanced house customization, hidden legendary Magnus, full voice acting, and an underwater biome (new Magnus, quest, and collectables). It is on its way to meet its next stretch goal of adding a new bachelor and bachelorettes to the game.

Re:  Legend is currently planned for release in June 2018.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-8-21 10:49 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-22 08:01 PM 编辑

A Fear Effect remake is in the works for PC and consoles
《恐惧反应》宣布高清重置 登陆多个主机平台

  今天 Square Enix 宣布于 2000 年发售的 PS 平台游戏《恐惧反应》将高清重置,预计2018 年发售,登陆 Nintendo Switch、PS4、Xbox One以及PC平台。官方还公开了一段《恐惧反应 重制版》的预告视频,下面一起来看一看吧:



Return to Hong Kong: Square Enix Collective announces original Fear Effect remake

More than 17 years after it first stormed onto PlayStation, Square Enix Collective is excited to announce that the original Fear Effect game is being reimagined for modern day hardware, all under the watchful eye of some of the series’ biggest fans.

Fear Effect Reinvented has now been confirmed for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Set for release in 2018, French studio Sushee will be handling the game’s intriguing and enticing rebirth.

If that name sounds familiar, that’s because Sushee is also the outfit behind Fear Effect Sedna, the forthcoming brand new chapter in the Fear Effect saga, backed by thousands of fans of Kickstarter.

Indeed, it was seeing the level of passion within the Fear Effect community, while creating Fear Effect Sedna, that lead Sushee to think seriously about creating a remake of the very game that started it all.

“As support for Fear Effect Sedna quickly built up steam, we realised how much love Fear Effect as a franchise still had amongst gamers,” offered Benjamin Anseaume, founder of Sushee.

“At the same time, we realised that as well as offering established fans something new with Sedna, it would be great to introduce fresh players to Fear Effect by remaking that first great adventure. Fear Effect Reinvented will capture the same spirit and atmosphere as the original game, but it’ll bring it into the present with drastically improved visuals, tweaked controls and other exciting extras.

“Fear not, however. Those original fixed camera angles will remain in place, albeit playing host to some brand new high-definition visuals.”

Fear Effect won praise from critics across the board back in 2000, dropping players into the dark underbelly that lies beneath Hong Kong’s brightly lit streets. On the hunt for the daughter of a powerful Triad leader kidnapped by persons unknown, players took control of any one of three mercenaries - Hana, Deke, and Glas - as they explored a world uniquely rendered in full-motion video. It was a visual feast few of its contemporaries at the time could compete with.

Published by Square Enix Collective, Fear Effect Reinvented will look to be equally ambitious when it hits PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC in 2018. This new project will once again unite developer Sushee with support from Poland-based publisher Forever Entertainment. Stand by for more details later this year.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-8-25 04:09 PM |只看该作者
Secret of Mana 3D remake announced for PS4, PS Vita, and PC
重制经典《圣剑传说 2》PS4 / PS Vita / STEAM《圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA》发表

  SQUARE ENIX 今(25)日宣布,将在 PS4 / PS Vita / STEAM 平台推出《圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA(圣剣伝说2 SECRET of MANA)》,预定 2018 年 2 月 15 日发售,售价 4800 日圆。

  《圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA》是承袭 1993 年在超级任天堂主机上推出的《圣剑传说 2》经典氛围,并把游戏画面全面翻新。 包含角色模块、游戏系统和 UI 接口,都配合现代水平更新。

  另外,游戏音乐也混音重录,角色也配上全语音,追加包含对话事件在内的新要素。 PS4 / STEAM 版也支持脱机 3 人共同游玩,PS Vita 则是支持面连同游。

  重生的《圣剑传说 2》将带给玩家既新颖且怀念的经典冒险体验。




名称:圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA(圣剣伝说2 シークレット オブ マナ)
发售日:2018 年 2 月 15 日
售价:4,800 日圆 + 税(实体版 / 下载版)
类型:动作 RPG
机种:PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita/Windows ※ 不对应 Cross Save
游玩人数:1~3 人 ※ PS4 / Windows 版:支持脱机多人游玩、PS Vita 版:支持 ad hoc 联机游玩

  有趣的是,在官方正式公布之前,PlayStation 拉丁美洲已经泄露了本作的情报,根据该页面的显示,其美版发售日同样也是 2018 年 2 月 15 日,既然美版和日版已经同步上市,不知道Square Enix 会不会推出这款游戏的中文版呢?让我们拭目以待吧。



Square Enix has announced a 3D remake of Secret of Mana for PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and PC (Steam). It will launch digitally worldwide on February 15.

The remake will feature high-definition 3D graphics, voice-overs, talk events, and promises to retain the charm of the original while incorporating improvements such as upgraded gameplay and a newly arranged musical score.

Secret of Mana was originally released in 1993. It tells the story of Randi, Primm, and Popoi as they battle a treacherous empire in order to reclaim the power of Mana and bring the world back to order.

Pre-orders from the PlayStation Store will include “Moogle Suit” character costumes for Randi, Primm, and Poppoi, a “Tiger Two-Piece” costume for Primm, “Tiger Suit” costumes for Randi and Popoi, and three PlayStation Network avatars. Pre-orders and first-week purchases from Steam will include the three costumes, as well as a downloadable wallpaper.

In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita versions will be released both physically and digitally for 4,800 yen. A collector’s edition including a copy of the game, pop-up book, arranged tracks CD, and Randi, Primm, and Popoi figures will also be available exclusively via the Square Enix e-Store for 13,870 yen. Amazon Japan purchases will include the user’s manual originally included with the 1993 release.

Watch the announcement trailer below. Visit the official English website http://www.secretofmanagame.com/ and Japanese website http://www.jp.square-enix.com/seiken2_som/ . A Twitter account has also been launched.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-6 03:43 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-6 04:06 PM 编辑

Secret of Mana ‘SNES vs. Remake’ comparison video
重制经典《圣剑传说 2》《圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA》SFC版与3D重制版画面对比视频

  喜欢制作对比视频的 Youtuber Cycu1 又带来了新的作品。这次对比的是SFC版《圣剑传说2 玛娜之谜》与 PS4 重制版。相同的场景表现力究竟提升到什么程度一目了然。

  《圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA》是承袭 1993 年在超级任天堂主机上推出的《圣剑传说 2》经典氛围,并把游戏画面全面翻新。 包含角色模块、游戏系统和 UI 接口,都配合现代水平更新。

  除了 PS4 外,重制版还将登陆 PSV 与 Steam平台,预定于 2018 年 2 月 15 日发售。当年未能体验这部名作的朋友不妨趁此机会试一试。


YouTube user Cycu1 has created a video comparing the original release of Secret of Mana for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System to the upcoming PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and PC remake.

Secret of Mana is due out as a digital-only release for PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and PC worldwide on February 15, 2018. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita versions will also be released physically.


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-7 06:52 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-7 06:53 AM 编辑

Secret of Mana remake screenshots, character artwork

Square Enix has released a new set of screenshots and character artwork from the upcoming Secret of Mana.

The screenshots showcase a colorful world through meadows, deserts, snow-covered towns, and water temples, as well as the “Ring Command”-based battle system, character status screen, and character dialogue events.

Secret of Mana is due out as a digital-only release for PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and PC worldwide on February 15, 2018. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita versions will also be released physically.


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-19 07:49 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-20 11:22 PM 编辑

Square Enix announces survival action shooter Left Alive for PS4, PC
SQUARE ENIX 曝光《LEFT ALIVE》由《合金装备》新川洋司负责角色设计

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/152708.html

  SQUARE ENIX 今日在东京举行的 2017 PlayStation 东京电玩展展前发表会中,曝光了旗下最新作《LEFT ALIVE》,预定 2018 年在 PS4 平台上市。

  虽然今日发表的游戏预告影片并不长,但揭露了此款游戏制作人为《Final Fantasy》品牌总监桥本真司,并由曾担任《合金装备》系列美术总监新川洋司担任角色设计,由曾担任《机战佣兵》系列制作人的锅岛俊文担任此款游戏监督, 这样的组合与视觉设计已经令外界充满期待。

  另外,根据《LEFT ALIVE》官网信息显示,此款游戏除了 PS4 版外,也将有 PC 版本。

Square Enix announced Left Alive, a new survival action shooter coming to PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam in 2018, during the 2017 PlayStation Press Conference in Japan. It will launch in 2018.

The game is led by veteran developers Toshifumi Nabeshima (director, Armored Core series), Yoji Shinkawa (character designer, Metal Gear series), and Takayuki Yanase (mech designer, Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Xenoblade Chronicles X).

More information will be announced at Tokyo Game Show 2017 on September 21 during a special stage event at 11:00 JST that will be live streamed on YouTube and Niconico.

Visit the official Japanese website http://www.jp.square-enix.com/leftalive/


Left Alive is a third-person shooter set in the world of Front Mission
《LEFT ALIVE》是继承前线任务世界观的第三人称生存动作游戏

  SQUARE ENIX在昨天公开了新作《LEFT ALIVE》在本周的Fami通杂志中公开更多情报。详细总结如下:

• 本作为一款生存动作类游戏,玩家既可以射击也可以布陷阱,玩法非常丰富。
• 游戏继承了《前线任务》(Front Mission)的世界观,时间点设定在2127年,《前线任务 5》和《前线任务 进化》之间。
• 主角有3人,他们被孤立在某个城市然后为了生存独自展开行动。最初是年轻的主角,之后是女性主角这样交替推进故事剧情。
• 游戏的舞台为俄罗斯地区的某城市,整个游戏仅描述了1天内发生的事情。
• 可以获得素材自己制作道具。
• 玩家可以选择游戏进行的路线。
• 有多周目要素。
• 游戏整体上只有一个结局。但各角色的结局会根据游戏进程产生变化。
• 基本上游戏是按照关卡推进。
• 游戏过程中会出现对话选项,对于求救的NPC可以选择帮助也可以选择无视。
• 机甲的自定义虽然没有,但可以获得武器和素材进行强化。
• 主要以线下游玩为主。但并不表示完全没有线上要素。
• 开发团队中有数名《前线任务》系列的成员。
• 新川洋司不但设计角色,也设计机甲。
• 桥本表示想通过新的展开制作《前线任务》、想通过一些不一样的视角来看待《前线任务》,所以制作了新作。想告诉大家《前线任务》对SE来说很重要。
• 游戏为第三人称射击游戏,玩家可以驾驶机甲,也有潜入要素。
• 目前开发进度50%。

  这款游戏集结了以《Final Fantasy》系列闻名的桥本真司、以《合金装备》系列闻名的新川洋司、以《装甲核心》(Armored Core)系列闻名的锅岛俊文三名知名制作人(设计师),将于2018 年春登录 PS4 与 PC 平台。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has first details on Left Alive, Square Enix’s newly announced survival action shooter for PlayStation 4 and PC.

Left Alive is a new title prdouced by the Front Mission series’ Shinji Hashimoto, directed by the Armored Core series’ Toshifumi Nabeshima, and featuring character designs by the Metal Gear series’ Yoji Shinkawa. Some Wanzer (mecha) designs will be done by Mobile Suit Gundam 00‘s Takayuki Yanase.

Here are the bullet points:

• Left Alive is a survival action game featuring shoot outs and traps set up with varied placements.
• The game uses the same world and setting of the Front Mission series, chronologically taking place between Front Mission 5 and Front Mission Evolved.
• There are three protagonist, starting with a young protagonist. Next, you’ll become a female protagonist, and switch among the three protagonists as you progress.
• The progression route is up to the player.
• There are replayability elements.
• There is only one ending, but the outcome of the character changes depending on the course you take.
• It uses a stage-based structure.
• There is no Wanzer customization, but you can craft by obtaining weapons and materials.
• It is mainly offline, but that isn’t to say there won’t be any online elements.
• A few Front Mission staff are working on the game.
• There are also robots designed by Yoji Shinkawa.
• Director Toshifumi Nabeshima first joined Square Enix in 2015.

Here are some tidbits from Weekly Famitsu’s interview:

• Producer Shinji Hashimoto: “We wanted to make a Front Mission with a new lineup. We started this new title to see Front Mission in a slightly different perspective.”
• Director Toshifumi Nabeshima: “It’s a third-person shooter. There’s also Wanzer-riding action and stealth elements. How the game is cleared is up to the player.”
• Producer Shinji Hashimoto: “Square Enix wanted to convey the feeling that we cherish Front Mission.”

Left Alive is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC in 2018.

More details have come in.

• The three protagonists are the people featured in the key visual. All three are isolated in the city where the game is set, and each act independently in order to survive.
• Keyword: “The One Day Incident” – The setting is a city in Russia. The game depicts a one day incident that occurs there. A war is happening in the city, and the protagonist will inevitably get caught up in the conflict.
• Wanzer – Since Left Alive is set in the same world as the Front Mission series, the walking-type mobile weapons known as “Wanzers” will appear. Although you will mainly confront Wanzers as enemies, you can also steal a Wanzer away from the enemy.
• Survival Action – The primary objective is survival. The game will have a varied setup, including traps laid out to stir up the battlefield. There is also a crafting element, which allows you to use the materials you obtain to craft items.
• The Route You Take is Up to You – For example, if you head straight to your destination, you may be in danger of having to fight enemies, but you can also take hidden paths and stay out of the enemy’s line of sight, or take a big detour far away from that area. How you progress is up to you.

And here are some more quotes:

• Director Toshifumi Nabeshima: “Since I always place emphasis on things that might give me a sense of accomplishment, it probably is not going to be very easy. (Laughs.)”
• On downloadable content: “We have ideas, so maybe we can do it if the main game does well.”

The rest of the quotes are mixed from producer Shinji Hashimoto, director Toshifumo Nabeshima, and character designer Yoji Shinkawa:

• “I wanted to create a new Front Mission world with a new lineup.”
• “We didn’t do a sequel because we wanted Front Mission to be seen in a different perspective, rather than the so-called ‘robot thing.'”
• “It inherits the world and setup [of Front Mission] without any changes.”
• “The genre is stylistcally a third-person shooter. There are shooting elements, but it’s difficult to clear if you’re only shooting. Wanzer-riding actions and stealth elements are also being put in.”
• “You won’t always be fighting in Wanzers.”
• “The maps are built with limited space, but they’re laid out so that the route to your destination is wide.”
• “The setting is the year 2127. Chronologically, that is between Front Mission 5 and Front Mission Evolved.”
• (Regarding character designs) “When we initially started the Left Alive project, we consulted with Hideo Kojima, Kenichiro Imaizumi, and Yoji Shinkawa, and got their consent.”
• “There are also replayability elements. There aren’t multiple endings, but depending on how you proceed, the outcome the characters meet will change. Depending on your choices, they may be happy or unhappy, may find a solution to a mystery or may not…”
• “There are changes depending on choices that appear in conversation, or whether you abandon or rescue an NPC in need of help.”
• “The game uses a stage-based structure.”
• “There is no Wanzer customization.”
• “We’re not saying there aren’t any online elements, but they’ll be a bonus if we have them.”
(Regarding Nabeshima joining Square Enix) “I heard when he left From Software three years ago, so I used that opportunity to invite him to make something together.”

Development on Left Alive is currently 50 percent complete.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-9-21 06:14 PM |只看该作者
《圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA》经典重制中文化登场 以推出新作为目标
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/152847.html

  在这次 TGS 中,SQUARE ENIX PS4 / PS Vita 动作角色扮演游戏《圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA(圣剣伝说2 SECRET of MANA)》制作人小山田将在索尼互动娱乐(SIE)安排下, 亲自向亚洲媒体介绍游戏内容特色,并接受访问,畅谈对《圣剑传说》系列这个经典 IP 的期许。

  《圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA》是 1993 年在 SFC 推出的《圣剑传说 2》的重制版,承袭原作的童话奇幻风格,以全 3D 重新建构富含玛那之力的游戏世界。 包含 3 名主角在内的登场角色都会收录全语音演出。 收录由原作曲家菊田裕树配合游戏风格监修重编的乐曲,音效也全面翻新。 此外,配合全 3D 重制,原作中原本以点阵绘图小人演出的场面都将以全语音对话事件呈现。



  这次游戏将采用 2010 年手机版角色插画的绘师重新绘制的关键角色图像来制作。


  《圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA》预定 2018 年 2 月 15 日(四)在亚洲推出 PS4 / PS Vita 中文版,亚洲版将收录日文与英文语音,以及繁体中文 / 简体中文 / 英文 / 韩文字幕。 其中 PS4 版将会推出套装版与数字版,PS Vita 版则是只预定推出数字版。 两版本皆支持最多 3 人同乐 ※。

※ PS Vita 版可透过 Ad Hoc 面对面联机多人游玩

  此外,在日本是由 SQUARE ENIX e-STORE 专卖的典藏版,将由 SIE 代理在亚洲发行。



  关于为什么会选在这个时机将这款奠定《圣剑传说》系列风格的作品重制推出,小山田表示,他从 2014 年起担任《圣剑传说》系列的制作人后,就一直想要推出新作,不过毕竟《圣剑传说》这个 IP 已经沉寂多年没有新作推出, 需要重新唤起玩家对这个 IP 的认知。 所以在 GB 的初代作《圣剑传说 Final Fantasy 外传》重制推出之后,就开始推动《圣剑传说 2》的重制计划。



  当被问到目前是否是朝推出新作的方向发展,小山田微笑表示,就他自己来说当然是非常希望能推出新作,不过还没有获得公司允许,所以目前未定,现阶段会专注在《圣剑传说 2》上。

  至于后续是否会接着将《圣剑传说 3》重制推出,小山田表示,以他个人来说当然是非常希望能成立,很期待这次的《圣剑传说 2》重制推出后玩家的意见回馈,让后续的计划能顺利推动。

  而这次之所以会选择以 3D 来重制,是因为《圣剑传说》从 4 代开始就已经是 3D 绘图,现在也不太可能走回头路。 以 3D 绘图来制作,对制作团队或是游戏整体来说都是比较好的方向。 战斗系统的部分,则是会以忠于原作为大方向,再根据现今的标准进行调整。 至于收录的内容,基本上也是忠于原作,不过预定会在这次东京电玩展的舞台活动上发表新要素的信息,敬请期待!

  当被问到对这次重制的那一部分感到最满意时,小山田笑着说毕竟是自己做的,整体他都觉得很满意,真要说的话,应该是菊田先生的重编乐曲搭配 3D 重制画面的演出带给他的感动吧! 接着有媒体问到,这次的重编配乐与早先推出的重编配乐 CD 收录的乐曲是否相同,对此小山田表示,之前的重编配乐 CD 是菊田个人的重编,而这次是配合游戏表现的需求重编,所以是不同的。

  由于 PS Vita 版支持 Ad Hoc 面连 3 人同乐,当被问到是否每台 PS Vita 都需要 1 套游戏时,小山田表示的确需要。 至于 PS4 与 PS Vita 的跨平台联机游玩部分,很遗憾目前没有计划。

  关于 PS4 Pro 的支持部分,小山田透露,游戏会支持 PS4 Pro 的 4K 分辨率输出,不过就算在一般 PS4 上的画面也相当细致丰富。 更新率部分 PS Vita 版是 30fps,PS4 版则是 60fps。



游戏名称:圣剑传说 2 SECRET of MANA
游戏原名:圣剣伝说2 SECRET of MANA
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita / PC Steam
发售日期:2018 年 2 月 15 日
语言版本:PS4 / PS Vita 版:日文 / 英文语音,繁体中文 / 简体中文 / 英文 / 韩文字幕
游玩人数:1~3 人
代理经销:台湾索尼互动娱乐 / 香港索尼互动娱乐


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发表于 2017-9-26 11:15 PM |只看该作者
Spelunker Party coming west for Switch and PC on October 19

Square Enix is bringing Minna de Waiwai! Spelunker, which launched for Switch in Japan on April 20, to North America and Europe as Spelunker Party. It will launch for Switch via the Nintendo eShop and PC via Steam on October 19 for $29.99.

A free demo will be released for Switch on October 7.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Square Enix:

Following the story of Spelunkette and her friends, explorers can adventure solo or with up to four players in local and online multiplayer mode, avoiding dangerous pitfalls, boulders and wicked creations. In multiplayer mode, players can also join together to access new areas and revive teammates. With over 100 thrilling stages to challenge, players will discover Litho-stones hidden throughout each map to unlock new items, equipment and faithful pets to customize their characters and aid in cave exploration.

Watch the announcement trailer below. Visit the official website https://www.na.square-enix.com/us/spelunkerparty



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