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【PS4】Playstation®4 -- PS4 Pro 和Slim 公布 支持4K电影和HDR 功能









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-7-1 06:30 PM |只看该作者
Sony 社长确认将推出加强版 PS4 主机 计划让 PS VR 投入游戏以外的应用领域

  Sony 社长平井一夫,在 6 月 29 日举办的经营方针说明会中,透露 PS4 主机的全球实际销售台数已经超过 4000 万台,将上修游戏部门 2017 年度的预估业绩,同时提到将推出新款式强化版 PS4 主机,以及计划让虚拟现实装置「PlayStation VR(PS VR)」投入游戏以外的应用领域。

  PS4 主机的累计销售台数已经于 5 月突破 4000 万台,是历代 PlayStation 主机中普及与扩展速度最快的。 加上 2015 年度 PS Plus 会员制服务营业额较前一年度成长 50%,以及 PS VR 即将于 2016 年 10 月推出,因此将上调 2017 年度游戏与网络服务部门的营业额至 1 兆 8000~9000 亿日圆,比最初预估的高出 3000~4000 亿日圆,营业利润比率则从 5~6% 上调至 8~10%。

  会中平井一夫首次提及新款改良版 PS4 主机将进一步提升主机硬件的魅力,明示加强版 PS4 主机的推出计划,但会中并无透露具体的上市日期。 此外,针对即将于今年 10 月在北美、欧洲、日本与亚洲上市的 PS VR,会中则是揭露未来计划朝游戏以外的应用领域发展。 虽然最初会透过游戏来切入 VR 领域,不过在摄影机与摄影技术、内容制作力、娱乐等能够活用 Sony 既有资展的领域也有其优势所在,因此不只是对 PlayStation,对整个 Sony 集团来说都有广大的可能性。

  虽然索尼互动娱乐(SIE)总裁暨环球执行长安德鲁‧豪斯(Andrew House)在 E3 展前夕接受访问时首度证实加强版 PS4 主机的存在,但是在 E3 展中并未发表任何具体信息。 如今 Sony 社长平井一夫又再度明示加强版 PS4 主机的推出计划,显示这台新主机已经箭在弦上。 目前 Sony 尚未公布加强版 PS4 主机的上市信息,一般预期应该会在 2016 年度内(2017 年 3 月底前)上市。

http://www.sony.co.jp/SonyInfo/N ... 6/16-065/index.html


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-8-10 07:30 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-10 07:15 PM 编辑

PlayStation Meeting 2016 set for September 7
SIE 预定 9 月 7 日在纽约举办 PlayStation 发表会 加强版 PS4 主机呼之欲出?

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)9 日发出邀请函,确认将于 9 月 7 日在美国纽约 PlayStation 剧院举办「PlayStation Meeting」发表会,揭示 “关于 PlayStation 事业” 的消息。 一般预料会中将正式公布 Sony 方面已经证实目前正在规划中的加强版 PlayStation 4 主机(谣传代号为 Neo)的消息。

  PS4 Neo 是 SIE 目前规划中的加强版 PS4 主机。 根据来自非正式管道的数据显示,PS4 Neo 将配备频率进一步提升的 AMD Jaguar 架构 8 核心 CPU 与规模扩增 2 倍的图形处理器,能提供比现有 PS4 高出 1.3 倍的图形处理效能(理论值),支持 4K 分辨率游戏与 UHD BD 影片播放。

  SIE 总裁安德鲁‧豪斯日前曾表示,PS4 Neo 瞄准的对象是 “重度玩家族群” 及拥有 4K 电视、想要更多高分辨率内容的消费者。 将比现行的 PS4 来得贵,预期会与标准 PS4 主机并营销售相互补足,SIE 会在 PS4 产品生命周期中持续销售两种版本。 豪斯强调,PS4 Neo 并不会造成兼容性问题,因为所有游戏都会支持标准 PS4 主机,且 SIE 预期大多数主流游戏都会支持 PS4 Neo。

  本次的 PlayStation Meeting 预定于美国东岸时间 9 月 7 日下午 3:00(※)在纽约时代广场的 PlayStation 剧院举办,全程将透过在线直播。 2013 年 2 月 SCE 亦曾在纽约举办的「PlayStation Meeting」发表会中首度揭露 PlayStation 4 主机,加上近日有媒体抢先报导 SIE 将于 9 月 7 日发表加强版 PS4 主机的消息,因此虽然官方尚未确认,但一般预料 PS4 Neo 会在这次发表会中亮相,并于 9 月中旬在日本举办的东京电玩展 Tokyo Game Show 中盛大展出, 年末节庆档期推出。

PlayStation just announced a September event, where it will likely unveil the PlayStation 4 successor

Sony PlayStation on Tuesday afternoon sent invites for an event on September 7 called "PlayStation Meeting," where the company will "share details about the PlayStation business."

Earlier on Tuesday, reports from Vice Gaming and Gameblog claimed that PlayStation would hold an event that day to unveil its PlayStation 4 Neo, aka the PlayStation 4.5.

If you're unfamiliar, the Neo is expected to play all the current PlayStation 4 games out there, but offer more horsepower for better graphics and frame rates. It's expected to also support 4K games, movies, and TV shows.

With that extra horsepower, the Neo will likely be the ideal console to power the company's upcoming virtual-reality headset, the PlayStation VR, which arrives in October.

We look forward to learning more about the PlayStation 4 successor on September 7. The event starts at 3 p.m. ET.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-8-16 07:12 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-16 07:30 AM 编辑

PS4 4.00 update is coming soon. Adds folders, Trophy enhancements and more

PS4 System Software 4.00 Will Feature Folders, UI Refresh, More

Our beta for PS4’s upcoming 4.00 update, codenamed Shingen, rolls out soon for everyone included in the public beta program. If you signed up and were selected, be on the lookout for an email with instructions on how to download.

Whether you’re in the beta or not, we wanted to give everyone a glimpse at some of the new aspects of this system software. We’re refreshing the system UI, adding tools for organization, updating the Quick Menu, and much more.

UI Refresh

We’ve made a lot of adjustments and improvements to PS4’s main user interface. That includes some changes you may notice right away, like new system backgrounds and a revised What’s New tab, to smaller changes like updated popup notifications and redesigned system icons. As a whole, it all adds up to a more refined and easy to use UI. The overall look and feel of the UI remains the same — it just has a fresh coat of paint.

Quick Menu

As you know, pressing and holding the PS button on your DualShock 4 brings up the Quick Menu. We’ve overhauled this menu to make it faster and easier to use. One big change is that the menu now only covers a portion of the screen, meaning you don’t need to leave gameplay entirely.

We’ve added several new items to the Quick Menu, letting you quickly get info without having to back to the home screen. You can see the online status of your friends, and shortcuts to quickly access your Party, Favorite Groups, Communities, and more. You can also customize the Quick Menu, removing or adding items as you see fit.

Share Menu

We’ve given a similar overhaul to the Share Menu, which appears once you press the Share button on your DualShock 4. Like the Quick Menu, it only covers a portion of the screen. It will save the last social network you shared video clips or screenshots to, making the process of sharing a screenshot or video a bit faster and more streamlined.

You can also upload longer video clips to Twitter (was 10 seconds, now up to 140 seconds).

Folders and Library Organization

One of the big requests we get is for more options to organize content on PS4. With this update, we’re adding functionality to create folders on PS4’s content launcher and Library. This will help collect your favorite games and select apps in one place for quick and easy access.

We’re also making some pretty big changes to the Library. We’ve added a new tab called Purchased, which will show all of the content you own — games, applications, demos, and betas you’ve participated in. As a result, the Games and Applications tabs focus on content currently installed on your system. This should help de-clutter your library, and make it faster to find the content you’re looking for.

There are some new sorting tools for your Library as well. You’ll be able to sort content by purchase date or install status, and search for specific games and apps via text input.

Trophy Improvements

This update brings the ability to view the Trophy offline. You’ll see a new “offline mode” option if your system is unable to connect to the network, letting you view your entire Trophy collection without an Internet connection.

We’ve also added a button that will let you view the content of a Hidden Trophy. The Trophy will still be hidden by default, but you can now choose to show the Trophy name and info.

Lastly, we’re changing the icons that show how rare a Trophy is. Instead of four boxes that fill, the icon looks like a pyramid with the ultra-rare Trophies at the top.

User Profile

We’ve updated the look of the User Profile, making it easier to see relevant info for a player at-a-glance. For instance, you can now see your Trophy progress compared with another player right from their profile. You can also add a background image to your own profile — perhaps a screenshot you took in one of your favorite games.

The update has even more features that won’t be available in the beta, so stay tuned for additional info on what to expect. We’ll be back with more info on 4.00, including its launch date, in the coming weeks.

John Koller - Vice President, PlayStation Brand Marketing, SCEA


PS4新系统版本4.00更新要点 "Shingen"




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-8-22 07:32 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-22 06:28 PM 编辑

薄型化新款式 PS4 主机曝光? 体积缩小设计简约化 预定 9 月正式揭晓?

  美国游戏论坛 NeoGAF 近日有多名用户不约而同地泄漏了传闻中的薄型化新款式 PS4 主机的照片,从照片中可以确认该薄型化 PS4 主机的体积将进一步缩小,整体构造与设计更为简约。

  NeoGAF 上泄漏的薄型化 PS4 主机照片,可以看到正面的电源钮与退片钮、吸入式光盘槽与 2 组 USB 端子

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)日前宣布预定于 9 月 7 日在美国纽约举办 PlayStation Meeting 发表会,一般预料会中将会发表传闻中代号为 Neo 的效能强化版 PS4 主机,既有的 PS4 主机预料也会进行改版与降价,在年度销售重点的节庆档期与微软日前发表推出的新款式 Xbox One S 主机竞争。

  虽然目前还没有加强版 PS4 主机的具体产品消息,不过近日在 NeoGAF 上流出了大量薄型化 PS4 主机的产品照片,显示薄型化 PS4 主机应该会提前一步在 9 月上旬的发表会后上市贩卖。

  从这些流出的产品照片中,可以确认薄型化 PS4 主机的尺寸较现有 PS4 主机显著缩小。 造型从原本 4 个区块组成的锐角平行四边形简化成上下 2 个区块的圆角平行四边形。 机壳采用素色雾面材质,横置时主机底部的脚垫从原本的橡胶垫片改为与机壳一体成型的△◯✕☐造型浮凸。 由于底部也加上了 PlayStation 的 Logo 以及特殊造型的脚垫,预料将维持一贯的可直立摆放设计。

  电源开关与退片钮集中到左侧沟槽。 硬盘机盖取消,硬盘机槽移到左后侧,目测仍维持可自行更换设计。 输出入端子部分维持与既有 PS4 相同的前方 2 组 USB 端子(间距拉宽)以及后方 1 组 HDMI 影音端子、1 组 RJ-45 网络端子与 1 组 AUX 辅助连接端子,但取消了光纤音效输出端子。 电源一样采用 8 字接头,后方散热孔大幅缩小,显示薄型化 PS4 主机的耗电量有显著减少。

  照片中曝光的薄型化 PS4 主机为欧版包装,硬盘机容量为 500GB,配件与现行包装无异。

  目前官方并未对相关消息作出响应,预料详情必须等到 9 月发表会才会正式揭晓。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-8-22 06:18 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-9-8 07:23 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-8 07:35 AM 编辑

PlayStation 4 Slim Officially Revealed

Sony Interactive Entertainment to Launch Slimmer and Lighter PlayStation 4 in September, Available at 29,980yen, $299, Eur 299 and £259

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) today announced that a new slimmer and lighter PlayStation 4 (PS4) (CUH-2000 series) computer entertainment system with a 500GB HDD will become available in Japan, North America and in Europe starting from September 15, 2016, at manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of 29,980 yen, $299 USD, Eur 299 and £259

The internal architecture of the new PS4 system has been revamped, reducing its volume by more than 30% compared to the previous models and reducing its weight by 25% and 16% compared to the first (CUH-1000 series) and current (CUH-1200 series) models respectively. Also, the new PS4 system is more energy efficient, as the power consumption has been cut by more than 34% and 28% compared to the very first and current models.

The form factor of the new system inherits the slanted body design of the previous models, with the foreside and backside of its body slightly angled. The corners are trimmed and curved, giving it a softer impression that would appeal to a wider range of audience. The new simple look, with gloss finished PS family mark designed on the center of the top surface, will fit perfectly wherever it is placed.

Furthermore, looking ahead to the future of imaging technology, all PS4 systems including the new slimmer model and PlayStation 4 Pro will support HDR (High Dynamic Range) imaging technology, which enables the reproduction of brightness and darkness while realizing a much wider range of colors. Users who own an HDR-compatible TV will be able to enjoy supported games and other entertainment content with visuals that are more realistic, strikingly vivid and truer to the way the human eye sees the real world.

Approaching its third year since launch, PS4’s games portfolio is stronger than ever, and will continue to expand with highly anticipated titles from third-party developers and publishers as well as from SIE Worldwide Studios such as Final Fantasy XV (Square Enix), Gravity Rush 2, Horizon Zero Dawn (SIE WWS), Persona5 (Atlus), Ryu Ga Gotoku 6 Inochi no Uta.(SEGA Games), The Last Guardian (SIE WWS), Thumper (Drool), Touhou Shinpiroku ~ Urban Legend in Limbo (Sunfish).

SIE is focused on expanding PS4’s ecosystem by introducing new system features like HDR, launching high quality exclusive PlayStation games, pushing innovation in gaming through PlayStation VR, and building online services offered on PlayStation Network.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-9-8 07:33 AM |只看该作者
Sony Introduces New Peripherals for PlayStation 4

Sony Interactive Entertainment Introduces New Peripherals for PlayStation 4

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) today announced new peripherals for PlayStation 4(PS4), including a new Wireless Controller (DualShock 4), a new PlayStation Camera, as well as a vertical stand specifically designed for the new slimmer PS4 and the PlayStation 4 Pro (PS4 Pro) systems – all will become available in Japan, North America and in Europe starting from September 15, 2016. SIE will also introduce the Platinum Wireless Headset this holiday.

New Wireless Controller for PlayStation 4

The new Wireless Controller for PS4 (DualShock 4) allows the light from the light bar to emit on the touch pad, making a new luminous line in the same color as that of the light bar. This provides gamers with visual information, such as which character they control or health status, at a glance for more intuitive gameplay. Furthermore, the new DualShock 4 supports USB communication in addition to the currently available Bluethooth communication, allowing users to have control also via cable. The new DualShock 4 wireless controller will be available at a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of 5,980 yen, $59 USD, Eur 59 and £54.

New PlayStation Camera

The redesigned PlayStation Camera (PS Camera) inherits all the features available on the current model, including PlayStation VR (PS VR) support, and features a new compact cylindrical form. PS Camera includes a stand allowing users to easily adjust the angle of the PS Camera and set it up in their preferred location, such as on top of their TV or entertainment center. The new PS Camera will be available at a MSRP of 5,980 yen, $59 USD, Eur 59 and £54.

Vertical Stand

The vertical stand is specifically designed for the new slimmer PS4 and PS4 Pro. To bring out the best of both system designs, the stand was made with translucent material to resemble the “shadow” of the system when set vertically. Two different attachments are bundled so users can mount either the slimmer PS4 or PS4 Pro with ease. The new vertical stand will be available at a MSRP of 2,280 yen, $24 USD, Eur 19 and £16.

Platinum Wireless Headset

The Platinum Wireless Headset, which will be available at a MSRP of 18,000 yen, $159 USD, Eur 179 and £129, is a high-end gaming headset that makes games on PS4 come alive with rich and immersive audio. The headset boasts premium construction and materials for extra comfort, as well as enhanced highly positional 7.1 virtual surround sound powered by SIE’s proprietary 3D audio technology. Select PS4 games supporting 3D audio for the headset will deliver surround sound from all directions, including above and below you, for more immersive experiences. The new premium headset also features multi-position, hidden noise-cancelling microphones for clearer chat and is also compatible with PS VR and mobile devices using an included 3.5mm audio cable.

Through the introduction of attractive new peripherals, SIE will continuously enhance the PS4 ecosystem and vigorously promote the expansion of its business.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-9-8 07:41 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-19 06:25 PM 编辑

PlayStation 4 Pro Officially Announced
加强版 PS4 主机「PS4 Pro」11 月推出 图形处理效能加倍 支持 4K HDR 游戏
雙新款式 PS4 主機全剖析 SIEJA 副總裁織田博之分享 PS4 亞洲發展策略
SIE WWS 總裁吉田修平獨家專訪 分享 PS4 Pro 開拓的全新可能性
  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)在大马时间 9 月 8 日凌晨举办的「PlayStation Meeting」发表会中正式发表效能进一步提升的加强版 PS4 主机「PlayStation 4 Pro」,配备处理效能加倍的 GPU、频率提升的 CPU 与容量更大的硬盘,让多款已推出 / 即将推出的支持游戏能输出细致鲜明的画面。

  PS4 Pro 采用制程更先进、效能更强大的处理芯片打造,CPU 同样采用 Jaguar 8 核心,运作频率提升,GPU 则是大幅扩充,效能是现有 PS4 的 2 倍以上。 内存容量维持 8GB 不变,带宽未明。 硬盘机容量加倍为 1TB。 输出入端子与现有 PS4 大致相同,后方新增 1 组 USB 端子,保留 S/PDIF 光纤端子。 无线网络提升为 IEEE 802.11ac 与蓝牙 4.0。 耗电量则增加至最大 310W。

  PS4 Pro 将完全兼容现有 PS4,所有游戏皆可在两种机型上运作。 当运作支持游戏时,能活用额外效能来达成更高分辨率(4K)、更高动态范围(HDR)的图形处理,且会依照用户所连接的显示设备进行调整。 当用户连接 4K 屏幕时,游戏将能以 4K 分辨率来绘制与输出(或升频至 4K)。 当用户连接 1080p 屏幕时,可利用额外的效能来提升画面的质量、特效与流畅度。

  PS4 Pro 的造型设计采用与薄型 PS4 主机相同的概念,同样以前后倾斜搭配圆角构造。 体积较现有 PS4 略增,重量则是增加至 3.3 公斤。 因应整体体积的增大,外观的层次增加为 3 层。

  PS4 Pro 主机(1TB)预定 11 月 10 日在北美、欧洲与日本推出,价格北美 399 美元 / 欧洲 399 欧元 / 英国 349 英镑 / 日本 44980 日圆,亚洲地区的确切上市日期与价格则是 1799 马币。

PlayStation 4 Pro(CUH-7000 系列)规格
名称:PlayStation 4 Pro
颜色:Jet Black
发售日:2016 年 11 月 10 日
售价:北美 399 美元 / 欧洲 399 欧元 / 英国 349 英镑 / 日本 44980 日圆 / 马来西亚 1799 马币
处理器:CPU:x86-64 AMD “Jaguar”,8 核心
GPU:4.20 TFLOPS,AMD 次世代 Radeon based 图像引擎
内存:GDDR5 8GB
外观尺寸:约 295 × 55 × 327 mm (宽 × 高 × 深)
重量:约 3.3 kg
输出╱输入“Super-Speed USB(USB 3.1 Gen1)端口 × 3 AUX 端口 × 1
网络:Ethernet(10BASE-T,100BASE-TX,1000BASE-T)× 1 IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Bluetooth 4.0(LE)
电源:AC 100~240V,50/60Hz
耗电量:最大 310W
操作温度:5 oC~35oC
影音输出:HDMI 输出端口(支持 HDR 输出),数字音效输出(光纤)



Sony Interactive Entertainment Unveils PlayStation 4 Pro, Delivering Enhaced PS4 Experience

Sony Interactive Entertainment today announced the introduction of PlayStation 4 Pro (PS4 Pro) (CUH-7000 series) computer entertainment system, which delivers enhanced experiences through improved image processing capability and support for 4K quality images. PS4 Pro will be available on November 10, 2016, in Japan, North America and Europe at a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of 44,980 yen, US$399,Eur 399 and £349. This marks the first time ever in the history of PlayStation that a higher-end system will be introduced in the middle of the platform’s lifecycle. PS4 Pro will complement the standard PS4, including the slimmer and lighter model also announced today.

By boosting the performance and capability of the system architecture including the CPU and GPU, PS4 Pro allows games to deliver graphics with far more detail and unprecedented visual precision. Users with 4K TVs will be able to enjoy all PS4 titles in higher quality, such as 4K quality resolution and faster or more stable frame rates. In addition, PS4 Pro supports 4K video playback to deliver 4K streaming video services such as Netflix and YouTube.

HDTV owners will also be able to enjoy the enhanced gameplay experiences on PS4 Pro, as the system delivers 1080p resolution for all PS4 games and higher or more stable frame rates for some supported titles.

Furthermore, looking ahead to the future of imaging technology, all PS4 systems including PS4 Pro will support HDR imaging technology, which enables the reproduction of brightness and darkness while realizing a much wider range of colors. Users who own an HDR-compatible TV will be able to enjoy supported games and other entertainment content with visuals that are more realistic, strikingly vivid and truer to the way the human eye sees the real world.

“Today marks an exciting new milestone for PlayStation as we unveiled the high-end PS4 Pro in the midst of the console lifecycle, catering to gamers who are looking for a heightened PS4 experience," said Andrew House, President and Global CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment. "By accelerating the innovation cadence at PlayStation, we’re introducing choice in the marketplace, enabling gamers to choose the PS4 model that meets their needs. Ultimately, with titles that leverage the potential of PS4 Pro – plus PlayStation VR launching soon – all PS4 owners continue to benefit from having the best place to play.”

The form factor of the new system inherits the slanted body design of the previous models and the body design consists of three layers of blocks, symbolizing the powerful presence of the PS4 Pro and its solid feel, with mirror finished PlayStation family mark emblazoned at the center of its top surface. PS4 Pro also comes with an additional USB port in the rear in addition to two USB ports in the front for connecting additional devices including the PlayStation VR virtual reality system.

The hard disk drive capacity of the PS4 Pro is 1TB to accommodate more games, demos, download contents and favorite gameplay videos.

Every PS4 game title, including those already available and those launching in the future, will run on all PS4 including PS4 Pro. Furthermore, all the PS4 system employs the same user interface and shares the same online community for multiplayer gaming and network services.

SIE will announce details of PS4 Pro with its robust lineup of games from 3rd party developers and publishers as well as from SIE WWS towards its launch and will continue to further enhance the entire PlayStation ecosystem.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-9-8 06:56 PM |只看该作者
「PS4 Greatest Hits」精选畅销游戏 9 月 9 日推出新一波阵容 价格马币 RM109 元起

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)今(8)日宣布, 将于 9 月 9 日在亚洲推出新一波「PlayStation 4 Greatest Hits」精选畅销游戏。 PS4 Greatest Hits 是选自已发售的 PS4 畅销游戏软件,以更实惠的价格提供给玩家,将采实体版形式在 PlayStation 特约经销商贩卖,售价马币 RM109起。

  本次预定推出的 PS4 Greatest Hits 畅销鸠选游戏一共有 5 款,详细如下:

  • 勇者斗恶龙 英雄集结 闇龙与世界树之城(繁体中文版)
  • Final Fantasy 零式 HD(繁体中文版)
  • Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster(繁体中文版)
  • 睡犬 决定版(中英文合版)
  • 最后生还者 重制版(中英文合版)

  SIE 表示,「PS4 Greatest Hits」的所有游戏作品都是在全世界广受好评的 PS4 游戏大作,不仅强烈推荐「PS4 Greatest Hits」给 PS4 的既有玩家,也推荐给正计划购买 PS4 主机的人。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-9-9 08:15 PM |只看该作者
PS4 Pro游戏包装有专属印记:PS4 Pro Enhanced

  在PS4 Pro专属游戏上将有“PS4 Pro Enhanced”的标识。对于数字版的游戏,“PS4 Pro Enhanced”的标识也将在PlayStation Store上找到。

  PS4 Pro 专属游戏阵容大致上如《蜘蛛侠》新作、《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》《往日不再》(Days Gone),《看门狗 2》,《地平线:零之黎明》,《质量效应:仙女座》,《荣耀战魂》等。后续PS4 Pro 发售游戏也都会附上“PS4 Pro Enhanced”都会标注在这些游戏大作封面。


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