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【PS4】Playstation®4 -- PS4 Pro 和Slim 公布 支持4K电影和HDR 功能









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-3-14 07:30 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-14 04:30 PM 编辑

PS4 Games Coming to PlayStation Now in 2017
终于可以在PC上玩PS4游戏了!PS4游戏将加入PS Now阵容

  SIE日前宣布,PS4游戏将在2017年内加入PlayStation Now云端游戏服务阵容,这意味着玩家可以通过购买PlayStation Now服务在PS4和Windows PC端体验到众多PS3和PS4游戏。

  支持PlayStation Now的PS4游戏将会在接下来的数周之内进行私人测试,如果你已经购买了PlayStation Now服务,那么去看看邮箱吧,说不定索法已经给你发送了邀请邮件。

  目前PlayStation Now服务已经支持483款PS3游戏,其中不乏《荒野大镖客》、《美国末日》、《NBA 2K14》等人气游戏。玩家可以在PS4、PC上使用PS Now服务,但是对于国内玩家来说,网速是个问题,官方推荐的上行和下行网速要求为5MB/s,如果你达到了这个要求,可以试试PS美服商店推出的7日免费体验。

PlayStation Now: Stream PS4 Games in 2017

As many of you know, PlayStation Now lets you stream hundreds of PS3 games — currently 483 to be exact — to your PS4 and Windows PC.

We’re excited to announce that PS Now’s catalog is set to grow even further, as we’ll be expanding to include a new platform: PlayStation 4 games. All of the games in the service, including PS4 games, will be included with a single PS Now subscription. We’ll share more information as we get closer to launch, so stay tuned.

In the next few weeks we’ll kick off a private test with PS4 games on PS Now. If you’re an active PS Now subscriber, keep an eye on your email in case you get an invitation.

If you’re new to PS Now, the subscription service offers access to a large and ever-expanding library of games. Since PS Now utilizes our cloud streaming technology, you can access the entire catalog of games, select one, and start playing quickly without needing to wait for downloads.

Also, PS Now uses cloud saves, letting you start a game on PS4 and continue playing on another PS4 or even a Windows PC (or vice versa).

If you haven’t given the service a try yet, now’s the perfect time to give it a spin with the seven-day free trial.

Brian Dunn - Senior Marketing Manager, PlayStation Now



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-3-16 07:02 PM |只看该作者
世嘉 SEGA 推出两款初音PS4替换盖 预定4月开始发售
转载 - 电玩巴士

  世嘉公布将推出“SEGA feat. HATSUNE MIKU Project”与PS4的联动替换盖『SNOW MIKU×初音ミク Project DIVA Future Tone』和「初音ミク VRフューチャーライブ」,预定于2017 年 4 月 1 日起开始在索尼商店发售,此外与《人中之龙 6 生命诗篇》的联动款也决定再贩。

  替换盖全两种类,每款单品售价3000日元,与PS4本体同捆套装售价 500GB 31980日元、1TB 36980 日元。其中图二是为纪念索尼商店札幌店开业的替换盖,只能在札幌店购买,索尼线上商城无法买到。

  ※替换盖为PS4 CUH-2000用,CUH-7000无法使用需要注意。

http://www.sony.jp/playstation/s ... _20170316_topcover/


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-4-20 07:02 PM |只看该作者
美国推出新型 PS4 主机 1TB 机种 价格调降为 299 美元

  美国索尼互动娱乐(SIEA)18 日宣布, 将开始在美国贩卖新型 PS4 主机的 1TB 机种,价格维持与先前 500GB 机种相同的 299.99 美元,相当于实质降价。


  新型 PS4 主机于去年 9 月全球同步推出,大多数市场同时推出基本的 500GB 与进阶的 1TB 两种容量款式,但美国先前一直只贩卖 500GB 机种,未推出 1TB 机种,价格为 299.99 美元。

  如今 SIEA 终于在美国推出 1TB 机种,而且价格直接设定为先前 500GB 机种的 299.99 美元,可以说是实质降价。 预料在美国开启首波降价潮之后,其他地区的新型 PS4 主机 1TB 机种价格亦将随之调降。

  高阶版的 PS4 Pro 主机价格则未有调整,仍为 399.99 美元。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-6-7 07:34 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-7 03:21 PM 编辑

Limited Edition Gold and Silver (EU Only) PlayStation 4 Slim Units Officially Revealed
金色与银色新型 PS4 主机本周五马来西亚同步开卖 将提供单一 500GB 规格

  香港新加坡索尼互动娱乐Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited Singapore Branch (SIES)宣布,将于 6 月 9 日在马来西亚推出新型 PS4 主机(CUH-2000 系列)的新配色款式「金色」与「银色」,提供单一 500GB 容量规格,价格马币 RM 1239。

https://asia.playstation.com/en- ... 0170607-DaysofPlay/


A Thank You to All Our Fans: New Gold PS4, 9 Days of Epic Deals

We’re pleased to introduce our Days of Play campaign, a first of its kind global promotion, bringing you some amazing PlayStation deals just as summertime is getting into full swing. Haven’t jumped into the PlayStation 4 community yet? Or maybe you want to add some of the great PS4 games that have recently launched? Now’s the time! Starting June 9, major retailers across U.S. and Canada will offer discounts on hardware, peripherals, and PS4 exclusive games – all the way through June 17. This campaign is a thank you from us to the passionate PlayStation Community for your unwavering support – it’s all of you that makes PlayStation the Best Place to Play, and led to the huge success of games like Horizon Zero Dawn.

Click to access the Days of Play gallery

On June 9 as part of this event, we will be introducing a new slim Gold PS4 system with 1TB of HDD storage, which will launch with a limited-time promotional price of $249.99 USD (MSRP) / $329.99 CAD (MSRP). The system comes with a matching DualShock 4 wireless controller, and will be available for a limited time only. Make sure not to miss out.

What’s more, PlayStation Store will be offering awesome deals for digital blockbuster games and PlayStation Plus memberships starting June 9. Stay tuned for a blog post on June 9 for more info.
In the meantime, here’s the full list of retailer-specific deals being offered throughout the 9 days:

• Slim PlayStation 4 system in Gold with 1TB HDD – $249.99 USD (MSRP) / $329.99 CAD (MSRP)

• DualShock 4 wireless controller (all colors) – $39.99 USD (MSRP) / $49.99 CAD (MSRP)

• Gold Wireless Stereo Headset (Jet Black) – $79.99 USD (MSRP) / $79.99 CAD (MSRP)

• Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, MLB: The Show – $39.99 USD (MSRP) / $49.99 CAD (MSRP)

• Catalog titles – check with your local retailer

Thank you again for all your tremendous support and happy gaming!

John Koller - Vice President, PlayStation Brand Marketing, SIEA


Limited edition Gold and Silver consoles join the PlayStation 4 family this month

The PlayStation 4 family is expanding, with two new colour variants joining the existing line-up later this month.

The two new colours – Gold and Silver – are both sleek and stylish and absolutely perfect if you want to make a ‘metallic’ statement. Both will be available as 500GB models, including two matching Dualshock 4 wireless controllers.

You’ll be able to get your hands on them from 28th June*. Both are limited editions so don’t miss out!

These two new variants join the original Jet Black PS4 alongside the Glacier White edition which released earlier this year.

Click to access the Gold and Silver PS4 gallery

The Gold and Silver Dualshock 4 wireless controllers are also available as standalone products.

Take a look at the new colours above and check with your local retailer for details on availability and pricing.

Jayne Murphy - Product Manager, SIEE



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-6-13 10:43 PM |只看该作者
索尼PS4主机销量达6040万 售出游戏4亿8788万份

  索尼SIE (Sony Interactive Entertainment)宣布,截至6月11日,其PS4主机的全球销量达到了6040万台,并且售出了4亿8788万份游戏(包含数字版和实体版)。

  截至2017年3月底,索尼在全球有7000万活跃用户,PS Plus拥有2640万名付费订阅会员,PS4玩家一周平均使用时间已超过6亿小时。



PlayStation 4 has cumulatively sold through more than 60.4 million units to consumers as of June 11, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced.

Additionally, PlayStation 4 software sales have sold over 487.8 million copies at retail stories globally and through digital downloads on the PlayStation Store as of June 11.

Sony also shared a few more numbers:

PlayStation ecosystem has more than 70 million monthly active users worldwide as of end of March 2017.

PlayStation Plus has 26.4 million paid subscribers worldwide as of end of March 2017.
Active PS4 users worldwide spend more than 600 million hours in total, per week on the platform as of end of March 2017.

PlayStation 4 is currently available in 123 countries and regions worldwide.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-7-6 10:38 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-7 07:47 PM 编辑

日本 PS Now 服务将加入 PS4 游戏阵容 免下载即可在 PS4 与 PC 上游玩 PS4 游戏

  索尼互动娱乐日本亚洲(SIEJA)今(7)日宣布,PlayStation 云端游戏服务「PlayStation Now」将于 7 月 20 日开始在日本地区提供 PS4 游戏,让玩家不需要下载,就可以透过串流影音技术在 PS4 与 PC 上直接游玩其所提供的 PS4 游戏。


  PlayStation Now 是 SIE 提供的云端游戏服务,摆脱以往以本地端主机硬件执行游戏的模式,统一由远程服务器执行游戏,再透过串流技术将影像与声音实时传输到玩家所在的终端装置呈现,打破效能与兼容性等限制,让玩家可以在各种装置上游玩数百款 PlayStation 主机的游戏。

  原本 PS Now 服务仅提供 PS3 游戏,而这也是 PS4 主机目前唯一能游玩 PS3 游戏的方法。 如今 SIEJA 宣布,将自 7 月 20 日起在 PS Now 服务提供 PS4 游戏,只要是订阅 PS Now 定额月费制服务的玩家 ※,都可以在目前支持的装置上(PS4 与 PC)畅游其所提供的 PS4 游戏。

※ 原本租借单一款游戏游玩的「租借服务」将于 7 月 11 日结束,全面改为定额月费制

  首波开放的 PS4 游戏预定友 30 款,后续还会陆续增加。

  此外,配合 PS4 游戏的加入,日本 PS Now 将自即日起至 7 月 12 日举行「PlayStation Now 升级测试」活动,让现有的 PS Now 会员玩家报名先行测试 PS4 游戏的 PS Now 串流服务。

  目前 PS Now 服务并未在日本以外的亚洲地区(包含台湾、香港等)提供。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-7-11 06:28 PM |只看该作者
PS4 Pro 新配色「冰河白」9 月 6 日在日本限量推出

  索尼互动娱乐日本亚洲(SIEJA)今(11)日宣布,将于 9 月 6 日在日本推出 PlayStation 4 Pro(PS4 Pro)主机的新配色款式「冰河白」,采限量提供,价格 4 万 4980 日圆(未税)。

  继先前美国与欧洲陆续宣布将推出《天命 2》与「冰河白」配色 PS4 Pro 主机的同捆组之后,如今日本也宣布将推出「冰河白」这个 PS4 Pro 自上市以来的首款新配色,而且是采取单独贩卖的形式推出,让玩家有更多选择的自由。 型号与规格维持不变,同样属于 CUH-7000 系列,内建 1TB 硬盘机,随附一组与主机相同配色的 DS4 无线控制器,支持 4K 游戏与串流影音输出。

  目前台湾与香港等亚洲地区尚无 PS4 Pro 冰河白配色主机的上市信息。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-7-19 10:33 PM |只看该作者
Sign-up for the PS4 system update 5.0 beta



Sign Up for the Next PS4 System Software Update Beta

We’re getting ready for the next major system update for PS4, and can use some help from PS4 owners to test it out ahead of launch. Starting today, you can sign up for a chance to be a beta tester and get an advance look at some of the improvements and new features coming to PS4.

You can register to be a beta tester (Europe) anytime between today and the start of the beta in early August. Users must be 18 years or older. Once the beta starts, we’ll close registration.

Beta testers for our previous major system software update, version 4.50, got an early peek at features like external HDD support, custom wallpapers, Quick Menu refresh, and much more before launch.

If you’re part of the program, you’ll receive an email with instructions on downloading the beta version of the next system software. In order to sign up, you’ll need a PS4 with an internet connection, and access to a Master Account. And remember — you can roll back to the previous system software at any time.

We’ll be back soon with an update on the features you can expect in the beta.

Many thanks to everyone signing up — especially our returning beta testers! Your feedback helps us make the system software update even better.

Andrew Kelly - Sony Interactive Entertainment America



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-8-10 07:33 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-10 08:36 PM 编辑

First PS4 system update 5.0 details
PS4 5.0版本系统详情 增强账户管理和社交功能

  从PS4发售以来,这台主机通过系统更新的方式增加了很多新的功能。近日,SIE官方又开始了5.0版本系统的测试人员招募,这次的新版本中又会给PS4带来什么新功能呢?近日,Eurogamer获得了一份PS4 5.0版本的更新日志,为我们揭晓了将在5.0系统中与我们见面的新功能。这些新功能包括:

● PS4 Pro玩家可以通过Twitch进行1080p/60帧的直播;
● 账户管理系统大幅变更。之后玩家可以为PS4增加家庭账户功能,管理员账户能对下辖的子账户进行控制,可以设置内容浏览限制、消费金额限制。除了在一台PS4上增添这类用户之外,还可以邀请其他的PS4用户参与到家庭账户中来;
● 玩家可以关注任意用户;
● 快捷菜单中可以查看通知,下载和上传情况;
● 使用VR设备进行直播的时候玩家可以直接在屏幕上看到观众的评论;
● 广播消息可以和PlayStation社区相关联;
● 加入对捷克语、泰语、希腊语、印尼语、越南语、罗马尼亚语和匈牙利语的支持;
● 无论游戏中是否包含额外的扩展内容(比如年度版这一类的游戏),开发者都无需重写代码。
● 从这份更新日志来看,5.0版本的变更点主要集中在社交和账户管理上,目前SIE还没有公布该版本的具体上线时间

First details on the recently announcedEurogamer, which obtained a copy of the update’s release notes.

Here’s the summary of what’s new:

  • PlayStation 4 Pro owners can stream via Twitch in 1080p at 60 frames per second.
  • The system’s master and sub account systems has been overhauled. New family accounts an feature multiple adlt accounts in a single family, able to act in a parent / guardian role and set parental controls on a per-account basis, allowing each sub account different communications, content-viewing, and spending limit privelages. Requets can also be sent to adult accounts on other PlayStation 4s to join the same family.
  • Players can follow any user.
  • Notifications have been added to the Quick Menu. Uploads and downloads status can also be checked here.
  • Push notifications for events.
  • Specator comments on screen while broadcasting in virtual reality mode.
  • Broadcasts can be linked to a PlayStation Community.
  • Language support for Czech, Thai, Greek, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Romanian and Hungarian.
  • Behind-the-scenes support for bundle and compilation discs, with or without add-ons, and discs which support games and add-ons (such as a “Game of the Year Edition”), which do not require developers rework any code.

A release date for the update has yet to be announced.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-8-17 10:37 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-17 10:54 PM 编辑

PS4 system update 5.0 beta launches today, first look

The beta for PlayStation 4 system software update 5.00, which is code-named “Nobunaga,” is launching today for users selected for the beta program, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced.

Over at the PlayStation Blog, Sony provided a first look at some of the features included in the update, including family on PlayStation Network, friend management, and more.

Get the details below.

■ Family on PSN

We’re overhauling the current master/sub-account system, and introducing the new “Family on PlayStation Network.” This new system will offer a more flexible experience for families on PS4 by making it easier to setup PSN accounts for children and customize parental control settings. Below are the new features that will be introduced with family on PSN:

Family Manager, Parent/Guardian

Family on PSN will allow multiple adults to be part of a single family. The Family Manager can promote another adult inside the family to a Parent/Guardian, who can then customize parental control levels of children’s accounts.

Individualized Parental Controls

Before this update, the same parental controls were applied to all users on the same console, including adults. But with 5.00, all controls (including game age ratings) can be individually attuned for each child.

■ Friend List Management

In place of the current ‘Favorite Groups’ tab, we’re adding a new ‘Custom Lists’ tab within Friends, which allows you to create and edit custom lists of your friends. This makes it easier for you to manage your friends and access specific groups. For example, you can create a custom list of your Destiny teammates and easily send them raid invites.

■ Broadcast feature updates


If you own a community, you can now bind your community to your broadcast. When a broadcast is linked to a community, the community button appears on the Live from PlayStation spectator screen. Once a spectator clicks on the community button, they’ll be able to jump directly to your community page to check out the details.

PlayStation VR

We’ve added a new setting in PlayStation VR: Display Message to Spectators and Spectators’ Comments. Once this is enabled, spectator comments sent during a broadcast is displayed not only in cinematic mode, but also in VR mode. This makes it much easier for VR broadcasters to keep up on comments and communicate with their viewers.

PlayStation 4 Pro

Good news Twitch users: with this update, PS4 Pro will support 1080p 60fps streaming on Twitch.

■ Messages Improvements

You’ve already been able to share your favorite music to Twitter and Facebook via PlayStation Music, but now you’ll also be able to share via messages using your PS4. If your friends are on PS4, they can listen to the track right inside the message by booting up Quick Menu, and if they’re on their mobile device, they can jump directly to the Spotify app from the PS Messages app to check out the song.

In addition, if you’re part of multiple message groups, you can now easily leave several groups at once. Just open up Options in the message list, select Leave, and choose the message groups you want to leave.

■ Notifications Updates

We’ve added a new setting that allows you to disable pop-up notifications while you’re watching a movie or TV show on your PS4. This setting is off by default, so go to Settings > Notifications to disable notifications and go uninterrupted during your videos.

Furthermore, you now have the option to turn off message previews on your pop-up notifications. If you turn this setting off, the pop-up notification will hide the message senders’ online ID and will display a generic user icon and message instead.

Lastly, you’ll have the option to change the color of your pop-up notifications to either white (default) or black.

■ Quick Menu Updates

If you want to keep an eye out on what’s happening under Notifications, like the progress of your game downloads/installations or new party invites, you can now access this directly from the Quick Menu so you don’t have to step away from your game every time you want to check your notifications.

Also, we’ve added a ‘Leave Party’ option in the Quick Menu, so you can easily exit a party and go right back to playing your game.

In addition, now you’ll see the system clock in the upper-right corner of the screen when you pop open the Quick Menu.

■ Virtual Surround Sound on PS VR

PlayStation VR now supports 5.1ch and 7.1ch virtual surround sound on your headphones when watching Blu-rays and DVDs in Cinematic Mode, making for an even more immersive viewing experience

■ Improved Tournaments Bracket Viewer

We have a new bracket viewer that shows full tournament brackets for Single Elimination and Double Elimination tournaments on PS4. This makes it easier for you to see the current tournament standings.

■ New System Language Additions

With this update, we’re adding the following system language options on PS4: Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Romanian, Thai and Vietnamese.

PS4 5.0系统更新详情:主打家长控制 改善易用性

  PS4 主机5.0 系统的测试已经开始,此前收到测试资格的玩家将会收到一封邮件,说明如何进行下载更新。而 Playstation 官方也是公布了此次 5.0系统的更新内容。这次更新主打家长控制功能,并有多处易用性改进。





  PS4 Pro在Twitch直播时,可以支持1080p分辨率60帧率画质。

  可以直接通过PS4消息来分享音频,好友能从你的消息中聆听音频,如果是移动设备,还可以从PS Messages应用程序跳转到Spotify应用,查看歌曲并添加到他们的播放列表。







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