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【新闻部】Square Enix -









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-6 04:59 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-8 06:33 PM 编辑

Square-Enix possibly teasing Bravely game ~ Port, new game?
暗示《Bravely》系列可能推出新作!? 官方推特公开疑似妖精 Airy 的插图

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/166527.html

  SQUARE ENIX 旗下《Bravely》系列官方推特,日前为纪念 Nintendo Switch 软件《八方旅人(オクトパストラベラー)》销售突破 100 万,投稿了贺图推文。 同时,官方推特名称从系列第二部「Bravely Second(ブレイブリーセカンド)」变更为「Bravely ◯◯◯◯◯(ブレイブリー◯◯◯◯◯)」。

  日前推出的新作 RPG《八方旅人》是由《Bravely》系列助理制作人高桥真志担任制作人、同系列制作人浅野智也担任企划&总监。 在官方推特和脸书使用「11BD(浅野团队)」、「SQEX ASANO Team」的名义。

  而浅野团队底下,就包含了主要发布《Bravely》系列消息的《Bravely》系列官方推特「@BDFF_OFFICIAL」。 该账号近日投稿的推文之中,除了祝贺《八方旅人》达到 100 万销售,表现浅野团队新作一帆风顺的现况,另外还投稿了相当意味深长的推文为 11BD 宣传,让人感受到会有新企划展开。

  再来,和推文一同释出的插图,则是将《八方旅人》官方推特的「全球出货+下载突破 100 万纪念插图」翻转,用强光在墙上打上影子...... 有接触过《Bravely》系列的玩家一定马上就能察觉,这影子这影子怎么看都是《Bravely Default》当中妖精 Airy 的剪影!

  如上图,相信会是个让《Bravely Default》玩家心中油然升起许多感触的插图。 加上第二部的《Bravely Second》,也留下了许多感觉能带出续作的谜团,让这几天粉丝们纷纷讨论「难道将推出《Bravely Third》!? 」。

  投稿的这张插图,还有名称变更为「Bravely ◯◯◯◯◯」的官方账号,难道《Bravely》系列新作真的要来了吗!?



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-9 07:47 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-10 03:21 PM 编辑

SQUARE ENIX 新作《静人 The Quiet Man》释出最新游戏截图和主题概念图
  SQUARE ENIX 在今年 6 月份的 E3 展前公开了全新游戏《静人(暂译,The Quiet Man)》,今天公开了最新游戏截图和主题概念图。

  在《静人》首部宣传影片中,可以看到一名角色在街头上殴打另外两名男子,并带出「沉默声响最响亮(silence rings loudest)」的标语。 SQUARE ENIX 表示,《静人》将带来身历其境的故事导向由动作游戏体验,玩家将体验无接缝、心跳加速的动作玩法与逼真的 CG 画面,就像参与一场让人肾上腺素上升的电影。

  SQUARE ENIX 预定今年 8 月公开更多关于《静人》的游戏内容,《静人》预定将在 PC 与 PS4 平台上市。






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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-14 05:06 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-14 06:20 PM 编辑

Crystal Dynamics expands with new Washington studio Crystal Northwest
水晶动力建新工作室 将协助进行《复仇者联盟》游戏开发

  Square Enix 旗下的水晶动力(Crystal Dynamics),宣布在华盛顿设立水晶西北工作室(Crystal Northwest),该工作室将协助进行《复仇者联盟》的游戏开发。

  新工作室雇佣了众多业界知名大咖,包括《战神》设计师Vincent Napoli,《死亡空间3》创意导演Ben Wanat,《光环》系列监制人David Fifield,同时还有来自EA、顽皮狗和皮克斯的人才。相信工作室拥有了如此多优秀的员工,一定能开发出高品质的作品。


Crystal Dynamics, the California-based studio behind the Tomb Raider franchise and the upcoming Avengers Project has expanded with the creation of a new Bellevue, Washington satellite studio called Crystal Northwest, parent company Square Enix announced.

Here is an overview of the studio, via Square Enix:

The new studio in the Seattle area is officially up and running as of today, and is a full-fledged extension of Crystal Dynamics. Dedicated initially to technology development, it delivers even more expertise to the highly-anticipated Avengers Project. Led by 20-year industry veterans Chad Queen and James Loe, the new studio bolsters the development of future games, tools, and technology.

In addition to the new studio, Crystal Dynamics has added best-in-class development talent to its Redwood Shores, California headquarters. These new additions will strengthen the teams on both current and future projects.

Among the dozens of new hires are world-class developers like Vincent Napoli, the new Lead Combat Designer at Crystal Dynamics who was most recently on the latest God of War, plus Ben Wanat, an 18-year industry veteran and an original co-founder of the Dead Space franchise, who led the development of Dead Space 3 as Creative Director. Joining them is David Fifield, who sports 20 years of experience as Executive Producer and Design Director at 343 Industries on Halo, as well as Game Director at Raven Software on numerous Call of Duty titles. Crystal Dynamics continues to attract the best and the brightest talent across all disciplines, many recently hailing from the likes of Naughty Dog, Pixar, EA, and many more.

Find a pair of comments below.

Scot Amos, Co-Head of Studio at Crystal Dynamics

“We’re aggressively scaling up our teams and adding a new studio with spectacular talent to deliver the ultimate gaming experiences for our players. We have assembled a team of industry veterans and leaders in order to create gaming experiences that surpass the expectations of our passionate community.”

Ron Rosenberg, Co-Head of Studio at Crystal Dynamics

“Our new studio in Bellevue, and the new hires in Redwood Shores, represent our continued commitment to the most ambitious project we’ve ever created. We’ll keep building on the exciting growth Crystal Dynamics has experienced over the last several years, and are eager to deliver a world-class Avengers experience for fans around the world.”


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-16 10:25 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-16 11:08 PM 编辑

The Quiet Man ‘Silence Rings Loudest’ trailer
SQUARE ENIX 新作《静人 The Quiet Man》释出新宣传片「Silence Rings Loudest」

  SQUARE ENIX 在今年 6 月份的 E3 展前公开了全新游戏《静人(暂译,The Quiet Man)》,今天带来了一段真人混搭游戏画面的动作场面,而从各种一闪而过的镜头中来看,本作的风格也显得十分惊悚。


  在《静人》首部宣传影片中,可以看到一名角色在街头上殴打另外两名男子,并带出「沉默声响最响亮(silence rings loudest)」的标语。 SQUARE ENIX 表示,《静人》将带来身历其境的故事导向由动作游戏体验,玩家将体验无接缝、心跳加速的动作玩法与逼真的 CG 画面,就像参与一场让人肾上腺素上升的电影。



Square Enix has released a new trailer for The Quiet Man dubbed “Silence Rings Loudest,” which showcases the game’s “seamless blend of high-production live action and exhilarating gameplay.”

Here is a brief overview of the game, via Square Enix:

The Quiet Man takes players beyond sound to deliver an immersive story-driven cinematic action experience, which can be completed in one sitting. In a story that unravels across a single night, players take the role of deaf protagonist Dane as he fights his way through a “soundless” world to discover the motives behind the kidnapping of songstress Lala by a mysterious masked man.

The Quiet Man will be released as a digital-only title for PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam for $14.99. A release date has yet to be announced.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-24 06:47 PM |只看该作者
《静人 The Quiet Man》独家访谈 尝试带来「独立游戏价格 AAA 大作体验」
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/167289.html

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定在 PC 与 PS4 平台推出的全新游戏《静人 The Quiet Man》,巴哈姆特 GNN 在 2018 年德国 Gamescom 展,访问到制作人 Fujinaga Kensei,他回答了关于本作的设 计概念,以及他想挑战的一些新尝试。


  Fujinaga 强调,《静人 The Quiet Man》是一款下载专用游戏,他们在企划阶段就是以这个大前提来制作的。 他比喻:「游玩 The Quiet Man 的体验,会像是看一场欧美电影的感觉。 」从游戏的长度设定在 2 ~ 3 小时破关, 14.99 美元 / 1800 日圆的售价,还有下载专用游戏这些要素来看,都是想提供给玩家一个可以游玩的互动电影体验。

  以世界规模来看,现今在线影音平台的普及程度已经相当高,各种娱乐内容透过网络,都可以随选即看,唾手可得。 藤永健生说他也受到在线串流服务的启发,以小团队的开发规模,来打造出这个浓缩度高且一篇完结的作品。

  《静人 The Quiet Man》的游戏的构成也是相当独特,结合了观赏剧情的「真人影像」和可操作游玩的「3D CG」两部分,制作人透露真人影像占 60%、3D CG 则是 40%。 会采取这种表现方式,一方面是想要展现出一些独特性,一方面是如果要演出具有成人黑暗风味的游戏,单靠 3DCG 可能无法完全表现他们想表达的情感,所以最后采用真人演出的方式。

  为什么要叫做《静人 The Quiet Man》呢? 玩家扮演的主角是一名耳朵听不见的「聋人」,他虽然丧失了听力,但眼力特别敏锐,尤其是集中力超乎常人。 但因为他只能集中在同一个人上,而且无法听声辨位,所以操作他战斗的方式,不是范围攻击而是得一个一个去解决掉。 而且值得特笔的是,本作的动作指导是邀请到《人中之龙》系列的动作总监 Shuichito Hamada 来协助设计监修,虽然动作游戏的操作时间仅占了 40%,但内容没放水,准备了 40 套以上的必杀技动作。

  至于问到在故事上是否会是像美剧那样有连贯性? 制作人强调《静人 The Quiet Man》是一款「单篇完结」的作品,会一次就把故事说完作结。 故事描述在纽约的一间夜店,某天夜里,这间夜店遭人袭击,正在店里演唱的萝菈遭人诱拐。 玩家扮演的主角在追踪她的下落之时,将触发由神秘「面具男子」、黑帮成员、警官,以及夜店老板等众多人物交织而成的一夜 - 以游戏内时间来说大约是三个小时就会完结的故事。

  「应该说比起游戏,更接近互动电影的方向」制作人补充解释。 他们团队的人数很精简,开发成本也不是所谓的 AAA 级大作。 SQUARE ENIX 是一间很大的公司,相对的不容易做一些新的挑战。 他们也知道,玩家很喜欢大成本大制作的重量级游戏。 但他也很憧憬独立游戏团队的挑战和独创精神,他认为「有这种游戏也不错」,在公司内提案聚集了一小批人,在有限的预算里面尝试做一些疯狂的东西。

  「独立游戏有独立游戏的味道,像素风就是很流行的元素。 但我们大公司也有独特的优势,所以才想用这种真人演出融合 3DCG 的表现来做出差异性。 」制作人还说他们有效的运用开发预算,让这个售价 14.99 美元的游戏,玩起来超过它的价值感。 也就是「独立游戏的价格,AAA 级大作的体验」,他想尝试看看这个新的互动电影游戏的商业模式。

  最后,制作人也证实了游戏会支持中文字幕。 他透露这款游戏基本上是一款朝向全球性的,未来也会在台湾释出。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-26 05:01 PM |只看该作者
The Last Remnant for PC to be delisted on September 4
SQUARE ENIX 经典JRPG《最后的神迹》PC 版 9 月初从Steam下架

  昨晚 SQUARE ENIX 宣布旗下在 2009 年发售的经典 JRPG 游戏《最后的神迹(The Last Remnant)》PC版将在今年9月5号停止售卖,游戏也将从Steam平台下架。关于此次游戏为何下架,官方在公告中并未给出说明。但外界猜测可能是游戏中的配乐授权到期了。



Square Enix will delist The Last Remnant for PC from digital and physical marketplaces on September 4 at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET / 6:00 p.m. UK, the publisher announced.

Users who already own or purchase the game before it is delisted will still be able to download the game at any time after September 4. The Last Remnant is currently available for purchase on Steam for $9.99.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-27 03:42 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-27 04:26 PM 编辑

《百万亚瑟王 圣灵之血》PS4版新角色宣传片 含八神庵等
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/video/201808/5567920634.html

  SE公开2D对战格斗游戏《百万亚瑟王 圣灵之血》的家用主机版新角色宣传片,其中包含《叛逆性百万亚瑟王》的山猫亚瑟、《红莲之王4》的咲山小梅、以及来自《拳皇》的八神庵。其中八神庵是本作与SNK进行联动合作而参战的,相应地《SNK女主角组队热斗》加入了联动角色盗贼亚瑟。

  《百万亚瑟王 圣灵之血》的PS4版预定于11月29日发售。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-28 04:57 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-28 07:15 PM 编辑

Million Arthur: Arcana Blood for PS4 first details, screenshots
《百万阿瑟王 Arcana Blood》PS4 版 11 月登场 咲山小梅、八神庵等异界角色跨刀参战

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/167464.html

  SQUARE ENIX 今(28)日宣布,营运中的大型电玩 2D 对战格斗游戏《百万阿瑟王 Arcana Blood(ミリオンアーサー アルカナブラッド)》将于 11 月 29 日在 PS4 推出家用移植版。

  《百万阿瑟王 Arcana Blood》是 2017 年 11 月推出营运的大型电玩 2D 对战格斗游戏,由曾经手《圣灵之心》系列与《NiTRO+ BLASTERZ》的 Team ARCANA 担纲制作,以人气手机游戏《百万 阿瑟王》系列为主题。 游戏中玩家将操作「阿瑟剑术之城」、「盗贼阿瑟」等众多原作登场角色与来自《圣剑传说 3》的异界角色,施展熟悉的必杀招式展开爽快的 2D 连段对战格斗。

  PS4 版除了大型电玩版的 10 名可用角色之外,还追加 3 名新的可用角色,包括来自《叛逆性百万阿瑟王》的「山猫阿瑟(配音:竹达彩奈)」,来自《红莲之王 IV》的「异界型 咲山小梅(配音:悠木碧)」,以及来自 SNK《拳皇 XIV》 的「异界型 八神庵(配音:星野贵纪)」。

  此外,大型电玩版预定今日追加的支持骑士合作角色《高分少女》的「异界型 大野晶」也会在 PS4 版登场。 总计将收录 13 名可用角色与 31 名支持骑士,全数由豪华声优阵容担纲演出。

Console release of arcade fighting game launches November 29 in Japan.
Following this weekend’s announcement, Square Enix has released the first information and screenshots for the PlayStation 4 version of 2D fighting game Million Arthur: Arcana Blood.

About the Game

Million Arthur: Arcana Blood is a 2D fighting game first released for arcades in November 2017. Popular characters from the Million Arthur series like Arthur Kenjutsu no Shiro and Thief Arthur, as well as Lise from Seiken Densetsu 3 and more appear in 2D pixels graphics and participate in flashy battles.

Development is handled by Arcana Team, which developed the Arcana Heart series and Nitroplus Blasterz. Fighting game fans can of course enjoy it as a pure fighting game, but there is also a story supervised by Kazuma Kamachi, as well as familiar background music and productions implemented in various places. Additionally, there are other elements that only appear in this game, including the theme song “Die or Dice?” sung by Kotoko, theme background music for Nitou Arthur and Iai Arthur composed by Yoko Shimomura, and more.

Three New Characters

In addition to the 10 playable characters from the arcade version, the PlayStation 4 version of Million Arthur: Arcana Blood adds three new playable characters.

Joining the fray are Yamaneko Arthur (voiced by Ayana Taketatsu) from Han-Gyaku-Sei Million Arthur, Other World-Style Koume Saiyama (voiced by Aoi Yuuki) from Lord of Vermillion IV, and Other-World Style Iori Yagami from The King of Fighters XIV.

Additionally, on August 28, the arcade version will add support knight Other World-Style Akira Oono from the anime High Score Girl. She will also be implemented in the PlayStation 4 version for a total of 13 playable characters and 31 support knights. Of course, every character, including Iai Arthur (voiced by Sumire Uesaka) and Thief Arthur (voiced by Ayane Sakura), will be voiced by a cast of wonderful actors.

New Story Mode, Online Battles, and More

In addition to the “Story Mode” implemented in the arcade version, the PlayStation 4 version of Million Arthur: Arcana Blood also has a new story mode called “Episode of Arcana Blood,” which leads to the true ending.

As for online battles, the game features both “Online Ranked Matches,” where players can fight against other players close in ability, as well as “Room Matches,” where up to six players can gather to fight and spectate.

There are also various other game modes, including a “Training Mode” where you can practice for various situations, link together combos and support knights, and so on; a “Gallery Mode” where you can collect character illustrations; and more.

Million Arthur: Arcana Blood is due out for PlayStation 4 on November 29 in Japan.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-8-30 06:22 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-30 08:34 PM 编辑

Spelunky 2 launches in 2019, gameplay trailer
《洞穴探险2》新预告片展示游戏内容 预计2019年发售

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/0330520678.html

  《洞穴探险2》发布了新的实机预告,预告中展现了包括单人、多人、在线模式的实机关卡画面,也展示了游戏中不同角色在充满岩浆、陷阱、敌人的环境中冒险的场景。同时一代主角的女儿安娜・斯普兰克(Ana Spelunky)将作为此代的主角。





Mossmouth has released the first gameplay trailer and screenshots for its October 2017-announced Spelunky 2, as well as confirmed a 2019 release window. It will launch for PlayStation 4 and PC.

Spelunky 2 will be playable at the PlayStation booth at PAX West in Seattle from August 31 to September 3.

Here are the first details, via a PlayStation Blog interview:

PlayStation.Blog: So, first things first: What is Spelunky 2?

Derek Yu: Spelunky 2 is the sequel to the roguelike platformer Spelunky and takes place after the events of the original game. Since Spelunky 1 was released a lot of great roguelike-inspired games have come out and pushed the genre in cool new directions, but I think Spelunky is still very unique in terms of the freedom it offers the player and the way different elements interact, where one event can trigger a cascade of consequences that have to be dealt with. That’s something we’ve been building on – not just adding lots of new things (which we’re doing!), but also making the world feel even more interconnected. And that includes storytelling (both developer-created and player-created) as well as game mechanics.

PlayStation.Blog: I understand this game is very, very different from Spelunky 1 – why? What guided that decision? Why not be safe and just do another like he already did?

Derek Yu: At its core, Spelunky 2 is not too different, actually. My opinion about sequels is that they are extensions of the previous games, so I want fans of Spelunky 1 to jump in and feel like they’re playing a continuation, both storywise and mechanically. The big question on my mind was “What makes Spelunky, Spelunky?” I wanted to figure out what those ideas were and take them to their limit without anything getting in their way. Sometimes that means adding, sometimes that means remixing – it can also mean subverting expectations created by the original game.

PlayStation.Blog: What will Spelunky fans “get” about the game right away? What’s similar? What’s different?

Derek Yu: I think they’ll immediately get into the flow of playing the game. Which is great, because with Spelunky 1 we had a hard time explaining that to people. Now that they get it, we can spend more time making the experience deeper and richer. There are a lot of differences that, when added up, really make the game feel different. For example, each level will have a second layer that you can go back and forth between. Sometimes the entrance is right there and sometimes it’s a hidden shortcut. Even though the gameplay is still 2D platforming, this adds a feeling of a third dimension to the exploration.

We’ve also added liquid physics that are really fun to play with – combined with the destructible terrain you get things like dynamic water or lavafalls that you have to deal with on each run. The world breathes more. And then there’s all the expected new areas, items, monsters, and traps. It really is a lot.

I’m still very much thinking about new players, though. But my philosophy has always been to attract new players by making the world more interesting and inviting instead of focusing on tutorials and things like that. Spelunky is still Spelunky and it will be very challenging – my hope is that new players will want to persevere because we made the effort worth it. Spelunky 2 will have very strong themes of family and friendship and I want new players to feel cared for even as we put tough obstacles in their way.

PlayStation.Blog: Are the levels randomized? That’s super hard to do; what was the approach?

Derek Yu: The approach is the same as with Spelunky 1 where we generate a “safe” path to the exit using room templates. However, with new features like the second layer we’re finding lots of surprising new ways we can make random level design even more interesting. As I said before, it feels like there’s a new dimension to it. And BlitWorks is doing the programming on Spelunky 2 and has built tools for creating and testing levels that we didn’t have the resources to build the first time around. It’s been a lot of fun going back “into the lab” with our previous experience and a lot of new technology.

PlayStation.Blog: How is the flow/pace? How does that change when moving to this new gameplay style?

Derek Yu: To me it feels more fast-paced but also more expansive. I imagine that runs may take a little bit longer beginning to end, but the main goal is not extending the game’s length but making the stories that emerge even more rich and personal.

PlayStation.Blog: Is it safe to assume there will be lots of secrets?

Derek Yu: Oh, of course!


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发表于 2018-8-30 06:57 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-30 08:31 PM 编辑

Square Enix and Tencent form strategic alliance
SQUARE ENIX将与腾讯达成战略合作关系 共同开发3A级大作

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/1862220687.html

  SQUARE ENIX宣布将与中国的腾讯达成战略合作关系,双方已经基本达成一致并签约。

  SQEX 方面表示今后双方将通过共同成立合资公司,一起开发基于新IP的AAA大作,展开既有IP的版权运营等工作。不只是中国市场,还要加速展开面向全球的内容与服务。腾讯与SQEX 将通过活用技术力与创造性的高品质的数字内容与服务,一起为全世界的用户们提供新的娱乐体验。通过与腾讯和合作,对SQEX 推进的内容多样化以及扩大销售渠道有很大帮助。

  腾讯方面表示达成战略合作后,通过SQEX 优秀的内容创造能力与腾讯的大范围网络服务提供能力相结合,将会为全世界的用户提供以往所没有的内容体验。

  关于SQEX 与腾讯之间合作的具体内容,将会在决定之后陆续公开。

Square Enix and Tencent have announced the formation of a strategic alliance that will result in the establishment of a joint-venture company, co-development of AAA titles based on new intellectual properties, the licensing of existing intellectual properties, and more.

Find the full press release below.

Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. (the “Company”), today announced that the Company and Tencent Holdings Limited have signed a letter of intent to create a strategic alliance between the high-quality content provider and the mega internet service provider.

Square Enix Group is making tireless efforts to offer unique content experiences to its fans all over the world through multifaceted business deployment. Square Enix Group will be accelerating these business development efforts to enhance its content services worldwide through this strategic alliance with Tencent Group. Outcomes of this newly created alliance include the establishment of a joint-venture company, co-development of AAA titles based on new intellectual properties, the licensing of existing intellectual properties, and more.

“We have strong expectations for this strategic alliance with Square Enix Group,” says Steven Ma, Senior Vice President, Tencent Group. “The alliance will enable us to couple our broad range of internet service capabilities to Square Enix Group’s superb creativity, and provide our customers with unprecedented content experiences on a global basis.”

“Tencent Group and Square Enix Group share the vision of utilizing technology and creativity to deliver unprecedented entertainment experiences and services to a global audience,” said Yosuke Matsuda, President and Representative Director of Square Enix Holdings. “This newly established alliance will be a strong boost to Square Enix Group’s strategy to diversify our content offerings and expand access channels to a wider customer base.”

Further details of the strategic alliance will be announced at a later date as progress is made.


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