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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-27 07:07 PM 编辑
PS4 worldwide shipments top 79 million
索尼2017财年报告公布 PS4全球出货量超7900万
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/947171.jhtml)
索尼在今天公布了2017财年第四季度以及全年财报,其中 PS4 主机在第四季度出货量为250万,因此截止到2018年3月31日 PS4 全球累积出货量已超过7900万。而 PS3 主机大概用了7年才达到这个数字。
具体到2017财年(2017年4月1日~2018年3月31日),PS4 出货量为1900万台,略低于上财年的2000万。考虑到 PS4 主机已经发售近5年,现在能有这个表现已经很不错了,而索尼预计下财年 PS4 主机出货量约为1600万。若完成该目标的话,PS4 在明年这个时候总出货量将会达到9500万。
与此同时,PS4 的软件销量在本财年约为2.46亿套,其中数字版占比32%,两个数字在上财年分别是2.17亿和27%。同时,PS+ 服务用户数也在本财年大幅增长了780万,总订阅数达到了3420万。
Worldwide total shipments for PlayStation 4 have reached 79 million, Sony announced in its financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018.
A total of 2.5 million PlayStation 4s were shipped during the fourth quarter, which is down 0.4 million from the same period the previous fiscal year.
For the fiscal year in its entirety, a total of 19 million PlayStation 4s were shipped, which is down one million from the previous fiscal year.
For fiscal year 2018, which runs from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019, Sony expects to ship 16 million PlayStation 4s to reach a total of 95 million units. While this is a decrease from previous years, the company expects it to be offset by an increase in PlayStation 4 software sales.
Here are a couple of additional statistics:
PlayStation Plus subscribers topped 34.2 million as of March 31, 2018, which is up 7.8 million from the previous fiscal year.
PlayStation 4 software sold 246.9 million units in fiscal year 2017, which is up 29 million from the previous fiscal year.